ENGLISH 2 TG Lets Begin Reading UNIT IV

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Lesson 1

I. Objectives
Noting and recalling details about the story read
Naming people in the community

II. Subject Matter

Note and recall details about a story read.
Name people in the community
Reference: Learner’s Material
Material: module, picture, metacards
Value: Being respectful

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
Say the name of the person and tell what he/she does in school.

3. Motivation
1. Guessing Game
2. Answer the question: What do you think will happen in our story “ The Red
Bag with Cash”

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Listen as I read the story “The Red Bag with Cash”

2. Analysis and Discussion

a. Comprehension Check-up
Answer the questions I “We Can Do it” page 370
b. Who are the community people mentioned in our story?

3. Generalization
What should we do our community helpers?

IV. Evaluation
Match the community helpers to their description.
1. He helps keep peace and order in the community a. vendor
2. He trim the hair of men and boys. b. doctor
3. She teaches pupils to read and write. C. policeman
4. He treat the sick people. D. barber
5. She sells the basic needs of the people in the community e.teacher

V. Assignment
Draw in your notebook the people who helped Sister Rica. In what way did each one
help Sister Rica?

Lesson 2

I. Objective
Following Directions using the signal words

II. Subject Matter

Follow Directions using the signal words
Reference: Learner’s Material
Material: module, picture, meta cards
Value: Being respectful

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Drill
Read the following sentences
1. There is a windmill in the farm.
2. Leny has a bad temper.
3. The basket is full of vegetables.
4. The zebra is striped black and white.
5. The police caught the robber.

3. Review
Tell who said the following lines in the story yesterday.
1. “Oh no! No more cash to get food for the nun.”
2. “I will get that man!”
3. “This is bad! There is so much traffic in here! I should not be caught by that
4. “Just the cash that I need.”

4. Motivation
Do what I say
Stand up. Sway your hips. Clap your hands.
Stomp your feet. Tap the shoulder of the person on your right.
Raise your left/right hand. Jump three times

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Show an example of a wanted poster.
 What do you call these?
 Who are the people we usually see in a Wanted poster? What did they do?
 Why do we put up their picture there?
 In our story yesterday, is there anyone we can put in a Wanted poster?
 Do you know how to make a poster like these?

2. Analysis and Discussion

 Learn How to follow direction
1. First, let us write the title of our story on the first line.
2. Then, let us draw the WANTED character in the story.
3. Finally, let us fill out the blanks that follow.
 Create your own WANTED poster.

3. Generalization
Signal words like first, then and finally tell us the order of events or things to
follow in directions.

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Divide the class into 4 groups. Each group will make a poster, award or chart
using the signal words.

IV. Evaluation
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Where is the setting of the story? The story happened___________
a. In a city b. in a market c. in a police station
2. Which of the following happened first in the story?
a. The cop helped Sister Rica.
b. Sister Rica got her cash back.
c. Sister Rica lost her black wallet.
3. Which of the following happened last in the story?
a. The nun lost her cash.
b. The pickpocket jumped in a cab.
c. The cop ran after the pickpocket.
4. Who DID NOT help Sister Rica?
a. The cop b. the nuns c. the cab driver
5. Which of the following is a good title for the story?
a. The Lost Cash
b. Sister Rica in the Market
c. THE Cap and the Pickpocket

V. Assignment
Make an award that you want to have after the school ends.

Lesson 3

I. Objective
Identifying Phrases and Sentences

II. Subject Matter

Identify Phrase and Sentence
Reference: Learner’s Material
Material: module, meta cards, chart
Value: Learn to Read

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
Who are the people who help Sister Rica in our yesterday?

3. Motivation
Show picture and let the pupils say something about the picture.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Listen as I read the following groups of words
1. A pickpocket
2. Cash in a black wallet
3. Sister Rica went to market.
4. The cop ran after the man.

2. Analysis and Discussion

 In item number 1, what does it say about the pickpocket? Does it express a
complete thought? How does it start and end?
 The group of words without a complete thought is called a phrase.
 In item number 3, what does it say about Sister Rica? Does it express a
complete thought? How does it start and end?
 The group of words that express a complete thought is called a sentence.

3. Activity
Write S if the group of words is a sentence and P if it is a phrase.
1. The cab
2. The man got in a cab.
3. In the market
4. The pickpocket got the cash.
5. Sister Rica was in the convent.

4. Generalization
What is a phrase? Sentence?
 A phraseis a group of words which does not have a complete thought.
If does not start with a capital letter. It does not end with a punctuation
 A sentence is a group of words which has a complete thought. It starts
with a big letter and ends with a punctuation mark like a period.

