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Vol. 90 No.

2 August 2000



Maxillofacial injuries in the pediatric patient

Richard H. Haug, DDS,a and John Foss, DDS,b Lexington, Ky, and Cleveland, Ohio

Approximately 22 million children are injured in the United States annually. Children are uniquely susceptible to
craniofacial trauma because of their greater cranial-mass-to-body ratio. The pediatric population sustains 1% to 14.7% of all
facial fractures. The majority of these injuries are encountered by boys (53.7% - 80%) who are involved in motor vehicle acci-
dents (up to 80.2%). The incidence of other systemic injury concomitant to facial trauma is significant (10.4% - 88%). The
management of the pediatric patient with maxillofacial injury should take into consideration the differences in anatomy and
physiology between children and adults, the presence of concomitant injury, the particular stage in growth and development
(anatomic, physiologic, and psychologic), and the specific injuries and anatomic sites that the injuries affect. This comprehen-
sive review, based on the last 25 years of the world’s English-speaking surgical literature, presents current thoughts on the
anatomic and physiologic differences between adults and children, a synopsis of childhood growth and development, and an
overview of state-of-the-art management of the pediatric patient who has sustained maxillofacial injury. (Oral Surg Oral Med
Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2000;90:126-34)

Millions of children are injured in the United States patients up to the age of 21, the common definition of
annually, and many of them sustain facial trauma. pediatrics is “that branch of medicine that addresses the
Because of the differences between adults and children child and its development and care, and the diseases of
in anatomic, physiologic, and psychologic develop- children and their treatment.”4,5 The pediatric patient
ment, not only do the consequences of trauma differ, may be categorized according to various stages of
but the management techniques should be modified to growth and development. The infant includes the
address the child’s particular stage of anatomic, physi- newborn to 1 year of life.4,5 Preschool is that childhood
ologic, or psychologic development.1-3 Despite the period between 2 and 6 years of age, whereas the child
high incidence of pediatric injury in the United States, is defined as 11 to 13 years and younger.4,5 School-age
the current maxillofacial surgical literature is sparse, is that period between 6 and 10 to 12 years.4,5 Puberty
with reports focusing only on very specific areas of is the period during which secondary sex characteristics
interest. The purpose of this article is to provide a develop, and adolescence is roughly 11 to 19 years of
comprehensive review of the English medical literature age.4,5 For the sake of this review, the term pediatric
regarding maxillofacial injuries in the pediatric patient will refer to patients 19 years of age or younger, and
to assist the clinician in the management of this unique children from birth to 13 years of age.
and highly specialized area of traumatology.
Inconsistencies appear throughout the current litera- THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF PEDIATRIC
ture regarding the terms pediatric and child and their MAXILLOFACIAL INJURY
corresponding ages. Although the pediatrician may treat Approximately 22 million children are injured in the
United States annually. This represents 1 of every 3 indi-
aDivision Director and Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, viduals in this age group.1-3 Injuries surpass all other
University of Kentucky College of Dentistry. major diseases of children in frequency and conse-
bResident in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, MetroHealth Medical quence.1-3 A review of current literature has shown great
Center, Cleveland, Ohio. statistical variation regarding pediatric maxillofacial
Received for publication Oct 29, 1999; returned for revision Jan 20, injury. Estimates regarding the incidence of pediatric
2000; accepted for publication Apr 11, 2000.
Copyright © 2000 by Mosby, Inc.
facial fractures range between 1% and 14.7% for victims
1079-2104/2000/$12.00 + 0 7/12/107974 under the age of 16 (Table I), and 0.87% to 1% for those
doi:10.1067/moe.2000.107974 less than 5.6-22 These are most frequently boys (53.7%-

