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Th Semester ROLL Ne TeTEC ALA!" SEMESTER CIVIL, ENGINEERING SHI) SUMEST ENAMINA TION MAICTL2O1N “Cr 206 SOUL MECHANICS vies He MAX MARKS: 30 REA orn Ac a ORTON eASSUMRI SIEGEL CRAY Udo ao ga soa ies plastey chart fr the tastcation of fine grat ile gE Fea Oe ee je easing thro 78 mio sew wa une GF Wer BA gm ane upenion te corrected Kydrometer reading ater 2 mm 082 01 fe roopuding co thin reins 12.2 co He wncoiy of water 0 Putce Deteraine the coordinates ofthe point on gradation surye a eens ie concep af sol sulin Discs the Hpivations of sak seston NA ak shetches, ®) bh The details of a soil profitesre as Fallows | tayer | Thickness | Trpesofaait | Ps ity of sit | | Nm) a8 Sant | Mad Cy). 8 “Bottom Gravel 193. Dora effective sees diagram immediatly afer the pavement of wurcharss nal oO Nim? The water table is atthe top of elay ayer Nim The wat ne eraniat and eaxation meth far the castro wl NA sera enbiiy ofthe sil tm tv fyerel sil prove mau 1% saan permealityinhorizantadiestion fs more than cha inthe ered A o we Pepa the degree of ampaction fees the engnecring properties sik (3) A Standard Procter’ compactinn test as conduteu a0 stl saunphe and ehe felon observations were made: | nie Water Content( %p [81 [1.7 } 48 | 17.6 | 202) © (er \ us | ras | 194) 1S | Mass of wet Soil (kg) | 1.72 ro a | \ Fd eight of the mould used ere 10 can snd 125 cm POPS ‘Vhe dim Dior the compaction curve and find maxinsum dry density and optima eistuns io ‘and zero air vwid fing, Ao draw cere and Determine void ratio, degree of s ar void lines. '5, Explain followings with suitable example Double layer, Isomorphous substitution, Quick sand phenomens aro. Total No. of Pages 01 Roll No, 4" Semester B.Tech [Civil Engineering] Mid Semester Examination Mar 2018 CE 204 Surveying Time :1,5 Hours Note: Answer ALL Questions. All questions carry equal mark = (6x Assume suitable misting ta Max. Marks: 30 4. The following consecutive staff readings were taken on pegs at 15m interalon a continsousy sloping ground: 0.896, 1.305, 2.800, 1960, 2680, 3.255, 2.120, 2825, 3.450, 3.895, 2685, 2222 (Stn, A} RL. of station A where the reading 2050 was taken isknown tobe 50.250, From the last postion ofthe instrument two stations and with Ri. 0 B00 and $1 090 ‘respectively are to be established without disturbing the instrument Workout he stat at B and C and complete all the work in level book form, 2. Detine with the help of neat sketenes the following (0 Level surface, (i) Horizontal surface, (i) Backsight (Foresight, (v| Height of strum and Reduced level 3. Gives list of Corrections, their values, and sien for hs measured with a ape 4. Explain atleast one method exch to continue and measure the distance Between 2a ‘either side ofthe obstacie Inthe case ofa] 2 pona(t) aver, ena(e|2 uisng '5. The forebearings and backbearing ofthe ines ofa closed compass traverse areas Line Forebearing sacibearing ry 3230) 230 8c 24830 20x18 oo 81°00! 10 pA 289°30 208%45! “correct the bearings fr local attraction and determine the true Bearings of he nes the magnetic declination atthe place is 3°30. Note! Answer all questions — Q.5 Write short notes on the following: Total No. of Pages 1 fone AV SEMESTER B. Tech (Environment) MID TERM EXAM MAR 2018 EN252 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERIN. Time: 1:30 Hours Max. Marks: 20 Q1 What are various types of water demand generally considered for a city to design its water supply system? Explain these with standard values assigned by IS:.1172-1993, BI Q.2 What is turbidity? Explain the working principle of various methods employed to measure it. BI Q.3. In two periods of each of 20 years, a city has grown from 30,000 to 1,70,000 and then 3,00,000; determine a) the saturation population; b) the equation of logistic curve; c) the expected population after the next 20 years. 