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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

 Identify the.forces that breakdown rocks: water ,people, animals & temperature
 Show how each forces that breakdown rocks.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Weathering of rocks
 Forces that breakdown rocks

A. Science Concept: There are different forces that cause the weathering of rocks
B. Science Process: Describing, Identifying, Observing, Experementing
C. References: Science Spectrum5 p. 245-249, Curriculum Guide p.7
D. Materials:
For Teacher:Television ( For video and Powerpoint presentation) Pictures,
For Pupils: Paper and Pencil
E. Values Integration: Showconcern for our Environment

III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activies

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer Lord,
Help us in our work today,
Before we enter to the exciting world of Science , Give us concentration so that may we
let us seek the supervision of our dear Almighty listen,
Father through an opening praying. understand, learn and have a peaceful
May I invite here in front our prayer leader for and may we always remember that
this day. Jesus Christ is always with us.

2. Greetings

What a lovely morning

Rise and Shine!

Hi! Hello!
Hello! Hi!
Goodmorning , Grade 5-SSES Good Morning Ms. Avila Good
Visitors !
3. Checking of Attendance Nice to see you

Let us check the attendance every group leader

will stand up and tell me who is absent (each group leader will report their
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
No one is absent in our group Ma’am
Group 4

Because of your perfect attendance let’s give

yourselves a Yes Complete Clap! (The Class will do the Yes Complete

4.Checking of Assignment

Now kindly pass your assignment I will check it

later. ( The pupils will bring out their
assignment and pass it in front)


For us to be more energized let us dance the

song entitled “AGADOO”

Let us all stand and follow the steps (The pupils will dance)


Class, kindly pronounce these words correctly.


Water Temperature

People Animals

Plants Forces

Now for me to know if you can still remember our

past lesson let us have a short review

Identify the different types of rocks, Igneous,

Sedimentary, Metamorphic rock.

Raise your Red flag if it is an Igneous rock,yellow

flag if it is a sedimentary rock and green flag if it
is a Metamorphic Rock.

B. Developmental Activities


I have here pictures for you to see and say

something about them.

Class what can you say in this Picture

Ma’am , Rocks are falling.
What do you think the cause?
Flood, typhoon , and a water.

Who Can you tell the class what they are doing.

Ma’am, they destroy the mountain.

Very good!
Ma’am, the men are looking for a gold.
Ma’am ,they are drilling the Ground.

What is this animals doing?

The animals is digging the ground.

Ma’am , plants growing in a rock.

Plants that grow in a crack of a

How about this rock.
Very Good!

Another answer


Super dry

What can you say about this


Class I have some videos for you to watch but Seat properly
before that what are the standards of watching a Watch silently
Take note of important details

Are you ready to watch the videos?

Yes Ma’am


What did you learn from the videos? (the pupils will answer)

What are the factors that destroy rocks ? The factors that destroy rocks are water
, people animals , plants and
temperature and wind.
Very Good!

Give yourselves a Quitis Clap! (The pupils will perform a Quitis


How people Destroy rocks?

People destroy the rocks by drilling

Very Good! People destroy the rocks by explosion

Give them AlingDionisia Clap! (The pupils will perform

AlingDionisia Clap)

In what way water cause destruction of rocks ?

Strong flow of water flash the rocks
Very good! down.

Let us give him/her a Mosquito Clap! (The Pupils will perform a Mosquito

Do Animals can cause destruction of rocks?

Yes Ma’am!

Because they dig down and displace

How? the rocks.

Give him/her a Batangeño Clap! (The Pupils will perform a Batangeño


How about the plants

Ifthe plants grow in rocks it make the
rocks weaker because they absorb the
4.Fixing Skills minerals.

Class, let us have a group activity, I will group

you into three group , then each group will receive
a box ,and all you have to do is to follow the
direction and answer the following questions
written inside the envelope in the box, then the
leader of each group will present later their work.
Get along
But before we start, what are the standards in
Respect others
group activity? On task
Use quiet voices
Stay in your group

Group 1

How water cause weathering of rocks?

(Each group will perform activity and

Group 2.
report their findings in class)
How People cause weathering of rocks?

Group 3

How wind temperature cause weathering

of rocks?

Class , I will give you , 5 Minutes to finish your

activity then the leader will report your
observation in front.

C. Generalization
The Forces that breakdown rocks are
What are the forces that breakdown rocks?
Wind Temperature

How water breakdown rocks? By Flushing down the rocks.

How people breakdown rocks? By Drilling Construction, Explosion

and others.

How Animals breakdown rocks? By Burrowing and digging which

displace rocks.

How plants breakdown rocks? By absorbing the rocks minerals which

cause rocks to decay.

How wind breakdown rocks?

By Pushing and displacing small rocks.
Very Good!

Give yourseleves a wonderful clap

(The Pupils will perform a wonderful clap)

D. Application

Let’s have a group activity , I have here sets of

activities for each group , what are the standards in
doing a group activity. Work quietly
Work neatly
Be Cooperative
Finish your work on time
Group 1: “PASTE ME”

Identify the factors that cause the breaking down

of rocks . Paste the correct answer on the line.





Group 2: “FIX ME UP”

Directions: form the word out of the jumbled letter

1. NGTHEWRIEA_________________
2. DNWOKABRE _________________
3. SFROEC _________________
4. SORKC _________________
5. URETRAEMPET________________


Directions:Connect the tie from the word in

column A to the corresponding picture in the
column B.

A. B.

1. Water


3. Animals



Read the following question cacrefully .choose the correct answer.

1. The following human activities are caused of physical weathering except

a. Quarrying
b. Mining ores
c. Building roads and tunnels
d. Boating and Fishing

2. Weathering means
a. Breaks it
b. Takes away
c. Drop it
d. Erosion

3. How does temperature weather rocks

a. Rocks are heated and cooled continuously
b. Rocks are cooled tremendously all the time
c. Rocks are at different temperature
d. Rocks are heated greatly all the time

4. Plants serves as agents of weathering which of the following statements support

the ideas.
a. Falling of leaves cause rocks to break
b. Decaying trunks of plants cause the rocks to breaks .
c. Root of plants that grow in rocks and cause them to break.
d. Branches of plant cause the rocks to break when blown by the winds.

5. Which of the following tends to cause weathering .

a. Animals that burrow in the ground
b. Roots of plants growing into the cracks in the rocks
c. Water that seeps into the pores and cracks of rocks
d. All of these


Photojournalism:Using a mobile phone , get a picture of some agent of weathering print

your output paste it on a bond paper. Make a caption.

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