Debate Club Meeting One

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Debate Club Topics

Is Obama Failing or Succeeding in his term.

The US poverty rate reached 14.3% or 43.6 million people.  The government defines the poverty rate as
a family of four earning less than $21,954.  The number of people living without health insurance topped
51 million and for the first time since the Census began keeping records, the number of people insured
decreased.  Nice work.

Obama's formula for fixing the economy: Get the U.S. as deeply into further debt as possible, shattering
all previous debt records under all former presidents combined.

In closing, I would like to leave you with this thought: Obama is incompetent, and a racist. He said he
believes in "economic justice" -- translation: money being taken from whites and given to minorities --
rather than fixing the friggin' economy! He was actually asked about those two things side by side, and
chose the former over the latter. What a dunce!

Also, remember how "stupid" Bush was? Well, chew on this: Obama's IQ is lower than Bush'

To put it simply, the American economy has been set up to fail since before Reagan entered into office.
Presidents (over the years) have simply been caretakers of a slowly sinking ship.

Our economic crisis is by design. Any economics teacher will tell you that debt-driven economies (which
the USA has been since around or before 1970) must eventually fail. When the monthly interest
payment exceeds what they can borrow each all comes crashing down.

Obama is not to blame for what he got, but he single-offhandedly ensured in his first 100 days that the
end will be disaster. The false "bailout" of Wall Street is in the trillions of dollars which are unaccounted
for (the public was told the bailout package was only $700+ billion, but actual tracing of the money has
indicated trillions has been moved with no official accountability or review by a supervising authority).

Obama has more than tripled America's debt in a matter of months. People were screaming to get rid of
G. W. Bush and not to vote for John McCain over the debt that was being created by a misguided foreign
policy of war without end. Obama does 3X worse and everyone is orally pleasuring him and telling him
how wonderful he is.

Proposition 19, legalizing marijuana

Hopes that California will become the first state in the nation to legalize marijuana appear to be
turning into a pipe dream.
Voters plan to oppose a measure on the November 2 ballot to legalize marijuana use by 53
percent to 43 percent, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday that showed a big
change of sentiment from June.

Liberally inclined and financially troubled, California was the first state to flout federal law and
legalize marijuana for medical use, and a Reuters/Ipsos poll in June showed voters nearly evenly
divided on the measure to legalize sales and recreational use, known as Proposition 19.

Marijuana use has taken off like a weed in California since voters in 1996 approved the drug for
medical use. Doctors in markets including Oakland and Los Angeles are in price wars to provide
medical referrals, which have fallen below $100, and Oakland in particular is setting up rules for
the creation and taxation of marijuana-growing facilities.

The idea of taxing recreational marijuana draws a lot of attention.

"They should tax the hell out of it and send the money directly to the schools," said Deborah
Wynn, 56, a jobless student aiming to work in the medical industry.


But California is not as liberal as its reputation: enthusiasm for legalization in Los Angeles and
San Francisco is offset by more conservative views in other parts of the state.

And while Democrats support marijuana legalization and outnumber Republicans in the state,
Republicans are more consistent in their opposition. Democrats support legalization 54 percent
to 45 percent, but Republicans are against it more than two to one, at or 66 percent to 30 percent.

Independents are nearly evenly divided.

Skepticism about legalization runs the gamut from those fearing it will not bring in the hoped-for
hundreds of millions or billions of dollars in taxes to those who see marijuana as a real danger.

Michael Smith, a 20-year-old student at Long Beach City College who plans to become a nurse,
said marijuana had been a gateway drug for friends who continued to ecstasy and Xanax, an anti-
anxiety drug.

"I had two friends who were faded on marijuana and Xannies and flipped their truck on the 605
South," he said, referring to the nearby San Gabriel River Freeway. Both died.

Proposition 19 would allow recreational use of marijuana by adults and regulation of sales and
cultivation by local governments, creating a potential hothouse of regulatory experimentation.

Marijuana use already is practically legal in California.

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