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Virtual Reality forOperations

Training as Transitional Stage

between Classroom and OJT

Yassir Salih

Technical Operations Instructor

SPSP-Operations 1

• What is Virtual reality technical training.

What is VR • VR as develop learning technology.

• For oil and gas health and safety.

Benefits • For oil and gas process.

• The VR- Hardware and Technology.

Intallation • Simulators and softwares.

• Simulation scenarios for GOAP plant operations.

scenarios • Simulation scenarios for Refinery operations.

• VR to R assessment
Assessments • Computer marking assessment and obsevation.

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What is the VR

Virtual reality (VR) makes use of computer technology to create interactive virtual experiences
viewed through a headset. Learners are placed inside a simulated world potentially giving a
greater sense of immersion than is experienced through a traditional flat screen.

VR is distinct from 360 video, which is filmed using special cameras, workflow and techniques,
but still shares many concepts with traditional video. VR is the computer-generated simulation of
a 3D environment, which seems very real to the person experiencing it, using special electronic
equipment. The objective is to achieve a strong sense of being present in the virtual environment.

Some training activities can done in VR environment

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VR as Develop Learning Technology

Compering with classroom lecture training and workshop demonstrations the VR is most
efficient and engaging to get maximum training outcome and cover with zero hazards all training
objectives for oil plant operations.

More time
More time engage

Low time engage engage

High risk and
Less time No risk hazards hazards
High risk hazards
Less physical Hard physical
Hard physical
Low or no activities activities
Very Good Very Good
Good training
Low cost less training training
outcome outcome outcome

Low cost High cost

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What is different in the VR training?

The learner wearing a head-mounted display can look around by moving his head, and walk
around by using hand controls or motion sensors. He is engaged in a fully plant equipment
immersive experience. It's as if he is really in actual oil or gas plant with 3d view with same
actions, hazards and work conditions in oil plants.

VR offering experiences that promote repetition and retention as new skills require practice, also
VR offers controlled easily generated environments that allow for the repetition students need to
master a new skill or process.

VR offers vision into a world of “what could be”. For this reason, VR is poised for tremendous
impact on a global scale in the rehabilitation industry.

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The Benefits of the Virtual Reality Training

Benefits to the health and safety at the oil and gas workplace:

1-Avoid real-life dangers and disruptions

Trainees won’t miss out on the realistic options as they can be immersed into the experience, as if it’s
happening in real time. It also avoids any outdoor problems such as pedestrians, breakages, bad
weather, fire and toxic gas leak – so users are experiencing everything that they could possibly need to
from the comfort of the workplace.

2- Preparing for an emergency procedure

Another safety aspect that can be improved upon with VR is the ability to prepare workers and
project managers in the execution of any emergency procedures, fire drills, gas leak alarm or

3- Practice to select correct PPE for each task.

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Selecting and use correct PPE is challenge for new staff and trainees at the oil fields, with VR
practice selecting PPE before start the training scenario Provide good experience for them to
implement in real workplace.

Example Health and Safety VR Training Scenario

Location: sample point for LPG line to LPG storage tank at Refinery plant.

Required: the trainee (operator) will correctly apply the safety precautions and procedures for
collecting LPG samples.

P&ID : Before start scenario the trainee required to identify location from P&ID drawing.

PPE : At the start the trainee required to select correct PPE for LPG samples collection.

Equipment: During scenario the trainee required to identify the bombs used in the refinery to
collect the LPG samples and able to inspect them before use.

VR Training scenario sequences:

 use a cylinder that has been inspected, and has an inspection tag
 remember that the outlet valves are painted blue or yellow
 remember it is painted white
 never leave them in direct sunlight, always leave in the shade
 ensure that the tank has been circulating for at least 4 hours
 crack open the blue valve and bleed the cylinder until gas just starts to vent
 ensure that there are two operators equipped with breathing apparatus

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 purge three times before taking the sample on the fourth purge .

The training outcomes:

The learner (operator) will correctly:

 Select PPE for LPG sampling

 Identify the location of the sample point from the drawing
 Do risk assessment for the work place.
 Report any hazards or emergency of gas leak.
 Describe the safe collecting of LPG samples according to refinery schedules and
operating instructions.

Collecting LPG in VR simulation with zero hazards

SPSP-Operations 8
The Benefits of the Virtual Reality Training

Oil and Gas Operations Training

Higher retention and reduced training costs

Using these VR technologies in oil and gas training can allow for trainees who may not have any
previous on-site experience or are starting fresh in a new industry to retain their training. This is
because they can learn safely with secured supervision and instruction without any prior

With plant operator training simulators, the trainee operators can gain the needed safety
knowledge and be able to practice operations and process that reduce training costs and keep
inexperienced trainees away from certain sites until they are fully ready and qualified to join the

How operator see himself inside the simulator

Better performance

Complex process and troubles shooting for training can be simplified with difficulty levels and
choices, easing the mind of both the trainer and the trainee. Training in an unsafe environment
isn’t ideal – by calming the nerves in a controlled and suitable environment, it means that

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trainees can perform to their best ability and focus on the task at hand rather than fearing for the
safety of pedestrians or other workers.

Faster learning

This benefit does not refer to the oil and gas sector only, as the effectiveness of immersive VR
training is a proven fact for many other industries, too.

By stimulating multiple senses and making the trainees literally “learn by doing”, virtual reality
creates knowledge that is retained longer and can be applied quicker.

Contextual knowledge provision in real-time

A VR-based training can be built so that to display the related information during the practice. For
example, for operators working on virtual steam boilers, it will be helpful to display the main parts of
the boiler and what their functions during practicing operations in side simulator.