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Group the class into 4 groups. Each group will write 5 phrase and 6 sentence
about the picture assigned to them. Write it in a manila paper then report it to
class afterwards.

IV. Evaluation
Read the following groups of words. Write P if it is phrase and S if it is a sentence.
1. The cap ran after the man.
2. Sister Rica is a nun.

3. a cop and a doctor
4. A vendor ion the market.
5. in a cab.

V. Assignment
Write 5 phrases and 5 sentences about your family.

Lesson 4

I. Objective
 Identify speech sounds heard (long and short /u/ sound)
 Pronounce words with the long and short /u/ sounds

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Long and Short /u/ Sounds
B. References: Skill Builders 1, pp. 147-156
Skill Builders 2, pp. 30-36
Learner’s Material in English K-12
C. Materials: module, pictures, charts

Value Focus: Respect

I. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
Long and Short /o/ Sounds
Change the words with long /ō/ sound to words with short /ŏ/sound.Write the new
word inside the log.

1. note 2. tone

3. goat 4. road

5. hope

3. Motivation
Have you ever been to a garden? What makes the garden beautiful? What can you
do with the flowers? Have you experienced giving the flowers to somebody? When?
Why? What is the occasion?

4. Unlocking of Difficulties
(through the use of pictures and acting out)

twins brothers/sisters born on the

same date
tulips/sunflower kinds

of flowers

cut chop

(Act out)
refused – (moving head side to side showing “No”)
amused – (smiling and saying “Wow”)
hugged – (embracing one of your pupils)

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation
Reading by the teacher (with the chart posted on the board)
Jhunie and Julie

Jhunie and Julie are twins. One Tuesday morning, they planned to buy flowers.
They invited their friend, Yumi, to go with them, but Yumi refused.

When Jhunie and Julie entered the flower shop, they were amused to see flowers
of different colors and sizes. They bought a dozen huge tulips and sunflowers. They cut the
stems and gave the flowers to their mother as a birthday gift. Jhunieand Julie hugged
their mother.

2. Analysis and Discussions

1. What are the words with the letter u?
(Pupils answer orally and the teacher writes the words on the board.)
Jhunie Yumi amused sunflowers
Julie but huge cut
Tuesday refused tulips hug

(Let the pupils read/pronounce the words.)

2. Fill in the blanks using the words above. Write them in the blanks, then read the
sentences. (Teacher can guide the pupils.)
 __________ and __________ are twins.
 Their friend is __________.
 One __________ morning planned to buy flowers.
 They were __________ when they saw the different colors and sizes of flowers.
 Their friend __________ their invitation.
 They bought a dozen __________ __________ and __________.
 Jhunie and Julie __________ their mother.

3. In the words above, which are sounded as /ah/? List them down and pronounce them.

(but, cut, hug, sunflower)

(These words have the short /ŭ/ sound.)

 Reread the rest of the words. What is the sound of /u/ in these words?

The sound of /u/ in Jhunie, Julie, Tuesday, Yumi, refused, amused, huge and tulips
is /yu/.

These words have the long /ū/ sound.

3. Generalization
 What is the sound of long /ū/?
(The sound of long /ū/ is /yu/ as in huge.)
 What is the sound of short /ŭ/?
(The sound of short /ŭ/ is /ah/ as in hug.)

D. Post Activity

1. Application
1.1 Group Activity
a. Color the flag red if the word has the short /ŭ/ sound. Color the flag green if the
word has long /ū/ sound.

juice cut cure tub

mute perfume excuse

muse drum tune

b. Name each picture. Identify the sound of /u/.
Say /ah/ - if the sound is short.
/yu/ - if the sound is long.

1.2 Individual Activity

Read the words. Match the picture with its name. What is the sound of /u/?

hut truck

Bug sun


IV. Evaluation
Listen as the teacher reads the words. Identify the short /ŭ/ sound and the long /ū/ sound.
Cross out the word that does not belong to the group.

1. perfume jug huge cute

2. mute thumb drum hug
3. juice cub excuse muse
4. tub hut hub cure
5. music cut tube fuse

V. Assignment
Read the words, then remove letter e from each word. Write the new word on the blank and read
1. tube - __________
2. cube - __________
3. cute - __________
4. huge - __________
5. tune - __________

Lesson 5

I. Objective
Read words in the –ug, -unfamily

II. Subject Matter

Reading words in the –ug, -un family
Reference: K-12 Basic Curriculum Material
Materials: module, pictures, words written in meta cards, activity sheet

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review/Checking of Assignment

3. Motivation
Listen as I name each picture. Then, repeat after me.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
 Read the words in the box. Point to the picture for each word.
Bug dug hug jug mug rug
 I will point to a picture. Get the word card that names it.
 Name the pictures.
 Read the words in the box.
Bun sun fun gun nun
 Do these same procedure in –ut, -ud, -um family

2. Analysis and Discussion

What sounds can we hear when we read the words?

