ApplyingUpdatesWithPUMEnabledApplications March2014

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PeopleSoft All Applications Release 9.

Applying Updates with PeopleSoft

PUM-Enabled Applications

March 2014
PeopleSoft All Applications Release 9.2 Supplemental Documentation: Applying Updates with PeopleSoft
PUM-Enabled Applications
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Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................4 
PeopleSoft Update Manager ........................................................................................................................4 
Getting Started .............................................................................................................................................4 
Searching for Updates in MOS – Comparison Summary of Changes .........................................................4 
Glossary .......................................................................................................................................................6 
How to Search, Download, and Apply Updates ...............................................................................................8 
PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page ....................................................................................................8 
Search for Updates in My Oracle Support....................................................................................................8 
Commonly Used MOS Search Fields and Descriptions ...........................................................................9 
View My Oracle Support Search Results ...................................................................................................12 
Viewing Search Results ..........................................................................................................................12 
MOS Patch Fields Commonly Used by PeopleSoft................................................................................13 
View the ReadMe File ................................................................................................................................15 
Viewing the Patch ReadMe File..............................................................................................................15 
ReadMe File for a PeopleSoft Update Image Patch...............................................................................16 
PUM Update Image Contents List for a PeopleSoft Update Image .......................................................17 
ReadMe File for PeopleSoft Release Patchset ......................................................................................18 
Download from My Oracle Support ............................................................................................................19 
Downloading a PeopleSoft Update Image ..............................................................................................19 
Downloading PeopleSoft Release Patchsets .........................................................................................21 
Apply Updates and Patches .......................................................................................................................23 
Applying Updates and Patches from a PeopleSoft Update Image .........................................................23 
Applying a PRP to the Image ..................................................................................................................23 
References .................................................................................................................................................23 

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Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

This document describes how to search and download, from My Oracle Support, any updates and patches for
applications that are using the PeopleSoft Update Manager method of maintenance. This document also
includes information and helpful links to other documents for how to apply updates and patches once you
have downloaded them.
For instructions on how to search for, download, and apply required-at-install patches for PeopleSoft Update
Manager-enabled applications, please see the document How To Apply Required-at-Install Patches with
PUM-Enabled Applications linked in PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page [Document 1464619.1].

Warning! These instructions are to be used only for PeopleSoft Update Manager-enabled applications
(release 9.2). To search for patches for older applications releases, use these instructions: My Oracle Support
Patches and Updates for PeopleSoft Products [Document 1465172.1].

Important! For a list of applications releases that are currently supported by the PeopleSoft Update Manager
maintenance methodology, please see PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page [Document 1464619.1].

PeopleSoft Update Manager

PeopleSoft is improving the way customers update and patch their PeopleSoft applications with PeopleSoft
Update Manager (PUM). By leveraging Oracle VirtualBox virtual machine technology, PeopleSoft is able to
deliver to customers a full and up-to-date PeopleSoft environment. This improved maintenance method will
enable you to use this technology and tools to update your PeopleSoft applications. See the PeopleSoft
Update Manager Home Page [Document 1464619.1] on My Oracle Support for important links to
documentation and training.
As recommended for updating a PUM-enabled application, you will download a PeopleSoft Update Image on
a regular basis and use the PUM process to select and apply updates to your environment.

Getting Started
For information about PUM and PUM-enabled applications, see Getting Started with PeopleSoft Update
Manager available on the PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page [Document 1464619.1].

Searching for Updates in MOS – Comparison Summary

of Changes
The following table lists the differences between the older patch searching experience and the new
PeopleSoft Update Image and PUM search experience.

Important! Patches and bundles for PeopleTools and for applications 9.1 and 9.0 continue to be done as
before. The new update and patching methodology using PUM is only for applications release 9.2.

