A2 Objectives

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Internet : is a vast collection of different networks

IPv6 have 128 bits address

SMTP is used to transfer mail among mail servers

Online Publishing means Creating and uploading web pages on web server

How can you open a link in its own unique new window? : target="_new"

Which protocol encrypts data between web server and browser? : HTTPS

Which is not a valid extension for HTML files? : .xml

INTRANET are networks that connect people within a company to each other and to the company

LINK LAYER The internet model or TCP/IP reference model specifically applies to internet worked
systems, and has 4 layers. The movement of data packets across a network would be managed by which

MALICIOUS INTENT A passive threat to computer security is

Which is NOT a good Web security strategy? : Add demo programs, so users can test system without
accessing production data.

A reliable stream service in TCP is described as two-way transmission, free of transmission ERRORS, with
no lost or duplicate BYTES, and the bytes are delivered in the same SEQUENCE in which they were

MIME was developed to support email messages containing text, audio and video

SSH is a protocol that allows computers to communicate with each other over encrypted connections.

A closed padlock icon in browser indicates that the connection is secure. (TRUE)

HTML tags tell a Web browser how to render a Web page. (TRUE)

JPEG is used to compress images. (TRUE)

A socket address comprises the IP address of the host and a port number. (TRUE)

A Trojan horse program will replicate itself via files that move from one computer to another. (TRUE)

Java is unique among programming languages because it is platform-dependent and only runs on
Windows. (FALSE)
IPv4 has 64 bit addresses. (FALSE)

The number of addresses in a class C block is 256. (TRUE)

Telnet is a client-server application program. ( TRUE)

ARP is used to find the appropriate IP address, given a MAC address. (FALSE)

The Domain Name System (DNS) is primarily used to determine the symbolic name of a

host, given its IP address. (FALSE)

IPv6 address mappings require a AAAA DNS record. (TRUE)

TCP is a connection oriented protocol

IRC is a multi-user, multi-channel chatting network.

MIME is a protocol that allows non-ASCII data to be sent through email.

FRONTPAGE is a web publishing tool

EDI is a data format standard used in e-commerce.

A web browser can display any ASCII text file that has a file name with the file extension .HTM

Direct connection between two nodes : PPP

Format of Email : MIME

IP packet is encapsulated within a new IP packet. : TUNNEL MODE

Method to send information to web server : POST

An encryption system that use two keys : PKI

Domain names translation : BROWSER

Network technology for high speed transaction : ATM

VBScript gets executed in : server

Serving dynamic documents on web : CGI

An ACTIVE document is a copy of a program retrieved by the client and run at the client site.

A BROWSER consists of a controller, client programs, and interpreters

TELNET allows negotiation to set transfer conditions between the client and server before and during
the use of the service
PING is an application program that uses the services of ICMP to test the reachability of host

MACs are keyed HASH FUNCTIONS that create a compressed digest from the message added with

the key.

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