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FROM THE PHILIPPINES AND THE WORLD 11. Of the following, which is not the definition of literature?
FIRST SEMESTER, FIRST QUARTER A. It expresses the feeling of people to society, to government, to his
1st SUMMATIVE TEST surroundings or to his fellowmen.
B. It deals with ideas, thoughts, and emotions.
INSTRUCTIONS: C. It is related to people’s feelings whether it is true or just a product of one’s
R ead each item carefully and comprehensively. imagination.
Y ou write your answer on your Cattleya Notebook. D. It presents geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of literary history
A nswer quietly and independently. from pre-colonial to the contemporary.
N o cheating.
12. “ang hating-gabing kulay
1. A local color represents the customs, traditions, and products of a tulad ng aking buhay
particular place. Which in the following is not a local color of Iloilo City? kaylan masisilayan
A. La Paz batchoy C. Iloilo River Esplanade ang liwanag ng araw”, the lines give you a __________ mood/feeling.
B. Masskara Mask D. Molo Mansion A. positive B. reflective C. emotional D. negative

2. Allyan Jane cried when the girl in the movie breaks up with her boyfriend. 13. “All that I love?
What element of plot is presented? Why, yes, but for the moment-
A. exposition B. climax C. denouement D. complication And for all time, both.
Something that folds and keeps easy,
3. Cherry Claire prefers to read contemporary literary works than to play Son’s note or Dad’s one gaudy tie,
outdoor games. What is the meaning of the underlined word? A roto picture of a queen,
A. traditional B. old C. modern D. legendary A blue Indian shawl, even
A money bill”,
4. The love for Tagalog dialect was felt during The underlined phrases from the poem Bonsai by Edith Tiempo represent of
A. Pre-colonial Period C. American Period material objects that
B. Spanish Period D. Japanese Period A. belong to the persona’s loved ones
B. have bad memories.
5. Propaganda and Revolutionary Literature were written to expose the C. should be kept and be forgotten.
cruelty of Spaniards and to plant seeds of nationalism among Filipinos. The D. the persona gives great value.
main objectives of Propagandists and Revolutionists are the following except A. A & B B. B & C C. A & D D. none of the above
A. defeat the Spaniards C. change reforms through revolution
B. achieve independence D. give importance of literary works during 14. “The man’s arms tightened suddenly about the little girl until the
Spanish period little girl squirmed out of his arms, and laughed a little breathlessly,
A. A & B B. C only C. C & D D. D only disturbed but innocent, looking at the man with a smiling little question of
puzzlement”, What senses do the bold sentence appeal to you as reader?
6. Why do Filipinos of the next generation should study/learn the Philippine A. seeing B. touching C. smelling D. hearing
A. We can better appreciate our heritage. 15. “There is ruin and decay
B. We can understand ourselves better and take pride in being a Filipino. In the House on the Hill:
C. We can manifest our deep concern by studying our own literature. They are all gone away,
D. All of the above. There is nothing more to say”,
The words ruin and decay in the first sentence are synonymous to the word
7. Francis’ group performed the passion and death of Jesus Christ. What A. raise B. damage C. beautiful D. waste
literary form did they present?
A. Pasyon B. Senakulo C. Awit D. Korido 16. Sir Ryan wants his students in 11-Titanium to write a Haiku that has
three lines in which the first and third lines contain 5 syllables and the second
8. Maxine used animals as main characters in her storytelling in the Speech line contains 7 syllables. In the types of poetry, Haiku is considered as
Fest. What kind of folktale did she prefer to use? A. Concrete B. Occasional C. Free Verse D. Formal Verse
A. Legends B. Fantasy stories C. Epics D. Fables
17. “ Farewell to you all, from my soul torn away,
9. 11-Zinc made use of pasyon in their performance at their literature class. Friends of my childhood in the home dispossessed !
What period in the Philippine literature is ‘pasyon’ included? Give thanks that I rest from the wearisome day
A. Pre-colonial B. Spanish C. American D. Japanese Beloved creatures all, farewell! In death there is rest”
Which of the following choices below do not show rhyme?
10. Beverly explains that this type of literature is based on oral traditions and I. 1st and 3rd lines III. 1st and 2nd lines
crude on ideologies. II. 2nd and 4th lines IV. 3rd and 4th lines
A. Pre-colonial B. Spanish C. Japanese D. American A. I only B. I & II C. III only D. III & IV

18. “It was the same room and the same mirror out the face she now saw in
it was an old face---a hard, bitter, vengeful face, framed in graying hair, and
so sadly altered, so sadly different from that other face like a white mask,
that fresh young face like a pure mask than she had brought before this
mirror one wild May Day midnight years and years ago....”
What type of setting in the underlined clause indicates?
A. place B. atmosphere C. time D. weather

