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Table of Contents

Constitution of Pakistan of 1956................................................................................................. 2

Salient features ................................................................................................................. 2
Delay ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Demise ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Constitution of Pakistan of 1962................................................................................................. 3
Salient features of 1962 Constitution................................................................................... 4
Islamic provisions............................................................................................................. 5
Demise ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1973 Constitution of Pakistan..................................................................................................... 6
Amendments to the Constitution of Pakistan .............................................................................. 8
References ...............................................................................................................................12
Constitution of Pakistan of 1956
The Constitution of 1956 was the fundamental law of Pakistan from March 1956 until
the 1958 Pakistani coup d'état. It was the first constitution adopted by independent
Pakistan. There were 234 articles 13 parts and 6 schedules.

Salient features

 Written Constitution - This is a written and lengthy document. It consists of 234 Articles
divided into 13 parts and 6 schedules.
 flexible Constitution - The constitution could be amended through a process requiring
the amendment to be passed by at least a two-thirds majority of the parliament.
However the president had the right to veto the draft, which then could be overridden
by simple parliamentary majority.
 Islamic Republic of Pakistan - The name of the country was adopted as the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan.
 Objectives Resolution - The objective resolution was included as a preamble of the
 Federal System - The constitution provides for a federal system in the country. Powers
was divided between the centre and the provinces. The subjects were divided into
three lists; The Federal List, The Provincial List, and the Concurrent List.
 Unicameral Legislature - The legislature would consist of a single house. Both the wings
of the country were given representation in the National Assembly. The National
Assembly consisted of 300 members. 150 members were drawn from each wing.
 Parliamentary System - a parliamentary system was adopted, according to it the
president was the head of state and the Prime Minister the head of government.
 The President - required to be a Muslim of at least forty years of age. The tenure of
his office was five years. In case of internal or external danger he could declare a state
of emergency in the country. He was authorized to appoint the Governors, the Judges of
the Supreme Court, Auditor General and the Advocate General.
 The Prime Minister - He was to be the leader of the Parliamentary group and was thus
indirectly elected by the people. He could choose his cabinet from the members of the
National Assembly; the cabinet was answerable to the Assembly.
 Provincial Autonomy - Curtailed in the constitution to a great extent.
 Islamic Law - no law would be passed against the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.
 Free Judiciary - An independent judiciary in the country. A Supreme Court interpreted
the constitution, advised the state whenever required, and decided the issues
whenever required.
 Fundamental Rights - included freedom of movement, freedom of speech and
expression, freedom to choose profession and freedom to profess religion. Right to
life, liberty, and property.
 Language - Urdu & Bengali

 The Bengalis were underrepresented in the National Assembly.

On 7 October 1958, President Iskander Mirza staged a coup d'état. He abrogated the
constitution, imposed martial law and appointed General Muhammad Ayub Khan as
the Chief Martial Law Administrator and Aziz Ahmad as Secretary General and Deputy
Chief Martial Law Administrator. However, three weeks later General Ayub—who had
been openly questioning the authority of the government prior to the imposition of martial
law—deposed Iskandar Mirza on 27 October 1958 and assumed the presidency, which
practically formalized the militarization of the political system in Pakistan.[6] Four years
later a new document, Constitution of 1962 was adopted. This was eventually succeeded
by the Constitution of 1973, current as of 2020.

Constitution of Pakistan of 1962

The Constitution of 1962 was the fundamental law of Islamic Republic of Pakistan from
June 1962 until martial law was declared in March 1969. It was abrogated in the same
year by president Yahya Khan.
Salient features of 1962 Constitution

1) Written Constitution The Constitution of 1962 was a written document. It consisted

of three schedules and 250 articles.

2) Rigid Constitution . A rigid constitution can only be amended through a particular

process. If an amendment to the constitution is passed by at least two-third majority of
the parliament then it becomes a part of law after authentication by the President.

3) Federal System A federal system was introduced in the country. It consisted of a

central government and two provincial government comprising East and West Pakistan.

4) Presidential form of Government President was the head Executive of the nation.
He was empowered to nominate the ministers of his cabinet.

5) Unicameral Legislature

6) Indirect Method of Election The President was elected by an Electoral College

comprising 80,000 Basic Democrats, equally distributed between the two provinces.

7) Provincial Governments There were two provincial governments. Each of them was
headed by a governor. He enjoyed powers in the province which the President enjoyed
in the center. The Governor was empowered to appoint provincial ministers with t he
sanction of the President of Pakistan.

8) Provincial Legislature Each province was provided with a legislature. It originally

consisted of 150 members. However, later on this number was increased to 218.

9) Powers of President According to the 1962 Constitution the President should be a

Muslim with the term of 5 years. He was eligible to promulgate Ordinances and veto
against legislated laws only override-able by two/thirds of the National Assembly.
However, the President was not empowered to dissolve the Assembly except the cost of
his office also.

