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Solar Energy 125 (2016) 219–226

Analysis of energy capture by vehicle solar roofs in conjunction

with workplace plug-in charging
Dunbar P. Birnie III
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8065, United States

Received 12 August 2015; received in revised form 17 November 2015; accepted 3 December 2015
Available online 5 January 2016

Communicated by: Associate Editor Elias Stefanakos


Solar cells integrated into electric vehicles have long been a mainstay of collegiate racing competitions, but the small amount of roof
area has prevented vehicle-solar installations from having a dramatic market in more conventional vehicles. Still, vehicle solar roof instal-
lations have a great potential because they can almost always be exposed to the sunlight as they are frequently parked for hours in park-
ing lots at work, shopping, or other open spaces. At the same time hybrid and electric vehicle drivers are typically concerned about their
all-electric driving range and do whatever they can to plug-in and ‘‘top off” the battery whenever possible. Unfortunately this behavior
mode of topping off the battery can establish situations where the vehicle’s solar collection is neutralized because the battery is already
full. This paper analyzes this conflict for different charging and driving scenarios with an emphasis on commuters who would have access
to workplace charging. It is found that regular commuters who make use of level-2 workplace charging could experience a loss of more
than 75% of the potentially available photovoltaic output from roof-installed solar on their vehicles. This surprise finding is discussed
from the perspective of plug usage habits and ‘‘range anxiety”.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Solar-on-vehicles; Plug-in electric vehicle charging; Solar array energy maximization; Green commuter transit

1. Introduction of PV array output as a function of all the critical param-

eters including geographic location, installation tilt, track-
Much is known about the use of photovoltaic (PV) ing ability and other parameters giving monthly or annual
arrays for generating electrical power. Semiconductor output projections (Marion et al., 2001). Most users are
devices, usually silicon-based, are excited by certain wave- interested in annual averages, which are then related to pre-
lengths of light and the output power scales roughly lin- dictions of pay-back periods based on the electricity value
early with the intensity of light shining on the panels. compared to array installation cost. This average analysis
Peak power point trackers are able to adjust the operating is based on the utilization of grid-connected solar arrays
voltage of the PV devices to achieve a maximum output that are always able to collect the sunlight that is available
with respect to the available sunlight irradiation (Esram and even feed it back to the grid when local usage is lower
and Chapman, 2007; Koutroulis et al., 2001). Based on than the power that is being generated, meaning that none
these peak output rates, the US Department of Energy of the available sunlight is wasted; grid-connect PV arrays
(DOE) has provided web-based tools to allow projections are typically always ‘‘on”. Connecting this green source of
electricity with plug-in vehicles is an obvious next step that
can provide transportation with nearly zero green-house
E-mail address:
0038-092X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
220 D.P. Birnie III / Solar Energy 125 (2016) 219–226

