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SCHOOL YEAR 2018 – 2019


Maria Cristina S. Tabora
Teacher I Filipino

Napindan Integrated School

Schools Division of Taguig City and Pateros

District I Cluster 3


A number of cases of bullying have been reported and are rampant

on social media and in schools. According to reports, the most common
victims of bullying in schools are students who are quiet and small in
appearance. They are often worn and punched even if they did nothing to
them. Oftentimes, the victims’ academic performance in school and their
social skills are affected.
This study aimed to find out the effects of bullying on the social skills
of Grade 7 Peace of Napindan Integrated School.
This action research utilized Qualitative- Descriptive Type that focus
group discussion to gather data from the student-participants. The
researcher’s observations and records were included in the analysis and
summary of data.
The result of the study showed negative effects on the social skills of
the victims such as decrease in emotional sensitivity and becoming bullies as
well. They are often became silent and ignore the bully. This causes the bully
to feel more powerful than others.
The study suggests that there should be proper dissemination of the
Students Anti-Bullying Act (SABAC) through seminars to students, teachers
and parents. Moreover, parenting seminars that focus on developing
children’s social skills and boosting self-confidence should be conducted by
the school to prevent and later eliminate bullying incidents.

Keywords: bullying, victims, physical appearance, emotional sensitivity


Abstract 2








A. Context and Rationale

Bullying is one of the most pressing problems among students in

school nowadays. Around 130 million, or one in three children experience

some form of bullying, according to the report of the United Nations in its

latest report on how children can be better protected. Some of the initial

findings of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children report denote

that physical appearance – such as being overweight or having non-

conforming gender expressions – is the main driver for bullying (Philippine

Star, 2018).

Bullying happens when an individual or a group of people with more

power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person

or group of people who feel helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over

time, is often hidden from adults, and will probably continue if no action is

taken. Some of its forms are physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional

intimidation, and cyber bullying because of the advent of modern


Reports have shown that in most cases, bullying affects not only the

academic performance of the students but more so their emotional and

social states and skills. Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and

interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures,

body language and our personal appearance. These skills are used by the

students to interact successfully with others. Other negative effects of

bullying are social isolation, feeling of shame, school avoidance, and

symptoms of anxiety.

In a study done by Fox and Boulton in 2005 which is published at the British

Psychology Society, results show poorer social skills are exhibited by

students identified as victims of bullying in school. Another study by da Silva,

et al (2018), regarded social skills improvement as vital tool in anti-bullying

intervention programs.

B. Innovation, Intervention or Strategy

In the Philippines, cases of bullying are also reported which lead to

the implementation of Republic Act 10627 or Anti Bullying Act on 2013. The

policies under the Anti Bullying Act clearly protects students against bullying

while on school grounds and within its perimeter (Cuyugan, 2013). This is to

ensure that schools are safe place for students not only in achieving their

academic goals but also in developing their emotional and social skills which

could be hampered by bullying incidents that are not acted upon. In

addition, the Department of Education (DepEd) issued Department Order

No. 40 which institutionalized zero tolerance for violence against children

and established the Child Protection Committee (CPC) in all public and

private schools.

It is for this premise that this research was conducted. Based on the

observations and anecdotal records of teachers, bullying happens and it

affects the social skills of students – the possible effects on how students

interact with other students and to their teachers after experiencing

incidents of bullying. Also, this research was conducted to develop

intervention programs for students who had experienced bullying as an

immediate response to the present concern.

C. Action Research Questions

This research sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of bullying on the social skills of students in Grade 7


2. What interventions can be made to prevent and to later eliminate

bullying incidents?


A. Research Design and Population

Tomas and Allen as cited by Abad (2010) mention “descriptive study

obtains accurate facts of existing condition or detect significant relationship

between current phenomena and interpret meaning of the data, provide

educators with practical and immediate useful information. Factual

information about existing status enable members of the profession to

make more intelligent plans about future courses of action and help them

with educational problems. Pertinent data regarding the present scene may

focus attention upon needs that otherwise would remain unnoticed. These

may reveal development conditions or trend that will convince citizen to

keep pace with other or prepare for probable future events. Since some

existing educational conditions, processes, practices and programs are

constantly changing, there is always a need for an up-to-date description of

what is taking place.”

This research used descriptive design in gathering the data. Open-

ended questions were used in the interview to gather information through

focus group discussion.

This research identified the victims of bullying and the effects of

bullying on the social skills of the identified victims in Grade 7 Peace Ten (10)

or so student-participants were subjected to interview and focus group


The classroom was the main setting of the study. Some students

reported bullying incidents to their adviser, and based on the anecdotal

records of the adviser, the participants were selected.

