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1. Environmental heating.

2. Metal working, including smelting, refining, casting, hot-rolling, tempering & heat
treating, welding, brazing & stress relief.
3. Thermal processing of non-metals, including hot forming, extrusion, vacuum-
forming, etc.
4. Food processing, including pasteurization, canning, cooking & reheating.
5. Incandescent lighting, for example, gas mantles.
6. Medical, including sterilization and cauterization.

How is thermal energy used?
 Thermal energy are used in Generation of power in automobiles. They are used in
generation of electricity which have a wide range of household use, such as cooking,
pressing clothes etc. They are use in recycling of plastic materials. They are used in
incinerators for burning waste. They have wide range of use in bakeries.Uses of

 potential energy
 Potential Energy. Potential energy is waiting to be converted into power. Gasoline in a
fuel tank, food in your stomach, a compressed spring, and a weight hanging from a
tree are all examples of potential energy. The human body is a type of energy-
conversion device. It converts food into power, which can be used to do work.

Uses of light energy

 It helps us to see things.
 It helps plants to make food and grow.
 It is used in power satellites and space stations.
 It is used in many electronic appliances.
 The energy of light from the sun can be harvested to solar panels and can be
used for domestic use since it is eco-friendly and cost effective too.

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