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Brasov, 22-24 May 2014



Răzvan-Lucian ANDRONIC*

*Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, University Spiru Haret, Braşov, România

Abstract: Theories on volunteering are various in origin (they come from sociology, social
assistance, psycho-sociology, political science), reflecting the diversity of forms of manifestation
of this type of prosocial behavior. Malina Voicu and Bogdan Voicu (2003, 2004) conducted a
synthesis of these theoretical explanations, which I will refer to in the first part of this section. I
will also present the five theoretical models of volunteering described by Peggy A. Thoits and
Lyndi N. Hewitt (2001) and at the end of the article I will refer to the interpretation of
volunteering in terms of the sociology of emotions.

Keywords: volunteering, motivation, social emotions.

1. INTRODUCTION states that the cultural dimension of

volunteering is more important than the
Malina Voicu and Bogdan Voicu (2003) presence of a particular type of resource. Also,
conducted a synthesis of different theoretical this includes the research on the motivations of
approaches of volunteering , considering that individuals who become volunteers.
they can be classified into two major
categories : 2. SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC
- A first category of explanations focuses on CHARACTERISTICS OF VOLUNTEERS
the different types of resources or
characteristics (social capital, human capital, The social capital (particularly the bridging
income, gender affiliation and age, urban / type) is important for volunteering, because
rural environmen) and their contribution in volunteering activities involve participation,
the production of voluntary behavior . After cooperation and trust in people. The
the identification of these resources we can organizations that recruit volunteers frequently
create a " perfect profile " of the volunteer in a use the social networks of their own members
certain culture , beginning with the identified (Pearce, 1993 apud Voicu and Voicu, 2004).
sociodemographic characteristics ; John Wilson and Marc A. Musick (1997) show
- A second category of explanations is based that people with a large social network have a
on the beliefs and values of the volunteers and higher probability to contact and work as
volunteers, and participation as a volunteer prepared to raise children. They have more
contributes to a further increase of the social time to become volunteer” (Oesterle, 2004
network: "organized volunteering is in its apud Voicu and Voicu, 2004, 4). Volunteering
essence, a form of sociability, and increases in older people has many positive effects
the frequency of social contacts " (Voicu, "probably because the services brought to the
2005, 122). community become a substitute for
The human capital has been related to employment when retirement occurs" (Thoits
volunteering, especially in terms of "dominant and Hewitt 2001, 117).
status model " developed by David Horton Typically, volunteers are recruited
Smith (1994), under which volunteers are from urban areas. This can be explained on
people who have high-level features related to one hand by the abundance of social networks
human capital. that intersect here (used by organizations to
The frequency of voluntary acts is recruit volunteers and to increase its capital),
directly related to the income of potential but also because non-profit organizations,
volunteers (Smith, 1994). The persons who are those who recruit volunteers (especially public
not "concerned for tomorrow" find more easily ones) are more present in urban areas than in
the necessary time to involve as volunteers. At rural areas. The controversy exists
the society level the economic development theoretically only related to the size of cities
tends to produce high levels of volunteering, that promote volunteering and it is far from
hence a possible explanation for the increased being resolved, thanks to the intervention of
interest in volunteering in Romania in the last other factors that may promote volunteering
years. (for example, if a city is or not a university
With regard to gender affiliation, center in Romania, particularly with regard to
theoretically, there are points of view that say social-human faculties).
that women should be voluntary rather than
men, given the fact that they possess some 3. INDIVIDUAL VALUES AND
qualities required by volunteering ( higher MOTIVATIONS
scores on the various tests aiming to measure
empathy or altruism), and they are also less The involvement as a volunteer has an
involved in the labor market (Wilson, 2000). expressive function for the individual, which
Other authors state that men should rather be can so express the values that drive his
volunteers given the fact that they have more existence (eg religious ones - Wilson and
features of the "dominant status model" Musick, 1997). Regarding individual
compared to the female population. motivation leading to volunteering, the works
At a distance of ten years, two studies consulted specifically insist on the awareness
that sought to identify the ideal profile of the of opportunities for expanding the social
volunteer in Romania have conflicting results network, acquiring new skills and
in terms of gender affiliation: in 1997 it was qualifications or pursuing a form of social
more male (Saulean, 1999, 24) and in 2007 recognition . Thus, volunteering seems rather
nearly two-thirds were women (Rigman, 2008, generated by motivations that have nothing to
4). do with altruism . Susan Eckstein (2001, 230)
From a theoretical perspective, the insists that in becoming a volunteer " unequal
volunteers come from the ages where free time exchanges contribute to strengthening the
is more available, compared to the working reputation , prestige and authority " , hence the
population: teenagers and people in early conclusion reached by Malina Voicu and
retirement. Regarding adolescents and young Bogdan Voicu (2005, 5) : " Excluding the
people, for them, the probability to become purely altruistic factors, the determinants of
volunteers is lower for those who work - volunteering can be reduced to a set of
compared to those who study - or if they have resources or socio-economic indicators of
children compared with those who do not. For status" .
the other ages, the presence of children is not Starting from the two major theoretical
an impediment "Older parents tend to be better explanation of volunteering, Malina Voicu and