Volume 90, Number 2

Table I. Characteristics of pediatric patients with facial fractures

Incidence among all facial fracture patients <16 y of age 1%-14.7% 6-22
<5 y of age 0.87%-1%
Sex distribution Boys 53.7%-80% 10,14,15,19,20,23-39
Anatomic distribution Mandible 15%-86.7% 8,14,15,18,19,24,28-33,37,42-44,46
Midface (maxilla, zygoma, nose) 8%-54%

Upper face (orbit, frontal bone) 12%-45%

Concomitant injury Overall incidence 10.4%-88% 10,18,20,24,25,27-30,35,41,43,44

Neurocranium 26%-82%
Thoracic 4%-27%
Abdominal 2%-18%
Orthopedic 3%-32%

80%).10,14,15,19,20,23-39 The cause is most often a motor Table II. Etiology of pediatric facial fractures
vehicle accident (5%-80.2%), violence (3.7%-61.1%), MVA 5%-80.2%
falls (7.8%-48%), a bicycle (7.4%-48%), play (10%- Violence 3.7%-61.1%
42%), and others (Table II).10-16,20-29,31,33,34,36,40-45 Falls 7.8%-48%
Although motor vehicle accidents (with the child as Bicycle 7.4%-48%
an occupant, pedestrian, or cyclist) are responsible Play 10%-42%
Sports 1.2%-33%
for the highest incidence of fatalities, drownings, house Pedestrian 10%-25%
fires, and homicides rank next.1-3 Anatomically, the Other 4.5%-23%
most frequently encountered pediatric facial fracture Object 1%-23%
is the mandible (15%-86.7%), followed by the mid- Crush 10%
face (8%-54%) and the upper face (12%- Birth 0.1%-4%
45%).8,14,15,18,19,24,29,33,37,38,42-44,46 Of concern in the From references 10-16,20-29,31,33,34,40-45.
pediatric population is the high frequency of concomitant
injury (10.4%-88%).10,18,20,24,25,27-30,35,41,43,44 This
predilection is most likely because of the anatomic differ- anxiety, regression, depression, or aggression.
ences between children and adults. However, by age 8, self-generated coping strategies
may have developed.47 Finally, at adolescence, the
GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT trauma victim’s sense of autonomy may appear chal-
Psychological development lenged. Authority, rules, and limits may be questioned,
The greatest concern when treating the pediatric resulting in various forms of noncompliance.47
patient is the effect of the injury or treatment on growth
and development. This is both anatomically and Facial growth
psychologically important and may have various By the end of the first year of life, the 2 mandibular
effects on management for the different stages of halves have joined in the midline, with complete
psychological development as delineated in the intro- symphysis fusion from the inferior border to the alve-
duction. During infancy, hospitalization, trauma, and olus by age 2. At this time, the chin prominence
surgery will disrupt established patterns of feeding and develops, and the deciduous teeth erupt. The condyle
sleeping. Thus, behavioral disturbances and nutrition contributes to the vertical growth of the mandible. The
are a concern during this developmental phase.47 sixth year marks the mixed dentition phase. Growth of
Throughout the preschool phase, separation anxiety the mandible occurs by deposition posterior and
and fear of the loss of mother act as stressors, possibly resorption anterior to the ramus. The adult dentition is
leading to regressive behavior. Additionally, the present by ages 12 to 13.18,44,48,49
perception of cause and effect of hospitalization, At age 2, most of the transverse maxillary growth is
trauma, and surgery may make the child feel complete (followed by vertical and then anterior-
punished.47 During the school-age phase, hospitaliza- posterior). Palatal, premaxillary, and midline maxillary
tion, trauma, and surgery are potential insults to the sutural growth is complete with suture obliteration by
child’s emerging abilities. Interventions may evoke ages 8 to 12. During the sixth year, the mixed dentition
August 2000