10) Restrictions to the President The President was not allowed to hold any office of
profit in the service of Pakistan but was not prevented from holding a managing private
11) Islamic Law No Law would be passed against the teaching of Quran and Sunnah
and the existing laws would be made Islamic in character.

12) Fundamental Rights The constitution of 1962 laid down fundamental rights of
speech and expression, freedom to choose profession and freedom to profess religion.
With Regards to civil rights, familiar right such as the rights of life, livery and property were

13) Role of Judiciary The Judiciary was responsible for the interpretation of laws and
executive orders in the light of the principles embodied in a written constitution.

14) Supreme Judicial Council A supreme judicial council consisting of two judges of
supreme court chief justice of supreme court and two judges of high courts was to be

Islamic provisions

 The preamble of the Constitution of 1962 was based on the Objectives Resolution.
 The Constitution laid down simply that the state of Pakistan shall be an Islamic
republic under the name of Islamic Republic of Pakistan'.
 According to the principles of policy, steps were to be taken to enable the Muslims of
Pakistan individually and collectively, to order their lives in accordance with the
fundamental principles and basic concepts of Islam, and should be provided with
facilities whereby they may be enabled to understand the meaning of life according to
those principles and concepts.
 No law shall be enacted which is repugnant to the teachings and requirements of
Islam as set out in the Qur'an and Sunnah and all existing laws shall be brought in
conformity with the Qur'an and Sunnah.
 Only a Muslim could be qualified for the election as President.
 Teaching of the Quran and Islamiyat to the Muslims of Pakistan was made
 Proper organisation of Zakat, waqf, and mosques was ensured.
 Practical steps were to be taken to eradicate what were seen as social evils by Islam,
such as the use of alcohol, gambling, etc.
 A novel Islamic provision in the 1962 Constitution had introduced an 'Advisory Council
of Islamic Ideology' to be appointed by the President. The functions of the Council
was to make recommendations to the Government as to means which would enable
and encourage the Muslims of Pakistan to order their lives in accordance with the
principles and concepts of Islam and to examine all laws in force with a view to bring
them into conformity with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the
Qur'an and Sunnah.
 There shall be an organisation to be known as Islamic Research Institute, which shall
be established by the President. The function of the Institute was to undertake Islamic
Research and Instruction in Islam for the purpose of assisting in the reconstruction of
Muslim society on a truly Islamic basis.
 The state should endeavour to strengthen the bonds of unity among Muslim countries.

The second martial law was imposed on 26 March 1969, when President Ayub Khan
abrogated the Constitution of 1962 and handed over power to the Army Commander-in-
Chief, General Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan. On assuming the presidency, General
Yahya Khan acceded to popular demands by abolishing the one-unit system in West
Pakistan and ordered general elections on the principle of one man one vote. This
resulted in destruction of national unity (chiefly by politicians) and eventual the separation
of East Pakistan.

1973 Constitution of Pakistan

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One of the most pressing tasks for the new government was to draft a new constitution.
When martial law was finally lifted, the Assembly was summoned in April 1972 on the
basis of the 1970 election results in the former West Pakistan region. A committee was
set up from a cross-section of politicians from different parties. There were disagreements
within the committee to whether the new constitution should bring in parliamentary rule or
a presidential system of government. There were also differing views over the question
of provincial autonomy. It took the constitutional committee eight months before it
submitted it's report on 10th April 1973. The draft constitution was passed by the federal
Assembly by 135 votes in favour, with three abstentions. It was brought into force on 14th
August 1973, and Bhutto was elected prime minister by the National Assembly on 12th
August. The Constitution's main features were:

I. Pakistan shall be a Federal Republic with a Parliamentary system of government. The

prime minister shall be the head of government, elected from the majority party.

II. The special position of Islam as the state religion shall be emphasized and both the
prime minister and president are required to be Muslims.

III. Pakistan shall be declared an Islamic Republic by default.

IV. A bill to amend the constitution shall need a two-thirds majority in the lower house and
a majority in the upper house.

V. All fundamental human rights shall be guaranteed but the stipulation was added that it
was subject to resonable restrictions imposed by law'.

VI. The Supreme Court and High Courts shall be given the power to enforce fundamental

VII. The president shall act in accordance with the binding advice of the prime minister,
and all orders of president shall be counter signed by the prime minister.

VIII. The senate, or upper house, shall be elected mostly from the provincial governments
and so, for the first time, the interests of the provinces shall be safeguarded at the centre.
The Senate shall not be dissolved even in emergencies.

IX. In case of emergencies, the federal government can pass legislation on anything and
can even suspend fundamental freedoms.

X. Urdu shall be the official language of the country, with Pakistani English to be retained
for the next 15 years.

Xl.The teaching of holy Quran and Islamiat should be compulsory.

XlI. Pakistan shall be a federal Islamic state, so residuary powers shall rest with provinces
not the central government.

