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Ms.Swati Garg, Research Scholar, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam University, Indore.

E-Mail: Mob: 9302448080

Dr.Rakesh Chouhan, Professor, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam University, Indore. Mob:9926398100


Globalization and Liberalization are the Mantras of the new world economy today, which is
now on the flying path. Marketing management states the evolution of planning and
execution of goods and services to meet the objectives of an individual or organization. It
plans and develops the product on the basis of consumer needs. The focal point of marketing
strategies to provide all needs and wants of the consumers. Effectiveness of marketing
management can be evaluated by consumer preferences and marketing managers’
perspectives. It started with identification of customer set and their need structure. It
implements the strategies and programmes to achieve the goals of market. Optimum
utilization of resources and effort to deliver higher value to consumer and get great profit are
the purpose of the marketing.

This paper helps to identify the impact of marketing on growth of selected (bisleri, kinley and
jasco) mineral water industry in terms of product.

Globalization and Liberalization are the Mantras of the new world economy today, which is now
on the flying path. Marketing management states the evolution of planning and execution of
goods and services to meet the objectives of an individual or organization. It plans and develops
the product on the basis of consumer needs. The focal point of marketing strategies to provide all
needs and wants of the consumers. Effectiveness of marketing management can be evaluated by
consumer preferences and marketing managers’ perspectives. It started with identification of
customer set and their need structure. It implements the strategies and programmes to achieve the
goals of market. Optimum utilization of resources and effort to deliver higher value to consumer
and get great profit are the purpose of the marketing.
Rationale of the Study

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the marketing performance on the growth of packaged
drinking water industry operating in Indore and develop marketing structure in the light of
subsidies provided by central or state government with special focus on scheme like technology
up-gradation and integrated schemes and prevalent marketing practices adopted by companies
considering marketing to defend the health issues. The study will be mainly focused on the
drinking water industry possessing different profiles to develop effectual and efficient marketing
strategies for packaged drinking water industry
Literature Review
Nithyanandam (2000)1 in his found that the consumption pattern of packaged mineral water had
changed considerably and companies positioning mineral water as ramification of health has
made the market potential limitless.
Bates, A.J., (2000) 2 in his study entitled, “Water As Consumed and Its Impact on the
Consumer—Do We Understand the Variables” tells that the primary expectation that consumers

1 Nithyanandam (2000) “Market Status of Mineral Water Industry with Special Reference to
Team”Unpublished MBA project reference to submitted to Management Studies,
M.K.University, Madurai.
have of their supplier is that they provide safe drinking water. This has been confirmed by a
number of studies.
H0 : There is no significant impact of marketing on the growth of selected (Bisleri,
Kinley and Jasco) mineral water industry in terms of product.

Research Methodology

Research of good quality comes out from a well thought of research methodology. The purposes
of research methodology are:

(i) Establishment of relationship among variables.

(ii) Validation or revalidation of any given relationship.
(iii) Making of a statistical judgment on the population parameter through sampling
study (this is popularly known as hypothesis testing).
(iv) Explaining a phenomena.
(v) Establishment of cause and effect relationship and
(vi) Making conclusion for further scope.

The various steps are enumerated here under:

Research Area: The study was carried out in Indore city. As Indore is known as the commercial
city of M.P and situated in the Central Heart of India. The distributions of questionnaires were
made to the 200 Marketing Executives/Retailers and 500 consumers of Indore city.

Sampling Method: Purposive sampling was used for the purpose of this research. It includes
selecting sample elements that are available to participate in the research and who can provide
the information required to support the research according to the judgmental sampling.
Judgmental because of those consumers who use packaged drinking water.

Sample Size: Samples are the subsets of the population. Selected sample size for the purpose of
this study comprises of 200 Executives/Retailers and 500 consumers belonging to Indore city.

2Bates, A.J. (2000) “Water As Consumed And Its Impact on the Consumer—Do We Understand
TheVariables?, Food ChemToxicol, Vol.38, pp.29–36.
Tools for data collection: The modified scale was used for data collection in this study. Here,
the study has emphasized that for data collection self-constructed questionnaire which is based
on five point scale has used. Through questionnaire survey collected data is relevant. For final
collection of data reliability and validity of the scale is measured and then it is finally prepared.
In this study positive approach and a deductive logic have been followed by the researcher. It is
clear that the researcher has chosen the universe and the statement of the problem are both
independent and the researcher has the potentiality to study independently irrespective by his
own attitude and opinions (Johnson & Duberley, 2000). Researchers follow a social science as a
positive approach which has deductive logic and generalized the findings applicable to all the
situations simultaneously. The samples have high reliability and low validity when the
generalizations are made on the basis of observations (Collis & Hussey, 2003).