Training productivity and engagement

At the current stage of the technology evolution, there is probably no method that creates higher
engagement than virtual reality.

All users putting on a VR headset cannot help but be amazed at how the creators managed to
place them in a completely different world. With training, the virtual reality effect multiplies.
When the trainee literally “lives” through a scenario, all instructions, hints, tips, and other useful
information sink much deeper. Even the best textbook or video cannot compete with virtual
reality in terms of productivity.

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The VR- Hardware and Technology

The VR hardware accomplishes this by using sensors for tracking motions of user such as button presses,
controller movements, eye and other body part movements. It also considers the physical surrounding
world because only engineered hardware and software does not constitute the complete VR system.
The organism (users) and its interaction with the hardware is equally important.

VR hardware constitutes of sensors which act as transducer to convert the energy it receives into a
signal from an electrical circuit. This sensor has receptor to collect the energy for conversion and
organism has sense organs such as eyes and ears for the same purpose.

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VR Devices
The figure below) shows the high-level view of Virtual World Generator (VWG). The inputs are received
from the leaner and his surroundings and appropriate view of the world are rendered to displays for VR

Input devices
Input devices provide users the sense of immersion and determine the way a user communicates with
the computer. It helps users to navigate and interact within a VR environment to make it intuitive and
natural as possible.

Most commonly used input devices are joysticks; force Balls/Tracking balls, controller wands, data
gloves, trackpads, On-device control buttons, motion trackers, bodysuits, treadmills and motion
platforms (virtual omni).

VR controllers

Output Devices

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Devices that each stimulate a sense organ. Output devices are used for presenting the
VR content or environment to the users and it is utmost devices to generate an
immersive feeling. These include visual, auditory or haptic displays.

Head display, audio output and controller

Personal Computer (PC)/Console/Smartphone

Computers are used to process inputs and outputs sequentially. To power the content
creation and production significant computing power is required, thereby making
PC/consoles/smartphones important part of VR systems. The VR content is what users
view inside and perceive so it is equally important as other hardwares.

Apart from input, output hardware and its coordination, the underlying software is
also equally important . It is responsible for the managing of I/O devices, analyzing
incoming data and generating proper feedback . The whole application is time-critical
and software must manage it: input data must be handled timely and the system
response that is sent to the output displays must be prompt in order not to destroy the
feeling of immersion.

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The VR- training Lab

The Virtual Reality Lab provides experimental environments for simulation,

and 3D interaction. It is a large-scale simulation environment that allows for
life-sized interaction with computer simulations and full-body motion
It divided into stations each station composes of computer, output display
and controllers enough for two or more learners. In addition to that it
provides tables for drawing reading and main widescreen display for
instructor to view simulator.

The VR lab wide space for leaners to move around and review plant drawing

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Simulators and software

Simtronics VFO

The VFO is an interactive 3d virtual plant developed to the trainees visualizes and
understand the actual oil and gas plant.
The challenges of training process engineers for operations in an oil refinery and has
explored the use of novel technologies in the VR space to improve training experience.
An oil refinery is full of pipes which extend for miles, massive containers and complex
machinery. Keeping track of all the pipes along with the information needed to operate
the machinery is nerve wracking. It is hard for a new employee to understand the process
details, map the images on a paper or a screen with equipment of the plant without the
help of an experienced trainer familiar with the refinery.

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Is plant-specific, 3D modules for training of newcomers engineers and operators . The

aim of the integrated 3D system is to improve knowledge transfer, learning and retention
by enabling the user to respond to real-world issues in a highly realistic and faithful, yet
safe environment.
Gilgamesh is platform full featured implementation (with Learning Management System
integration) to deploy interactive 3D training modules and 3D videos.

Form inside Gilgamesh simulator

SPSP-Operations 16
Simulation scenarios for GOAP plant

The GOSP operator can run and practice the following scenarios in virtual environment similar to the
real workplace:

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S1- Inspect and operate gas testers:

In this scenario the learner will inspect and use multi gas tester to detect and report gas
leak at GGM, HPPT and knockout drums.

Training outcome: the trainee will be able to use and inspect virtually gas detector at the
workplace(GOSP) and report emergency of the gas leak in the Simtronic VFO simulator.

NOTE: Remember these devices are learning tools not toys or video games.

Sequence of the scenario:

1- Look to the drawing (PFD) and identify the location of GGM101, HPPT212 and D4012
2- Check the head display and the controller working well.
3- Look to the figure of gas detectors picture provided by your trainer.
4- Before you put head display on check there is plenty of space no obstructions (cables, table etc…
5- Start the simulator and put output display on move to PPE cabinet and select correct PPE for
the task.
6- Move to gas tester cabinet in the control room and pick one 4in1 gas tester and check if it
working well and last inspection date and battery status.
7- Look around and use the safe route to the GGM101, check the wind direction from windsocks.
8- Stand in safe position and do risk assessment then Start the tester then make first test at the
pipeline joints and the valves record the reading of O2, CO2, LEL and H2S. Make the test three
times in different places.
9- Change the tester by another type and repeat the test as above.
10- If you find that the test results above the safe range use your portable radio to report it to the
control room or your supervisor.

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Refinery VR Training Scenarios:
1-Operator required to line-up from feed tank to distillation column.
2-Operate and monitor close lubrication system.
3-Manually adjust and operate furnace temperature
4-Nitrogen purge for Reflux drum
5-The Operator Work as fire watch.
6-Emergency evacuation (gas leak).
7-Start and Control the vacuum distillation.
8-Transfer Distillation Products through cooler to storage.
9-Collect product sample.
10-Switch over duty and stand by centrifugal pump.
All GOSP and Refinery Scenarios in different files

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