6 Performance Evaluation

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Name of Intern: ______________________________________ Course: ___________________

Department(s) Assigned: _____________________________________ Training Period : ____________
Host Company: _______________________________________________________________________
Host Company Address: ________________________________________________________________

Instruction: Check the appropriate space under the number by using the scale provided below to rate the intern’s
5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Needs Improvement

Competencies 5 4 3 2 1
A. Knowledge (25 points)
1. Knows basic concepts, principles, and procedures about the course
2. Relates the theories to actual experience
3. Follows prescribed ethical standards, rules, and regulations
4. Understands work instructions readily
5. Open to constructive criticism and suggestions
B. Skills (25 points)
1. Performs assigned work as instructed efficiently
2. Readily understand instructions and follows up
3. Can cope with the demand of additional unexpected workload
4. Shows oral and written communication skills
5. Submits complete and neat reports to assigned tasks on time
C. Attitudes ( 25 points )
1. Shows enthusiasm and interest in work
2. Manifests respect to authority, clients, guests and peers at all times
3. Shares sound suggestions to problem
4. Shows punctuality and regular in attendance
5. Shows diligence and honesty towards work
D. Personality ( 25 points )
1. Reports to work in appropriate attire
2. Shows poise and self confidence
3. Reports to work always neat and well-groomed
4. Speaks in modulated voice clearly
5. Shows emotional maturity
REMARKS: ( Please write down any comments you may have regarding the intern’s performance )

Evaluated by: Date:

This form should be ENCLOSED in a SEALED ENVELOPE with the Supervisor’s signature.

Thank you for the guidance and training you have provided our student.

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