gas (GHG) impact. Significant work has already been

directed at matching PV generated power with electric
vehicles (EV), though typically the PV is not directly
installed on the vehicles in question (Birnie, 2009; De
Schepper et al., 2015; Denholm et al., 2013; Benela and
Jamuna, 2013; Chen et al., 2014; Chukwu and Mahajan,
2014; Liu et al., 2015; Pantos, 2011; Saber and
Venayagamoorthy, 2011; Shi et al., 2012; Tarroja et al.,
2014; Traube et al., 2013; Tulpule et al., 2013; van der
Kam and van Sark, 2015; Zhang et al., 2012; Zhang
et al., 2015; Redpath et al., 2011), though the energy value
is maintained.
A vehicle-roof-installed solar array, however, is not grid-
tied and will only be operational in situations where the Fig. 1. Daily integrated sunlight irradiation throughout the year based on
vehicle’s battery has room to accept the energy being col- data from NREL’s Typical Meteorological Year Database for Newark,
lected by the array. Thus, the driving and plug-in habits of New Jersey.
the vehicle user can significantly influence the solar energy
capture1. And, for commuters driving to and from work
on a regular basis, the particular times of departure and arri- horizontal irradiance” (GHI) was used as the best represen-
val will influence the battery state-of-charge (SOC) and will tation because a solar panel on a vehicle would likely be
thus influence the net yield of energy for that vehicle/solar nearly level with the ground (knowing that the vehicle
installation. A few studies have examined solar charging would need to drive in all directions). The large swing from
of vehicle batteries including the natural rise in battery volt- winter to summer is quite obvious and well understood.
age as the SOC changes, depending on the battery chem- The large day-to-day variability is due to clouds and
istry, solar array size, and peak-power point tracking storms that sometimes cut down on the sunlight brightness,
method(Gibson and Kelly, 2010; Kelly and Gibson, 2011; but perhaps only for a short time. Every geographic loca-
Kelly, 2012; Nguyen et al., 2013). But, so far there has not tion has its own variability characteristics.
been analysis of the impact of the ‘‘full battery” condition Given this sunlight availability, it is relatively easy to
on the solar energy yield for such systems. estimate the additional electric driving range that a hybrid
To compound matters further, the seasonal variability or electric vehicle might achieve if this sunlight were to be
of dawn and dusk times can also be important in relation efficiently converted to electricity. The global annual
to the particular driving habits for any specific commuter. average insolation for the NJ location is just below
To compare these effects we have accessed the more 4 kW h/m2/day. But since the standard testing condition
detailed information that can be found in the DOE’s Typ- (STC) for solar modules makes use of solar-spectrum-
ical Meteorological Year database (TMY3) Wilcox and equivalent light having 1 kW/m2 brightness this then inte-
Marion, 2008. These data are required for the present anal- grates to an effective 4 h of DC output scaled to the
ysis because we consider how hour-by-hour sunlight array’s ‘‘name-plate rating” during an average day. This
brightness and length-of-day variations will define limits gets down-rated based on slight inefficiency for inverters
on the available sunlight and thus influence the ability of and other factors that might still allow 85–95% of this
a vehicle solar array to provide energy for propulsion. energy being delivered as AC output to the grid
To illustrate the dramatic range of daily and seasonal (or converted to the DC voltage-of-choice for the vehicle’s
sunlight variations, Fig. 1 gives the daily integrated sun- battery/power system).
light exposure throughout a full year for Newark, New Jer- Now, again considering a vehicle-roof solar installation
sey, as an example location2. In this case the ‘‘global it must be understood that the possible area covered by
solar panels is realistically quite small. Though collegiate
racing teams design their vehicles to increase the array size
The topic of driving and plug-in habits is known to include aspects of (providing between 1000 and 2000 Watts-peak, Wp, output
parking location choice that might influence the solar exposure. For (Suarez-Castaneda et al., 2014; Sullivan and Powers, 1993),
example regular vehicle drivers typically prefer garage or shaded locations mainstream production vehicles have much smaller roofs
to reduce weathering of paint and vehicle interior. The present analysis is
built on the assumption that drivers of the PV-enabled vehicles would
and proportionately lower solar collection potential
choose to modify their parking habits to find more open locations when (Giannouli and Yianoulis, 2012). For example the recent
possible. This will be further complicated by the locations where EV plug- Ford roof-installed-solar concept car (the ‘‘C-Max Solar
in infrastructure may have been installed and whether they might be Energy Hybrid”) has around 300–350 Wp output from an
shaded. Thus, the present analysis has to be considered a ‘‘best-case” array covering only about 1.6 square meters of roof
where full exposure during driving and parking can be reasonably
maintained. (Ford C-Max Solar Energi Concept Car, 2014). Other pro-
The integration has been performed using the TMY3 hourly irradiance totype and experimental vehicles with solar roofs have
intensities and assuming PV module output scales linearly with intensity. delivered lower peak powers: two variants with 215 Wp
D.P. Birnie III / Solar Energy 125 (2016) 219–226 221