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Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

Patches with Releases Prior to 9.2 Patches with Release 9.2 and Later

1. My Oracle Support. Access the Patches & Updates tab PeopleSoft Update Image. Use PeopleSoft Update Manager
and search for the patch in the Patch Search section. Home Page [Document 1464619.1] to find a link to the latest
released PeopleSoft Update Image for a PeopleSoft database
instance. A PeopleSoft Update Image may have one or more
product families, depending on the database instance for the

2. My Oracle Support. Access the Patches & Updates tab. Oracle recommends that you use the PeopleSoft Update Image
On the drop-down list at the top, use Search Knowledge and PeopleSoft Update Manager PIA Application to search for
Base to search by bug number. available patches by bug number.
On the page where you opened the bug, access the patch by However, accessing the Patches & Updates tab is still a valid
clicking the View patches and updates link on the far right. method for searching for patches by bug number.
Patch links in the bug report appear as regular text. If the patch is available in the current PeopleSoft Update Image,
the View patches and updates link will contain a link to the most
current PeopleSoft Update Image available for you to download.
Download the PeopleSoft Update Image and use the PeopleSoft
Update Manager PIA Application to search for the patch by bug
number. Then generate and apply a change package with the

Note: You only need to download the current

PeopleSoft Update Image one time. Downloading the
PI and deploying the image virtual machine will allow
you to search for other updates quickly in the same

If the patch was posted after the latest PeopleSoft Update Image
was released, it is known as a PeopleSoft Release Patchset
(PRP). You can access and download the patch files in the same
way that you find and download patches in the Patch Search
section. You use PRPs only for non-multilingual patching.

Warning! You must apply the PRP to your local

PeopleSoft Update Image. Do not apply a PRP
directly to your PeopleSoft environment.

3. My Oracle Support. Navigate to Tools and Training > Visit the PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page [Document
PeopleSoft Enterprise > [product family] Information 1464619.1] to find a link to the latest PeopleSoft Update Image
Center. for your product family and to view the maintenance schedule.
In the document that appears, navigate to Reference and The search navigation used with older releases (described to the
Planning > Maintenance Info to access the desired left) continues to be available for searching for product
maintenance schedule for the selected product family. Use the maintenance schedules.
links that are available to download Maintenance Packs,
bundles, and updates.

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March 2014

Patches with Releases Prior to 9.2 Patches with Release 9.2 and Later

4. Maintenance Packs are available in My Oracle Support. The updates that previously were delivered in Bundles and
Maintenance Packs are now delivered in the PeopleSoft Update
Image. The PeopleSoft Update Images are cumulative for the
applications release, so the latest PeopleSoft Update Image has
all the latest updates that previously were delivered in Bundles
and Maintenance Packs.

5. Single Post Patches in My Oracle Support. Access the Use the My Oracle Support Patches & Updates tab for PRPs by
Patches & Updates tab. From the drop-down list at the top Bug Number, Product, or Product Family.
of the page, use Search Knowledge Base to search by
bug ID. PRPs may be released in between the regularly released
PeopleSoft Update Images to fix critical issues.

Warning! You must apply the PRP to your local

PeopleSoft Update Image, and your local image
must be the most current. Do not apply a PRP
directly to your PeopleSoft environment.

6. Oracle Support continues to deliver single-instance proofs Oracle Support continues to deliver single-instance POCs
of concept (POCs) directly to customers using the current directly to customers using the current process.

This table describes some of the terms and their abbreviations used in this document.
Term Description
Database Instance PeopleSoft delivers applications together and installs on a single database instance.
Product families are segregated by database instances. For example, PeopleSoft
HCM/ELM, PeopleSoft Fin/SCM, PeopleSoft CRM, and PeopleSoft EPM.
Multilingual / Multilanguage (ML) Objects that contain language elements for translation are sometimes referred to as
multilingual or Multilanguage objects.
My Oracle Support (MOS) Source of patches, updates, knowledge, and support for PeopleSoft customers.
PeopleSoft Update Image (PI) A full PeopleSoft application environment delivered in an Oracle VirtualBox virtual
machine. The PI contains the PeopleSoft Update Manager PIA Application, the latest
source code, and objects for application patching and updates. PIs are released and
posted to MOS on a regular basis.
You can use the PI for demo purposes, training, and bug replication or for patching.
You must use a separate instance of the PI for each demo and patch.
PeopleSoft Product Family A PeopleSoft Product Family is a group of PeopleSoft application products. For
example, FMS, SCM, SRM, HCM, CRM, and EPM are product families.
PeopleSoft Release Patchset (PRP) PRPs are patches that must be delivered between PI releases. You download these
from MOS. These patches are applied to your current PI, extracted from that image,

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Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

and then applied to your target database.

PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) The maintenance process by which you apply application updates. It is also the new
Lifecycle Management application delivered in PeopleTools via the PI.
VirtualBox (VB) Oracle VM VirtualBox is a virtualization product from Oracle that allows one or more
guest operating systems (OSs) to be run on and in a single host OS.

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Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

How to Search, Download, and Apply Updates

This section describes the steps you need to follow to search MOS and to download PIs and PRPs.
Topics in this section:
 PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page

 Search for Updates in My Oracle Support

 View My Oracle Support Search Results

 View the ReadMe File

 Download from My Oracle Support

 Apply Updates and Patches

PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page

The PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page is in My Oracle Support Knowledge. To find it, log on to MOS
and search for Document 1464619.1 using the Search Knowledge Base field in the upper right corner of the
page. Alternatively, use this link: PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page [Document 1464619.1].
Oracle recommends that you bookmark this page as a favorite in MOS. On the PeopleSoft Update Manager
Home Page, you will find a link to the latest released PI for each PeopleSoft application product family.

Search for Updates in My Oracle Support

If you choose not to use the PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page link and instead to use the MOS
Patches & Updates tab to search for the PI, use the patch search functionality, which provides the most
search parameters for finding the patches you need.
To access the patch search functionality, navigate to the Patches & Updates tab in MOS. The Patch Search
section is the top right column on the page.

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Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

Example of search parameters for PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN, release 9.2

Select the Product or Family (Advanced) search option on the left.

 Select a PeopleSoft product from the list of values (for example, PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Billing).

 Select the release: PeopleSoft 9.2.

 Use the icon at the far right to remove any extra search criteria that may have appeared by default on
the page.

 Click the Search button in the lower right corner of the Patch Search area.

The results from this search will bring up the latest PI for your product family, as well as any PRPs specifically
for the most current image.
Take advantage of the saved search feature to save frequently used search criteria for future use. Listed
below are descriptions of the search parameters to be used to find PeopleSoft Patches. Click here to access
My Oracle Support Help in the Patch Searches section (click the Patches & Updates tab and select Help,
Patch Searches at the top right corner of the page). It covers usage of the section by all Oracle divisions.

Commonly Used MOS Search Fields and Descriptions

Field descriptions provided here contain information that is specific to PeopleSoft.

Number/Name or Bug Number (Simple Search)

Field Description

Bug Number or Select to search either by Bug Number or by Patch Name or Patch Number.
Patch Name or Number For a simple search, Oracle recommends that you search patches by Bug Number. To
(required) search, select Bug Number from the drop-down list and enter the Bug Number in the free-text

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Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

field on the right.

Note that all Bug Numbers associated with a patch can also be used to search for that patch
using this field.
To search by Patch Name or Number, select Patch Name or Number from the drop-down list
and enter the search value in the free-text field. When you use this option, note that only the
Bug Number used to create the patch can be used to search for the patch.

Click to add another search parameter.

Click to remove the current search parameter.

Product or Family (Advanced)

Field Description

Include all products in a Select to have the system include all products under the product family that is selected in the
family Product field when the search is performed. Select this option when you select a product
family in a patch search.

Product (required) Select a product family or a product for which the patch was created.

Important! For PeopleSoft patches (both PeopleTools and applications),

make sure to select any value that begins with the word PeopleSoft in the
drop-down list.

