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A. KD. 3.6. Too & Enough

1. Kayla : Your voice is … soft to hear. Would you please speak louder?
Tania : Ok!
A. too D. too much
B. very E. too many
C. enough
2. Christa : Mom, Do we have … food to feed the cats?
Mother : Sure, you may check the refrigerator.
A. too D. too much
B. very E. too many
C. enough
3. Pipit : Magelang Regional Government will hold the flag hoisting troop’s recruitment.
Do you want to join it?
Yuanita : I think so. I have a strong motivation and I am discipline … to join it.
A. too D. too much
B. enough E. very
C. too many
4. Ricky : There are … books to read. Don’t you think we can finish our reading project on time?
Brian : I’m not sure. But I think we have to do it quickly.
A. too D. too much
B. very E. too many
C. enough
5. Lia : The soup is too plain. There are … water in it.
Indi : Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll make another one.
A. too D. too much
B. very E. too many
C. enough
B. KD. 3.7. Advertisement

Read the text carefully. The text is for qustion number 6 to 8!

6. What is the text about?

A. Bromo Festival D. Jazz Gunung festival
B. International Festival E. Hot Air balloon festival
C. Taman Nasional Tengger
7. How many days will the event be held?
A. A day D. twenty six days
B. Two days E. twenty eight days
C. Three days
8. How many time has the festival ever taken place?
A. None D. Third
B. Once E. fourth
C. Twice

Read the text carefully. The text is for qustion number 9!

9. Which statement is true according to the text?
A. The seminar lasted for 6 hours
B. The topic of the seminar is economics
C. We could only register through the website
D. The committee holds the seminar every month
E. There was additional charge for lunch and tour

Read the text carefully. The text is for qustion number 10!

10. What should we do to join the event?

A. Contacting the speakers
B. Registering to UGM university
C. Coming to Grand Mercure hotel
D. Buying the ticket in the website
E. Making confirmation to moderator

KD. 3.8. Report

Read the text carefully. The text is for qustion number 11 to 12!

Camera, in photography, is a device for recording image of an object on a light-sensitive surface; it

is essentially a light-tight box with an aperture to admit light focused onto a sensitized film or plate.
The earliest camera was the camera obscura, which was adapted to making a permanent image by
Joseph Nicéphore Niepce and Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre of France in the 1820s and 1830s. Many
improvements followed in the 19th century, notably flexible film, developed and printed outside the
camera. In the 20th century a variety of cameras was developed for many different purposes,
including aerial photography, document copying, and scientific research.
Though there are many types of cameras, all include five indispensable components: (1) the
camera box, which holds and protects the sensitive film from all light except that entering through the
lens; (2) film, on which the image is recorded, a light-sensitive strip usually wound on a spool, either
manually or automatically, as successive pictures are taken; (3) the light control, consisting of an aperture
or diaphragm and a shutter, both often adjustable; (4) the lens, which focuses the light rays from the
subject onto the film, creating the image, and which is usually adjustable by moving forward or back,
changing the focus; and (5) the viewing system, which may be separate from the lens system (usually
above it) or may operate through it by means of a mirror.
11. What is the text about?
A. The parts of camera D. The procedure of using camera
B. The invention of camera E. The definition of camera
C. The function of camera
12. “ … it is essentially a light-tight box with an aperture to admit light … ” (paragraph 1 line 2)
The underlined word refers to ….
A. Camera D. Recording image
B. Device E. light sensitive-surface
C. Photography