Table III. Pediatric normal values

Blood Caloric of
Respir- pressure require- midtrachea
Pulse ations range, Urinary ment Maintenance Endotracheal to teeth/ Blood
(beats/ (per systolic, output (cal/kg/ fluids tube size gingiva Average volume
min) min) diastolic (cm3/h) 24 h) (cm3/day) (mm) (cm) wt (kg) (cm3)
Neonate (0-28 d) 80-180 60-90, 20-60 2.5 110-130 For children Uncuffed 2.5-3.5 8-10 >2.5 0.46 ×
<1 mo, 250 hemacrit
× 63
Infant (1st y) 75-160 30-60 87-105, 53-66 4-10 100-130 250-110 Uncuffed 3.0-4.5 9-11 4.10 300-800
Pre-school (2-6 y) 60-110 22-40 95-105, 53-66 12-20 75-90 1100-1500 Uncuffed 4.5-5.5 12-15 12-20 900-1600
School age (6-11 y) 60-110 18-30 97-112, 57-71 20-23 60-75 1560-1660 Cuffed/uncuffed 5.5-6.5 15-17 20-33 1600-2640
Adolescent (11-19 y) 50-90 12-16 112-128, 66-80 35-70 30-60 1800-2500 Cuffed 7.0-8.0 18-20 35-70 2625-5600
From references 1-3,4,7,46,47.

phase, the antra are present and well developed. After sternum are extremely compliant, resulting in a
puberty and eruption of all teeth, the maxillary sinuses decreased reserve when respiratory efforts are dimin-
reach their full size.18,25,10,44,48-51 ished. The diaphragm aids in breathing and abdominal
By age 2, most of the cranial sutures are obliterated. distention, or increased intrathoracic pressure dimin-
At this time the orbits are 85% to 90% complete. From ishes ventilation. Therefore, with low pediatric lung
the sixth to the eighth year, orbital growth becomes compliance, ventilation becomes inefficient during
complete and the ethmoid sinuses grow rapidly. respiratory distress.1-3,44
Between the seventh and eighth year, the frontal When considering pediatric circulation during trauma
sutures are closed and the frontal sinuses are well evaluation and resuscitation, the surgeon must
developed. After puberty, the frontal sinuses reach full remember that children have a higher cardiac output and
size, the ethmoid sinuses undergo a growth spurt, and increased oxygen demand, resulting in a low oxygen
the sphenoid sinuses begin their main phase of devel- reserve. The pediatric stroke volume is smaller than that
opment.18,25,43,47,48 of an adult, and as a result, cardiac output is rate-deter-
mined (Table III). Thus bradycardia leads to hypoxia
ANATOMIC DIFFERENCES BETWEEN and hypercapnea, both ominous signs. Even minor
CHILDREN AND ADULTS, AND THEIR injuries could result in blood loss that is physiologically
CONSEQUENCES IN TRAUMA meaningful. The child’s blood pressure is maintained
In general, children tend to have a smaller body mass through physiologic compensation such as vasoconstric-
than adults, which during a traumatic episode, results tion, tachycardia, and myocardial contractility, which
in a greater force per unit of body area. The child’s may mask other signs of volume reduction. With this
incompletely calcified skeleton is close to the internal physiologic compensation, symptoms of volume deple-
organs with less fat and more elastic connective tissue. tion may not occur until it is too late to recover.1-3,44
These factors result in multiple internal organ injuries, Pediatric abdominal injury requires immediate
often without external signs. Children have a higher surgical involvement. The skeleton is not completely
surface-area-to-body volume ratio, which makes them calcified or mature, and skeletal injury may result in
prone to the quick development of hypothermia and growth disturbance, a higher proportion of greenstick
can complicate hypotensive management by pooling fractures, and blood loss that is proportionally greater
blood in the peripheral vasculature rather than than in the adult.1-3,44
supplying the viscerum. Children also have a higher There are differences between the pediatric and adult
metabolic rate and cardiac output which, when coupled head and spine that should be considered during
with higher oxygen demand, result in a low reserve trauma. Children are susceptible to secondary brain
during resuscitation. injury because of differences in cerebral physiology and
The child’s airway is of a smaller caliber, with rela- oxygen demand. The cranial-mass-to-body-mass ratio
tively large and flaccid oral and pharyngeal soft tissues, is high, which results in higher-energy impacts to the
a cephalad larynx, a shorter trachea, and a shorter, cranium. The child has a lower total body blood
narrower epiglottis (Table III).1-3,52-54 This results in volume; thus scalp lacerations and subgaleal or
increased airway resistance, easy obstruction, difficult epidermal bleeds could result in hypotension. With
intubation, and easy self-extubation. The child’s ribs and mobile cranial suture lines and open fontanelles,
Volume 90, Number 2