3. Generalization
We can hear the sound of /ey/ when we read words with short /u/

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Each group will answer an activity to them.

IV. Evaluation
Name each picture. Choose the correct word for each picture from the box. Write your
answer on your paper. (Refer to LM p.386)

V. Assignment
Cut pictures with words with short vowel /u/.

Lesson 6

Week 2: More Community Helpers

I. Objectives
Note Details in a poem heard
Know some community helpers

II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: The Farmer and the Seed
B. References: Learner’s Material
C. Materials: module, pictures, activity sheets

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Unlocking of Difficulties

3. Motivation
Show a picture of a Farmer

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Teacher presents a poem

2. Discussion and Analysis

Answer the questions on page 369 of your LM

3. Generalization
A farmer is one of the community helpers that plants fruits and
vegetables that we eat. Without farmers there will no food, trees and even
animals will not have shelter.

C. Post Activity
1. Application
If you would interview a farmer what will you ask him? Write your answer
inside the basket.

2. Enrichment Exercise
Answer the “Let’s Try” of your LM

IV. Evaluation
Write the community helper being described.
1. HE helps in putting out the fire.
2. He is the one who catches fish and seafood.
3. He helps in cleaning the street.
4. HE delivers our letters in our home.
5. He directs traffic and catches bad guys.

V. Assignment
Bring a picture of what you want to be when you grow up and tell something about it

Lesson 7

I. Objectives
Identify the kind of sentence
Arranging events in sequence
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Kinds of Sentences (Telling and Asking)
Arrange events in sequence
B. Reference: Learner’s Material
C. Materials: module, sentences, picture

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
How farmers do plants the seed?

3. Motivation
Answer “I Can Do It” page 390

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Listen as I read the following sentences.

What does the farmer plant? The farmer plants the seed.
What happens to the seed? It becomes a sprout.
What happens to the sprout? It grows into a plant.
Why do insects go near the The insects smell the buds.

2. Discussion and Analysis

 What do you notice about the sentences in column A?
 How do the sentences end?
 What do you notice about the sentences in column B?
 Who do the sentences end?

3. Generalization
A telling sentence tells about something. It starts with a capital letter
and ends with a period (.).
An asking sentence asks something. It needs answers. It usually starts
with a WH- question and ends with a question mark (?).

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Answer “I Can Do It” of your module on page 392.

2. Enrichment Activity
Do “Let’s Recall” on page 395 of your module.

IV. Evaluation
Put a check mark (/) after each number if it is a telling sentence.
Put a question mark (?) if it is an asking sentence?
1. Did the mailman deliver a letter ___
2. The cop directs the cars to go and stop ___
3. Where is the street sweeper____
4. What does the vendor sell___
5. The carpenters built our nice house ____

V. Assignment
Write 5 telling sentences and 5 asking sentences in your English notebook.

Lesson 8

I. Objective
Identifying community helpers
Reading words with u

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Community Helpers
Words with U
B. Reference: Learner’s Material
C. Material: pictures

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
Write TS if telling sentence and AS if asking sentence.
1. I see a woman who keeps the streets clean.
2. Who do I see?
3. Where is the vendor?
4. What does the cop have?
5. I see a man with a hammer.

3. Motivation
Show a picture of different community helpers.
What do these people do in our community?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Read the poem “Who Do I See? on page 394.

2. Discussion and Analysis

a. Comprehension Check-up
b. Using the pictures in motivation, read again each stanza and pick the
community helper being described.

3. Written Practice
Look at the picture on page 396. Write down the words with letter U on your
4. Generalization
How should we treat the community helpers?

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Match the picture with the name of the community helper.

IV. Evaluation
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The one who directs cars on the street.

a. Barber b. farmer c. police
2. One who sells ice cream on the street.
a. Ice cream vendor b. newspaper vendor c. candy vendor
3. One who delivers letters.
a. Carpenter b. mailman c. bus driver
4. One who gives the right pill to those who are ill/sick.
a. Nurse b. janitor c. doctor
5. One who has a hammer and builds the house.
A. carpenter b. driver c. vendor

V. Assignment
Memorize the poem “Who Do I See?”

Lesson 9

I. Objective
Identifying the Kind of Sentence (Exclamatory)

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Kind of Sentence (Exclamatory)
B. Reference: Learner’s Material
C. Material: module, sentences written on a cartolina, pictures

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
What are the two kinds of sentence that we have studied?