The naming conventions are as follow:

 For PeopleTools releases, PeopleSoft PeopleTools and PeopleSoft PT PeopleTools

Note: PeopleTools patching is not currently enabled for PUM.

 For PeopleSoft products, PeopleSoft Enterprise <product family> <product name>

For example, PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS Payroll, PeopleSoft Enterprise SCM Order
Management, and so on.

Release (required) Select a product release for the search:

 Valid applications releases are prefaced with PeopleSoft, for example, PeopleSoft 9.2.
 Valid PeopleTools releases are prefaced with PeopleTools, for example, PeopleTools

Note: PeopleTools updates are not currently enabled for PUM.

Language For PeopleSoft Update Image patch searches:

Language is not used as a search criterion for the PeopleSoft Update Image because every
PeopleSoft Update Image also contains multilingual updates for all supported languages for

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Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

the product families in that database instance.

For PRP searches, PRPs are released as English-only patchsets. Every PeopleSoft Update
Image contains the multilingual objects and data. Catch-up multilingual updates are delivered
in the subsequently released PI.

In addition to product and release, you can refine your search using one or more of the search filters
described in this table:

Field Description

Classification Select to look for patches using one or more of the following classification options:
 Critical: Equivalent to P1 in PeopleSoft.
 General: Equivalent to P2 and below in PeopleSoft. PeopleSoft Update Images are
classified as General.
 Legislative: Select this value to search for patches pertaining to legislative, tax, and
regulatory updates.
 Other Recommendations: Not used for PeopleSoft patches.
 Security: Security issues.
Description Enter keywords to search against the subject lines of the patch.

Install/Upgrade (PeopleSoft) Select to search for patches that are either required at the time of installation or upgrade for
the selected product and release.
This filter is PeopleSoft-only and is available for selection only when a PeopleSoft product
family or product is selected in the Product field. Select one of the following values:
 Required at Install

Note: Required at Install patches are not currently enabled for PUM.

 Required At Upgrade
Patch Target Not used for PeopleSoft patches.

Type Select one of these values:

 Patchset: For release 9.2, only the Patchset type is used, both for the PeopleSoft Update
Image and for PeopleSoft Release Patchsets (PRPs). A PRP can contain one or more
 Patch: Required-at-install patches for 9.2 are MOS type Patch. Required-at-install
patches are not currently enabled for PUM.
Updated Specify a period during which the patch was created.

Note: PeopleSoft does not use the Recommended Patch Advisor link.

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March 2014

Note: PeopleSoft does not support patch plans (available in the Plans section of the Patches & Updates tab).

View My Oracle Support Search Results

Viewing Search Results
Viewing the results of a search in MOS is similar for both a PI patch search and a PRP search. The exception
is that PI searching will return one row, which is for the current image for the product family, whereas PRP
searching may return several rows for the product or product family.

PeopleSoft Image Search Results

Example of image search results for PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN, release 9.2

In the following example, the filter criteria that were used appear at the top of the Patch Advanced Search
Results area. The Patch Name (number) is a link that will take you to the details of the patch:

Example of image patchset detail for PeopleSoft FSCM, release 9.2

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March 2014

The details for the PI patch contain several bugs and links in the Bugs Resolved by This Patch section. Only
the first 10 bugs in the patch appear here. A list of all the bugs contained in the PI is available in the README
file (see View the ReadMe File). To download the PI files, see Download a PeopleSoft Update Image.
Depending on the search criteria you entered, you may also see the PI patchset in the result set. The PI
patches will have PeopleSoft Image in the description. The other patchsets returned in the results are PRPs.
PeopleSoft does not populate data in all of the available columns. To control which columns are visible and
the order in which they appear in the grid, click View > Columns > Manage Columns. This option is located
above the grid column header row.

MOS Patch Fields Commonly Used by PeopleSoft

This table describes the fields in the grids.