expanding mass lesions may be hidden until rapid GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE
decompensation occurs. Vomiting after trauma is PEDIATRIC MAXILLOFACIAL TRAUMA VICTIM
common for children and is not necessarily indicative of As with all trauma victims, initial assessment and
increased intracranial pressure. The characteristics of resuscitation should follow the “ABCs” of advanced
the pediatric cervical spine include flexible interspinous trauma life support, with a focus on the unique differ-
ligaments, incomplete articulations, flat facet joints, and ences in pediatric anatomy and physiology (Table
anteriorly wedged vertebral bodies with a greater III).1-3,52-54 The high incidence of multisystem injuries
cranial mass. The result is increased susceptibility to concomitant with maxillofacial injuries should be the
spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality.1-3 initial management focus. The diagnosis of facial frac-
tures is based on a clinical examination and is
THE BATTERED OR ABUSED CHILD confirmed with imaging. Because of the incompletely
Of significance to the clinician who treats pediatric calcified areas of the developing skeleton, the presence
maxillofacial injuries is the battered or abused child. of a developing dentition, and the importance of the
The challenges in the management of this form of cartilaginous and soft tissue structures, plane or
trauma extend beyond mere physical injury and include panoramic radiographs are not always effective.
psychological management and medico-legal consider- Computed tomography is the image of choice in
ations. Fifty percent of the physical injury in the assessing the pediatric facial skeleton, especially for
battered or abused child is to the head and neck. mid-facial and upper-facial injury and for intracapsular
Profiles of battered children are typically of newborn (comminuted or medial pole) fractures of the devel-
or preschool boys, whereas sexually abused children oping condyle.
are typically 11-year-old girls. Three hundred thousand
incidents of sexual abuse occur annually in the United FIXATION CONSIDERATIONS
States, with parents or caretakers as the perpetrators in When formulating a plan of treatment for pediatric
90% of cases.55-58 patients with facial trauma, a number of elements must
Multiple physical injuries to the head and neck char- be considered. These include the age of the patient (to
acterize the abused child. Teeth are frequently missing, maximize growth and development), the anatomic site
broken, or nonvital, yet there is typically no attempt at (to optimize form and function), the complexity of the
restoration or repair by the parent. The gingiva, palate, injury (displacement, comminution, and the number of
and tongue may show evidence of burns, hematoma sites), the time elapsed since injury (ideal to treat
from forced fellatio, or sexually transmitted disease. within 4 days), concomitant injury (fitness for anes-
The lips may be ecchymotic or burned (particularly thesia and duration of surgery), and the surgical
from cigarettes). The facial bones may impart evidence approach (closed versus open). The fixation preference
of multiple fractures, hematomas, or healed malunions. will be dictated by the age, anatomic site, complexity,
The ears may show ecchymosis, lacerations, perforated and approach.
tympanic membranes, or a cauliflower external appear-
ance. Laryngeal fractures from choking and rope burns Monomandibular fixation
to the neck from hanging are indicative of abusive Monomandibular fixation, by means of an arch bar,
injury. Facial skin of the child victim might show bite acrylic splint (or stent), or thermoplastic material, may be
marks, imprints of objects (eg, belt buckles), abrasions, the only acceptable alternative in situations such as the
scars, ecchymosis, burns (thermal or chemical), or edentulous newborn with a mandibular body or sym-
alopecia.40,55-58 In addition to these head and neck physis fracture. This technique is particularly helpful for
findings, other physical findings should be evaluated. greenstick or minimally displaced fractures when the
These include retinal hemorrhage, multiple subdural patient is partially edentulous (ages 5-12). These patients
hematomas (especially without skull fracture), generally require circummandibular wires or some form
ruptured viscera, old scars, healed long-bone fractures, of skeletal suspension. Maxillomandibular fixation is
and evidence of genital or perianal trauma. The practi- usually maintained for 3 to 4 weeks. This fixation has the
tioner should suspect battery or abuse if any of the disadvantage of limiting anatomic reduction and
following are found: a discrepancy between the history restricting full function.16,30,38,51,59
and degree of injury, a prolonged period between
injury and care, inappropriate parental responses or Maxillomandibular fixation
noncompliance, a history of repeated trauma and visits By age 2, 10 teeth exist in each arch, and maxillo-
to different emergency departments, apparent differ- mandibular fixation may be achieved. Yet the lower
ences regarding the history of the event between height of contour of the primary dentition may require
parents, or any combination of these.55-58 acrylic support, circummandibular wiring, or skeletal
August 2000

