Health 1st PT g7

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Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. State of complete physical, mental, emotional, social, moral-spiritual and environmental well
a.Disease b. Disorder c. Health d. Illness
2. Dimension of health that is a state of well- being when all internal and external body parts can
function properly as they are supposed to function.
a.Emotional Health b. Moral- Spiritual Health c. Physical Health d. Social Health
3. Dimension of health that is being a lifelong learner by continuously wanting to learn new things
and improve one’s skills.
a.Emotional Health b. Mental Health c. Physical Health d. Social Health
4. Dimension of health that include strong communication skills, empathy for others and a sense of
a.Emotional Health b. Mental Health c. Physical Health d. Social Health
5. Dimension of health that is understanding and liking yourself as well as accepting and learning
from your
a.Emotional Health b. Moral- Spiritual Health c. Physical Health d. Social Health
6. Dimension of health that is being at peace and in harmony with yourself, others and a higher
a.Emotional Health b. Moral- Spiritual Health c. Physical Health d. Social Health
7. Dimension of health that is understanding the effect to ourselves of the air, the water and the
land that
a.Emotional Health b. Environmental Health c. Physical Health d. Social Health
8. Lifelong process of physical, mental, emotional, social, moral-spiritual & environmental growth
and change.
a.Disease b. Disorder c. Health d. Illness
9. A stage of development where the Trust vs. Mistrust is developed from birth to 1st year a.
Grade Schooler b. Infancy c. Pre- Schooler d. Toddler
10. A stage of development where the initiative vs. guilt is developed from ages 3 to 6 a. Grade
Schooler b. Infancy c. Pre- Schooler d. Toddler
11. A stage of development where the identity vs. role confusion is developed from ages 13 to 19. a.
Grade Schooler b. Infancy c. Teen Ager d. Toddler
12. A stage of development where the Generativity vs. Self-absorption is developed from ages 40 to
60. a. Grade Schooler b. Middle Age Adult c. Teen Ager d. Toddler
13. Period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an
adult. a.Adolescence b. Disorder c. Health d. Puberty
14. The period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of
reproduction. a.Adolescence b. Disorder c. Health d. Puberty
15. Type of physical change during adolescence where those directly related to the sex organs.
a.Adolescence b. Disorder c. Primary Sex Characteristics d. Secondary Sex Characteristics
16. Type of physical change during adolescence where changes not directly related to sexual
reproduction a.Adolescence b. Disorder c. Primary Sex Characteristics d. Secondary Sex
17. Type of change in health dimension where adolescents experience emotional changes as in their
moody state. a. Emotional Change b. Mental Change c. Physical Change d. Social Change
18. Series of procedure to assess or determine the health status of the students. a.Health Appraisal
b. Health Devaluation c. Health Disposal d. Health Underestimati
19. Health screening test that keeps you informed of any dental problems a.Dental Exam b. Height
Taking c. Medical Exam d. Weight Taking
20. Health screening test that keeps you aware if you are within your ideal weight a.Dental Exam b.
Height Taking c. Medical Exam d. Weight Taking
21. Health screening test that keeps you informed of any abnormal curvature of your spine. a.Breast
Self- Examination b. Hearing Test c. Scoliosis Test d. Vision Test
22. Health screening test that check the ability to hear the loudness and pitch of the sound. a.Breast
Self- Examination b. Hearing Test c. Scoliosis Test d. Vision Test

23. Health, by definition, is merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

24. Physical health is state of well-being when all internal and external body parts can function
properly as they are supposed to function.

25. Emotional health means understanding and liking yourself as well as accepting and learning
from your mistakes.

26. For the adolescents to manage nutrition and physical activity, they should balance the food that
they eat with physical activity.

27. Your body fights infection, repairs cells and grows during sleep, therefore you should stay up
late at night scrolling through social media.

28. To manage your body odor, you should shower or bathe regularly, especially after playing sports
or sweating a lot

29. To avoid dental problems, you should always eat sweet snacks that stick to your teeth

30. For the adolescents to manage nutrition and physical activity, they should engage in physical
activity and follow the Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide.
31. Attaining holistic health means_______________________.
A. you need to develop all dimensions of your health.
B. living a healthy and happy life.
C. keeping your body fit
D. means being a lifelong learner
32. Which of the following can help you attain and maintain holistic health?
A. a positive attitude
B. correct health information
C. healthy practices
D. All of the above
33. How can one attain Physical Health?
A. Practicing cleanliness and good grooming habits
B. keeping your body fit by exercising and participating in active games
C. Avoiding harmful substances, such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs of abuse
D. All of the above
34. A mentally healthy person is?
A. open to new ideas and experiences that can improve personal, family, and community life.
B. continuously wanting to learn new things and improve one’s kills
C. get along with other people.
D. Both A & B
35. It refers to how well you get along with other people.
A. Social Health
B. Moral-spiritual Health
C. Emotional Health
D. Physical Health
36. It refers to your personal beliefs, values, and faith. It means being at peace and in harmony with
yourself, others and a higher power or bigger reality.
A. Social Health
B. Moral-spiritual Health
C. Emotional Health
D. Physical Health
37. What dimension of health does “Telling the truth” develop most?
A. Social health
B. Moral-spiritual Health
C. Emotional health
D. Mental health
38. Which of the following activity can develop most the Moral-spiritual Health?
A. Jogging around the park
B. Getting enough rest and sleep
C. Respecting your parents and elders
D. Going out with family and friends
39. Why it is there a need to develop all dimensions of one’s health and coping skills?
A. to prevent and control the diseases
B. to ensure good quality of life for the individual
C. to be able to face challenges of adolescent life
D. All of these
40. How can unpleasant body odor due to active secretion of sweat glands be prevented?
A. Change clothes more often.
B. Shave the hair of the armpit.
C. Use perfume to hide the odor.
D. Take a bath regularly and use deodorant.
41. Poor posture among adolescents is due to_______.
A. eating less healthful food.
B. doing strenuous exercises.
C. slouching due to their height.
D. playing computer and video games
42. It means how well your body functions. It means you can carry out everyday tasks without
becoming too tired.
A. Social Health
B. Moral-spiritual Health
C. Emotional Health
D. Physical Health

The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”
- John Wooden

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