Read the text carefully. The text is for qustion number 13 to 15!
Photocopying machine, also called Photocopier, is any device for producing copies of text or
graphic material by the use of light, heat, chemicals, or electrostatic charges. The need for a process
other than wet photographic reproduction for copying documents stimulated the invention of various
techniques, notably the diffusion-transfer and dye-line processes, during the early 1950s. In the diffusion-
transfer process. The negative is then placed in contact with a sheet of positive transfer paper and fed
into a developer. When the two sheets are peeled apart, the image is transferred to the positive paper.
The dye-line process also requires a translucent original but only one sheet of sensitized paper. This
process uses ammonia fumes rather than liquid to develop the image, obviating problems of paper
Another photocopying method that became available in the early 1950s uses the heat of infrared
light. In this process, sometimes called thermography, sensitized copy paper is placed in contact with the
original and both are exposed to infrared rays. The original absorbs the rays in areas darkened by print or
by the lines and shades of an illustration, and thereby transfers the impressions to the surface of the copy
The method most widely used by modern office photocopiers is called xerography (from the Greek
words meaning “dry writing”). It involves the application of electrostatic charges and heat, is extremely
versatile and can be employed to produce copies of all kinds of written, printed, and graphic matter. The
basis of the process is photoconductivity, an increase in the ability of certain substances to allow an
electric current to flow through them when struck by light. When the light is removed, their mobility falls.
Other improvements were introduced, making it possible to print on both sides of the paper, sort and
collate, automatically produce a predetermined number of copies, and enlarge or reduce the image
reproduced from the original. Xerographic machines capable of duplicating colored materials became
available in the 1970s.
The development of fast and efficient photocopying machines has benefitted business and
government tremendously. It has, however, created copyright problems and stimulated changes in
existing copyright laws and regulations in the United States and elsewhere.
13. What is the function of the text?
A. To show how to use Photocopier
B. To give opinion about Photocopier
C. To persuade reader to use Photocopier
D. To describe the methods of photocopying
E. To retell the reader about the invention of Photocopier
14. “It has, however, created copyright problems and stimulated changes.”
(Paragraph 4 line 2). The underlined word has the closest meaning to the word ….
A. gave D. used
B. took E. put
C. created
15. What are the bad impact of photocopier in our modern life?
A. Reducing the use of paper D. Increasing the use of electricity
B. Copying document becomes possible E. Breaking the copyright laws and
C. Transferring documents becomes easier

C. KD. 3.9 Proverbs & Riddles

16. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”

The proverb shares the similar meaning to ….
A. Two wrongs don’t make a right
B. A friend in need is a friend indeed
C. A journey begin with a single step
D. Don’t put all the eggs in one basket
E. To live with the wolves, you have to howl like a wolf

17. It is better to do something on time. Even if we can’t do it on time, we still have to do it.
What is the proper proverb to express the situation above?
A. Practice makes perfect D. Actions speaks louder than words
B. Fortune favors the bold E. Hope for the best but prepare the
C. Better late than never
18. “Money is like sea water. The more you drink, the thirstier you become.”
What is the value of the proverb?
A. Religion D. Justice
B. Economic E. Culture
C. Technology
19. Make hay while the sun ….
A. sets D. bright
B. rises E. ups
C. shines
20. Hery : I don’t think I could pass the English test.
Reinhart : Why do you think so?
Hery : I think English is hard to master. Some materials are too hard to understand.
Reinhart : That’s not right. English is fun. Come on. …. It’s not like what you think.
I believe as long as you study hard and have good will you will master it.
Hery : Thank you for your motivation. I will try my best.
A. Easy come easy go
B. Don’t judge book by its cover
C. Two wrongs don’t make a right
D. Don’t put too many irons in the fire
E. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today
21. It is so fragile that if you say its name you will break it. What is it?
A. Glass D. Night
B. Heart E. Silence
C. Sand

22. What flies without wings?

A. bird D. Clock
B. butterfly E. broom
C. time
23. Its job is to get wet. What is it?
A. Water D. Pool
B. Towel E. River
C. Ocean
24. What grows down?
A. Beard D. eyebrows
B. Whisker E. eyelashes
C. Mustache
25. What has four legs and flies?
A. A beautiful Birds D. A flying elephant
B. An amazing peacock E. A thin cow
C. A dirty horse

D. KD. 3.10 Songs

Read the text carefully. The text is for qustion number 26 to 27!