Table IV. Anatomic distribution of mandibular injury Table V. Anatomic distribution of midfacial injury
Condyle 14.5%-60% Alveolus 5%-65%
Alveolus 8.1%-50.6% Nose 1%-45%
Body 5.6%-44% Zygoma 7%-41%
Symphysis 1.8%-40.4% Maxilla 1.2%-20%
Parasymphysis 23.9%-33.7% Le Fort I (0.5%-26%)
Angle 3%-27% II (0.9%-20%)
Ramus 0.75%-10% III (1.9%-16%)
Coronoid 0%-19%
From references 11,13-15,20-24,27-31,33,37,39,42-44.
From references 10,13,15,16,23,29,34,39,42,46.

be removed 2 to 3 months after placement. Care must be

suspension. Thinner wire (28 or 30 gauge) is suggested taken in patients with a developing dentition to avoid
for ligating the arch bar to the dentition. Before age 2 damage to the tooth buds during screw place-
and after age 6, missing or resorbed teeth limit this ment.6,7,18,20,21,27-30,43,44,61-65
technique. Maxillomandibular fixation with closed
reduction may not permit anatomic reduction. No fixation
Although nutrition and airway are concerns, child Many authors have suggested that for nondisplaced or
tolerance and subsequent compliance are the major greenstick fractures in the pediatric population, observa-
drawbacks of this technique.15,16,18,20,21,27-30,33,46,60 tion alone is adequate. Close periodic follow-up every 2
to 3 days for 2 to 4 weeks, with vigilant observation and
Internal fixation “hands on” examination, is required. The younger the
Internal fixation implies some form of open approach patient population, the more appropriate this postinjury
with subsequent subperiosteal dissection. This invasion observation becomes. Diet should be limited to liquids
has the potential to interrupt or limit the osteogenic or puree. Close parental supervision and elimination of
potential of the periosteum, to create scars that may any contact sports or significant physical activity are
further restrict growth, or both.6,7,58 Proponents of this also imperative.6,7,15,20,21,24,29,30,34,43,46,59,62,66
technique use experience with the surgical correction of
pediatric craniofacial deformity as an example of DENTAL AND DENTOALVEOLAR INJURY
successful treatment without adverse effects. Dental and dentoalveolar injury is frequently over-
Unfortunately, the craniofacial surgical patient popula- looked in surveys that review pediatric maxillofacial
tion is already deformed or altered in growth, and no injury. This has occurred because some authors consider
control population for subperiosteal dissection on normal this area inconsequential compared with other forms of
children exists. A number of advantages are apparent injury, and accurate data regarding incidence or
when using this technique. Absolute anatomic reduction frequency are only represented by hospital admissions.
can be achieved, nutrition is improved by permitting a Offices, emergency departments, or other sites for ambu-
rapid return to a normal diet, the airway is less of a latory management have not had their records scrutinized
concern during extubation or reintubation than with for these forms of injury like hospital records have been.
maxillomandibular fixation, and tolerance and compli- Those reviews that do include dental or dentoalveolar
ance are less important issues.6,7,18,20,21,27-30,43,44,59,61-65 injury show a significant incidence in the pediatric popu-
Although resorbable technology for fixation now lation. Mandibular alveolar injury has been reported to
exists, it has been our experience that significant soft range between 8.1% and 50.6% of pediatric facial
tissue inflammation occurs (especially around the orbit), injuries and the maxillary alveolus from 5% to 65%
which later results in immobile (leathery) soft tissues. As (Tables IV and V).8,17,20-24,27-31,34,37,39,42-44,46,51,67,68
techniques and materials improve, this mode of fixation These forms of injury can be classified as tooth fractures,
may approach ideal.6,7,18,20,21,27,30,43,44,59,61-65 Semirigid luxation, avulsion, or alveolar process fractures. For
fixation with small (1.0-1.3 mm outer diameter) titanium these forms of injury to occur, teeth must be present.
plating systems currently offer the best fixation alterna- Thus, these injuries are rare in the newborn and are most
tive. However, their effects on growth and the potential prevalent in the 8-year to 9-year age group, with maxil-
for migration to occur as the bones remodel are currently lary central incisors being the most frequently affected.
unknown. When a fixation modality is required, it is the Permanent teeth with crown fractures excluding pulpal
author’s experience that a small titanium plating system involvement generally require a temporary restoration
should be placed through limited incisions that until definitive repair can be provided by a restorative
adequately expose the fracture. The hardware may then dentist. Those injuries that affect the pulp may be treated
Volume 90, Number 2

