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Jose rizal – death return to the Philippines in

1887 was cut short when he was

- While living in Europe, José
targeted by police.
Rizal wrote about the - Rizal returned to Europe and
discrimination that accompanied continued to write, releasing his
Spain's colonial rule of his
follow-up novel, El
country. He returned to the Filibusterismo (The Reign of
Philippines in 1892 but was Greed) in 1891. He also
exiled due to his desire for
published articles in La
reform. Although he supported Solidaridad, a paper aligned
peaceful change, Rizal was
with the Propaganda Movement.
convicted of sedition and
The reforms Rizal advocated
executed on December 30, for did not include
1896, at age 35.
independence—he called for
- On June 19, 1861, José Protasio
equal treatment of Filipinos,
Rizal Mercado y Alonso limiting the power of Spanish
Realonda was born in Calamba in
friars and representation for
the Philippines' Laguna Province.
the Philippines in the Spanish
A brilliant student who became Cortes (Spain's parliament).
proficient in multiple languages,
- Rizal returned to the
José Rizal studied medicine in Philippines in 1892, feeling he
Manila. In 1882, he traveled to needed to be in the country to
Spain to complete his medical
effect change. Although the
degree. reform society he founded, the
- While in Europe, José Rizal
Liga Filipino (Philippine League),
became part of the Propaganda
supported non-violent action,
Movement, connecting with Rizal was still exiled to Dapitan,
other Filipinos who wanted
on the island of Mindanao.
reform. He also wrote his first
During the four years Rizal was
novel, Noli Me Tangere (Touch in exile, he practiced medicine
Me Not/The Social Cancer), a
and took on students.
work that detailed the dark
aspects of Spain's colonial rule
in the Philippines, with
particular focus on the role of
Catholic friars. The book was
banned in the Philippines,
though copies were smuggled in.
Because of this novel, Rizal's

- In 1895, Rizal asked for going to die with a tranquil
permission to travel to Cuba as conscience."
an army doctor. His request was - In 1901, when the Americans
approved, but in August 1896, took control of the country,
Katipunan, a nationalist Filipino Governor-general William
society founded by Andres Howard Taft named Rizal as the
Bonifacio, revolted. Though he Philippine national hero. A year
had no ties to the group and later, on February 1, 1902, the
disapproved of its violent Philippine Commission enacted
methods, Rizal was arrested Act No. 345, which made
shortly thereafter. After a December 30, a public holiday,
show trial, Rizal was convicted Dr. Jose P. Rizal day.
of sedition and sentenced to - On 29th December, 1896 when
death by firing squad. Rizal's Rizal was notified of the Report
public execution was carried (sentence by the Council of
out in Manila on December 30, War), he refused to sign it
1896, when he was 35 years old. stating that he was innocent of
His execution created more the charges against him and
opposition to Spanish rule. that he was not a Chinese
- Name: Jose Protasio Rizal mestizo as stated in the Report
Mercado Y Alonso Realonda but an Indio.
(Jose Rizal) - It was a firing squad composed
- June 19, 1861 [ Calamba, of eight native (Filipino)
Laguna] – December 30, 1896 soldiers who shot Rizal at
[Bagumbayan(now the Luneta Babumbayan field, and he was
Park), Manila] (Died at 35 years not only shot once but twice.
old) - A dog (mascot) ran around the
- On the eve of his execution, lifeless body of Rizal, whining.
while confined in Fort Santiago, - Rizal was buried at Paco
Rizal wrote “Último adiós” Cemetery without a coffin. And
(“Last Farewell”), a masterpiece it was only in 1911 during the
of 19th-century Spanish verse. American Occupation of the
- He said on the eve of his death: Philippines that Rizal’s remains
"A victim is sought and I am the where transferred to where a
one who is chosen to bear the monument now stands in his
whole blame. I am innocent of honor.
the crime of rebellion. I am

