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A Synopsis

Dio Handa Wardana


A. Background Of the Problem
Speaking is the delivery of language through the mouth. To speak, we create sounds
using many parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract, vocal chords, tongue, teeth and
lips. In reality speaking is most difficult skill and students’ face many problems at learn speaking
skill. Inhibition, bad pronounciation, low and not balanced participation, mother tongue use are
the kind of students’ speaking problems. In other words, speaking is the most complex and
difficult skill to master (Hinkel, 2005, cited in Nazara, 2011). Speech can flow naturally from
one person to another in the form of dialogue. It can also be planned and rehearsed, as in the
delivery of a speech or presentation. Of course, some people talk to themselves! In fact, some
English learners practise speaking standing alone in front of a mirror.

Speaking is a tool to communicate ideas that are arranged and developed

accordance with listener’s need (Tarigan, 1987, cited in Musaddat, 2008). Speaking is
also a one of language that should mastered by students in order to be able to achieve certain
goals or express their opinions, intentions, hopes and viewpoints. In addition, people who know a
language are referred to as ‘speakers’ of that language. Furthermore, in almost any setting,
speaking is the most frequently used language skill. According to Richard, (2008, p.19) mastery
of speaking skill in English is a priority for learners, who learn English as second language or
foreign language. Therefore, speaking seems to be the most important skill and thus the
indicators to assure our future life.

Speaking is also one of the subject that students must master as EFL/ESL learners. In line
with the idea above As Rivers in Torky’s (2006, p.14) has said that speaking is used twice as
much as reading and writing in our communication. Junior high school Al- Huda Pekanbaru that
using curriculum 2013. This school has English as one of the subject that is given to the
students. Students are taught twice a week with time duration 45 minutes for one hour with the
passing grade 75. One of the subject that learned by students is Speaking. Based on the
curriculum, speaking is one of the skill in English subject and the students are expected to be
able to express their opinion in oral communication, inform the meaning, asking the opinion and
giving respond in oral by observing the social function and structure of the text. The students are
also expected to be able to communicate in daily-life. (Kemendikbud, 2016).

Based on the preliminary study at the Junior High School Al-huda Pekanbaru

especially first year is seventh grade students. The researcher found the students’ difficulties in

learning English especially in speaking. The students’ speaking ability is still very far from the

expectation of curriculum. There are several problems that students faced in speaking. First, the

students speak more with their first language or their mother tongue. Second, they are also shy

and uncomfortable as well as not confident if they make mistakes. Third, students often have no

ideas about what to say. Fourth, it is related to students’ condition whose are lack of vocabulary.

According to Ur, (1996 p.117) there are many factors made students difficult in speaking such as

inhibition, nothing to say, low participation.

Base on writer’s preliminary study above as Junior High School Al-huda Pekanbaru

seventh grade students found the following problems:

1. Some student speak more with their first language

2. Some students shy and not confident to speak second language

3. Some language are have no ideas about what to say

4. Some students not understand about grammar

5. Some students are have lack of vocabulary

B. Formulating of the Problem

1. How is student ability in speaking at the junior high school Al- Huda Pekanbaru ?

2. What are the factors influence students’ speaking difficulties at the junior high

school Al- Huda Pekanbaru ?

C. Method of the Research

1. This research is designed to find out dominant problems faced by seventh grade

students at junior high school Al- Huda pekanbaru on june 2019. The researcher will

use a Descriptive research design that consist one variable. According to Singh (2006

p.104) Descriptive is concerned with the present and attempts to determine the status

of the phenomenon under investigation. In addition, Jackson (2008,p.98) refers the

descriptive research method to simply observing a behavior. Observation involves

description at its most basic level.

2. The population of this research is the seventh grade of junior high school pekanbaru

which consist of 3 classes with the total number are 97 students. The object of this

research is to find the factors affecting students’ speaking difficulties in classroom

interaction on junior high school Al-Huda Pekanbaru. The method of collecting data

will be collecting by speaking-test and interview and the data will be analyzed.

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