with pulp capping, pulpotomy, or apexification proce- injuries. Maxillomandibular fixation for a period of 4
dures. Fractured deciduous teeth that cannot be restored weeks is effective for body, ramus, angle, or symphysis
should be extracted. Intruded primary teeth should be injuries. If semirigid therapy is considered, it should be
allowed to re-erupt. Luxated teeth should be repositioned removed within 2 to 3 months to minimize restrictions to
and stabilized for 2 to 4 weeks. Wire, acrylic, and arch growth and development. Treatment should be initiated
bars offer satisfactory methods of stabilization. Avulsed within 4 to 7 days after injury.4,12-15,18,23,24,26,34,36,37,74-76
primary teeth should not be replaced, whereas avulsed
adult teeth should be reimplanted within 2 hours (prefer- MAXILLARY INJURY
ably 30 minutes) and stabilized for 4 weeks. Alveolar The maxilla is the least frequently injured pediatric
fractures should be anatomically reduced and stabilized facial bone (1.2%-20%) (Table V).11,13-15,20,24,27-
for 4 weeks. Depending on the stage of development, 31,33,37,39,42-44 Absolute anatomic reduction is necessary
dentoalveolar injury may lead to a host of dental growth under these circumstances to ensure proper growth and
disturbances ranging from dilaceration to ankylosis with development with attention directed to the nasofrontal
an altered eruption sequence.8,9,12,13,15,17,20,21,37,38,46,51,67,68 and frontomaxillary sutures, as well as to the septum. The
septovomerine suture has been associated with midfacial
MANDIBULAR CONDYLE growth disturbances subsequent to trauma.40,77,78
Although mandibular fractures have been reported to Maxillary injury is virtually nonexistent in those under
occur with a greater incidence (15%-86.7%) than other age 2, and its frequency increases with age as the antra
pediatric facial fractures, it is the condyle that is the most become more fully pneumatized. Closed reduction with
frequently injured region of the mandible (14.5%-60%) maxillomandibular fixation for 2 to 3 weeks is effective
(Tables I and IV). This type of injury, especially in the to reestablish the occlusion in minimally displaced frac-
pediatric age group, is amenable to less aggressive tures. If an open reduction with semirigid internal fixa-
therapy. Open reduction should be considered when the tion is chosen, the approach should be made through a
occlusion cannot be reestablished because of the position circumvestibular incision. Care should be taken to avoid
of the fractured condylar segment, when the segment is damage to the developing dentition by crew inser-
displaced into the middle cranial fossa, or when a foreign tion. Treatment should be initiated within 2 to 4
body is present. If a decision is made for an open days.7,17,18,20,21,28,30,40,43,44,46,50,51,61,64,77,78
approach, then semirigid fixation may be considered.
Observation should be considered for intracapsular frac- ZYGOMA INJURIES
tures (whether comminuted or medial pole). Along with Zygomatic fractures occur with relative frequency in
close follow-up and vigilant evaluation of the occlusion, the pediatric facial fracture population (7%-41%)
aggressive physical therapy is indicated to limit the (Table V). Treatment of this form of injury is generally
chance for development of a fibrous union or bony anky- straightforward. Only observation is required for
losis. Greenstick and minimally displaced condylar frac- greenstick or minimally displaced fractures, whereas
tures are amenable to observation and soft diet. If displaced fractures require an open approach. Intraoral
displaced, a short course (1-2 weeks) of maxillo- and Giles approaches are effective for displaced arch
mandibular fixation or traction with elastics and a soft fractures, and transconjunctival incisions with lateral
diet are effective. Lindhal16 and a number of other canthotomy extensions are effective for most other
authors have shown that in the developing patient, this zygomatic injuries. Little concern has been expressed
form of therapy results in no meaningful alterations in in the literature regarding growth disturbances subse-
growth or function.7,16,17,18,21,27,28,30,37-39,44,52,59-61,66,69-73 quent to zygomatic fractures.17,18,20,21,28,30,43,44,59,61,64