(Verse 2)
HERO (Mariah Carey) It's a long road
When you face the world alone
(Verse 1)
No one reaches out a hand
There's a hero
For you to hold
If you look inside your heart
You can find love
You don't have to be afraid
If you search within yourself
Of what you are
And the emptiness you felt
There's an answer
Will disappear
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away (Chorus)

(Verse 3)
And then a hero comes along
Lord knows
With the strength to carry on Dreams are hard to follow
And you cast your fears aside But don't let anyone
And you know you can survive Tear them away
So when you feel like hope is gone Hold on
Look inside you and be strong There will be tomorrow
And you'll finally see the truth In time
You'll find the way
That a hero lies in you


26.“And the sorrow that you know “The underlined word shares the same meaning with the word ….
A. joy D. thrill
B. sadness E. gladness
C. feeling
27.“Tear them away” The underlined word refers to ….
A. long road D. hands
B. dreams E. Lord
C. emptiness
Read the text carefully. The text is for qustion number 28 to 30!

(Verse 2)
CLAY You see that girl in the hallway
Smile on her face as she walks away
(Verse 1)
Trying to tear her down was your first mistake
You see a girl in the hallway
'Cause little do you know
And then you whisper to your friend
She wasn't built to break
"Who is she anyway?"
'Cause you don't hurt me
You forgot what she looks like in like a day
I won't mold to
But your words don't hurt me
I will be OK
'Cause you don't hurt me Back to Pre Chorus
I won't mold to
(Pre Chorus) Try to change my shape
Your silly words But, baby, I'm not clay
I won't live inside your world Sorry, not today
'Cause your punches and your names 'Cause, baby, I'm not...
All your jokes and stupid games
They don't work Try to change my shape
No, they don't hurt But, baby, I'm not clay
Watch them just go right through me Sorry, not today
Because they mean nothing to me 'Cause, baby, I'm not clay
I'm not clay

Artist : Grace

28. Who is the song aimed at?

A. The singer’ friends D. The singer’s haters
B. The singer’s family E. The singer’s neighbor
C. The singer’s fans
29. What does the singer want to do?
A. To spread love D. To express sadness on bullying
B. To pay revenge E. To give message to stop bullying
C. To apologize
30. Below are the purposes of a song, EXCEPT?
A. To entertain the listener D. To teach moral values hidden in lyrics
B. To make the singer famous E. To persuade the listener to buy the
C. To express the writer’s feeling

A. KD. 3.6. Too & Enough
Please complete the sentences with “enough’ or “too”
31. Her performance is (lovely), the costume is awesome. Everyone loves her performance.
32. When you have (activities), you have to manage your time. So you can still study.
33. He drinks (coffee). He will get stomachache.
34. Do you have (time) to do your homework?
35. I love dancing. But, I’m not (good) to join the Dancing Competition in Artos Mall.

B. KD. 3.7. Advertisement

Please read the text carefully. The text is for qustion number 36 to 38!
36. What is the event about?
37. When will the event take place?
38. What should we do if we want to join the

Please read the text carefully. The text is for qustion number 39 to 40!
39. How many days will the event
take place?
40. Who is the target of the

C. KD. 3.8. Report

Please read the text carefully and answer the question below
A Projector is an optical instrument that is used to project a picture on a blank screen with the
help of reflection or as done by a lantern. Basically, it enlarges and reflects an object. This is done with
the help of lenses, prism and mirror that is used as a reflector. Apart from other requirements, a bright
light is a must for the best outcome of the image.

The very first concept of projection was used in 1646

by a German priest, Athanasius Kircher. He used to project the
hand-painted images onto a blank white screen with the help of
a candle or oil lamp. His concept formed the basis for other
people to invent a device which was known as a “Projector”.
Later in 1879, Eadweard Muybridge developed a device called
“Zoopraxiscope”. This was used to show movies and pictures
by creating an illusion movement. He is generally referred to as
“Father of the motion picture”.