- On 20th December, 1896, Rizal the law applying the Penal Code
together with his counsel, Lt. of Spain in the Philippines, none
Taviel de Andrade of the exists to establish the guilt of
Spanish Artillery, prepared for the accused; he likewise
his defense. challenged the veracity and
impartiality of those who had
- Five days later, on 25th given statements incriminating
December, Christmas Day, Rizal Rizal; he closed his defense
was informed that on the requesting the court to reject
following day, at 10:00 am, the the images of war, for they
Council of War would convene. could only provoke ideas of
Rizal wrote his counsel Taviel, vengeance, and that judges
asking for a conference prior to should not be vengeful but fair
appearing before the Council. and just. After giving Rizal an
However, it was not known opportunity to speak in his
whether such pre-trial defense, the Court after
conference between Rizal and deliberations rendered its
his counsel took place and on decision finding Rizal the
the 26th of December, at the author of rebellion and
Cuartel General de Espana, a sentenced him to death.
soldier’s dormitory was - On 28th December, Governor
converted into an improvised General Polavieja approved the
courtroom. sentence of the Council of War
- The trial proceeded with the after knowing that none of the
reading of the accusations members of the Council of
against Rizal “as principal Authorities recommended the
organizer” and “moving spirit of commutation of the sentence
the Philippine insurrection, against Rizal. The next day,
founder of societies, of 29th of December, Judge
newspapers and [who] has Dominguez went to Fort
written books designed to Santiago to notify Rizal
foment and propagate ideas of officially of the sentence. Rizal
rebellion and sedition among read the report or verdict but
the people, as well as the refused to sign it, stating that
principal leader of the anti- he was innocent. He also
government in the country.” alleged that he was not a
Taviel de Andrade, Rizal’s Chinese mestizo as stated by
defense counsel, argued that in the auditor in the report but a

pure Indio. Rizal was informed him that he had orders to shoot
that no modifications were him in the back. Rizal
allowed in the text of the reluctantly agreed, but he
judgment. In the morning of 30 firmly refused to kneel or be
December, 1896, Rizal was blindfolded. One last request
executed at Bagumbayan field of Rizal was that the soldiers
by musketry. spare his head and instead
- Eight native soldiers composed shoot him in the back near the
the firing squad. Behind them heart. The captain agreed.
were eight Spanish soldiers Rizal then shook hands with his
with Mauser rifles, ready to defense counsel, Lt. Taviel de
shoot the native soldiers if Andrade and thanked him for
they refused to shoot Rizal. his efforts in defending him. A
- At 6:30 a.m. on 30 December military doctor came to take his
1896, Jose Rizal, bound elbow- pulse; it was normal. The
to-elbow, left Fort Santiago by Jesuits raised a crucifix for
foot for Bagumbayan field, him to kiss, but Rizal had
accompanied by a bugler, a already turned away silently and
drummer and two Jesuit prepared himself for death.
priests, Fr. Estanislao March - The order to fire was given.
and Fr. Jose Villaclara. They Before the shots rang out, Rizal
took the Paseo de Maria shouted,“Consumatum est!” (It
Cristina, now called Bonifacio is finished!). When the bullets
Drive. Behind Rizal was his hit their mark, Rizal made a last
defense counsel Lt. Luis Taviel effort to turn around, thus,
de Andrade. A squad of falling lifeless with his back on
soldiers surrounded them as the ground, his face to the sky.
they walked slowly. Upon Another soldier gave the body a
reaching Bagumbayan field, “tiro de gracia” -- one last shot
Rizal placed himself in the to make sure Rizal was dead.
middle of the square, filled Shouts of “Viva Espana!” rent
with 400 men, with a band the air. The band of the
playing. regiment struck the first
- Rizal refused to be shot in the chords of “Marcha de Cadiz.”
back, saying he had not been a By 7:03 a.m. the execution was
traitor to the country or to over.
Spain. But the Spanish captain
in charge of the execution told