All 10 members or so of (Grade 7 Peace) of Napindan Integrated

School were the target participants of the study. This is called criterion

sampling, where all the elements of the defined group become part of the


B. Data Gathering Methods

To gather data from the target participants, the researcher used the

following instruments:

1. Interview questionnaires

2. Observations

3. Records or documents

Participants were invited in a focus group discussion where

interview questionnaires were facilitated. Follow-up questions were also

asked to gather more information from them. The researcher recorded his

observations about the effects of bullying incidents on the social skills of the


C. Ethical Considerations

Prior to the actual implementation of this action research, ethical

considerations were clearly addressed. The rationale of the research was

clearly explained to the target participants.

During the actual implementation, the students involved were

informed about the purpose of the study and the confidentiality of their

information. They were not exposed to any stress or harm that would

demean their character and would make them feel embarrassed. The

willingness of the students involved was considered as well. The data and

other information gathered from them were held by the researcher with

utmost confidentiality.

D. Data Analysis

The interview answers of all the participants during a focus group

discussion were summarized for interpretation. Moreover, personal

observations on participants’ social skills were recorded and were also

considered in the study.


This qualitative study aimed to determine the effects of bullying on

the social skills of Grade 7 Peace students of Napindan Integrated School for

school year 2018-2019.

The participants in this study understood bullying to mean hurting

another person physically, spiritually, psychologically and emotionally. They

further explained that bullying includes hitting, clapping, pinching, kicking,

punching, tearing other learners’ personal belongings like books or

notebooks, pulling their hair and even insulting them by calling them nasty

names e.g. rabbit, “pandak”, “baliw”, etc.

This study analyzed and interpreted the data gathered from the

participants. It addressed the following questions:

1. What were the student’s experiences of bullying?

2. How did students respond to bullying incident?

3. How did bullying affect their interpersonal relationship with their

classmates, peers and teachers?

The study included narrative discussions of the results and

implications of the data gathered. Based on the study, boys and girls have

different experiences of bullying. Girls mentioned that they are being bullied

by other boys because of their physical appearance like “rabbit”, “maliit”

and “pandak” , one girl repeatedly calling her “baliw” even outside the

school. Boys are bullied even without any reason, it is just “Trip lang niya”.

They are being punched and hit by other boys. This made them feel

ashamed, sad and afraid. One girl said “ kinahihiya ko na yung sarili ko” and

“napapaisip ako bakit ganito yung mukhang ibinigay sa akin”. And one boy

said “ ibinubunton ko yung galit ko sa iba, inaasar ko na rin yung iba”.

Different students gave various ways of how bullying affects their social and

academic lives. The study showed that both boys and girls chose to keep

silent and ignore the bully because they are afraid. Others said they cry and

want to take revenge to the bully . Students who have experienced bullying

found it difficult to concentrate on their school work as they tend to spend

most of their time recovering from the physical and emotional shock of the

bullying experience. This leads to the victim being punished for not doing

their work and which further stresses and traumatizes such students, thus

making schooling an unfavorable environment for them.

Moreover, the study showed that the students were demotivated

and demeaned by bullying actions which they were experiencing. This

resulted in bullying victims isolating themselves because they are ashamed

and frightened. Finally, the students developed a feeling of insecurities,

sadness and loneliness.


Based on this study, it was established that students who were

victims of bullying, whether face-to-face or online, had the following long-

term effects on their social skills.

1. Decrease in self-concept and self- confidence

2. Increase in emotional sensitivity and anxiety .

3. Poor interpersonal and social trust that resulted to social isolation

and school avoidance

4. Decreased in academic achievement and school participation.

5. Some victims respond to bullying as to being a bully himself.


Bullying should not be part of a school environment and schools are

therefore expected to have programs and projects that would eventually

eliminate bullying because of its evident negative effects to the student’s

social skills.

Based on follow-up interviews to some teachers and students, the

following suggestions were made to prevent and to later eliminate bullying

in the school.

1. Strong implementation of the Anti-bullying Act of 2013 through

school policies on handling bullying cases.

2. Proper dissemination of the Students Anti-Bullying Act (SABAC)

through seminars to students, teachers and parents.

3. Conduct of parenting seminars that focus on developing children’s

social skills and boosting self-confidence.

4. A school should be a place where values and proper behavior are

enhanced and extra effort is needed to come up with a child-friendly

environment as promoted by the Department of Education (DepEd).


Claire L. Fox1 * and Michael J. Boulton2. The social skills problems of victims
of bullying: Self, peer and teacher perceptions



1. What are the instances or experiences that you have been bullied?
2. How did you respond to the bullying incident?
3. How did the bullying incident affect you in terms of interpersonal
relationships with your classmates, peers, and teachers?

B. Documentation/Picutres


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