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As per this review paper, it is directed in the business, demonstrated that MC

inconceivable by executing the GT process in the large scale manufacturing
industry. Moreover, usage of GT standards through the examination of the
framework announces the startup time, rearranging the material streams in the
framework, abbreviate the lead times in the framework, shortening transport ways
and with it the transport times in the system have and prompted another format
can be introduced. In any case, full change from large scale manufacturing to MC
framework can't just depend on GT and doesn't end with shop floor change.
Assembling cells are just the first step, and they empower better association of
generation framework. Having that as a main priority, in end we propose the
advancement of a few frameworks (chiefly programming arranged) for MC:
Adjustment of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and item information the
executives framework (PDM) for simpler comprehension of client needs and item
information the board forms, data sharing and joint effort, brought together
examination and remedial activity

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