[ Rizal buried without a coffin] - A few days after the
Americans occupied Manila in
- After the execution of Rizal his August 1898, Rizal's sister
body was placed in a van and Narcisa asked permission from
with utmost secrecy buried in the new authorities to exhume
the old Paco Cemetery. Sra. the remains of Rizal. Permission
Teodora, the mother of Rizal, was granted. When the body
wanted to comply with the last was exhumed, it was discovered
wish of her son, that the family that Rizal's body had not even
take charge of his remains. been placed in a coffin. The
After several objections on the shoes were identified, but
part of some Spanish officials, whatever had been hidden
Civil Governor Manuel Luengo inside them had already
agreed to her petition. disintegrated (Fernandez, p.
However, when the funeral 393).
coach left, they had already - In 1911, Rizal’s remains were
secretly taken the body away, transferred from the Paco
and Rizal's sister, Narcisa, Cemetery to the base of the
went to all the cemeteries of monument which had earlier
Manila looking for the remains been erected at the Luneta
in vain. (now Rizal Park). His aged,
- On the way back, she saw, beloved mother was still able to
through the open gate of the attend the ceremonies of the
Paco Cemetery, some guardia transfer. A few weeks later
civiles. This gave her a hint. Sra. Teodora Alonso Quintos
She entered the cemetery and died. It appears she made the
after much searching found a effort to survive her son, to go
freshly dug grave covered with on living until such time that
earth. She gave the her son’s memory would be
gravedigger some money and officially vindicated.
placed a plaque with the initials
of her brother in reverse,
R.P.J., which means Rizal,
Protacio Jose. (Jose Rizal,
Filipino Doctor and Patriot, by
Jose Baron Fernandez, Paragon
Printing Corporation, Manila,
1992, pp 370-371).

- By 6:30 of the morning of Dec. “Fuego (Fire),” Rizal turned to
30, Rizal, dressed in a black face the firing squad.
suit with white vest, began his - Rizal fell face up and was able
march to the field of his to see the dawn breaking
execution in Bagumbayan, now before he uttered in his final
the Luneta, from his prison cell breath: “Consummatum est (It
in Fort Santiago. He was is finished).” In 1898, the first
accompanied by his military Philippine President Emilio
appointed counsel Lt. Taviel de Aguinaldo issued his first
Andrade, and Fathers decree marking Rizal’s death
Estanislao March and Jose anniversary on Dec. 30 rather
Villaclara. than his birthday on June 19 to
- Holding a rosary in his right commemorate his heroism and
hand, Rizal was tied at the sacrifice for the country.
elbows as his group walked - The death of Jose Rizal on
behind four advance guards December 30, 1896 came right
armed with bayonets. Historical after a kangaroo trial convicted
accounts showed that six to him on all three charges of
eight Filipino volunteer troops rebellion, sedition and
composed the firing squad conspiracy.
designated by Spanish - December 30th is the death
authorities to execute Rizal. anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal.
A descendant of one of the The death of Jose Rizal came
executioners, Adolfo Pastor right after a kangaroo trial
Quetcuti, related that only one convicted him on all three
of the rifles was loaded with a charges of rebellion, sedition
live bullet while the rest were and conspiracy. He was guided
blanks. This is to ease the guilt to his cell in Fort Santiago
of Rizal’s executioners who where he spent his last 24
knew he was innocent, he hours right after the
explained. conviction. At 6:00 AM of
- Dr. Felipe Ruiz Castillo, who December 29, 1896, Captain
took Rizal’s vital signs and pulse Rafael Dominguez read Jose
rate before the execution, was Rizal’s death sentence and
amazed to find that the declared that he will be shot at
national hero was calm and 7:00 AM of the next day in
unafraid. Upon hearing the Bagumbayan. At 8:00 PM of the
squad commander’s shout of same day, Jose Rizal had his