on Toyota Priuses (Fairley, 2008; Bruninga, 2010), another interference caused by situations where the battery would
Prius with 270 Wp (Richard, 2005), and a Toyota High- already have been filled using grid electricity. This compe-
lander with a 215 Wp array (Bogue, 2012). Therefore, for tition is illustrated graphically in Fig. 2, which simulates a
the present modeling we assume a roof-mounted array hav- commuter who has access to work-place plug-in charging
ing a rating of 300 Wp and we assume a 90% efficiency for but also charges their vehicle at home at nighttime. The
the inverter/battery-interface3. sunlight intensity (GHI) is plotted as a function of time
At an annual average level it is interesting to know what for a model bright summer day. Different time spans are
additional driving range would be provided by this array. shaded green or red to highlight times when the solar elec-
Using the average insolation cited above (4 kW tricity can or cannot be captured based on the battery
h/m2/day), a 300 Wp array with an inverter providing SOC, respectively. So for the early morning (up to time
90% efficiency we arrive at 1.08 kW h average energy yield A) the car is parked and the battery is full, having been
per day (for the example Newark location). The driving filled during the night before, and therefore the morning
range that this would provide will ultimately depend on sunlight is not captured, up until the point when the driver
the size of the vehicle in question, but data logged at Rut- starts their commute (time A). Then, during the full dura-
gers for a 2012 production year Chevy Volt have shown an tion of the commute the power use by the vehicle is larger
annual average of 3.77 miles per kW h from the battery than the power generated so all the solar power is collected
(Birnie, 2013). Thus, for that vehicle, the average annual effectively and reduces the additional drain from the bat-
energy yield would provide just over 4 miles of additional tery to provide the driving need (from time A to time B).
range per day(Fairley, 2008). Considering a nominal Upon reaching work the driver plugs in and for some time
12,000 mile annual total usage then this would constitute afterward the battery will be receiving grid power and solar
a bit more than 12% of the annual vehicle miles integrating power will also be collected (from time B to time C). Time
over a year of use. This emphasizes that solar on vehicle C indicates the point when the battery reaches 100% capac-
roofs must be considered a supplement to the normal ity and no more grid or solar power will be received; the
charging from the grid and not the main energy source, solar array becomes deactivated at this point. Only when
which is the reason we examine the competition that these the driver leaves work for the evening commute does the
energy sources encounter when using the same vehicle bat- solar array become operational again. When the driver
tery as the sole mode of storage from either grid or solar reaches home they may plug in right away, but the battery
energy supplies. will have capacity to accept solar for all the time required
The power level produced by the solar array also pales to fill the battery again, until sundown when only grid
in comparison to the power used during normal driving. power will be available.
For example, a one-way commute by the author of about Many factors will influence the amount of solar energy
18 miles might take about 45 min under favorable traffic that is collected in this battery-limited competition. For
congestion conditions and consume over 4.5 kW h of example, plug-in equipment in the United States is now
energy, thus extracting power from the battery at an aver- most frequently provided at ‘‘Level 2” (@240 V AC), and
age rate of about 6 kW, much more than the solar array are preferred by users over standard ‘‘Level 1” outlets
would provide even at noontime on the brightest day (pro- (@120 V AC) because they fill the battery faster and ensure
viding a maximum of only 300 W). This means that as
soon as any driving commences all of the solar-generated
power will easily participate in the driving needs, but the
battery will still be the primary power source.

2. Analysis

The introduction illustrates that vehicle-installed solar

will provide rather modest amounts of energy on a daily
basis, but still provides useful energy value and would
reduce the grid-charging costs and also reduce the carbon
footprint for the vehicle when driving. Now, as mentioned
above, when combining the solar-on-vehicle charging with
a driver’s normal plug-in habits there could be significant
Fig. 2. Competition for available battery space between roof-top solar
and plug-in charging. Green shaded time spans allow full use of solar-
The 90% value may be slightly optimistic and is representative of high- generated electricity. Red shaded time spans have full-battery status and
end electronics performance, though any particular system’s value will thus prevent solar energy collection. A: time of departure from home with
certainly vary. PVWATTS (Marion et al., 2001) suggests a default PV a full battery; B: arrival at work and commence plug-in; C: time when
array output efficiency at 86% and an inverter efficiency of 96%, though battery is filled; D: time of departure to return home. (For interpretation
since we integrate sunlight that is frequently at lower-than-maximum of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
irradiance level this value might be optimistic. web version of this article.)
222 D.P. Birnie III / Solar Energy 125 (2016) 219–226

