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(6527) EDUC 103: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching- 1:30-2:30

Submitted by:

Burdeos, Tessy Bell Deuna, Therese Jazzmine

Cambalon, Gyle Sampiano, Ailyn

Dana, Kristine Nicolle

Submitted to: Prof. Melissa Napil


Our output aims to present a common scenario wherein study or learning strategy
PQ4R will be applied.

We also want to motivate or encourage students like us through our output-

dramatization for them to realize how do metacognitive strategies especially the one we
presented, PQ4R impact their way of learning and studying.

Description of your Output:

Our group showcased a simple drama presentation regarding PQ4R, a learning

strategy used to study a specific unit or chapter which is suitable to older students in the
intermediate levels and onwards. The short video which only last for less than 3 minutes
contains a scenario wherein the teacher asked her students to study a specific chapter in
the book.

In application of their previous discussion about Metacognition, students portrayed

a demonstration of each step in the PQ4R: Preview, Question, Read, Recite, Review and
Reflect incorporated with a voice-over pf the acts in each step.

PQ4R is a study technique developed by Thomas E.L & Robinson H.A (1972). The
acronym stands for Preview, question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review and this strategy
is used mainly to help students with difficulty inn reading. This strategy is a student
centered strategy which involves students in every step during teaching learning process.

Commonly, comprehension, retaining and recalling information is a challenge for

many students and the PQ4R strategy aims at making reading easier.

In addition, this study technique can help students with improved understanding
and recall of facts. In fact, this strategy will not only improve the student’s reading
comprehension but will also likely improve recall of facts by as much as 70% (Logsdon,
2019). This strategy is also beneficial and effective for those students with specific
learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Through PQ4r they will understand and remember
details of what they read.

According to Slavin (1997), Pq4R is one of the popular strategies for enabling the
students to comprehend and retain what they read. It is a strategy that facilitates students
to emphasize on organizing knowledge and making it effective. Besides, Dunn (2006)
state that PQ4R strategy asks readers to give answer and reflect o questions during the
course of their reading and students in this way are attentive throughout the teaching.

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