last supper and informed commander to shoot him facing
Captain Dominguez that he had the firing squad but was
forgiven his enemies including ordered to turn his back
the military judges that against the squad of Filipino
condemned him to die. Rizal soldiers of the Spanish army. A
heard mass at 3:00 in the backup force of regular Spanish
morning of December 30, 1896, Army troops were on standby
had confession before taking to shoot the executioners
the Holy Communion. He took should they fail to obey the
his last breakfast at 5:30 AM orders of the commander.
of December 30, 1896 and even - Jose Rizal’s execution was
had the time to write two carried out when the command
letters one for his family while “Fuego” was heard and Rizal
the other letter was for his made an effort to face the
brother Paciano. This was also firing squad but his bullet
the time when his wife, riddled body turned to the
Josephine Bracken and his right and his face directed to
sister Josefa arrived and bade the morning sun. Rizal exactly
farewell to Rizal. died at 7:03 AM and his last
- Rizal who was dressed in a black words before he died were
suit was a few meters behind those said by Jesus Christ:
his advance guards while moving “consummatum est,” which
to his slaughter place and was means, “It is finished.”
accompanied by Lt. Luis Taviel - Jose Rizal was secretly buried
de Andrade, two Jesuit priests in Paco Cemetery in Manila but
and more soldiers behind him. no identification was placed in
The atmosphere was just like his grave. His sister Narcisa
any execution by musketry by tried to look in every grave site
which the sound of the drums and found freshly turned soil at
occupied the air. Rizal looked at the Paco cemetery, assuming
the sky while walking and the burial site as the area
mentioned how beautiful that where Rizal was buried. She
day was. gave a gift to the site
- Rizal was told to stand on a caretaker so as to mark the
grassy lawn between two lam grave with RPJ — the initials of
posts in the Bagumbayan field, Rizal in reverse.
looking towards the Manila Bay. - José Protasio Rizal Mercado Y
He requested the firing squad Alonso Realonda was born on

June 19, 1861 to Francisco shoot him, he faced the squad
Mercado and Teodora Alonzo in and uttered in his final breath:
the town of Calamba in the “Consummatum est” (It is
province of Laguna. He had nine finished). According to
sisters and one brother. At the historical accounts, only one
early age of three, the future bullet ended the life of the
political leader had already Filipino martyr and hero.
learned the English alphabet.
And, by the age of five, José
could already read and write. [ Last days of Rizal and his burial]
- In 1896, Rizal was granted
leave by then Governor-General - December 26, 1896 – A Spanish
Blanco, after volunteering to court martial found Jose Rizal
travel to Cuba to serve as guilty for sedition and
doctor to yellow fever victims. sentenced him to death.
But at that time, the Katipunan - December 28, 1896 – It was
had a full-blown revolution and decided that Rizal will be
Rizal was accused of being executed by musketry,
associated with the secret Governor-General Camillo
militant society. On his way to Polavieja confirmed the
Cuba, he was arrested in sentence.
Barcelona and sent back to - December 28, 1896 – Teodora
Manila to stand for trial before Alonzo wrote the Governor-
the court martial. Rizal was General asking for clemency
charged with sedition, [mercy] for her son.
conspiracy, and rebellion – and - December 28, 1896 – At
therefore, sentenced to death Malacañan Palace, Rizal’s sisters
by firing squad. Days before his pleaded to Governor-General
execution, Rizal bid farewell to Polavieja: stay Rizal’s execution.
his motherland and countrymen - December 29, 1896 – Rizal was
through one of his final letters, read his death sentence.
entitled Mi último adiós or My - December 29, 1896 – Rizal was
Last Farewell. Dr. José Rizal visited by several priests
was executed on the morning of including Fr. Faura, S.J.
December 30, 1896, in what - Decemeber 29, 1896 – Rizal
was then called Bagumbayan wrote his last letter to
(now referred to as Luneta). Ferdinand Blumentritt which
Upon hearing the command to read: “My dear Brother, When

