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Combinatory and functional constraints

on pronominal clitics in Hiite

Paul Widmer

Philipps University Marburg

Etymology and the European Lexicon

Copenhagen (September 19, 2012)

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Clitic pronouns in Hiite

Two pronouns in the clitic chain

Two structural types with two pronominal clitics:

Paul Widmer (Marburg) Hiite pronominal clitics September 19, 2012 2 / 23


Clitic pronouns in Hiite

Two pronouns in the clitic chain

Two structural types with two pronominal clitics:

. {S}3rd + dat, =aš=mu in ex. (1) (intr., cf. Garre 1990a; Garre 1990b)

(1) n =aš =mu GÌR.MEŠ-aš kaan ḫaliyat

CONN =3sg.nom.c =1sg.dat feet down he.knelt
‘He knelt down at my feet.’ (NH/NS; KBo 3.3 i 12f.)

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Clitic pronouns in Hiite

Two pronouns in the clitic chain

Two structural types with two pronominal clitics:

. {S}3rd + dat, =aš=mu in ex. (1) (intr., cf. Garre 1990a; Garre 1990b)

(1) n =aš =mu GÌR.MEŠ-aš kaan ḫaliyat

CONN =3sg.nom.c =1sg.dat feet down he.knelt
‘He knelt down at my feet.’ (NH/NS; KBo 3.3 i 12f.)

. Two oblique pronouns, =šmaš=at in ex. (2)


(2) nu =šmaš =at =kan [p]eran halzi [andu]

CONN =2pl.acc/dat =3sg.acc.n =PTCL before read:3pl.imp
‘Have it read to you aloud!’ (MH/MS; HKM 25.24)

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Hiite clitic chain

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PTCL QUOT acc/dat pl. 3rd nom/acc acc/dat sg. REFL PTCL
-(m)a -wa(r) 1st -nnaš -aš 1st -mmu -za -ašta
-(y)a 2nd -šmaš -an 2nd -a/-ddu -apa
3rd -šmaš dat -at nom/ 3rd -šše dat -kan
-e nom(/acc).pl -šan
-uš -an

Table : Old Hiite clitic chain (cf. Hoffner and Melchert 2008: 410)

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Hiite clitic chain

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PTCL QUOT acc/dat pl. 3rd nom/acc acc/dat sg. REFL PTCL
-(m)a -wa(r) 1st -nnaš -aš 1st -mmu -za -ašta
-(y)a 2nd -šmaš -an 2nd -a/-ddu -apa
3rd -šmaš dat -at nom/ 3rd -šše dat -kan
-e nom(/acc).pl -šan
-uš -an

Table : Old Hiite clitic chain (cf. Hoffner and Melchert 2008: 410)

⇒ Strongly grammaticalised chain of clitics in the Wackernagel position

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Outline & objectives

1. Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions

Functional restrictions
Rules of co-occurrence

2. Diachronic perspective
Path of grammaticalisation
Ordering of clitic pronouns

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Syntactic function of clitic accusatives

(3) nu=šmaš=kan ḪUR.SAG-an parḫanzi

‘They will chase youdir. obj. into the mountain.’ (NH; KUB 13.3 ii 11)

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Syntactic function of clitic accusatives

(3) nu=šmaš=kan ḪUR.SAG-an parḫanzi

‘They will chase youdir. obj. into the mountain.’ (NH; KUB 13.3 ii 11)
(4) * n=an=kan X parḫanzi
* ‘They will chase X thither.’
(5) * n=anacc =muacc =kan parḫanzi
* ‘They will chase me thither.’

