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Philippine History

Why the Spaniards came?

 Spaniards discovered Philippines accidentally; they were looking for Moluccas Island. Spaniards were
realized the Philippines were rich in spices and the Spaniard like spices very much. Also, Philippines have a
fertile soil (since there are many volcanoes there).
 Spaniards came to the Philippines for the reason of colonialization. At that time countries in Europe are
racing towards expanding their territories. one reason also is because of their search for the Spice Island. 
 Because of GOD, GOLD and GLORY.
 It is a misconception that Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards because of the spices
found in the country. During the Period of Exploration and discovery, the Philippines did not
actually cultivate the spices desired by the Spaniards such as cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.
The country was actually colonized because of the idea of mercantilism, or the socioeconomic
doctrine that says that the power and prestige of a state is based on the number of the
colonies it controls and the amount of precious golds that it accumulate. Spain was one of
those countries who were thirsty for power and prestige.Additionally, since the Spain was a
Catholic country, it was obliged by the pope to convert the natives from places they colonized
into Christianity. Thus, the Spaniard colonized the Philippines because of the 3G's, GOD,

Magellan’s Voyage

 Ferdinand Magellan set sail from Spain with five ships on September 20, 1519.

 His ships were named Concepcion, San Antonio, Victoria, Trinidad and Santiago. The first four were
Carracks, and the Santiago was a Caravel. Around 250 men sailed with Magellan, but only 18 would return
to Spain alive. Magellan himself would meet his death at the hands of native warriors on a beach in what is
now the Philippines.
They took the normal route to Brazil, sailing west from the Canary Islands until they reached Rio de
Janeiro. Here they rested for almost five months, but eventually sailed south losing the Santiago to a storm,
and the San Antonio in a mutinous return to Spain. Nonetheless, Magellan was determined to go on with his
remaining three ships. He discovered a straight which he named the Straight of All Saints, having
discovered it on All Saint's Day. It would later come to be called the Straight of Magellan. The waters and
winds of the straight are very contrary to sailing, and it took Magellan 38 days to pass through to calmer
waters which he named Mare Pacifica or the calm sea. We know those waters today as the Pacific Ocean.

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