13] Q.4 A 200 ml sample of water has initial PIT of 10. 30 ml uf 0.02N H2S04 is, required to titrate the sample up to the PH of 4.5 and 11 ml of 0.02N H2S04 to titrate the sample up to the PH of 8.3. Calculate a) the total alkalinity of water in mg/l as CaCO3; b) the concentration of alkaline species in mg/l as CaCO3. 1 Is] [a] Tests for Coliform bacteria in water; [b] PH dependence of alkaline species in water; [c] Nitrogen content in water; [d] Hardness of water. sTVwrT{TrcrT" * ~*~ ~*~ = Total No. of pages :1 B.Tech CIVIL ENGINEERING MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION MARCH-2018 CE 202: MECHANICS OF SOLIDS TIME: 1.5 HOURS, MAX. MARKS: 30 [om : Answer ALL Questions, a 1 Assume any missing data suitably. Marks ted to questions are written against them. + Draw fice body diagrams ofthe potions AB and BC of the beam shown ea ION. 20N, A Santee anf Ae ay Fig Find forces in members GE and Geto ABsec sed = 4m A c 2 te pin jointed truss shown in Fig. 2 E 3 Aeon 3m e e Fig.2 YI2Z00N “97 Show a general state of stress on an element with respect to xyz coordinate system in a neat sketch and write the stress tensor in the form of « matin 4. Draw SFD and BMD for the beam shown in Fig, 3 7 DDL od sedan sity, KN/m & B 4m —# 3 'S. Draw a neat sketch of stress strain curve for mild steel and explain various portions of it. 3 6. Write short notes on any two of the following topics. 3 8) Poisson's ratio ') Thermal stress ©) Hooke's law 8) Condition equations of static equilibrium eo ee Toto! No. of Pages 01 Roll no SEMESTER “BTech (cB Pa SEMESTER EXAMINATION March-2018 '208-HYDRAULICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINES ime: 1:30 Hours ‘Max. Marks: 30 Note: Answer all questions, Max Maris: 30 All questions carry equal marks Assume suitable missing data, tany 1. (@) What do you understand by critical depth of an open channel when the flow in itis not uniform? Derive an expression, (©) What is meant by hydraulic jump in an open channel? Derive an expression for loss of energy head fora hydraulic jump. + A Jet of water moving’ at 12m/s impinges on a concave shaped vane to deflect the jet through 120° when stationary. The vane is moving at stn/s Find G) The angle of jet so that there is no shock at inlet Gi) The absolute velocity of the jet at exit direction, and (lit) The work done per second per N of water, Assume that the vane is smooth 3. A trapezoidal channel having the side slope of 60° with the horizontal and laid on a slope of 1 in 750, carries a discharge of 10 m/s. Find the ‘width at the base and depth of flow for most economical section, Take the value of Chezy's resistance Co-etficient C= 66, 4. Calculate the specific energy of 12 m3/s of water flowing with a velocity of 1.5 m/s in a rectangular channel 7.5 m wide. Find the depth of water in the channel when the specific energy would be minimum. What would ie the value of critical velocity as well as minimum specific energy? 