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Read the passage below and answer the questions correctly

Grade 8
Experimenting on Animals
Life processes are similar in all animals with backbones. So, physiologist can find out a lot
about the human body by studying animals such as frogs, rats and rabbits. Sometimes research
involves the death of these animals. But physiologist take great care not to hurt the animals.
The animals are usually put to sleep during the experiments so they do not feel pain. Many people
think animals should not be used for experiments. But it is only by physiological research that
medicine has been able to advance. Polio is a disease that attacks nerves. Millions of people have
been protected from polio by a fluid called vaccine. Tissue from monkeys is used to make the
1. Millions of people have been protected from polio by a fluid called _______?
a. backbones b. vaccine c. nerves d. polio
2. According to the passage,--- (critical)
a. animals with bones are of no great importance in experimental researches
b. animals can die if not vaccinated by experimental team
c. although many people resist against animals being utilized in researches, it is
d. by the help of experimental researches, millions of people have been protected
against rats and frogs.
3. Experimental researches--- (critical)
a. are of paramount significance for the polio infected monkeys
b.. are the mere way that medicine can progress
c. are carried out to remove infected tissues from the animals
d. include only reptiles to discover vaccines
4. It is clearly stated in the passage that --- (critical)
a. millions of people have been killed by polio disease so far
b. physiologists make sure that animals are not hurt during the experiments
c. rats, frogs and rabbits are grown only for experimental researches
d. the discovery of the remedy to fatal diseases lies in using monkeys

5. Animals with backbones are called- (inferential)

a. mammals b. reptiles c. amphibians d. class aves

6. A physiologist is- (inferential)

a. a person specializing in the functions of living organisms and their parts
b. a person in the mental or behavioral characteristic of an individual or group.
c. a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others especially by generous
donations of money to a good cause.
d. a scientist specializing in the relation between energy and matter.

7. What animal tissue issued to make polio vaccine? (literal)

a. rats b. frogs c. monkeys d. rabbits
(Source: GrammarBankPDFeBooks)

Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them helping
drowning sailors have been common since Roman times. The more we learn about dolphins, the
Read the passage below and answer the questions correctly
more we realize that their society is more complex than people previously imagined. They look
after other when they are ill, care for pregnant mothers and protect the weakest in the
community as we do. Some scientist have suggested that dolphins have a language but it is much
more probable that they communicate with each other without needing words. Could any of these
mammals be more intelligent than man? Certainly the most common arguments in favor of mans
superiority over them that we can kill them more easily than they can us is the least satisfactory.
On the contrary, the more we discover about these remarkable creatures, the less we appear
superior when we destroy them.

8. What animal is regarded as the friendliest creature in the sea?

a. sea lion b. walrus c. dolphin d. shark
9. Dolphins belong which class of animals? (literal)
a. invertebrate b. mammals c. reptiles d. amphibians
10. It is clear from the passage that dolphins--- (literal)
a. don’t want to be with us as much as we want to be with them
b. have a reputation for being friendly to humans
c. are the most powerful creatures that live in the oceans
d. are capable of learning a language and communicating with humans

11. The fact that the writer of the passage thinks that we can kill dolphins more easily than
they can kill us --- (critical)
a. means that they are better adapted to their environment than we are
b. shows that dolphins have a very sophisticated form of communication
c. proves that dolphins are not the most intelligent species at sea.
d. does not mean that we are superior to them

12. One can infer from the reading that— (inferential)

a. dolphins are quite abundant in some areas of the world
b. communication is the most fascinating aspect of dolphins
c. it is not usual for dolphins to communicate with each other
d. dolphins have some traits that are similar to those of humans

13. It is stated in the passage that dolphins- (literal)

a. dolphins are proven to be less intelligent than once thought
b. dolphins have linguistic skills far beyond human
c. dolphins have skills that no other living creatures have
d. man killing dolphins makes him appear less superior than them

14. One can understand from the reading that -- (critical)

a. dolphins are very social
b. dolphins are carnivores
c. dolphins are as smart as apes
d. dolphins are harmful animals
(Source: GrammarBankPDFeBooks)
Read the passage below and answer the questions correctly
Confucius was a famous Chinese philosopher. He was born about 550 B.C. to a poor family.
By temperament, he was unfit for practical politics and devoted his time to study. His zeal for
reform led him to teach. He set out on extensive travels to spread his principles. All his teachings
were devoted to practical morality and to the duties of man in relation to his fellowmen. Once, a
disciple asked what kind of man he was. Confucius answered that he was “a man who forgets to
eat when he is interested in something, who forgets all his worries when he is happy, who is not
aware that old age is coming on.”
He also said that he had a tireless pursuit of wisdom and his efforts to teach others. Once,
a man who knew him described him as someone who knew that a thing couldn’t be done but still
would want to do it. He hated public officials who were corrupt. He called them “thieves of
virtues” and “rice bags” betraying public trust and enriching themselves. “The superior man
understands what is right and loves his soul; the inferior man understands what will sell and loves
his property.

15. The authors main purpose in writing this passage is to assert the greatness of Confucius as
a: a. politician, b.) philosopher, c.) teacher, d.)philanthropist e.) reformist (literal)
a. (a) only b. (b) only c. b, c, e d. a, b, d

16. When someone described Confucius as “ someone who knew that a thing couldn’t be done but
still would want to do it” he meant to describe Confucius as ___ (critical)
a. stubborn and obstinate b. curious and inquisitive
c. persistent and willful d. bold and reckless

17.The word zeal in the fourth sentence means ___ (inferential)

a. enthusiasm and fervor b. poverty and want
c. distaste and aversion d. craving and desire

18. Confucius had a particular hatred for public officials who___ (literal)
a. were thieves of virtues and rice bags b. betrayed public trust and enriched themselves
c. corrupt d. all of the above

19.The following is attributed to Confucius : “The superior man understands what is right ; the
inferior man understands what will sell”. Which of the following proverbs expresses the same
idea? (critical)
a. “Do not criticize other peoples faults; search yourself for your own
b. “When a country is in order, it is a shame to be poor; when a country is in chaos, it is a shame
to be rich and an official.”
c. “ A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue”
d. “For the merchandise of wisdom and understanding is better than the merchandise of silver
and the gain thereof than fine gold.”

20. It can be deduced from the passage that- (inferential)

a. Confucius is a virtuous man
b. Confucius is a carefree and outgoing person
c. Confucius hated politics and politicians
d. Confucius lived extravagantly
Read the passage below and answer the questions correctly

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