SYMPHYSIS INJURY With the exception of alveolar injuries (5%-65%),
Injuries to the mandible other than the condyle or alve- those to the nose are the most frequently encountered
olus have been reported to occur with varying degrees of midfacial injury in children (1%-45%) (Table V).
frequency (Table IV). Therapy for these forms of injury When evaluating nasal injury, attention must be paid to
adhere to the principles discussed previously in the the nasal bones and to the cartilaginous structures as
section entitled Fixation Considerations. Generally, well. Nasal fractures are frequently masked in children
observation and soft diet are preferred in the patient by edema. If edema obscures initial diagnosis, refrac-
under 2 years of age and in those with greenstick or mini- ture or osteotomy of the healing malunion and defini-
mally displaced fractures. Young children (those without tive treatment by intranasal packing and external
a complete dentition) may be effectively treated with splinting should be initiated after identification.
monomandibular fixation for body and symphysis Although the closed approach is the most beneficial
August 2000

Table VI. Anatomic distribution of upper facial injury incision and flap reflection to remove hardware and
Naso-orbital-ethmodial 1%-8% eliminate hardware migration. Migration of titanium
Orbital 10%-13% plates and screws into the cranium from remodeling in
Roof (18%-35%) the growing patient has been reported. If traumatic
Floor (25%-58%) telacanthus occurs, precise anatomic repositioning and
Medial (5%-28%)
attention to careful handling of the soft tissues are
Frontal-orbital 2.9%-35%
imperative because canthopexy is frequently associated
From references 8,19-21,24,27,30,38,39,42-44,83. with an unnatural appearance in children.21,28 If in
doubt about the precise location for reattachment, the
canthal ligament should be reattached in a more supe-
modality, strict attention to anatomic reduction of the rior and posterior position. Treatment should ideally be
nasal bones, lateral nasal cartilages, and osseous and initiated within 4 days of injury.17,18,21,28,43,44,78,79
cartilaginous septum is mandatory. A displaced but
incomplete fracture should be mobilized and treated as ORBITAL AND FRONTAL BONE INJURY
a complete fracture. Growth disturbances have been Fronto-orbital injury has been reported to occur with a
associated with nasal trauma and failure to adequately frequency ranging between 2.9% and 35% in the pedi-
treat injuries that extend to the nasoethmoid sutures atric facial fracture population (Table VI). Isolated orbital
and those that cause premature ossification of the injury occurs with a frequency between 10% and 13%.
septovomerine suture.40,59,60 Although the compliant The floor is affected 25% to 58% of the time, the roof
nature of the pediatric nose makes it less susceptible to 18% to 35%, and the medial wall 5% to 28%. Although
fracture, it is vulnerable to such soft tissue injuries as these numbers reflect relative frequency for the total
cartilaginous detachment and septal hematoma.40,59,60 pediatric population, the various forms of injury are age-
Direct trauma can cause detachment of the upper specific. Before age 7, because of the presence of only
