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[Normandy] Bretel wood

- Counter-attack in the darkness.

Setup order

1 x12
Bellefontaine Les Forges

2 x6

3 x13
La Fossardière

4 x9

Les Hauts Vents 5 x6


Historical Background
After a long static period in the bocage, the 29th US Infantry Division was ready to advance toward Saint-Lô. But, in the night 10th to 11th
of July, a strengthened company of German paratroopers of the 3.Fallschirmjäger Division attacked the positions of 1/115th Infantry
regiment, using flame-throwers. "A" Company was destroyed but 1/115th, split into small battle groups, resisted by fighting in close
combat and the German assault was contained. In the morning, the battle was over, but the losses were heavy for the two belligerents.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.

Allied player [United-States]
5 command cards.
Axis player [Germany]
5 command cards, you move first.

Conditions of Victory
6 medals.

Special Rules
All Axis infantry units are elite (Troops 2 - Specialized Units).
The two Axis units with a badge are Combat Engineers (Troops
4 - Combat Engineers)
Night Attack rules are in effect (Actions 19 - Night Attack).
The Allied player lays out the minefields (Terrains 29 -

Symbols & Graphics Copyright (c) 2004 - 2020 Days of Wonder, Inc.
Produced with permission, for non-commercial use only.

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