He later met Thomas Edison and suggested to invent a device that would result from the
collaboration of his “Zoopraxiscope”and Edison’s “Phonograph”. Edison was not interested in participating
in the project. But, he filed a caveat with the Patent’s office in 1888 describing his views for a device
which he named as “Kinetoscope” which would be used for projection. Kinetoscope is a combination of
two Greek words, “Kineto” and “Scopos”. “Kineto” means “movement” and “Scopos” means “to watch”. He
described that the device would record and reproduce the objects in motion.
William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, a photographer by profession and Edison’s assistant was
assigned the task. He started experimenting on the idea conceived by Edison. In 1995, Woodville Latham
created Eidoloscope projector. Latham was technically advised by Dickson on the machine. This episode
led to Dickson leaving Edison’s company.
At the same time, C. Francis Jenkins and Thomas Armat invented a film projector called the
“Phantoscope” which was demonstrated to the public in 1895. Soon, both of them parted their ways and
started claiming the credit for the invention. Thomas Armat showed the device to Raff and Gammon who
were the owners of the Kinetoscope Company. They further negotiated the device with Thomas Edison on
manufacturing the projector under his name. Edison agreed the deal with a condition that Phantoscope
will be advertised as a new invention by Edison. This invention of his was then named as “Vitascope”.
The first demonstration of “Vitascope” was done on April 23, 1896, at Koster and Bial’s Music Hall
in New York. Soon Vitascope became very famous. Later in November 1896, a new projector called
Projectoscope or Projecting Kinetoscope was developed by “The Edison Company” which was
commercially successful.
41. What is the text about?
42. What is the function of Kinetoscope?
43. “He started experimenting on the idea conceived by Edison” (paragraph 4 line 2)
The underlined refers to ….
44. “… Francis Jenkins and Thomas Armat invented a film projector called the “Phantoscope.”
The underlined word has the closest meaning to the word ….
45. What is the most beneficial thing of projector in our modern life?

D. KD. 3.9 Proverbs & Riddles

Please fill in the blank with suitable word to make a good proverbs!
46. Too many cooks spoil the broth A. What you do is more important than what you say
47. The grass is greener on the other side B. To act while an opportunity exists
48. Better late than never C. It’s better to finish something late than to never do it
49. Actions speak louder than words D. Too many people managing an activity can ruin it.
50. Make hay while the sun shines. E. People always want what they don’t have

Please match the riddles with its answer!

51. How many sides does a ball have? A. E
52. Beginning of everything, end of time B. time
53. Half of it is sand but people love it C. M
54. Once in a minute, twice in a moment D. sandwich
55. It doesn’t have wing but it can fly E. 2

E. KD. 3.10 Songs

Heal the World

There's a place in your heart and I know that it is love And the dream we were conceived in
And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow Will reveal a joyful face
And if you really try you'll find there's no need to cry And the world we once believed in
In this place you'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
There are ways to get there Wound this earth, crucify its soul
If you care enough for the living Though it's plain to see
Make a little space, Make a better place This world is heavenly
Be god's glow
Chorus :
Heal the world We could fly so high, Let our spirits never die
Make it a better place In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
For you and for me Create a world with no fear
And the entire human race Together we cry happy tears
There are people dying See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place We could really get there
For you and for me If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space. To make a better place
If you want to know why
There's love that cannot lie (Chorus)
Love is strong
It only cares of joyful giving There are people dying
If we try we shall see If you care enough for the living
In this bliss we cannot feel Make a better place for you and for me
Fear of dread You and for me
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always Songwriters: Michael Joe Jackson
Love's enough for us growing Heal the World lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing
So make a better world LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc
Make a better place

Please answer the questions based on the song above!

56.Who writes the song?
57.What is the song about?
58.What is the mood of the song?
59.What is the purpose of the text?
60.What is the message of the song?

- Good Luck -

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