Column Name Description Available as Filter Available as Filter

Criteria for PeopleSoft Criteria for PeopleSoft
Update Image Release Patchset

Patch Name Bug number of the patch or patchset. x x

Description Description of the patch or patchset. x x

Release PeopleSoft release number of the patch or x x


Compatible With Not used by PeopleSoft. N/A N/A

Platform PeopleSoft populates the language value only. Generic Platform (PI N/A or American-
(Language) always contains all English
American English is shown with Generic Platform, PeopleSoft-supported
and all other translation languages are shown with languages.)
NLS Generic Platform.

Classification Classification of the patch: N/A N/A

 Critical: Equivalent to P1 in PeopleSoft.
 General: Equivalent to P2 and below in
 Legislative: Select this value to search for
patches pertaining to legislative, tax, and
regulatory updates.
 Other Recommendations: Not used for
PeopleSoft patches.
 Security: Security issues.
Product/Family The product family or product that produced the Product Family (you x
patch. search within the PI locally
to search by product)
For the type of Patchset, which is for PRPs, the
product family will be shown, for example:
 PeopleSoft CS

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March 2014

 PeopleSoft FMS
For the type of Patch, the product family and
product will be shown, for example:
 PeopleSoft HRMS Payroll
 PeopleSoft SCM Order Management
Indicates that the associated patch has N/A N/A
prerequisites that need to be installed before the
(Has Prerequisite associated patch.

Updated When the patch was last updated. x x

Size Patch size. N/A N/A

File Version Not used by PeopleSoft. N/A N/A

Download Access Displays the required access for downloading the N/A N/A
If your Support ID does not have sufficient
download access, you will not be able to download
the patch.

When you click an item (not the patch name link) in the results grid, a tab appears. It lists the number of items
currently selected and some of the actions that can be performed on those items. To select more than one
patch, hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while clicking the desired items.

Example of search parameters for PeopleSoft HCM, release 9.2

Field Name Description

Edit Search Click this button to modify the current search filters from the Edit Search dialog box that
appears, which is the same as the Search Patch section.

Patch Name Click this link to access details about the patch.

Platform (Language) This column displays the platform and language value of the corresponding patch. American
English is shown with Generic Platform, and all other translation languages are shown with

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Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

NLS Generic Platform.

Read Me Click this button to open the README file of the selected patch in a new browser window.
The readme file contains general information about the patch, the bug number, product line,
product, status, resolution ID, target languages, implementation instructions, prerequisites,
post-requisites, list of modified objects, and list of bugs that the patch will fix.
You can also access the readme files from the patch details page. In the patch search results,
click the patch name link of the patch you want to view. The patch details appear, and you
can click the Read Me button on the right side of the page to open the README file.

Note: The README file contains the most complete and accurate
information about a patch. Information is organized and displayed in sections
to enhance readability.

See Viewing the ReadMe File.

Download Click this button to download the patch file. The same action is available on the patch details
page. If the Download button is grayed out, you need to coordinate with your site
administrator to get proper authority to download.
With a PeopleSoft Update Image patch, you will need to download several files. Oracle
recommends that you use a file download manager tool of your choosing.

Important! If the download is a PRP and Change Assistant is used for

applying patches, make sure to download patches to the download directory
that is specified in Change Assistant.

See Download from My Oracle Support.

View the ReadMe File

Two ReadMe files are provided for the PI: the standard ReadMe file included in the patch and the PUM
Update Image Contents List found on your application’s image home page. The ReadMe file included in the
patch is the same for both the PI and the PRP. The PUM Update Image Contents List includes a detailed list
of bugs and updates, along with information such as severity, product, and description.

Viewing the Patch ReadMe File

Viewing a ReadMe file for a patch is the same for both the PI and the PRP. You can open the ReadMe file in
one of two ways:
 Click any row in the search results grid to reveal the action buttons, and then click the Read Me button to
view the ReadMe file:

 Click the link that is the Patch Name (number) to go to the patch detail page, and then click the Read Me

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March 2014

ReadMe File for a PeopleSoft Update Image Patch

The following example is of the ReadMe file for a PI patch. The ReadMe file is found within the zipped patch

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March 2014

Example of a README file for a PeopleSoft Update Image posting

The README file contains information and links to important information about the image. A link to the
PeopleSoft Update Image Home Page---where you can find specific information about the software versions
as well as the detailed README file---is included.
The README file contains the most accurate information about a PI. It lists information about the patch and
is presented in these sections:
 (Header) Information includes bug number (each image has a specific bug number), subject, product line,
product, release, and supported translation languages.