5. A 3.6 m wide rectangular channel carries water to a depth of 1.8 order to measure the discharge, the channel width is reduced to 24 m ‘and a hump of 0.30 m height is provided at the bottom, Calculate the discharge if water surface in the contracted section drops bj 0.15 m ‘Assume no losses. A flow of water of 100 liters per second flows down in a rectangular flume of width 60 cm having adjustable bottom slope. If the chezy's constant C is $6, find the bottom slope necessary for uniform flow with a depth of flow of 30 cm, Also find the conveyance K ofthe flume. both in magnitude and 6 -77- Total No. of pages : 2 Roll No-——_____—— B. Tech IV SEMESTER I NGINEERING END SEMESTER EXAMINATION MAY-2019 ‘CE 202 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS TIME: 3 HOURS MAX. IMARKS: 40 Five Questions. Assume any missing da Marks allotted to questions are written against them. 4 1(a) A hollow copper tube of 35 mm extemal diameter and 30 mm internal diameter has a mild steel bar of 25 mm diameter fitted centrally inside it. The length of the assembly is 4.00 mm and the ends of the bar and the tube are rigidly connected. The combined assembly is subjected to an axial tensile load of 40 KN. If the Young’s modulus of elasticity for copper and steel is 2 x 10° N/mm* and 1 x 10° N/mm? respectively, find the stresses in the bar and the tube in N/mm? and the extension of the assembly in mm. 4 (0) Explai Hooke’s law with the help of a neat skelch of labeled stress strain curve of mild steel. 4 2(@) A conical bar of steel tapers uniformly from a diameter of 15 mm to a diameter of 40 mm in a lengh of 400 mm. Determine the extension of the bar in mm under an axial tensile force of 100 KN. Také Young’s modulus as 2 x 10° N/mm?, 4 (>) What do you understand by condition equations of static equilibrium? Explain with an example. 4 3(@) Show that a state of simple shear produces pure tensile and compressive stresses across planes inclined at 45 degrees to those of pure shear and the intensities of these direct stresses are each equal to the intensity of pure shear stress applied, Supplement your answer with a neat sketch. 4 () A material is subjected to tensile stresses of 70 N/mm® and 50 ‘N/mm? along longitudinal and lateral directions respectively. Find the normal and tangential stresses on a plane the normal of 4(a) @) 5(a) ) (a) oe) FO, Je which makes an angle of 35 degrees with the longitudinal direction. e What do you understand by Principal stresses and Principal planes? Discuss the concept and give a general expression for calculation of principal stress. 4 ‘An element is subjected to tensile stresses py=150 N/mm® (in the fongitudinal direction), p2=50 N’mm* (in the lateral direction) and shear stress q=40 N/mm’, Draw a Mobr’s circle and determine (i) Principal stresses (ii) Maximum shear stress and the orientation at which principal stresses are obtained. 4 Draw SFD and BMD for a simply supported beam of 9 m span which is loaded with two point loads of 10 KN each. One point load is applied at a distance of 3 m and the other one 6 m from the left hand support. 4 What do you understand by pure bending of beams? What are the assumptions taken in the theory of pure bending? Explain all terms of the flexure formula for pure bending. 4 A cantilever beam of span ‘L’ is subjected to a uni distributed load ‘w’ on its whole length. Its flexural rigidity is ‘ED’. Determine the deflection of its free point and the slope at Write short notes on any 3 Internal hinge Different types of, ¢) Centroid of section 4) Work and energy ©) Moment area theorems four of the following topics. 8 TOTALNO OF PAGES.02 BLTECH( CE) FOURTH SeMEST-ER END- SEM- EXAMINATION MAY. 2019 CE-204 ENGINEERING SURVEY TIME. 3 HRS, MAX- MARKS-40 NOTE-ANSWER ANY FOUR- QUESTIONS BUT Qt I$ COMPULSARY ASSUME SUITABLY DATA IF ANY Q1. write correct answers (10 martes) 1) THE SUN AT A DISTANCE OF HOW MUCH MILES FROM THE EARTH? ‘93005000 b. 92005000. 91005000 d. none 2) THE MASS OF THE SUN IS ABOUT HOW MUCH TIMES THAT OF THE EARTH? ‘332000 b. 322000 ¢, 312000 , none 3) THE POINT AT WHICH THE NORTH DECLINATION OF THIE SUN MAX IS CALLED? ‘summer b, winter ¢. spring d. none WHILE THE POINT AT WHICH THE SOUTH DECLINATION OF THE SUN ITS MAX IS KNOWN AS? ‘2 winter b. summer spring d.none 5)ON JUNE 22 AT THIS TIME THE DAYS ARE CALLED? longest b, shortest c.near none (©) THE SUN APPEARS TO BE FATHEST SOUTHIS CALLED? 