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Mr. heri : Attention, please!

Arif : Yes, sir.

1. The underline word is expression of….
A. Giving attention B. Responding attention C. Giving opinion D. Asking opinion

Mrs. Rina : May I have your attention, please?

Students : ….
2. The best response to complete dialogue above is….
A. Yes, Ma’am B. Yes, Please. C. Yes, Sir. D. Thank you

3. Gibran : look! My Father give me a new shoe.

Ilham : wow! That’s is beautiful.
Gibran : .....
A. It’s worst B. Sorry C. Thanks D. I don’t care

4. These are expressions of asking attention....

A. I know. B. You are amazing C. Excuse me. D. I do not know.

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2)

Rafasya: Do you know, my new roomate is very choosey. I don’t like her character.
Gilang : Really?
Rafasya: Embarrassing. He just talks big!
Gilang : Mmmmhh….
Rafasya: She is only concerned with herself and told about his branded things.
Gilang : Really?

1. The underlined word is showing …

A. Showing interesting news D. Responding of certainty
B. Responding Admiration E. Showing Attention
C. Asking Attention

2. Why Rafasya very angry with his new girlfriend?

A. She is annoying D. She is very kind
B. She is generous E. She is very nice
C. She is very talkative

Complete the dialogue below (for question number 3 and 4)

Lukman: A terrible thing happened to me yesterday. My mom was very angry to me.
Ikhsan: Oh my God. Why?
Lukman: I lost my motorcycle when I parked it in front of the bookstore.
Ikhsan: Oh No !! ____________.

3. Why Rangga’s mother was very angry?

A. Rangga had lost his motorcycle
B. Rangga has stolen a motorcycle
C. Rangga was parked in front of the bookstore
D. Rangga told Riadi that his motorcycle was lost
E. Rangga bought a new motorcycle

4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. It sound nice C. I am really happy to hear that E. You can do it
B. Buy a new one D. I’m sorry to hear that.
1. Mr. heri : Attention, please!
Arif : Yes, sir.
jawabannya B karena Arif merespon ungkapan attention dari Mr. Heri (responding
Attention). bukan C atau D, karena itu tidak berbicara masalah pendapat.

2. Mrs. Rina : May I have your attention, please?

Students : ….
karena yang bertanya adalah Mrs. Rina (perempuan) jawaban "yes" harus juga diikuti kata
yang identik dengan perempuan (ma'am) jadi jawabannya adalah A.

3. Gibran : look! My Father give me a new shoe.

Ilham : wow! That’s is beautiful.
Gibran : .....
Ilham memberikan sebuah pujian atau complement kepada gibran, selayaknya gibran juga
berterima kasih. Jawabannya C.

4. These are expressions of asking attention....

dari pilihan A, B, C dan D. ungkapan meminta perhatian yang tepat adalah excuse me

5. E
6. C
7. A
8. D

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