 Description: Describes the technology leveraged to use the PI.

 Knowledge Module Instructions: A link to a MOS Knowledge Management article with information about
the image and how to download it.

 Implementation Instructions: Refers to the documentation listed in the KM Doc linked in the Knowledge
Module Instructions section.

 Image Contents: References your image home page to find the detailed README file, which includes all
of the detailed information about the content within the image.

PUM Update Image Contents List for a PeopleSoft Update Image

You can find the PUM Update Image Contents List on the PeopleSoft Update Image Home Page for your
application. This Excel file lists all of the bugs included in the image. You can sort by image number, severity,
product, and product component.

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March 2014

Example of PUM Update Image Contents List for a PeopleSoft Update Image

The information is grouped into the following categories:

 Image Number: Lists the update image number in which the patch was first introduced.

 You can sort this column to see the new patches included as of this image or to see patches
introduced in previous images.

 Every PI is cumulative and contains patches from all previous PIs.

 Severity: Lists the severity of the bug. You can sort this column to list the bugs by severity.

 Product: Lists the product for the bug. You can sort this column by one product or multiple products.

 Product Component: Lists the product component for the bug.

 You can sort this column by one product component or multiple product components.

 The product component also lists upgrades to find your Required at Upgrade fixes.

 Bug ID: Lists the bug number. You can use the bug ID to search within the PI for a specific bug.

 Bug Nature: Lists the nature of the bug, either Bug or Translations bug.

You can sort this column to find your translations bugs.

 Bug Subject: Describes the bug.

 Resolution Text: Describes how the bug was resolved.

ReadMe File for PeopleSoft Release Patchset

The README file contains the most accurate information about the PRP. It lists information about the patch
and is organized in these sections:
 (Header) Information includes bug number, subject, product line, product, release, and translation

 Description: Briefly describes the updates in the PRP.

 English Implementation Instructions

 Pre-Requisites: A PRP will always require the latest PI.

 Post-Requisites: Includes Bug IDs, Subject information, and Bug Resolution Text.

 Bugs Fixed: Includes Bug IDs, Subject information, and Bug Resolution Text.

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March 2014

Sample FMS README file for a PRP

Download from My Oracle Support

Downloading a PeopleSoft Update Image
A patch for a PI contains several zip files that must be downloaded to a single directory. You can download
each file manually, or you can use a file download manager tool of your choice.
Clicking the Download button takes you to the File Download dialog box, which lists the patch that is selected:

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March 2014

Sample FSCM PeopleSoft Update Image download

The Include Prerequisites check box is grayed out because it is not needed with the PI patch.
The files to download all show a Lock icon. To unlock the files and download them, you must accept the
license agreement. PeopleSoft images are virtual machines, which means they use virtualization technology
to deliver a full PeopleSoft instance, including PeopleTools, on an Oracle database running on Oracle
Enterprise Linux. The click-through agreement outlines how the image can be used, and it addresses specific
licensing requirements for Oracle Enterprise Linux. This agreement is the same kind of click-through
agreement found on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, particularly the Oracle Linux/VM section of the site.
When you click Accept License, the license agreement appears. Click the Accept button at the bottom of the
agreement to continue.

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Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

Sample FSCM PeopleSoft Update Image download

The files are now unlocked and ready to download.

Select each file and download it to a local directory. The first file contains only the README file for the patch
and is smaller than the other files. If you are using a download manager, follow the instructions for your file
download manager utility.