the maximum all-electric range quickly. But in the present base of workplace installed solar, often as parking lot
context a Level 1 charge that takes longer will expand the canopy solar arrays (Birnie, 2009), joined to an ever
timespan of effective solar collection (time A to time C in increasing number of workplaces that offer their employees
Fig. 2) while reducing the duration of deactivation (from and visitors the chance to plug in (and which is being
time C to time D). championed by the US DOE in their ‘‘Workplace Charging
Fig. 2 was drawn for a model sunny day, but when we Challenge” (EV Everywhere Workplace Charging
consider the variability of the sunlight represented in Challenge, 2015). This is the foundation for even more
Fig. 1 and the seasonal variations in sun-up and sun- ambitious goals for integrating vehicles with the ‘‘smart
down, we can map out the seasonal effects in relation to grid” to stabilize electricity delivery and keep energy prices
the charging patterns used by commuters who have roof- low (Denholm et al., 2013; Tulpule et al., 2013). One
installed solar vehicles. In particular, as an example, we opportunity in this direction is to have vehicles both receive
examine three charging protocols or habits that users might and deliver power to the grid, a mode known as Vehicle-to-
adopt, depending on their access to either home or work- Grid (‘‘V2G”) Tomic and Kempton, 2007; Kempton and
place charging: Tomic, 2005a,b; Kempton and Letendre, 1997; Ehsani
et al., 2012. This discussion section examines many facets
1. Plug-in at home only: this is modeled here as occurring at of the strategies for vehicle charging with the specific
nighttime and either Level 1 or Level 2 is assumed to fill emphasis on vehicles that would have solar arrays on their
the battery before dawn. The solar lost here is only dur- roofs and thus compete for the vehicle’s battery capacity
ing the period from dawn up to the beginning of the for useful solar energy capture, as modeled above.
morning commute. As shown in Table 1, commuters who charge their vehi-
2. Plug-in at home and at work: this was described as noted cle only at home (Mode 1) will typically retain a significant
before and shown in Fig. 2. The workplace Level 1 and majority of the available sunlight no matter what the sea-
Level 2 cases are examined as variants. son. For this charging mode, the only energy lost is due
3. Plug-in at work only: this means that the vehicle’s bat- to the early morning hours before the commuter leaves
tery will not be full in the morning so the dawn-to- home, which is a rather small fraction of any day’s total.
departure sunlight can still be captured. On the other However, when commuters charge at work and at home
hand the battery state of charge when arriving at work (Mode 2) they end up having substantially greater amount
(time B) will be much lower because the full round- of the day where the battery is full preventing solar energy
trip of commuting will have been driven, so the active capture during those times. Level 2 charging is much more
charging time will be twice as long (time B to time C) problematic in this regard because it fills the battery up fas-
allowing more timespan of sunlight capture. ter and thus brings the solar charging to a stop earlier in
the day thus capturing less of the available sunlight (losing
NREL’s TMY3 database has been used to provide real- more than 75% on an annual basis). Finally, if commuters
istic sunlight intensity values and evaluate solar energy operate intentionally to maximize their usage of the avail-
availability on an hour-by-hour basis as input for compar- able workplace charging (Mode 3) we find that Level 1
ing the effects of charging habits by commuters as noted charging has quite small solar loss, while Level 2 charging
above. A nominal one-way commuting distance of 15 miles still suffers quite a large fraction of solar energy loss (about
was selected as the basis for the comparison, which covers a 50% lost). Essentially a commuter who charges at work but
majority of daily commuters coming to the author’s cam- not at home will require twice as much energy during the
pus location (Birnie, 2015). Average commuting speed workday charge session, which will naturally take twice
and energy usage during rush-hour travel times were based as long; the solar energy collection for this mode would
on historical commuting data accumulated while driving a then remain active for that longer time of grid charging.
2012 model year Chevy Volt (Birnie, 2013). Commuting So, as a general observation: slower charging is better since
departure time from home was aligned to aim for a 9AM it dictates a longer time span when there would still be
arrival at work; departure from work was set at 6PM. available battery capacity for the solar-generated energy
Table 1 contains graphs illustrating the impact on potential to be stored. Still, one needs to recognize that EV and
solar energy collection for the charging habits outlined plug-in hybrid drivers usually prefer the faster charging
above. Large differences are observed in the effectiveness rate to ensure a larger all-electric range, so the desire to
of the solar energy collection when operating with different maximize solar capture is at odds with the desire to maxi-
plug-in habits. The next section discusses these findings. mize all-electric driving range (Neubauer and Wood, 2014).
Many of the figures in Table 1 have a pronounced sea-
3. Discussion sonal variation where a greater fraction of the available
sunlight is lost in the summer season than the winter. This
The present work has examined the competition can be generally understood on the basis of an earlier
between grid sourced charging and vehicle-roof-installed summer-time sunrise in comparison to the time a driver
solar panels to augment the electric and hybrid vehicle start’s their commute (assumed to be constant throughout
propulsion. The context for this competition is a growing the seasons in the modeling above). When considering the
D.P. Birnie III / Solar Energy 125 (2016) 219–226 223

Table 1
Graphs of impacts on daily solar energy collection caused by the various plug-in user habits. Each graph shows the fraction of that day’s available solar
energy that was lost because it arrived at a time when the battery was already full.
Mode 1: Home Only