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Double accusatives: direct object and predicative

iya- ‘treat Xacc:dir obj like a Yacc:predicative ’ (cf. van den Hout 1992)

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Double accusatives: direct object and predicative

iya- ‘treat Xacc:dir obj like a Yacc:predicative ’ (cf. van den Hout 1992)
(6) ‘ “Who will take him (sc. the speaker’s son)
[nu =war ] =an upiyaššar DÙ-zi

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Double accusatives: direct object and predicative

iya- ‘treat Xacc:dir obj like a Yacc:predicative ’ (cf. van den Hout 1992)
(6) ‘ “Who will take him (sc. the speaker’s son)
[nu =war ] =an upiyaššar DÙ-zi
a. [and] will treat himdO like a gipred. ?” ’
b. [and] will treat the gidO like himpred. ?” ’ (NH/NS; KUB 33.93 iii 29)

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Double accusatives: direct object and predicative

iya- ‘treat Xacc:dir obj like a Yacc:predicative ’ (cf. van den Hout 1992)
(6) ‘ “Who will take him (sc. the speaker’s son)
[nu =war ] =an upiyaššar DÙ-zi
a. [and] will treat himdO like a gipred. ?” ’
b. *[and] will treat the gidO like himpred. ?” ’ (NH/NS; KUB 33.93 iii 29)

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Double accusatives: direct object and predicative

iya- ‘treat Xacc:dir obj like a Yacc:predicative ’ (cf. van den Hout 1992)
(6) ‘ “Who will take him (sc. the speaker’s son)
[nu =war ] =an upiyaššar DÙ-zi
a. [and] will treat himdO like a gipred. ?” ’
b. *[and] will treat the gidO like himpred. ?” ’ (NH/NS; KUB 33.93 iii 29)
(7) * n=an=mu DÙ-zi
* ‘He treats me like him.’
* ‘He treats him like me.’

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Accusative constraints

Accusative clitics
1. Only one accusative clitic pronoun per chain is allowed.

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Accusative constraints

Accusative clitics
1. Only one accusative clitic pronoun per chain is allowed.

2. Accusative clitics exclusively function as direct objects.

(No accusatives of direction, extent, duration etc.; no predicative )


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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

2nd oblique clitic: Dative

(8) peḫḫi =wa<r> =at =ši (OH/NS; KUB 12.60 I 21)

I.give =QUOT =3sg.acc =3sg.dat

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

2nd oblique clitic: Dative

(8) peḫḫi =wa<r> =at =ši (OH/NS; KUB 12.60 I 21)

I.give =QUOT =3sg.acc =3sg.dat
a. ‚ „Shall I give it to himind. obj. ?“ ‘
b. ‚ „Shall I give it for it?“ ‘
c. ‚ „Shall I give it there?“ ‘
d. ‚ „Shall I give it then?“ ‘

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

2nd oblique clitic: Dative

(8) peḫḫi =wa<r> =at =ši (OH/NS; KUB 12.60 I 21)

I.give =QUOT =3sg.acc =3sg.dat
a. ‚ „Shall I give it to himind. obj. ?“ ‘
b. *‚ „Shall I give it for it?“ ‘
c. *‚ „Shall I give it there?“ ‘
d. *‚ „Shall I give it then?“ ‘

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Function of dative clitics

(9) a. n=an=ši=kan tuḫšanta

‘they may separate her from him’ (OH/NS; KBo 6.3 ii 10)
b. n=an=kan LÚ-ni tuḫšanzi
CONN=her:acc=PTCL man:dat they.separate
‘They may separate her from the man’ (OH/NS; KBo 6.3 ii 12f.)

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Function of dative clitics

(9) a. n=an=ši=kan tuḫšanta

‘they may separate her from him’ (OH/NS; KBo 6.3 ii 10)
b. n=an=kan LÚ-ni tuḫšanzi
CONN=her:acc=PTCL man:dat they.separate
‘They may separate her from the man’ (OH/NS; KBo 6.3 ii 12f.)

=ši in (9a) behaves like the {G} argument of a ditransitive verb.

Similarly: šanna- ‘conceal Xacc., dir. obj. from Ydat., ind. obj. ’, etc.