you receive this letter, I shall brought to San Juan de Dios
be dead by then. Tomorrow at Hospital.
seven, I shall be shot; but I am - December 30, 1896 – Rizal’s
innocent of the crime of remains were buried in the Paco
rebellion. I am going to die with Cemetery in an unmarked grave.
a tranquil conscience. Adieu, my - Last December 30, 2019 was
best, my dearest friend, and Jose Rizal’s 123rd death
never think ill of me! Fort anniversary.
Santiago, 29 December 1896
José Rizal Regards to the whole
family, to Sra. Rosa, Loleng, [ Rizal’s Death Wishes]
Conradito, and Federico. I leave
a book for you as my - “Dear parents, brothers,
remembrance.” sisters: Give thanks to God who
- December 29, 1896 – Teodora has kept me tranquil, before my
Alonzo paid her final visit to death … Bury me in the earth,
Rizal. She was accompanied by put a stone on top, and a cross.
her daughter, Trinidad My name, the date of my birth,
Mercado. and that of my death. Nothing
- December 29, 1896 – Rizal’s more. If later you should wish
sisters were allowed to pay him to surround my grave with a
visits. He gave them his worldly fence, you can do it. No
possessions: anniversary celebrations! I
Narcisa – Wicker Chair prefer ‘Paang Bundok, which was
Angelica, niece – Handkerchief the cemetery north of Manila,
Mauricio, nephew – Belt, watch, now known as North Cemetery.
and chain
[ Rizal’s Last Hours]
Trinidad – Alcohol Burner with
Mi Ultimo Adios - Dec. 29, 1896. 6:00 – 7:00 a.m.:
- December 30, 1896, 6:30am – Sr. S. Mataix asks Rizal’s
Rizal was brought to the permission to interview him.
execution site from Fort Capt. Dominguez reads death
Santiago. sentence to Rizal. Source of
- December 30, 1896, 7:03 a.m. – information: cablegram of
Rizal was executed by Mataix to EL Heraldo De
musketry. Madrid, "Notes" of Capt.
- December 30, 1896 – After the Dominguez and Testimony of Lt.
execution, Rizal’s body was Gallegos.

- 7:00 – 8:00 a.m.: Rizal is Balaguer, who is not allowed to
transferred to his death cell. enter the death cell) that Rizal
Fr. Saderra talks briefly with is either to Prostestant or
Rizal. Fr. Viza presents statue rationalist who speaks in "a very
of the Sacred hearth of Jesus cold and calculated manner"
and medal of Mary. Rizal with a mixture of a "strange
rejects the letter, saying , "Im piety." No debate or discussion
little of a Marian, Father." on religion is recorded to have
Source: Fr. Viza. taken place between the
- Fathers mentioned and Rizal.
- 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.: Rizal is shares Sources: El Imarcial and Rizal y
his milk and coffee with Fr. su Obra.
Rosell. Lt. Andrade and chief of - 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.: Rizal reads
Artillery come to visit Rizal who Bible and Imitation of Christ by
thanks each of them. Rizal Kempis, then meditates. Fr.
scribbles a note inviting his Balaguer reports to the
family it visit him. Sources: Fr. Archbishop that only a little
Rosell and letter of Invitation. hope remains that Rizal is going
- 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.: Sr. Mataix, to retract for Rizal was heard
defying stringent regulation, saying that he is going to
enters death cell and interviews appear tranquilly before God.
Rizal in the presence of Fr. Sources: Rizal’s habits and Rizal
Rosell. Later, Gov. Luengo drops y su Obra.
in to join the conversation. - 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.: Rizal denies
Sources: Letter of Mataix ti (probably, he is allowed to
Retana Testimony of Fr. Rosell. attend to his personal
- 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.: Fr. Faura necessities). Source: "Notes" of
persuades Rizal to put down his Capt. Dominguez.
rancours and order to marry - 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.: Rizal confers
josephine canonically. a heated with Fr. March and Fr.
discussion on religion occurs Vilaclara. Sources: "Notes" of
between them ion the hearing Capt. Dominguez in conjunction
of Fr. Rosell. Sources: El with the testimonies of Fr. Pi
Imparcial and Fr. Rosell . and Fr. Balaguer.
- 11:00 – 12:00 noon.: Rizal talks - 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.: Rizal reads
on "various topics" in a long verses which he had underlined
conversation with Fr. Vilaclara in Eggers german Reader, a
who will later conclude (with Fr. book which he is going to hand