At-home Charging Only

Mode 2: Home and Work

Workplace with Level 1 Charging Workplace with Level 2 Charging

Mode 3: Work Only

Workplace with Level 1 Charging Workplace with Level 2 Charging

annual sum, though, this is a greater problem because the The data here were calculated for the NREL TMY3
sunlight brightness is higher during the summer as well. dataset for Newark, New Jersey. This is a location with
The availability of battery capacity to accept the solar somewhat moderate/average sunlight brightness, but we
power during the day is significantly influenced by the typ- expect similar performance for other locations whether
ical commute distance, too. Shorter commutes necessitate generally brighter or generally more overcast because the
the use of proportionately less energy, which means that rate of grid charging is much larger than would come from
the battery will fill up proportionately sooner and result most roof-installed solar arrays, even for very sunny cli-
in a smaller solar yield. Conversely commuters who travel mates (because roof-top arrays are so small). The graphs
farther will require a longer time for plug-in charging and in Table 1 are ratios of the available sunlight based on
will reap a larger fraction of the available solar. cut-off times defined by the commuting distance and charg-
Commuter behavior in this analysis is aimed at the typi- ing needs.
cal work-day cycle. Vehicle use on weekends could be smal- It is interesting to place the solar-vehicle charging modes
ler or greater than what might be typical for workday into the context of future V2G systems. These V2G systems
commuting. But again, the qualitative effects are the same. are systems that can support bi-directional power flow
More vehicle use will mean more time elapsing when the bat- between the car and the grid. So adding a trickle charge
tery would not be full and would be able to accept the solar from a vehicle-mounted solar array is likely felt as only a
charging. On the other hand, if the car remains parked in a small perturbation to the general V2G operation. The
full-battery status, the available solar cannot be captured V2G scenario operates best when users are connected both
even when there might be lots of sunlight available. at home and at work, with the optimum case found when a
224 D.P. Birnie III / Solar Energy 125 (2016) 219–226

vehicle is always plugged in so that the smart grid usage of the other aspects of smart-grid interaction (such as V2G,
the vehicle’s battery can be maximized (Tomic and as noted above). Using electricity price incentives or better
Kempton, 2007; Kempton and Tomic, 2005a,b). And, in promulgation of GHG impact information to the public
the context of bidirectional power and energy delivery, could also be important for adjusting charging habits
the higher power connections would also be preferred (Axsen et al., 2011; Davis and Bradley, 2012). Evaluating
(Level 2 favored over Level 1). Thus, ultimately at the the impact of these smart charging methods on the effective
workplace one would desire one-to-one pairing of regular solar-yield of vehicle-roof-installed solar is beyond the
users and plug-in parking spots with relatively continuous scope of the present analysis.
occupancy and little sharing. This is at odds with more
basic plug-in business models that would encourage multi- 4. Conclusions
ple daily plug-in users/events with modest supply sur-
charges to recoup the hardware and maintenance costs The present work has examined the competition for
for having the charging equipment to begin with. battery capacity when charging a vehicle from dual inputs:
The V2G operation is likely to result in slower average (1) a vehicle-roof-integrated solar array and (2) a work-
charging rates and thus preserve battery SOC for a greater place plug-in connection. Under simple commuting transit
duration of the daylight enabling a greater fraction of daily habits it is found that workplace plug-in creates regular sit-
sunlight to be captured by a vehicle-installed solar array. uations where significant fractions of the daily insolation
And, it is easy to imagine the continued plug-in connection will be lost because the plug-in operation fills the vehicle
to feed any overflow solar back to the grid (hopefully run- battery quite early in the day. This effect is worst for a
ning the meter backwards), again retaining the ability to usage pattern where the driver charges both at home and
capture the majority of the day’s sunlight. Still, there has work, and when they use Level 2 charging at work instead
been reluctance to adopt V2G from the standpoint of bat- of Level 1. In this case nearly 80% of the available sunlight
tery longevity (Bashash et al., 2011; Bishop et al., 2013; energy is prevented from being captured by the system. The
Han and Han, 2013; Han et al., 2014; Zhou et al., 2011). best case was found for drivers who plugged in only at
One simplified version of V2G operates in only one home and don’t avail themselves of workplace charging
direction, but controls the rate of charging in response to for their vehicles.
grid signals. This ‘‘smart charging” scenario is sometimes
called ‘‘V1G” as a kind of precursor to V2G (Hollister,
2013; Sortomme and El-Sharkawi, 2011). As noted above
for V2G, the V1G implies a longer duration of plug-in with
Support from the Corning/Saint-Gobain/Malcolm
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G. McLaren Endowment at Rutgers University is grate-
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fully acknowledged. Vehicle testing on campus has been
arrays and less sunlight loss.
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