A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry - K. Newton Friend

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A TEXT-BOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY VOLUME XI. PART I In Exaver Vouvuss. Medium Svo. Cloth. Prices are net. Postage extra. A TEXT-BOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. EDITSD BY J. NEWTON FRIEND, D.Sc., Px.D., F.LC., Carnegie Gold Sedat. (An Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry, By J. Newrox Friexp, D.Sc. (B’ham), Ph.D. (Ware); H, FV. Lirru, B.So. Youur 1. (Lond.), A.R.CS., Chief Chemist to Thorium, Ttd.; W. B.S. ‘Tonsen, D.Se. (Lond.). ‘The Inert Gases, By H. V, A, Burscon, DiSe.(Lond,), AROS. Third Bdition, Bp.icxv +385. 12s. 6d. ‘The Alkali Metals and their Congeners. By A. Janreson Waker, Voucae Df eid), BA. (UB) ILC, Bp. ixxvi+379. 203 /Pant I. ‘The Alkaline Earth Metals. By May Svar. Burr (née ‘[estin), D.Se. (Leeds), Pp.i-xxvi +348, 20s, Vouuwe IT, 3 Pant Id. Beryllium and its Congeners. By Josxva C. Gnecony, ‘B.8e. (Lond.), F.LC, and May Sve Bore, D.Se. (Leeds). { Pp. ixnvi+920. 18s. Aluminium and its Cougeness, including the Rare Earth Motals. Vous ivy. |" By i. #. V. Linmx, P.8e. (Lond.}, A.R.CS., Chief Chemist to | Thorium, Ltd, Second Edition. Pp. xxviii +485. 18s. | Carbon and its Allies. By B. M. Cavey, D.Se. (Lond.), F.LC. 1 Second Edition, Pp. i-xsi +468." 185, Parr I. Nitrogen. By 5. B, R. Parovacx, MA., D.Se., LC, ‘and H. Lawpouaws, MA., M.Se., F.C. Pp.iaccvii--242. 18s. Paxt If. Phosphorus and ifs Congeners, By B. B. R. Parosavx, Vor Vi. | LA, DSo, FLC, B.D. Suaw, BSc, Ph.D. and W. E. ‘Pronvevonor, B.Sc. In Preparation. Parr HT Vanadium, Niobium, and Tantalum. By Sypwey Manns, MSc, ALC. In Preparation. Pant I. "Oxygen. By J. Nnwzow Friznp, D.Se., and Dovatas F. Twass, D.Sc, F.LC. Pp. ixxxvi+370,_ 18s. Parr Ii. ‘Sulpbur, Selenium, and Tellurium, By Runcr H, Vorowe vir, | VAuusNor, M.So., Dovaras'¥. Twiss, D.Se., and Miss A. R. |) Russut, B.Se. In Preparation. Pann IT. Ghrominm and its Congeners. By Reron H. Vartaxcr, M.Sc, ALC, and Anrsun A. Expnipor, BSe, ILC. Bp. icv +380. 186, ‘The Hslogens and their Allies. By Guosrauy Manzn, D.Se., Vouue VII | Ph.D., and Erwesr A. Dawoasten, B.S. (Lond,). Second Edition. (ee I. Gobali, Nickel, and the Elements of the Platinum Vorume V. Group. ByJ.Nzwroy’Farexp, D.Sc. (B'ham). Second Edition, Pp, txxvi +367. 18s. Pann II. Tron and its Compounds. By J. Newrow Frrexp, D.Sc, Pp. i-xxviz265, 18%. x ("s Metal-Ammines, with a General Introduction to the Theory Vouums Vouvae of Complex Inorganic Substances. By Miss M. M. J. Surmea- ran, D.Se., FIO. Pp. i Organometallic Compounds. Part I Derivatives of the Elements of Groups I to IV. By Anoummaty E. Gopparo, M.Sc. A.L.C., and 2 Dororay Gopparn, M.Sc. Pp. i-xxviii 418, Vouvwe XI. Part Il Derivatives of Arsenic. By Anomparp B. Gopbann, MiBe., ALC. In Preparation. Part IIL Derivatives of the Elements of Groups V to VII (excluding Arsenic). By Ancureanp E. Goppaxp, MSc. In Preparatic vi4-260, 188, ES GRIFFIN & 0O., LTD. 42 DRURY LAW: [Frontispiece, Textbook of Inorganie Chemistry, Vol. XT, Part I.) “ASL SHU UE pardope ow a7 61 05 HYSIOM oFMOAY [BUOTYWUIEATT a1, 9 ca 8 z 1 "s3009-93} 30 _ |__| S29 sm up oumizoy a 90-90% 20 va ar we] yp few 16 88 wl oe pro bop co} 00.60% | 0220; | 6e-F02 | 19.008 BL6t we a “a | air ny sop.08 uoagt : __ ea za is | os 6 6.968 Egat "| 181 {s.o8t] jo-g2t 9.21] #691 4.291 |F.89T ae,gor an 7 2 “aL, 3H} UT ak | wy, ag | on + sported Fuoy ypsno, Bie 2 the 2 Bee] ££ 74 ay oe 39 2 99 rer —_— EA ee za _ : 191 [eO.0FT 93.051 1eLeT 1s.2et| Gost - “a 8) va | OX [+ poyod Buoy pn - (a 9s ss | os Oat _ ie PPO) poytod 1.901 16-501 L108 68 ‘uoy Pd MT | + soos uoag } Puorg osm a ott08 wage 916.62 ~~ — % “ = PPO) poy 69.85 FE.8E PS. sora 20.08 960-08, 16-68 Buoy We 0D 1 we a) oY * sous uoag) ME eo so e a were woe fT oie ON povied 104s prods zr or zo.0 0¥8.9| 00.F oH TT | OR | ++ poped aaons gene ’ | 800.1 ite ; je ee ee ee “TULA ano “qanowy | ‘Aranoxp [TET snowg) 11 anon [agony “9 nowy “saoniea waTaVL Diacomad SHL

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