19. Urbana and Feliza by Modesto de Castro gives a lesson/purpose that 28. The following are characteristics of Point of view except
focuses on A. story told only as one character can observe. Narrator part of the story,
I. the desirable behavior that everyone-young and old, women and men- cannot read any character’s mind
should observe in dealing with other people well. B. describes the attitude of the narrator or persona of work.
II. the golden rules which Filipinos ought to follow not only then but even now C. uses I, me, mine, we, us, our(s).
and in the time to come. D. Narrator/ author knows all and sees all.
III. our societies are dominated by new patterns of behavior and when even
laws governing the home have changed that was brought about by Western For items 29-34: Identify each statement as to which it belongs in the
values. Pyramidial Structure of a Short Story.
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. All of the above
29. How does this part of the story make you feel? What else could the writer
20. Which of the following is a unique feature of literature during Pre-colonial have done at the end?
period? A. Exposition B. Rising Action C. Climax D. Resolution
A. It includes poetry, fiction, drama, and essays.
B. It shows religious and secular poetry, songs, short stories, and drama. 30. What event in this story drew you the most? How did the story
C. It strictly follows the Tagalog language as a medium in writing. progresses?
D. It serves as an entertainment and answers to questions that talk A. Exposition B. Rising Action C. Climax D. Resolution
livelihood and survival.
31. What information does the writer give you at the first part of the story?
21. In this type of Point of View (POV), the speaker is part of the story, can A. Exposition B. Rising Action C. Climax D. Resolution
observe characters, but reveals things and reactions only to self.
A. First Person B. Second Person C. Third Person D. Omniscient 32. In what way is the action in this part of the story different from the first
part? What were the solutions that the main character/s provided to the
22. “He sang aloud in the dark room and suddenly realized that he had fallen problems?
madly in love with her. He ached intensely to see her again---at once! ---to A. Rising Action B. Conflict C. Climax D. Falling Action
touch her hands and her hair; to hear her harsh voice. He ran to the window
and flung open the casements and the beauty of the night struck him back 33. This is often considered the most suspenseful part of the story.
like a blow.” The excerpt from May Day Eve by Nick Joaquin above shows a A. Rising Action B. Conflict C. Climax D. Falling Action
type of conflict called
A. Man vs. Man C. Man vs. Circumstance 34. What type of problems are present in the story?
B. Man vs. Society D. Man vs. Himself A. Rising Action B. Conflict C. Climax D. Falling Action

23. “ And it was May again, said the old Anastasia. It was the first day of May 35. These are types of characters who are not fully involved in the story. It is
and witches were abroad in the night, she said--for it was a night of because their names were just said by the main characters in the story.
divination, and night of lovers, and those who cared might peer into a mirror A. Protagonist C. Minor Characters
and would there behold the face of whoever it was they were fated to marry, B. Antagonist D. Fringe Characters
said the old Anastasia as she hobble about picking up the piled crinolines
and folding up shawls and raking slippers in corner while the girls climbing 36. The following are division of literature except
into four great poster-beds that overwhelmed the room began shrieking with A. Poetry B. Written and Oral C. Fiction and Nonfiction D. Narrative
terror, scrambling over each other and imploring the old woman not to
frighten them.” The plot device used in this excerpt from May Day Eve by 37. Non-fiction can also be written about fiction, giving information about
Nick Joaquin is other works. Which of the following pair words are not non-fiction?
A. Flashback B. Foreshadowing C. Suspense D. Surprise Ending A. Journal and Anecdote C. Planner and Novel
B. Autobiography and Magazine D. Biography and Newspaper
24. In the poem The Old Pond by Matsuo Basho, the persona shows positive
feeling even though he is alone. The phrase shows positive feeling in the 38. It is a story about kings, queens, princes, and princesses with a touch of
elements of poetry is also known as magic.
A. Symbolism B. Lesson C. Theme D. Mood A. Mythology B. Fable C. Fairytale D. Legend

25. This element of Short Story/ Poetry is not some familiar saying or lesson. 39. It is a poetry style also called a narrative poem about supernatural
A. Moral Lesson B. Saying/Lesson C. Theme D. Resolution powers possessed by heroes and heroines.
A. Lyrical B. Epic C. Satirical D. Occasional
26.The mother shows always no prejudice, calm, positive, delighted, and
understanding towards Vicente. Throughout the story, she remains that way. 40. A poem that is metered and rhymed of 14 lines usually in iambic
Until one day an incident happened to her daughter. In order to protect her, pentameter.
she needs to be brave and strong. The character of the mother in this story A. Sonnet B. Villanelle C. Haiku D. Tanka
needs to show development or change as a result of experience that her
family is having. In the type of characterization in a Short Story, the changes
of mother’s attitude is called
A. Round B. Flat C. Dynamic D. Static “Always do your best. What you
27. It introduces the time, place, setting, and the main characters.
plant now, you will harvest later.”
A. Exposition B. Complication C. Climax D. Resolution -OG MANDINO

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