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Project in philosophy

This drawing is a simple presentation of what is happening in our environment today. My

drawing is all about the causes of what makes us polluted. Everything that surrounds us
constitutes the environment. Our natural environment includes – the air we breathe, the water,
oceans, forests, soil, vegetation, other living species etc., all are part of the environment. Today,
this environment is threatened by a number of human activities leading to “Environmental
Pollution”. Incessant combustion of fossil fuels emits toxic gases, polluting the air; toxic waste is
disposed by factories into our water bodies, rendering them unusable and damaging aquatic
life; urbanization results in deforestation and hence poor air quality; littering of plastic waste
damages the productivity of soil and pollutes water bodies. Environmental pollution results in
more serious consequences like – global warming, unexpected climatic changes, depletion of
natural resources, species depletion, and various other adverse effects leading to a lowered
sustainability of life on earth. Another prime contributor to the pollution of environment is
plastic pollution. Plastic bags those are not disposed of properly, reach the soil and water
bodies, polluting them and damaging dependent lives. Being non bio degradable plastic lingers
around for years, rendering them useless. If adequate measures are not taken today to control
environmental damages, the day is not far when earth will become an arid planet unable to
sustain life. Uncontrolled environmental pollution will soon lead to extreme climatic conditions
and natural disasters like floods, famine etc. The nations must realize the urgency to make
necessary policy changes and to raise awareness, taking adequate measures towards slowing
down environmental pollution. There could be hundreds of examples of human induced
environmental pollution, but finding a solution to them, also lies only on humans.

Submitted by:
Jhade Balanlay

Submitted to:
Kevin Estudillo
Subject teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Regional Office No. VIII
Division of Northern Samar
PRM Campus, Catubig, Northern Samar

Jhade Balanlay Colito Rebay

12-Bismuth EAPP Teacher
War against Drugs

Drug is the best thing that will ruin your life. It is the hardest trouble of our government and the

worst problem of our country. “Say No to Drugs”, avoid drugs because it can destroy your own

life and can be destroy the life of others and also the community where you belong. We can

prevent the drug abuse in this country if we cooperate in our President Duterte campaign stop the

drug dealers in the Philippines. The Oplan Tokhang that gives the drug users a second chance to

have a better life and start a new life. War on drugs campaign by Duterte’s Administration is a

good plan and an active campaign by the president. It is a better way to resolve the drug

addiction and the crimes that are involved in using illegal drugs. This paper shows the pros and

cons of the issue on war against drugs. I am agree of the campaign of Duterte on war against

drugs because it is the only way to resolved the drug addiction and to stop producing illegal

drugs, as a whole, we observed that in previous administration, the government has no effective

solution to this problem. Now, its Duterte’s administration that slowly resolved the illegal drugs

and will continue until the last day of Duterte’s will.

Counter Arguments

When the war on drugs had been started, the Extra-Judicial Killings often referred to on the

archipelago by its acronym “EJK”. A poll released on April 20, 2017 by Social Weather Station

found that 73 percent of respondents are worried that they or someone they know couldbe fall on

the on the victim to an Extra-Judicial Killings. It is not a valid evidence that the war on drugs

have a bad sabotage to manage to kill the unwanted or petty crimes and also no bad record

persons. The country’s top broadcaster, ABSCBN, reported in early August 2016 that 603 people

had been killed since Duterte’s May election. Over 4,000 were arrested while over half a million

drug users turned themselves into authorities. The war on drugs of Duterte’s Administration was

committing a Human Rights violation. Just because on the issue on Extra-Judicial Killings that

the Police and PDEA are committing crimes and violating the Human Rights due to obeying the
President’s order to kill the drug related persons. It does mean that wars on drugs of Duterte’s

Administration are bad. It really needs a “walk your talk” ordered by Duterte to accomplish the

mission to kill the drug addicts who wants to fight the Police during Oplan Tokhang. It does not

commit Human Rights violation because the police are properly have a warrant of arrest and told

carefully the drug addicts to surrender.