({G} = most goal-like argument in a ditransitive construction)

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Late Hiite developments

(10) našma=wa =nnaš=an uššaniyawēn (pre-NH/NS; KUB 13.4 iv 73)

or=QUOT =1pl=3sg.acc we.have.sold
‘or we have sold it on our own behalf’ (trans. CHD L–N, 398b)

Paul Widmer (Marburg) Hiite pronominal clitics September 19, 2012 10 / 23

Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Late Hiite developments

(10) našma=wa =nnaš=an uššaniyawēn (pre-NH/NS; KUB 13.4 iv 73)

or=QUOT =1pl=3sg.acc we.have.sold
‘or we have sold it on our own behalf’ (trans. CHD L–N, 398b)
(11) a. mān=wa =nnaš ANŠE.KUR.RA … parā uššaniyawēn
if=QUOT =1pl horse:acc … over we.have.sold
‘if we have sold a horse …’ (NH; KUB 13.35 iii 24f.)
b. Zuwappiš=wa =za 1 ANŠE.KUR.RA pa[rā u]ššaniyat
Zuwappi=QUOT =REF 1 horse:acc over has.sold
‘Zuwappi has sold a horse.’ (NH; KUB 13.35 iii 16)

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Late Hiite developments

(10) našma=wa =nnaš=an uššaniyawēn (pre-NH/NS; KUB 13.4 iv 73)

or=QUOT =1pl=3sg.acc we.have.sold
‘or we have sold it on our own behalf’ (trans. CHD L–N, 398b)
(11) a. mān=wa =nnaš ANŠE.KUR.RA … parā uššaniyawēn
if=QUOT =1pl horse:acc … over we.have.sold
‘if we have sold a horse …’ (NH; KUB 13.35 iii 24f.)
b. Zuwappiš=wa =za 1 ANŠE.KUR.RA pa[rā u]ššaniyat
Zuwappi=QUOT =REF 1 horse:acc over has.sold
‘Zuwappi has sold a horse.’ (NH; KUB 13.35 iii 16)

=nnaš= in (10) LH replacement of =za

(Restricted to plurals, Hoffner and Melchert 2008: 358)

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Dative clitics
1. In one single chain only one dative clitic pronoun is allowed.

2. The dative clitic assumes the function of the indirect object.

⇒ Co-occurring oblique clitic pronouns function as {T} and {G} arguments.

{T} = most patient-like argument in a ditransitive construction
{G} = most goal-like argument in a ditransitive construction

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Functional restrictions

Dative clitics
1. In one single chain only one dative clitic pronoun is allowed.

2. The dative clitic assumes the function of the indirect object.

⇒ Co-occurring oblique clitic pronouns function as {T} and {G} arguments.

{T} = most patient-like argument in a ditransitive construction
{G} = most goal-like argument in a ditransitive construction

Few exceptions in NS: Adpositional complements

(12) peran=ma=at=mu m.d SÎN-d U-aš … maniyaḫḫiškit (KUB 1.1 i 27f.)
‘Before(?) me Arma-Tarḫunta … was governing it.’
(13) n=at=ši=ššan šer ar[ḫa] … waḫnuzzi (KUB 43.34+12.26 iii 15f.)
‘He waves it … over him.’

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Rules of co-occurrence

Slot: 3 4 3 5 3 5 4 5
Case: dat + acc dat + acc acc + dat acc + dat
   
Comb.: nobis  eum nos  me nos  mihi eum  mihi
vobis id vobis te vos tibi id tibi
   
iis eos iis eo eos eo

Table : Oblique pronouns: Aested and unaested combinations

Two unaested combinations
1. † slot 3 + slot 5

†=naš 3 =ši 5 ‘nos ei’, †=šmaš 3 =ta 5 ‘te iis’ etc. (Hoffner 1986: 93f.)

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Rules of co-occurrence

Slot: 3 4 3 5 3 5 4 5
Case: dat + acc dat + acc acc + dat acc + dat
   
Comb.: nobis  eum nos  me nos  mihi eum  mihi
vobis id vobis te vos tibi id tibi
   
iis eos iis eo eos eo

Table : Oblique pronouns: Aested and unaested combinations

Two unaested combinations
1. † slot 3 + slot 5

†=naš 3 =ši 5 ‘nos ei’, †=šmaš 3 =ta 5 ‘te iis’ etc. (Hoffner 1986: 93f.)
.2 † slot 3 + slot 3 (†=naš=šmaš ‘nos iis/nobis eos’, …)
† slot 5 + slot 5 ( †=mu=šši ‘me eo’, …)

