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ENGLISH 2:10 – 3:00

I. Objective/s
Recognize Rhyming Words

II. Subject Matter: Rhyming Words

a. Reference/s: Learner’s Material, English for You and Me
b. Material/s: LM, story, pictures, word cards, charts
c. Value:

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Read the following words.
Pen ten men hen den
Net wet set get jet
Bed red fed wed led
Leg beg leg peg Meg

2. Review
Write M if mass nouns and C if count nouns

1. 3. 5.

2. 4.

3. Motivation

Recite the nursery rhyme “Star Light, Star Bright.”

Star light, star bright
The first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation

Piggy Wiggy
By Myrna J. Hipolito
Wiggily, wiggily hip hop
Piggy Wiggy is out of the trap
Jiggidy, jiggidybip bop
In the bin it hips and pops
Riggidy, riggidy dip dop
Big Piggy Wiggydig up.

2. Analysis and Discussion

a. Comprehension Check-up

1. Who was in the trap?

2. How did the pig get out of the trap?
3. What did the pig do in the bin?
4. What was the last thing he did?
5. What words in the rhyme havethe same sound?

b. Let’s Read
hop and pop hip and dip bop and dop
riggidy and jiggidy bag and lag bad and sad
ham and ram cat and bat Ben and Ten
Pam and Sam fat and rat lap and cap
tan and can wed and bed hen and pen

3. Practice Exercise
Let’s go back to the rhyme on our motivation.

Star light, star bright

The first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight

 List all the words that rhyme.

4. Generalization
What are rhyming words?
Words that have the same ending sounds are called rhyming words.

C. Post Activities
1. Application (Oral Practice)
a. Tell me the rhyming words in this rhyme.

Twinkle, twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high.
Like a diamond in the sky?

What rhymes with star? What rhymes with high?

b. Write the word that rhymes with the word on the left box.

1. Food Foot nod hood

2. Try Night high tray
3. Rain Ran train ray
4. Line Slide pin mine
5. pen Pan pin hen

2. Enrichment Activity
Put a check (/) if the two words rhyme and cross (x) if they don’t rhyme.
1. Bat, hat 4. Road, rode
2. Pen, pet 5. Smile, pin
3. Line, shine 6. Town, brown

IV. Evaluation
Look at the pair of pictures. Write yes on theblank if they rhyme and no if they don’t.

1. 4.

2. 5.


V. Assignment
List down 10 rhyming words with pictures on a bond paper.
ENGLISH 2:10 – 3:00

I. Objective
Tell the words that Mean One or Many

II. Subject Matter

a. References: Learner’s Material, English for You and Me
b. Material/s: LM, story, pictures, word cards, charts
c. Value:

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill: Practice reading the phrases/sentences.

1. fin in the bin

2. Tin and Bin
3. The kid took the pill.
4. Bill hid the pill.
5. bid and win
6. Vin hid the pin.
7. The n is in the bin.
8. pill in the bin
9. Spin the pin.
10. Nill, go to the hill.

2. Review

Put the following pictures of nouns to their proper column.


3. Motivation
Show a picture of a girl with a bag.
What do you think are in the bag of Kierah?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Read the sentences about the things in Kierah’s bag.
a. Keirah has three pencils.
b. Keirah has six notebooks
c. She has two erasers.
d. She has one ruler.
e. She has one book.

Ask: What are the things in Keirah’s bag? How many pencils?

2. Analysis and Discussion

Read the following:
Three pencils one ruler
Six notebooks one book
Two erasers one bag

Ask: What do you notice about the words in group A? in group B?

Read another set:

1. Jed has two shirts.
2. HE has a cap.
3. Mother made five sandwiches.
4. HE has a bat and a ball.
5. HE has four playmates.

3. Guided Practice
Write the correct naming word.
1. I gave my mother three (kiss, kisses).
2. Myrna washed one (glass, glasses).
3. There were six (lady, ladies) in the room.
4. There is a (fox, foxes) in the zoo.
5. Father bought a (watch, watches) for my brother.
6. I know three (story, stories).
7. There are many (butterfly, butterflies) in the garden.
8. I will make three (wish, wishes) on my birthday.
9. There are many (bus, buses) on the road.
10. There is one (bench, benches) in the park.

4. Generalization
Remember This:
The words two, four, five and many are called counters. They tell us that
there is more than one naming word. We also add –s or -es at the end.
The wordsa andone are also counters. They tell us that there is only one
naming word.

C. Post Activities
1. Application
A. Oral Practice
Tell if the counters mean one or many.
1. There are forty pupils in the class.
2. There is a table in the room.
3. The janitor placed many desks.
4. There are three blackboards.
5. We have one teacher.

B. Written practice
Write the correct naming words.
1. Sam has two (flower, flowers)
2. Jed has a (bat, bats)
3. I have o one (pencil, pencils).
4. Mother has many (dress, dresses).
5. There are six (glass, glasses) on the table.

2. Enrichment Activities
Underline the naming words with their counters.
1. I have a pet cat.
2. Pat makes three wishes.
3. Mama has a baby boy.
4. Five ladies are in the car.
5. There are ten bugs in the jar.

IV. Evaluation
Write the correct counter for the naming word.
1. I have (one, two) dolls.
2. Father gave me (a, many) kiss.
3. There are (six, one) boxes in the cabinet.
4. Miss Tina tells us (a, many) stories.
5. NEna has (a, two) btother.

V. Assignment
Do “We Can Do It” on page 83 on your English notebook.

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