Helps create a place that is drug free. A drug free area or community may seem impossible given

the present situation, but it is achievable as long as everyone does their share in the fight against

drugs. War on drugs should not only involve the government and local authorities, but also

friends and family of drug users or sellers. Lessen drug-related crimes, when drug addicts will

not have access to illegal substances, they will not experience highs or hallucinations that will

drive them to commit crimes. They would not need to steal either so they can buy drugs. Put

simply, without the pushers there will be little no users. Despite international criticism of the

Philippines’ deadly anti-drug war, the majority of Filipinos continue to support president

Duterte’s campaign that killed thousands of mostly poor drug suspects. The SWS survey,

involving 1,200 adult respondents across the country, found in March that 78% were satisfied

with the administration’s performance in its campaign against illegal drugs, with 43% are very

satisfied and 35% are somewhat satisfied, 10 % were undecided, while only 12% were



Although there so many against of the Duterte’s campaign on war on drugs, the majority of

Filipinos is still strong to support the campaign because it has a big change to the country. It

lessens the drug related crimes. The big real evidence is that there are thousands of surrenderies

of drug addicts due because of the campaign of Duterte. Making a country and every barangay

and community are drug free. Government should improve the forces of Policeduring Oplan

Tokhang to easily resolve the drug addiction and help the surrenderies to start a new again.

Duterte should maintain this campaign on war on drugs to totally eliminate the illegal drugs.
Republic of the Philippines
Regional Office No. VIII
Division of Northern Samar
PRM Campus, Catubig, Northern Samar

Jeremie Balicuas Colito Rebay

12-Bismuth EAPP Teacher


Poverty is a state that should not only be defined by a lack of income but also as a set of multiple

and cumulative deprivations in the access of fundamental human rights and dignity such as the right to

food and nutrition, access to education, health, housing, decent work, lack of political voice and power.

Multidimensionality of poverty and interconnectedness of dimensions need to be recognized to design

policies and programs that tackle poverty in a comprehensive and holistic way.

Poverty has strong structural causes and governments, in this regard, have a crucial role to play in

addressing these root causes and creating an enabling environment for each segment of the population

to be able to enjoy their rights and have their dignity respected. Member States ought to start with the

political reforms to make the ‘Right to live in dignity’ a fundamental right in their constitution – without

which ending poverty will remain as a slogan. Addressing poverty has to be essentially linked to reducing


Clear identification of the vulnerable and marginalized groups is needed such as women, children,

persons with disabilities, the elderly, victims of sexual orientation discriminations, Indigenous

communities, members of castes and outcasts (Dalits), (un)documented migrants, refugees etc. For

many of these groups or individuals, constant stigmatization and discriminations push them into a

vicious circle of poverty, powerlessness and exclusion. For children, poverty has devastating effects due

to their particular life stage that lead to lifelong consequences.

To be able to break this negative circle, approaches to end poverty should be based on the values

of human and environmental rights, democracy and justice (goal 16). People living in poverty should be

seen as rights-holders and recognized as active agents in the fight against poverty. Institutionalizing

participatory decision-making and implementation processes in a decentralized and inclusive manner

are fundamental in order to leave no one behind.

Fostering a new model of development that is inclusive and sustainable for all is vital for poverty

reduction. In accordance with ILO Recommendation n°202, the multi-pronged approach to address

poverty should start with creating or strengthening national mechanisms of Social Protection which

includes – in unambiguous terms - ending hunger by adequate provisions of food and nutrition for all
(goal 2), provisions of free basic health facilities for the poor and affordable other health facilities (goal

3), safe and affordable housing (goal 11), free and compulsory universal elementary education (Goal 4)

and water and sanitation (goal 6), access to full and productive employment and decent work for all

women and men, including young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal

value (goal 8).

In connection with goal 2 on sustainable production and consumption, agriculture plays a major

role for the poorest communities in LDCs and middle-income countries and as such, needs promotion,

product storage facilities, processing and marketing, insurance against loss etc. The informal sector gives

employment to the poorest. Here, legal protection needs to be developed to promote decent work and

cover not only informal workers but also give protection to migrant labors. In addition, sustainable

models of agriculture that promote alternative systems that respect local indigenous practices should be

encouraged as well as the establishment of cooperative means of ownership and production.

Gradual switching over to green development model, extensive measures for resilience against

climate change and disaster are key. Innovative solutions towards technology transfer and increase of

the quantum of development cooperation associated with adequate financing need urgent attention, if

we want to fully achieve the Goals by 2030.

1 The Poverty Eradication Cluster is a sub-group of the NGO Major Group with a focus on povety


and reduction of inequalities. The Cluster was created in May 2017 in connection with the theme of HLPF


« Eradicating poverty and promoting prospetiry in a changing world » .

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