1 December 22 b, april 22. ¢. October 22 d, none 6 7) THE DAY AND NIGHT ARE EQUAL AT WHICH DAY? ‘A. march4 B, september24 c, febtuary 24 4. nons 8) ANENGINEERING SURVEY -EDM MEANS? ‘electro magnetic distance measurments belectronics distance measurments electrical distance measurments none S)MOASAICS MEANS? ‘Avenel ptopaph.Aaasol plage potogaph one 10) MBASURMENT OF WIRELESS SIGNALS ARE CALLED? ‘longitude b. latitude o, orientation d. none Q2. Explain with sketches the method of orienting plane table by back sighting? ¢ 5 (10 marks) Q3 write short notes on modem contruction of high signal towers near sea shores and use of ariel photographs? (1Omarks) Q4 Explain with neat sketches the different types of horizontal and vertical curves ? (1Omarks) QS A vertical photograph was taken at an altitude of 2400 metres above hong- kong sealevel. Determine the scale of the photograph for cyclone terrain areas lying an elevations of 66 metres and 128 metres if the focal length of the camera is 13 cm? Q6 Find the equation of at 11hours G.M.T on 02/02/2000 from the following data obtained from the N.A (@) E-T on mid night on 02/02/2000 = -11m 28.248 (b) Change between the value of 0 hours on 2 febtuary and that for3 feb ohours = 40m 24,28"s (10marks) © Q6 What is an anallactic lens? Explain the objects of providing in a tachometer survey? (1Omarks) QUWrite short notes on (1Omarks) a Project survey _b. Astronomy and map making in india Q8 Explain the differentiate between 10marks) afield wotk and office work b.traversing and triangulations (omar) 2) Ina conslidsted- drained xl est (CD tet, specimen of saturated sand » fled under an adiional axial sess of250 kNin® when the cll resure was Tooke. Draw the Mobrcrls for teil and flue stress contions. Determines 4 and the theoretical inclination of the fall plane to the {3 perzonta. What would be the shear stess on the file plane and the y——nximum shear reas that developed, tv and the orientation of the pace of ‘an? Compare the maximum obliquity withthe oliguity a om, 1 the factor ‘tafety with respect to sear strength more oF less than one on the plane of| can? 1) The eetive stress strength parameters of x completely saturated ely ar: © -20 KN’, # = 25. A ample ofthis lay was tested in UU test under ‘all prarre f 2008? md the principal ste teense at failure was ‘YOK. What woud be the valu of pore water resi at llr? 7. Wt short ates on any two of be flowing 1) Hydrometer analysis 1) Cone tet for ial init Falling head permeability test 4) Direct shear test ‘Total No of Pages 04 Fouth Semester END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (CE-206, Soll Mechanics ompulory, Avempt any fut queso ved atone place oly: 1, Flin the banks, justly bie, using ue (us) 4) Thediference fang of itera tion fo searng peak volumetric strain data constant vometse stan In relaton to al stain fo ens ards, eabrmrel05, 510, 0) 1 Te seng of oil at il mit may be nary... KPa in Casgrande Sept nd.