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Originally Answered: What are the uses of heat energy?

1. Environmental heating.
2. Metal working, including smelting, refining, casting, hot-rolling, tempering & heat
treating, welding, brazing & stress relief.
3. Thermal processing of non-metals, including hot forming, extrusion, vacuum-
forming, etc.
4. Food processing, including pasteurization, canning, cooking & reheating.
5. Incandescent lighting, for example, gas mantles.
6. Medical, including sterilization and cauterization.
How is thermal energy used?
 Thermal energy are used in Generation of power in automobiles. They are used in
generation of electricity which have a wide range of household use, such as cooking,
pressing clothes etc. They are use in recycling of plastic materials . They are used in
incinerators for burning waste . They have wide range of use in bakeries.

Uses of potential energy
 Potential Energy. Potential energy is waiting to be converted into power. Gasoline in a
fuel tank, food in your stomach, a compressed spring, and a weight hanging from a
tree are all examples of potential energy. The human body is a type of energy-
conversion device. It converts food into power, which can be used to do work.

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