The 1973 Constitution, therefore, marked a return to a parliamentary form of democracy

after the presidential experiment introduced under the 1962 constitution. There were also
concessions made to the provinces to alleviate fears that the central government would
overule them on every issue. This was important as the one unit scheme had only recently
been abolished and because 2 of the 4 provincial governments in the new State of
Pakistan were non-PPP. The 1973 Constitution, however, had another advantage over
its two predecessors: it had been agreed and voted on by a democratically elected
Assembly. This gave it greater authority and, even though it was suspended under the
next martial law regime, Since independence, Pakistan has devised and changed three
written constitutions and the fourth one was drawn up and it was restored in 1985 and
remains in place to date.

Amendments to the Constitution of Pakistan

This is a list of all the amendments to the Constitution of Pakistan.
# Amendments Enactment date

Redefined the boundaries of Pakistan and

1st 4 May 1974
removed references to East Pakistan.

Defined a Muslim and declared the status

2nd 7 September 1974
of Ahmadis as minority and 'non-Muslim'.

3rd Extended the period of preventive detention. 18 February 1975

Decreed additional seats for minorities, it also

4th deprived courts of the power to grant bail to any 21 November 1975
person detained under any preventive detention.

Widened the scope of restriction on the High

5th 5 September 1976
Provided that Chief Justice of Supreme Court
6th will be retired at the age of 65 and High 22 December 1976
Court judges at age 62.

Enables the Prime Minister to obtain a vote of

7th 16 May 1977
confidence of the people of Pakistan.

Changed Pakistan's government from

a Parliamentary system to a Semi-presidential
8th 11 November 1985
system by giving the President a number of
additional powers.

Bill to impose Shariah law as the supreme law

of land. The bill was passed by Senate but could
9th 1985 Not passed
never be passed by National Assembly owing to
the latter's dissolution.

Fixed the interval period between sessions of

10th 29 March 1987
the National Assembly to not exceed 130 days.

Revision of the reserved seats for women in the

11th National and the provincial assemblies. The bill 1989 Not passed
was withdrawn in 1992.

12th Created Speedy Trial Court for 3 years. 1991

Stripped the President of Pakistan of his reserve

power to dissolve the National Assembly of
13th 1997
Pakistan, and thereby triggering new elections
and dismissing the Prime Minister.

Allowed members of parliament to be dismissed

14th 3 July 1997
if they defect.

Bill to impose Shariah law as supreme law of

15th 1998 Not passed
land. Was never passed.
Increased the term appointed for quota
16th system as per 1973 Constitution from 20 to 40 1999

Made changes dealing with the office of the

17th President and the reversal of the effects of 2003
the Thirteenth Amendment.

Removed the power of President of Pakistan to

18th 8 April 2010
dissolve the Parliament unilaterally.

Provided for the appointment of the Judges of

the Supreme Court of Pakistan and made
amendments in the number of members of the
19th 22 December 2010
parliamentary committee for the appointment
of Chief Electoral Officers at Election Commission
of Pakistan.

20th For Free and Fair Elections. 14 February 2012

For Speedy Trial Military Courts to deal with

21st 7 January 2015

ECP powers deputed to Chief Election

22nd 8 June 2016

The 23rd Amendment was passed to re-

establish the military courts for further two years
till 6 January 2019. In 2015, National Assembly
passed the 21st Amendment and created the
23rd military courts for the period of 2 years. The 7 January 2017
period of two years was expired on 6 January
2017 hence this 23rd Amendment was passed
to re-establish the military courts for further two
years till 6 January 2019. At the end of this
period all the amendments will be
expired/removed automatically.

Reallocation of National Assembly seats among

federating units and allowing election authorities
24th 22 December 2017
to update boundaries of constituencies based
on provisional results of 2017 Census of Pakistan.

Merges Federally Administered Tribal Areas with

[[Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
26th Amendment passed on 13 May 2019>>
Constitutional (Amendment) Bill,: Under this
25th 2018 31 May 2018
amendment the seats of tribal districts in NA will
retain at 12 while their seats in the Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa have been increased to 24 from

Abiad, Nisrine (2008). Sharia, Muslim states and international human rights treaty obligations :

a comparative study. London: British Institute of International and Comparative

Law. pp. 96–200. ISBN 978-1-905221-41-7.

Enterprise Team (1 June 2003). "The Constitution of 1973'". The Story of Pakistan. The

Story of Pakistan. Archived from the original on 2 October 2013. Retrieved 15

October 2011.

Jump up to:a b Constitution of Pakistan. "Constitution of Pakistan". Constitution of

Pakistan. Constitution of Pakistan. Archivedfrom the original on 12 July 2011.

Retrieved 22 January 2013.

"Part III. The Federation of Pakistan: Chapter 1; The President". Const. of Pakistan. Const. of

Pakistan. Archived from the original on 7 April 2011. Retrieved 22 January 2013.

"First Six Articles". Archived from the original on 21 May 2013.

"Zardari signs 20th Constitutional Amendment bill". DAWN.COM. DAWN MEDIA

GROUP. Retrieved 24 April 2014.

Wasim, Amir (3 June 2016). "Senate passes 22nd constitution amendment bill".

Retrieved 2 August 2016.

"constitution of pakistan amendment".

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