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Teacher Name : kainat farooq

Class: 4
Subject: Science
Student Name
Roll No
Total Marks 35
Q 1. Tick the correct answer for the given statement: (4)
i. Our environment consists of ----- components.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
ii. How many types of environment
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
iii. The non- living part of the earth is ----
a) Animals
b) Plants
c) Rock,soil,water,
d) Birds
iv. The living part is made up of----
a) Door
b) Duster
c) Plants and animals
d) None of these
`Q 2. Fill in the blanks. (4)
i. All living things need---------.
ii. Living things are linked to other living things as well as to the ---------things in the
iii. Plants use energy from------------- to make their food.
iv. Animals that only eat others animals are called ------.

Q 3. Answer the following short Questions. (9)

i. Define environment ?

ii. What is consumers?


iii. How many components of environment?


Q 4. Answer the following Question:

i. Describe the land environment?(6)

ii. Write note on aquatic environment? (6)



iii. Differentiate carnivores and herbivore? (6)


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