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Question and Answer

Cause & Effect

Group Name :
1. Adni Yumna Luthfiah
2. Ambar Nur Rohmah
3. Bilqis Salsabila
4. Dela Adhanissa Alamsyah
5. Dina Julianita
6. Nur Arsyi Aulia Fasya
7. Trevly Sucantika Nugraha
8. Winda Kurnia Fitriani
9. Vinnaya Febyanna

Seventeen Senior High School

School year : 2018-2019
1. Bilqis always makes me happy....She is a very kind
a. A lot of
b. Lots of
c. For
d. Forhead
e. A lots of

2. She didn't call me last night...She slept earlier.

a. Where
b. Where ever
c. Wearing
d. war
e. Whereas

3. We are singing in the living room now .... We are happy

a. Sadness
b.Now and then
c. care of
d. And listening
e. now that

4. Winda will give birth at home....She doesn't have money to go to the

a. Since
b. Sure
c. Short
d. Send
e. Because

5. Fachri came late to school....He got up at 7 O'clock this Morning

a. Getting better
b. Came in
c. Where are you?
d. Come in
e. Wherefore
6. ___, the research paper is beneficial to students since it requires them
to critically think, read, and write about a specific body of knowledge in
which they have an interest.
a. A requirement at most universities
b. It is a requirement at most universities
c. A requirement at most universities it is
d. Requirement at most universities
e. Requirement at most universities it is

7.Waldo, ___, has learned a great deal of English since he came to the
a. he is a practicing lawyer from Chile
b. who a practicing lawyer is from Chile
c. a practicing lawyer from Chile
d. a practicing lawyer from Chile who
e. . he is a practicing lawyer from children

8. Because of the extreme fatigue ___ a marathon, most runners must

train for several months before they are sufficiently conditioned.
a. which involved in running
b. involving in running
c. involved in running
d. involved in run
e. which involving in run

9. ___ fifty-five miles per week for ten consecutive weeks, you are
ready to run a marathon.
a. You have trained at a rate of
b. Now that you have trained at a rate of
c. Now that you have trained at a rate of so
d. Now that you train at a ratee. you have train at rate
10. He hasn't lifted any weights ___ his right arm.
a. since he injures
b. since he injured
c. since he injure
d. , he injured
e. And

11. ___ any trout yet, she is going to change the bait she is using.
a. Because Ivy has not catched
b. Ivy has not caught
c. Because Ivy has not caught
d. Because Ivy had not caught
e. she is

12. Alfredo, ___ high academic aspirations, cannot pay his tuition now
that his father is unemployed.
a. has
b. who he has
c. who has
d. have had
e. what he

13 ___ Asian economic crisis, it has been very hard for Ai and her
family to pay their bills.
a. The
b. Because the
c. Since the
d. Since
e. Because

14. Halle Berry faces legal problems because she was ___ information
with the injured driver.
a. involved in a car accident and left the scene without exchange
b. involved in a car accident and leaves the scene without exchanging
c. involved in a car accident and left the scene without exchanging
d. involve in a car accident and left the scene without exchanging
e. scene without exchanging

15. Now that India is approaching one billion people, it will soon
surpass China as the world's most populated country, ___.
a. a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists like
b. this is a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists
c. which a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists
d. a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists alike
e. this is geographers and environmentalists like

16. Many species of wildlife are becoming extinct, __________ the

rainforestsare being destroyed.
A. therefore
C. so
D. Conseqently!.
E. As".

17. __________ logging pro#ides $obs and profits, the go#ernment is

relctantto control it
A. So
B. Conseqently
C. Due to
D. since!.
E. thanksto

18. Hemp can be sed to ma'e paper, __________ it cold redce the
need for logging.
A. therefore
B. so
C. due to
D. Because!.
E. Thus
19. Hemp was grown throghot history __________ its #ersatility+
it can be sed to ma'e many different things
A. due to
B. because
C. since
D. as a result!.
E. For

20. Hemp is related to the mari$ana plant+ __________, it is illegal

in many countries.
A. so
B. because
C. due to
D.owing to!.
E. as a result
1. c
2. e
3. e
4. a
5. e
6. a
7. c
8. c
9. b
10. b
11. c
12. c
13. c
14. c
15. d
16. b
17. d
18. b
19. a
20. e

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