10 | P a g e
over to his sisters to be sent to Lopez-Tuñon, Fr. Rosell, Fr.
Dr. Blumentritt through F. Serapio Tamayo, and Sworn
Stahl. He "writes several Statement of Fr. Balaguer.
letters . . . ,with his last - 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.: Fr. Rosell
dedications," then he "rest for leaves Fort Santiago and sees
a short." Sources: F. Stahl and Josephine Bracken. Rizal calls
F. Blumentritt, Cavana (1956) – for Josephine and then they
Appendix 13, and the "Notes" speak to each for the last time.
of Capt. Dominguez. Sources: Fr. Rosell, El
Imparcial, and Testimony of
Josephine to R. Wildman in
- 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.: Capt. 1899.
Dominguez is moved with - 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.: Fr. Faura
compassion at the sight of returns to console Rizal and
Rizal’s kneeling before his persuades him once more to
mother and asking pardon. Fr. trust him and the other
Rosell hears Rizal’s farewell to professors at the Ateneo. Rizal
his sister and his address to is emotion-filled and, after
those presents eulogizing the remaining some moments in
cleverness of his nephew. The silence, confesses to Fr. Faura.
other sisters come in one by Sources: El Imparcial.
one after the other and to each - 8:00 – 9:00 p.m.: Rizal rakes
Rizal’s gives promises to give a supper (and, most probably,
book, an alcohol burner, his pair attends to his personal needs).
of shoes, an instruction, Then, he receives Bro. Titllot
something to remember. with whom he had a very
Sources "notes" of Capt. "tender" (Fr. Balaguer) or
Dominguez and Fr. Rosell, Diaro "useful" (Fr. Pi) interview.
de Manila. Sources: Separate testimonies
- 5:30 – 6:00 p.m: The Dean of of Fr. Balaguer and Fr. Pi on the
the Cathedral, admitted on report of Bro. Titllot; Fisal
account of his dignity, comes to Castaño.
exchange views with Rizal. Fr. - 9:00 – 10:00 p.m: Fiscal Castaño
Rosell hears an order given to exchanges views with Rizal
certain "gentlemen" and "two regarding their respective
friars" to leave the chapel at professors. Sources: Fiscal
once. Fr. Balaguer leaves Fort Castaño.
Santiago. Sources: Rev. Silvino

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- 10:00 – 11:00 p.m.: Rizal meditates. Josephine is
manifests strange reaction, prohibited by the Spanish
asks guards for paper and pen. officers from seeing Rizal,
From rough drafts and copies according to Josephine’s
of his poem recovered in his testimony to R. Wildman in
shoes, the Spaniards come to 1899.
know that Rizal is writing a - 6:15 – 7:00: Rizal walks to the
poem. Sources: El Imparcial and place of execution between Fr.
Ultimo Adios; probably, Fiscal March and Fr. Vilaclara with
Castaño. whom he converses. Keeps
- 11:00 – 12:00 midnight: Rizal looking around as if seeking or
takes time to his hide his poem expecting to see someone. His
inside the alcohol burner. It has last word, said in a loud voice:
to be done during night rather "It is finished"
than during daytime because he - 7:00 – 7:03: Sounds of guns.
is watched very carefully. He Rizal vacillates, turns halfway
then writes his last letter to around, falls down backwards
brother Paciano. Sources: and lies on the ground facing
Testimonies and circumstantial the sun. Silence. Shouts of
evidence. vivas for Spain.
- 12:00 – 4:00 a.m.: Rizal sleeps
restfully because his
confidence in the goodness of
God and the justness of his
cause gives him astounding
serenity and unusual calmness.
- Dec. 30, 1986. 4:00 – 5:00 a.m.:
Rizal picks up Imitation of
Christ, reads, meditates and
then writes in Kempis’ book a
dectation to his wife Josephine
and by this very act in itself he
gives to her their only
certificate of marriage.
- 5:00 – 6:15: Rizal washes up,
takes breakfast, attends to his
personal needs. Writes a letter
to his parents. Reads Bible and

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