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Rules of co-occurrence

Slot: 3 4 3 5 3 5 4 5
Case: dat + acc dat + acc acc + dat acc + dat
   
Comb.: nobis  eum nos  me nos  mihi eum  mihi
vobis id vobis te vos tibi id tibi
   
iis eos iis eo eos eo

Table : Oblique pronouns: Aested and unaested combinations

Two unaested combinations
1. † slot 3 + slot 5

†=naš 3 =ši 5 ‘nos ei’, †=šmaš 3 =ta 5 ‘te iis’ etc. (Hoffner 1986: 93f.)
.2 † slot 3 + slot 3 (†=naš=šmaš ‘nos iis/nobis eos’, …)
† slot 5 + slot 5 ( †=mu=šši ‘me eo’, …)
? Linguistic background

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Rules of co-occurrence


In terms of Speech Act Participation (SAP, 1st + 2nd person)
†=naš 3 =šmaš 3 ‘nos vobis/nobis vos’
†=mu 5 =a 5 ‘me tibi/mihi te’

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Rules of co-occurrence


In terms of Speech Act Participation (SAP, 1st + 2nd person)
†=naš 3 =šmaš 3 ‘nos vobis/nobis vos’
†=mu 5 =a 5 ‘me tibi/mihi te’

→ Speech Act Participants do not co-occur in the clitic chain.

? What about
†=naš 3 =ši 5 ‘nos ei’
†=šmaš 3 =mu 5 ‘iis me’?

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Rules of co-occurrence

Combination Type Aested in Hiite?

1 SAPdat + 3rdacc tibi eum YES
2 3rddat + 3rdacc ei eum YES
3 3rddat + SAPacc ei me NO
4 SAPdat + SAPacc tibi me NO
Table : SAP and case

Rules in terms of SAP and syntactic functions
1. Syntactic functions: direct object + indirect object (as per above)

Paul Widmer (Marburg) Hiite pronominal clitics September 19, 2012 14 / 23

Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Rules of co-occurrence

Combination Type Aested in Hiite?

1 SAPdat + 3rdacc tibi eum YES
2 3rddat + 3rdacc ei eum YES
3 3rddat + SAPacc ei me NO
4 SAPdat + SAPacc tibi me NO
Table : SAP and case

Rules in terms of SAP and syntactic functions
1. Syntactic functions: direct object + indirect object (as per above)

2. Two 3rd-person-pronouns can co-occur, two SAP-pronouns can not.

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Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Rules of co-occurrence

Combination Type Aested in Hiite?

1 SAPdat + 3rdacc tibi eum YES
2 3rddat + 3rdacc ei eum YES
3 3rddat + SAPacc ei me NO
4 SAPdat + SAPacc tibi me NO
Table : SAP and case

Rules in terms of SAP and syntactic functions
1. Syntactic functions: direct object + indirect object (as per above)

2. Two 3rd-person-pronouns can co-occur, two SAP-pronouns can not.

. The SAP-pronoun is always indirect object, never direct object.


Paul Widmer (Marburg) Hiite pronominal clitics September 19, 2012 14 / 23

Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Rules of co-occurrence

Combination Type Aested in Hiite?

1 SAPdat + 3rdacc tibi eum YES
2 3rddat + 3rdacc ei eum YES
3 3rddat + SAPacc ei me NO
4 SAPdat + SAPacc tibi me NO
Table : SAP and case

Rules in terms of SAP and syntactic functions
1. Syntactic functions: direct object + indirect object (as per above)

2. Two 3rd-person-pronouns can co-occur, two SAP-pronouns can not.

3. The SAP-pronoun is always indirect object, never direct object.

4. The 3rd-person-pronoun is either direct object or indirect object

Paul Widmer (Marburg) Hiite pronominal clitics September 19, 2012 14 / 23

Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Rules of co-occurrence

Co-occurence of oblique clitic pronouns

Types dative + accusative
1 SAP + 3rd
2 3rd + 3rd
4 3rd + SAP
Implicational Hierarchy
Type 1 > Type 2 > Type 3 > Type 4 (Haspelmath 2004)
If a language allows one of the types,
it also allows all the types that are higher in the hierarchy.