Primary data has only been used for the study. Self-designed questionnaire is the tool used for
the primary data collection, which has been made after studying the literature review and
consulting with experts of educational field. Offline and online mode were used for collecting
the responses, the respondents were communicated and personally time was taken and through
hard copy the questionnaires were got filled. For the collection of reviews, national journal,
international journals, articles, books and internet were studied by researcher.

Statistical Tools: One Way ANOVA and Correlation & Regression were applied on SPSS 20.0
for the data analysis ,to conclude the concrete results.


H0: There is no significant impact of marketing on the growth of selected (Bisleri, Kinley and
Jasco) mineral water industry in terms of product.

Table 2: Model Summary on Product Performance

Mo R R Adjusted Std. Error Change Statistics
del Square R Square of the R Square F df1 df2 Sig. F
Estimate Change Chang Change
1 .460 .212 .208 1.91898 .212 53.187 1 198 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), Marketing
From the above table shows the correlations and it is evident from that Pearson’s correlation
coefficient between marketing and product performance is 0.460 which is significant since the
significant value (p- value) 0.000 is less than 0.05. Therefore, it is concluded that there is
significant association between marketing and product performance. Furthermore, since the
value of correlation coefficient r suggests a positive correlation, we can use a regression analysis
to Model the relationship between the variables. The coefficient of determination R2 is 0.212
therefore, 21.2% of the variation in product performance is explained by marketing. performance
is explained by marketing.

From the above ANOVA table, it can be observed that value of ‘F’ is 53.187 which is significant
at 0.05 level (also significant at 0.00) with degrees of freedom (df)=1/198. It means that there is
significant impact of marketing on the product performance. In the light of this, the null
hypothesis H0 namely ‘There is no significant impact of marketing on the growth of
selected(Bisleri, Kinley and Jasco) mineral water industry in terms of product’ is rejected.
Hence, it can be concluded that marketing produced significant effect on the product

Table 4.18:Coefficientsa on Product Performance

Model Unstandardized Standardiz t Sig. 95.0% Confidence
Coefficients ed Interval for B
B Std. Error Beta Lower Upper
Bound Bound
(Constant) 3.150 .712 4.426 .000 1.746 4.553
Marketing .352 .048 .460 7.293 .000 .257 .447
a. Dependent Variable: product performance
From the above table of coefficient on effect of marketing on product performance revealed that
the value of Unstandardized Coefficients is 0.352 and Beta is 0.460 which is significant at 0.000
and the T value for ‘marketing and product performance’ is 7.293 which is significant at 0.05.
The linear equation is obtained as: Y=3.150+.352 (X1)
Findings and Discussion
 The result on hypothesis ‘There is no significant impact of marketing on the growth of
selected (Bisleri, Kinley and Jasco) mineral water industry in terms of product’
concluded that marketing strategy produced significant effect on product. The findings of
this study is alien with the study of Ashraf et, al. (2011) as they suggested that to meet
international quality requirement of consumers, the industry have to develop proper
infrastructure, quality of products, large production so that they can able to cope with the
fast and speedy needs of consumers.

To increase the competitiveness of packaged drinking water industry efforts should be made.
Increasing productivity, better health care and logistic facilities and management of outlets and
storage can reduce the cost of production.

Packaged drinking water industry and the Government both can play a important role in this
direction. India has to evolve as an exporting country and should develop proper production,
dispensation and marketing framework, which is capable of meeting international quality
requirements. With suitable legal backup, a exhaustive strategy for producing quality and safe
products should be formulated. Apart from its performance there are some threats also which
needs to grasp it the global market opportunities

Implications of the Study

Growth and survival of a company in today's business environment characterized with increasing
competition and entry of new market forces demands a broad sight as well as strong strategies
directed at customer relationship management. Packaged water industries need to assess the
potential and understand how to retain consumers for the long run and make consumer centricity
a focal point of all business activities. Losing a consumer not only decreased revenues but also
acts as a warning for the company. While difficult economic conditions may pose challenges for
the company, how the industry deals with them is matters; the company may either locate
opportunities in these conditions or regress in the churning waters.

A small section of the market has been taken for the research purpose, so the conclusion cannot
be generalized.
Some of the respondents failed to give correct information so data collected cannot be free from
Accuracy of the study is totally based upon the respondents’ response.
Specified short span of time for doing research.

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