Brasov, 22-24 May 2014

Bogdan Voicu (2005, 5) form a portrait of the c) „The role-identity model” show that past
volunteer in Eastern Europe, which is similar performance by a person of a voluntary action
to that of the volunteer in Western Europe: "a leads to the development of a "volunteer role
well-educated person, with an extensive social identity" that motivates future involvement as
network that has a good financial situation and a volunteer of the same person;
seek to fulfill necessities of higher order. d) „The volunteer personality model” suggests
Furthermore, we expect to find higher levels of there are personality or disposition variables
volunteering among young people with a high that favor volunteering. In this context, Allen
level of religious practice and residing in and Rushton (1983, cited in Thoits and Hewitt
urban areas. " 2001, 117) conclude that "volunteer
participation is higher for individuals with
4. THEORETIC MODELS OF internal control, with high self-esteem and a
VOLUNTEERING high emotional stability. These results suggest
that people who generally have higher
Peggy A. Thoits and Lyndi N. Hewitt (2001, personal coping resources [...] and have a
117-118) describe four models of volunteers better state of mental health would be more
that „in present, guide the literature "on this likely to volunteer. "
field and propose a specific model, that of" e) „The personal well-being model” combines
personal welfare "(" the personal well -being personality characteristics (self confidence ,
model "): sense of control over their own lives , self-
a) "The volunteer motivations model" esteem and self-esteem of a high level) and a
emphasizes the role of individual motivations good (physical and mental) health, as a list of
in volunteering, the range being an extremely their own personal resources to those who
extended one "for example, to learn new skills, search / are being searched to volunteer . The
develop personality, increase self-esteem, relationship volunteering / personal welfare is
career preparation, expressing personal values a mutual one " studies suggest that people with
and commitment to community or even a higher welfare (eg , greater psychosocial
reducing intrapersonal conflicts or threats to resources and physical or mental health) will
their identity. " Volunteering serves different become volunteers more often and people who
motivations both from one person to another are involved in community service may have a
and also for the same person, which leads to greater life satisfaction , self-esteem ,
concluding that "the selection of volunteers awareness of the meaning of life , physical and
can not be systematic or patented at a general mental health " (Thoits and Hewitt, 2001, 118)
level ", due to motivational poliformism
(Thoits and Hewitt, , 2001, 117); 5. VOLUNTEERING AND THE
b) „Values and attitudes model” stresses the SOCIOLOGY OF EMOTIONS
link between volunteering and individual
belief on the importance of civic participation In the last three decades the sociology of
and responsibility felt to produce charitable emotions crystalized as a new area of research
behavior. Not surprisingly at all, the values (Chelcea, 2007) and in psycho-sociology, "the
and attitudes favorable to the voluntary civic idea that emotions are social, that are rooted in
involvement influences volunteering
social relations is now widely accepted" volunteers can give help and it will be
(Chelcea and Zodieru, 2008, 369). accepted as such "sympathy mobilizes those
Septimiu Chelcea (2007, 161) states who like each other to focus on the moral
that "the theories of prosocial behavior have, if aspects, the cultural rules and thereby,
not entirely, at least partially, validity in the sympathy has the function of social
analysis of sympathy (and perhaps other integration."
emotions). Showing sympathy to someone, we  
give them support to overcome the critical REFERENCES
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