Paul Widmer (Marburg) Hiite pronominal clitics September 19, 2012 15 / 23
Oblique clitic Pronouns: Rules and restrictions Rules of co-occurrence

Co-occurence of oblique clitic pronouns

Types dative + accusative
1 SAP + 3rd
2 3rd + 3rd
4 3rd + SAP
Implicational Hierarchy
Type 1 > Type 2 > Type 3 > Type 4 (Haspelmath 2004)
If a language allows one of the types,
it also allows all the types that are higher in the hierarchy.
→ Hiite has type 2, and therefore also type 1
(me lui constraint (Perlmuer 1971))
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Diachronic perspective Path of grammaticalisation

Double oblique clitics: Hiite facts

SAP-clitics 3rd-pers.-clitics
Animacy human
Thematic relation recipient
Syntactic function indirect object
Table : Typical properties and functions

Semantic and syntactic facts
1. SAPs are: human, recipient, indirect object

Paul Widmer (Marburg) Hiite pronominal clitics September 19, 2012 16 / 23

Diachronic perspective Path of grammaticalisation

Double oblique clitics: Hiite facts

SAP-clitics 3rd-pers.-clitics
Animacy human ± animate, ± human
Thematic relation recipient transferred, recipient
Syntactic function indirect object direct or indirect object
Table : Typical properties and functions

Semantic and syntactic facts
1. SAPs are: human, recipient, indirect object

2. 3rd persons are ± human/animate, recipient or transferred, indirect or

direct object

Paul Widmer (Marburg) Hiite pronominal clitics September 19, 2012 16 / 23

Diachronic perspective Path of grammaticalisation

Double oblique clitics: Hiite facts

SAP-clitics 3rd-pers.-clitics
Animacy human ± animate, ± human
Thematic relation recipient transferred, recipient
Syntactic function indirect object direct or indirect object
Table : Typical properties and functions

Semantic and syntactic facts
1. SAPs are: human, recipient, indirect object

2. 3rd persons are ± human/animate, recipient or transferred, indirect or

direct object
.3 Direct objects are never more animate than indirect objects.

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Diachronic perspective Path of grammaticalisation

Given that
1. SAPs are typical {G}-arguments (viz. human recipients).

({G}= most goal-like argument in a ditransitive construction)

2. 3rd persons are either {T}- or {G}-arguments.

({T} = most patient-like argument in a ditransitive construction)

Paul Widmer (Marburg) Hiite pronominal clitics September 19, 2012 17 / 23

Diachronic perspective Path of grammaticalisation

Given that
1. SAPs are typical {G}-arguments (viz. human recipients).

({G}= most goal-like argument in a ditransitive construction)

2. 3rd persons are either {T}- or {G}-arguments.

({T} = most patient-like argument in a ditransitive construction)

→ System of co-occurring oblique clitic pronouns in Hiite goes back to

{G}–{T} structures (ditransitive verbs).

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Diachronic perspective Path of grammaticalisation

Given that
1. SAPs are typical {G}-arguments (viz. human recipients).

({G}= most goal-like argument in a ditransitive construction)

2. 3rd persons are either {T}- or {G}-arguments.

({T} = most patient-like argument in a ditransitive construction)

→ System of co-occurring oblique clitic pronouns in Hiite goes back to

{G}–{T} structures (ditransitive verbs).
Co-occurring oblique pronouns most frequently arguments of
ditransitive constructions: frequency-based (Haspelmath 2004)

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Diachronic perspective Ordering of clitic pronouns


3 4 5
1st -nnaš -aš 1st -mmu
2nd -šmaš -an 2nd -a/-ddu
3rd -šmaš dat -at nom/ 3rd -šše dat
-e nom(/acc).pl
acc / dat nom / acc acc / dat
plural singular + plural singular

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Diachronic perspective Ordering of clitic pronouns


3 4 5
1st -nnaš -aš 1st -mmu
2nd -šmaš -an 2nd -a/-ddu
3rd -šmaš dat -at nom/ 3rd -šše dat
-e nom(/acc).pl
acc / dat nom / acc acc / dat
plural singular + plural singular

Phonotactics: CVC3 -VC4 or VC4 -CV5

→ No hiatus: †=mu5 =an4 (5 + 4)

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Diachronic perspective Ordering of clitic pronouns