-Pa inthe loro cone test ) The tonsoral vepresentaton of effective atess principle in 3-D space vet td 1 Theconitons of negative poe pressure generation in thesis ding testmay bese ler. door sand dense sand) +) Quid sand conditions carespnd oan fletive ses 'D ED consolidation may have approximation of To by she Togritimic reionship with degre of onsliation wsing Te. fp The prin size and. permesbliy of sand may be elated by using bear equim 1) Thetime ten for the al fait parle for 0.5m in wate fs approximated os (rie. 2. »)A pata saturated sample fom a borrow pitas stra moist coen (of 1S percent and bulk unit weight of 19 KN? The specifi ravity of solids $5220, Determine the degree of saturn and void at. Wha wil be the wit ‘weet of he sample on saturation? SSS NV UVV FE OF OP eer 1 The unsure soi st borow pit has a water content of 1S pe cen okt ae. and specie paviy of sli 270. The si fromthe brow pits ‘De wad fr be onsturtion of a5 embankment wih ished volume of “nod cam, The peifcation forte embankment require a wae content of A pecent a dry nt weight of 1.6 KN. Cause the quantity of sil Tau to be cxenated from te Boro pi forthe consiruton of the “Sacmert What woul be is weight? What she weight ofteenbankmnent 34) Te ftlowing dan refer oa compaction ts a per ln Standard gt sees sa Was an sa as sr “Vipecrommmisggy Tao 191 2a 208 2) Tot rte spec vio sl gins was 26 () Plot the compaction cue ant lain he maim dy unit weight nd th opium mitre content (1) ‘ot he 80 percent nd 100 pr cet stro ine; I proposed to Serre relive compaction of 95 et ent and 10 percent station ate Fri wat he geo wer cone! hat canbe allowed, and (iv) Would he her cet vovs curve bee sae a he $0 per cent saturation eure? 1 Fora Get pumping ts a well was sink trou 2 erizot stun of| ‘Sd Is ick apd unerain y aclny stam. Two observation wel wre ‘ak st horn dsancesof 16m aod m respectively from he puring ‘el. Teal postin ofthe water able was 22m below ground level. AL ‘ads ampng nie of 925 licen the dads nthe observation ‘wells were founda be 245 mand 120m eapectvely. Calculate th coefficient permeability ofthe sue? 4A 8m ik yer ofan deposit overs a stratum of cya bulding ste “Average bul ut weight of tnd i 17 KN? existed that the ay ean Sele ay pace pene 9 Dinca ig tse 25 m X 12 m and land i 30,000 KN. Thee ae two proposal frie ropes f +) Foundation with a mazimum size, 3m X 3m to be placed at 4.5 depth t0 cary the design load of 300KN/n* iyAraR of ‘Vat wl be the maximum intensities of load on the clay in each case? Which ofthe two proposals issuable? 1) Use the Newmark chat. ' Boussinesq Buations? 4) How the coeficent of consolidation is estimated using laboratory test? pain he procedice using llustive igure and equations trina conoidometes test ona clay sale, the following time-dial reading (ho was ebiained fo the stress lntement fom 25 to 0 kN/n?. The inital “mpl eight tthe Beginning of the consolation et was 25 40mm. the oad ‘terme in te et epresents the aneiated stress increment inthe el. The primary consolation may be true to be complete ater 25 yeas. The {hiehnes ofthe compressible ayer athe ste s 8m. te initial oid aio eis 26a nil ial veding 11.151 ma Comput the amouat of eondary consolidation from 25 to 100 years fe the see ae (win) Di rend oom) o Sot oy So ts ti a 20 ‘ins * Ss i 3h Ec 3s Sto ins 1500 a “ z {10 Satctea (i) Manomeric ba i) Tout ead (Gi) Define stip, percentage slip and negative slip of @ reciprocating pump, PARTB 9. For the purpose of discharge measurement the width ofa rectangular channel is reduced gradually from 3 m to 2m and the floor is raised by 30 em in a given section. When the spproaching flow is 2m, what would be the rate of flow if the drop of 15 om in water surface elevation is noted in the contracted Section? 