lateral cartilages from the nasal bones. Direct reap- small or rudimentary sinuses, internal orbital injury
proximation and suturing through an open approach or occurs almost exclusively at the orbital roof with linear
support by intranasal packing are acceptable methods extension to the frontal bone. After age 7, internal orbital
of treatment. When displaced, the compliant pediatric injury of the roof, medial and lateral walls, and floor
nose might flex and can shear periosteum or interrupt occur along with frontal sinus fractures. Nondisplaced or
blood vessels, resulting in a septal hematoma. These minimally displaced orbital roof fractures that occur in
hematomas must be incised and drained to prevent children without impairment of extraocular movement
septal necrosis and subsequent growth distur- may be observed. Because the orbital roof is the floor of
bances.14,17,20,21,27,28,43,44,50,51,59,61,77,78 the anterior cranial fossae and because linear fractures
frequently extend into the frontal bone, neurosurgical
NASO-ORBITAL-ETHMOIDAL INJURY consultation should be obtained. If the bones are
Naso-orbital-ethmoidal injuries are among the most displaced, extraocular muscle movements are inhibited,
technically difficult injuries to treat in children and or intracranial injury mandates treatment, an open
perhaps the most potentially deforming in the growing approach by means of a bitemporal flap is indicated. As
patient. They occur with relative infrequency (1%-8%) in the case of naso-orbital-ethmoidal fractures, the use
(Table VI).8,19-21,24,25,27,30,39,42-44,79 In the highly of resorbable fixation is suggested to eliminate the need
unusual situation that a fracture occurs in this region for a second surgical procedure to remove hardware
and is nondisplaced, observation is acceptable. Yet if and to prevent its migration or restriction of
any suspicion exists regarding displacement, an open growth.9,17,18,20,27,28,30,41,43-45,59,61,63,79,80
approach and anatomic reduction are required. Growth After age 7, when most internal orbital injuries occur,
in this area is dictated by development, and sutural the growth is complete and open reduction will provide
growth is dictated by expansion of the cranium to anatomic reconstruction without concern for growth
compensate for the brain at the frontoethmoidal, fron- disturbance. A transconjunctival incision and lateral
tolacrimal, frontomaxillary, ethmoidomaxillary, naso- canthotomy extension provide adequate access to the
maxillary, and septovomarine sutures. Precise and floor and lateral wall at this age. A superior blepharo-
anatomic reduction are required. Premature ossifica- plasty incision may be required to approach the medial
tion or obliteration of these sutures may result in wall or roof. Titanium microscrews and plates should
midfacial hypoplasia in the vertical and anterior/poste- have no effect on growth at this time. Although allo-
rior direction. Consideration may be given to the use of plasts for internal orbital reconstruction have been
resorbable plates and screws when treating this form of discouraged by some authors, after growth is complete,
injury to minimize the need for a second bitemporal only allergy or intolerance contraindicates their use. If a
Volume 90, Number 2

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