Lesson Plan in Science

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Lesson Plan in Science

Grade 1 : Unit I – Matter Teacher : Tricia L. De Guzman

I. Subject Matter
Topic: Smell of Objects
Reference: Science in Our World (Norma M. Abracia, Ed. D.), page 50-53
Material: Laptop, Power point presentation, several items for activities

II. Procedure


A. Routine Activities
1. Greetings
2. Opening Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Classroom Management

B. Motivation
I. Activity (5-10mins)
“Smell and Tell”
- The teacher will present several items. The students will smell and tell
their description about the objects while their eyes are closed. (Ex.
cologne, chocolate, toothpaste, etc…)
- How can you describe the smell of the objects?
- We did that activity because our topic for today is about smell of
A. Unlocking of Words:
(smell, pleasant, unpleasant)

- Smell is a power of recognizing, observing, or identifying odors or

scents by using our nose.
- Pleasant is a word to describe a sense of happy satisfaction or
enjoyment. It means when something or someone is pleasant, then it is
nice and enjoyable to smell.
- Unpleasant is word that causes discomfort and unhappiness. It is not
enjoyable. If it is unpleasant it is discomforting.

An object may have a pleasant or an unpleasant smell.

B. Activity
The teacher will show some pictures through power point
presentation. The learners will identify if the think the picture have a
pleasant or an unpleasant smell. If it is pleasant, the students will stand, if
not, students will sit.


 Objects can be described by their smell.

 An object may have a pleasant or an unpleasant smell.
 We use our skills of observing, describing, and comparing in smelling
of objects.


- Oral reflection:
 How can you describe the smell of objects?

We are able to describe the smell of objects through the use of

sense of smell.

 What is the importance of the sense of smell?

Smell is an important sense because it can alert us to danger like

gas leak, fire or rotten food. This enables us to track food and

 How can you imagine yourself without having the power of

sensing odors or smelling?

Smell is so closely connected to taste when smell is weakened it

can cause people to change what they eat. Without smell, food
becomes tasteless and this results people adding salt to improve the
flavor and it can cause danger to our health.


- The teacher will give another written activity regarding ways to take
care of our nose or our sense of smell.

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