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Ethics and Morality

Three major Greek Philosophers



 Define as a critical reflection on various life situation.

 It is also an academic Discipline helps us understand and adapt to situations that affect our
 Also showcases the intimate connection between thought and action.
 Ethics is a philosophical it emerges from our basic desire to make sense of the complexities
of human condition.
 It helps us to answer who am I?, What am I to do in my life?, Or Who do I want to be?
These is all human expressions need to understand oneself and to use such understanding
as a guide for action.


 A principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

Ethics and Morality

There are two distinct concepts; in the former, rules and standard precede action; in the
latter, action proceeds from understanding and inquiry.

*Novel by George Orwell(1984)

 This novel inspired the television reality show “Pinoy Big Brother” which is now seen in
various countries across the globe.
 Shows conformity and obedience are the prime moral virtues.
 When people conform with and obey what is prescribed by existing rules or norms, social
order is preserved and unanimity among members of a community is guaranteed.

Big Brother
He is the voice that dispenses instructions, monitors behavior and controls all interactions
of his subjects. No one can question the authority of Big Brother or can even attempt to
defy or refuse what he has decreed.

Thomas Hobbes

Believed that human beings are by nature disposed to do harm to each other, Hence the
necessity of a powerful state to prevent the emergence of chaos.


 He described man as a rational animal, Because man has the ability to think; And he also
inferred that man can think for himself.
 The ability to think for oneself is the ultimate expression of freedom. It is not surprising at
all is despotic leaders such as Adolf Hitler from Germany, Joseph Stalin from russia, or pol
pot of Cambodia. They are considered as intellectual activities major threats against

Also says that you can only be fully human if he/she genuinely free to enjoy the experience-
mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physiologically of attaining the kind of a person he/she wanted
to be. This is the focal concern of ethics as a philosophic discipline.
It seeks to impart the need to be reflective, discerning, and decisive in circumstances when existing
rules and standards are no longer help individual acts adequately in their daily struggles.
Rules and standards are important Guide for action. It provide stability in the life of a person or a
community and are indispensable in the formation of individual or communal identity.
It says that the study of ethics is crucial . Because it allows people to become in touch with their
Point out that the dignity of human persons comes from their ability to respond to situations which
can help them see better who they are ? what they can do? And who they can be.
Life is too rich, too complex, too meaningful to defined within the formularies of action and
According to Socrates and Plato ethics is the very tool that can make life worth living.

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