210. A hydraulic jump occurs in a rectangular channel and the depths of flow before and aftr the jump are 0.5 m and 2.0 sm respectively, Calculate the eitical depth of flow. Toto! No. of Fages 04 oll No... FOURTH SEMESTER ‘Byech. (em END SEMESTER EXAMINATION May-2019 CE-208 Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines Time: 3:00 Hours ‘Max. Marks: 40 Note: Answer any Eight questions by choosing at least fone question from Part B ‘Assume suitable missing data, if any. ARTA Q. 1. A wheel consists of radial blades with inner and outer radi of 300 mim and 600 mm respectively. Water enters the blades a the cuter periphery witha velocity of SO m/s and the supply jet makes an angle of 25 with tangent to wheel at inlet tip, Water leaving the blade has a flow velocity of 10 ms. If the blade angles at entrance and exit are 40 * and 30° respectively, determine (@ Workdone per N of water, (Gi) Speed ofthe whee!, and (Gi) Ettciency of blading Q2. A jet of water impinges on a series of curved vanes at an angle of 30 ‘o the diction of motion of the vanes waile centering and leaves the vanes horizontally, The head under which the jet issues fom the nozzle is 30 m, the co-efficient of velocity forthe nozale is 0.9 and the diameter of jt afer Teaving the nozzle is 50 mm, The speed of the vanes is 10 ms and the relative velocity ofthe water at outlet is 08 times the relative veloiy at inet, Caleulate ‘Total no. of Pages 02 Roll no. Bech(Ciiz) Pena seas EXAMINATION [END SEMESTER EXAMINATION May2019 ae ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Max. Marks: 40 1 Dinguish betven low sand ad rapid sand ers wi ieee wo () Rae of itran, (i Filler media of san i) Faso a eal: sd Go) Loss of head. 1 Pode sclingveloly ofa discrete pace in water under Fs nben Reynolds name's less tan 03, The ‘ne nd spect ravi ofthe price fs 5x10? cmand Sane ay, Water teperte 1s 20°C (nematic Soewoy = vof water at 20°C 1.010% 10 eee) 28) 34 Was cn y Disco in eg rable water 0 Tt fecha es wee WMutjesniy nwt at Se compare mers a foot xe Egan ey (Brak pi aint: (0) Sie 2%) Die teen ear nd pean ©) femon any thee methods of softening water, Desc am ramming eri el Te BOD eva bd re ay 30°C as on tbe dmg/ Wat wit e dy 2°C BOD? 4 A coagulstion-sedimentat it pat 9 in See eee coimiencemer rorgrrod ong yas Pehorpno ow rere a, he air affecting slF-priiaion of poled steams? (95 Deseret jon of swage sludge? Draw sgn Wt you tan yes ey Wt 2 ree gen ends st net of ice 00 ugly ne Ate we PS erat Te ois, Pet os catty, an We remain wf, ole wih 8 ay af 23, fe te, las al ih eS Paes val ol cot 89 eta ees sy 90 pee conte tw daa fe atte Fee a.raaaw te fo eet sensed pant, What ee Se wt ge teat SS ce tg see soon a ecto of “king iter Uni oa) qe Design conventional seated sag plat nest oes si th fired ai aration system ven the flowin eu \ (The angle of vane tips at inet (i Te power developed by thee, and (i) The effcieney ofthe sytem, Q3.A Francis turbine has o be deigned to develop 367.5 KW ‘under a head of 70 m while running at a speed of 750 rpm, Ratio of width of runner to diameter of runner is 0.1, Inner iameter is half the outer diameter. Flow ratio is 0.15, ‘hydraulic efficiency is 95%, Mechanical efficiency is 84%. Four percent of the circumferential area of runner to be ‘occupied by the thickness of vanes. Velocity of flow is ‘constant and the discharge is radial at exit. Calculate () the diameter ofthe wheel (i) The quantity of water supplied and Gi) The guide vane angle at inlet and runner vane angles at inlet and exit. 4. A conical draft tube is discharging water at outlet with a velocity of 25 mis. Its inlet and outlet diameters are 1 m and 1.5 m respectively. The total length ofthe draft tube is 6m and 1.2m ofthe length ofthe draft tube is immersed in water. Ifthe atmospheric pressure head is 103 m of water and loss of head due to fiction in the draft tube is equal to 02x velocity head at outlet of the draft tube, find (j) Pressure head at inlet and (i) Efficiency ofthe draft tube 5. A centrifugal pump impeller whose extemal and intemal

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