Variation phenomena

(14) tet=war =at4 =naš3

tell=QUOT =it =us
‘Tell it to us!’ (OH/MS; KUB 12.36 obv. 24)
(15) n =at4 =šmaš3 [EGIR-an ara]nta
PTC =they =them behind they.stand
‘And they stand behind them.’ (MH/MS; IBoT 1.36 iii 46)

Paul Widmer (Marburg) Hiite pronominal clitics September 19, 2012 19 / 23

Diachronic perspective Ordering of clitic pronouns

Variation phenomena

(14) tet=war =at4 =naš3

tell=QUOT =it =us
‘Tell it to us!’ (OH/MS; KUB 12.36 obv. 24)
(15) n =at4 =šmaš3 [EGIR-an ara]nta
PTC =they =them behind they.stand
‘And they stand behind them.’ (MH/MS; IBoT 1.36 iii 46)

Ordering 4 – 3
Only in OS or MS (cf. Hoffner 1986)
Possibly residue of system with more variation
N. b. No ordering 5 – 4 (=ši=at) in this chronological layer
(NH feature, cf. Rieken 2006; Yakubovich 2010)

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Diachronic perspective Ordering of clitic pronouns

Summary of findings

Co-occurring oblique clitics in Hiite have argument status.

Speech Act Participation (and the referential values related to it)
basically determines the rules of co-occurrence.

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Diachronic perspective Ordering of clitic pronouns

Summary of findings

Co-occurring oblique clitics in Hiite have argument status.

Speech Act Participation (and the referential values related to it)
basically determines the rules of co-occurrence.
Historically, the Hiite system is probably the grammaticalised form of
ditransitive structures based on frequency effects.
The pronouns are arranged according to their phonotactic structure.

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Diachronic perspective Ordering of clitic pronouns

Summary of findings

Co-occurring oblique clitics in Hiite have argument status.

Speech Act Participation (and the referential values related to it)
basically determines the rules of co-occurrence.
Historically, the Hiite system is probably the grammaticalised form of
ditransitive structures based on frequency effects.
The pronouns are arranged according to their phonotactic structure.
Outside Anatolian, only Avestan has (marginally) developed double
pronominal clitics
Much later: Old Church Slavonian, Romance Languages, High German
Structurally, already Old Hiite has reached a state comparable to the
Romance Language and High German.

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Diachronic perspective Ordering of clitic pronouns

Thank you for your aention!

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Diachronic perspective Ordering of clitic pronouns

Bibliography I

Garre, Andrew James (1990a). “Hiite Enclitic Subjects and Transitive

Verbs”. In: Journal of Cuneiform Studies 42: 287–291.
— (1990b). The syntax of Anatolian pronominal clitics. Ann Arbor, Mich.:
Haspelmath, Martin (2004). “Explaining the Ditransitive Person-Role
Constraint: a usage-based account”. In: Constructions 2: 1–49.
Hoffner, Harry A. Jr. (1986). “Studies in Hiite Grammar”. In: Kaniššuwar. A
Tribute to Hans G. Güterbock on his Seventy-Fih Birthday, May 27, 1983.
Ed. by Harry A. Jr. Hoffner and Gary M. Beckman. Chicago: Oriental
Institute of the University of Chicago: 83–94.
Hoffner, Harry A. Jr. and H. Craig Melchert (2008). A Grammar of the Hiite
Language. Vol. 1. Reference Grammar. Languages of the Ancient Near East 1.
Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

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Diachronic perspective Ordering of clitic pronouns

Bibliography II

Perlmuer, David M. (1971). Deep and surface structure constraints in syntax.

New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Rieken, Elisabeth (2006). “Zum hethitisch-luwischen Sprachkontakt in
historischer Zeit”. In: Altorientalische Forschungen 33: 271–285.
van den Hout, Theo P. J. (1992). “Remarks on Some Hiite Double
Accusative Constructions”. In: Per una grammatica iita. Towards a Hiite
grammar. Ed. by Onofrio Carruba. Pavia: Gianni Iuculano Editore: 275–304.
Yakubovich, Ilya S. (2010). Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language. BSIEL 2.
Leiden/Boston: Brill.

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