Downloading PeopleSoft Release Patchsets

Clicking the Download button takes you to the File Download dialog box, which lists the patch or patches that
are selected.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 21

Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

Sample FIN 9.2 PRP download

Select the Include Prerequisites check box to see the required prerequisites for the PRP. The latest PI will
appear as a prerequisite. Other PRPs may appear in the Prerequisite Patches list. You must apply the PRP to
the latest PI. To download the PI, see Download a PeopleSoft Update Image.
Select the PRP zip file and each prerequisite file to download.
Include Prerequisites Select this check box for the system to add all prerequisites of the selected patch to the list for
Prerequisite patches appear below the Prerequisite Patches bolded text.

Note: Refer to the README file for the most complete and accurate information
about a patch (for example, translation information, available prerequisites and
post-requisites, list of fixed bugs, and so on).

Note: PRPs are delivered only as English-only patchsets. Language updates and multilingual objects are now
delivered in the PeopleSoft Update Image. For PRPs, the system presents the patch file in the base language
(American English) for download.

The naming convention of the patch is

Patch file Click this link to download the corresponding patch file to your machine.

22 Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

For information about other patch search features, such as download manager or WGET, click the
corresponding link in the File Download dialog box or refer to MOS Help.

Apply Updates and Patches

Applying Updates and Patches from a PeopleSoft Update Image
After you download the PI patch zip files, deploy the PeopleSoft Update Image VirtualBox VM by following the
instructions in PeopleSoft Update Manager Quick-Start Guide, available in PeopleSoft Update Manager
Home Page [Document 1464619.1]. Also, see the Using the PeopleSoft VirtualBox Images document.
Detailed information about how to search for updates and apply updates from the PeopleSoft Update Image
is documented in PeopleTools 8.53 Change Assistant and Update Manager Online Help.

Applying a PRP to the Image

After you downloaded the patch from MOS, complete the following steps to apply the PRP to your

Warning! Apply a PRP only to your PeopleSoft Update Image environment. MOS Patches & Updates tab
apply a PRP directly to your PeopleSoft environment.

Note: The CA template of a PRP is different from a standard template and contains steps that may not be
those required to apply to a standard DB.

High-Level Process
1. After you download the PRP from MOS, use Change Assistant to apply the zip file to the PeopleSoft
Update Image environment.

Warning! Do not apply the PRP file directly to your environment.

2. After you apply the PRP to your PI, use the PUM PIA Application as you normally would (with the
standard, released PI) to search for the bug delivered in the PRP and to generate a custom change
package definition that includes the fix in the PRP plus any requisite updates. The PUM PIA Application
may include requisite updates from the PI that were not delivered in the PRP.
3. Use Change Assistant to apply the custom change package to your environment.
See PeopleTools 8.53 Change Assistant and Update Manager Online Help for detailed information about
using PUM, creating change packages, and applying them to your environment. This document will be
available with the first release of the PI.

Detailed Steps
See PeopleTools 8.53 Change Assistant and Update Manager Online Help.

This section lists helpful documentation and reference information.
 Documents in PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page [Document 1464619.1]:

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 23

Supplemental Documentation Applying Updates with PeopleSoft PUM-Enabled Applications
March 2014

 Getting Started with PeopleSoft Update Manager

 How to Apply Required-at-Install Patches with PUM-Enabled Applications

 PeopleSoft Update Manager Self-Study Guide

 PeopleSoft Update Images and Schedules by Product Family

 PeopleSoft Update Manager Quick Start Guide (available when the first PI posts to MOS)

 Using the PeopleSoft Virtual Images (available when the first PI posts to MOS)

 PeopleSoft Virtualization Products [1538142.1]

 PeopleSoft Upgrade Source Images Home Page [Document 1552580.1].

 PeopleTools 8.53 Change Assistant and Update Manager Online Help

 Information Center: PeopleSoft Change Assistant [ID 1432584.2]

 Information Center: Patching and Applying Maintenance with PeopleSoft Change Assistant [ID

 Patches & Updates tab and Global Help on My Oracle Support (Click the Help link on the Patches &
Updates tab.)

24 Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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