3. Motivation
Show a picture of a construction site

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
a. Read the poem on page 397.
b. Listen as I read the sentences from the story..

1. I hear hammer sound all around.
2. What is that I hear?
3. What is that crash I hear?
4. Oh no!
5. Help!

2. Discussion and Analysis

a. Comprehension Check-up

b. Answer the questions below:

 What kind of sentence is in number 1?
 What kind of sentences are in numbers 2 and 3?
 Notice the sentences in numbers 4 and 5. What does each sentence express?

3. Oral Practice
Read the following sentences with a strong feeling.
1. What a great man!
2. Fire! Fire! Please call the fireman!
3. Help! My mother fell I need a doctor!
4. Hurry! We are late! The bus driver is already here!
5. Yipee! I am so happy! I got a high grade!

4. Generalization
An exclamatory sentence expresses a strong emotion. It shows feelings. It nds with an
exclamatory point(!).

Iv. Evaluation
Copy the sentences in your notebook and write the correct punctuation mark.
1. Carpenters build houses_____
2. How many bank tellers are there in a bank____
3. How high the pilot flies his jet____
4. Who delivers the letters to the house____
5. Oh no ___ My test score is so low____

V. Assignment
Write 5 exclamatory sentences in your English notebook.

Lesson 10

I. Objectives
Answers question honestly and carefully

II. Subject Matter

Summative Test

III. Procedure
A. Write TS if it is a Telling Sentence; AS if it is an Asking Sentence; and ES if it is
Exclamatory Sentence.
1. MAngBErto is a factory worker.
2. He works in a candy factory in Laguna.

3. How hard MangBerto works in the factory!
4. Why does he walk every day?
5. What a great man!
6. Do you also save money like MangBerto?

B. Write the word that I will say in each column. Draw each word in your paper.

Cot Sun Hat Cap
Cat Sand hit Cop
Cut Sin Hot Cup
can san hut cab

C. Read the short story, then arrange the events below from 1 to 5.

MAngBErto is a factory worker. HE works in a candy factory in Laguna. HE wakes up

early and walks every morning to go to work. How hard MAngBerto works in the factory!
Then, he walks back to his house to eat dinner with his family. Why does he walk
every day? MAngBerto wants to save money for his family. What a great man!Do you also
save money like MangBerto?

___ a. MangBerto eats his breakfast.

___b. MangBerto goes home.
___ c. MangBerto walks to the factory.
___ d. MAngBerto eats his dinner.
___ e. MangBerto works inside the candy factory.

Week 3

I. Objectives
Noting and recalling details about the story read

II. Subject Matter

Note and recall details about a story read.
Sights in the Community
Reference: Learner’s Material
Material: module, picture, meta cards

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
Write AS if it is asking sentence, TS if it is telling sentence, and ES if it is
exclamatory sentence.
1. Mother is cooking breakfast today.
2. Wait! You left your lunch at the sofa.
3. Sam is celebrating her birthday.
4. Are you hurt?
5. Yehey! We won the contest!

3. Unlocking Difficult
Connect them to the correct picture with a line. Refer to LM

4. Motivation
Show a picture of a plaza or a park.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Read the story “ Biking in the Plaza” by Teacher Nong

2. Analysis and Discussion

a. Comprehension Check-up
Answer the questions I “We Can Do it” page 406
b. What are the places mentioned in our story?

3. Generalization
What should we do to the different places in our community?

IV. Evaluation
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Where did the children go?
a. Church b. market c. plaza
2. What did they buy?
a. Pizza b. ice cream c. water
3. After eating ice cream, who three the wrapper on the ground?
a. Simon b. Mina c. Nikki
4. What happened to Simon after he threw the wrapper?
a. He was scolded by the street sweeper
b. He landed on the ground and hurt himself
c. They went home early
5. Who cured Simon’s knee?
a. The police b. mother c. nurse

V. Assignment
Draw in your notebook what the three friends saw in the plaza.

I. Objective
Get the main idea of the selection read

II. Subject Matter

A. Getting the Main Idea
B. Learner’s Material
C. chart, picture, module
D. love and care for the places in the community

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
Answer “Let’s Recall” on pages 410 – 411

3. Motivation
Look at the picture on your module on page 407.
What is happening in the picture? What is each one doing?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Anna and Marie went to the bookstore to buy school supplies. They bought pencil
and pens. They also got some pieces of paper and notebooks. Anna bought a pencil case
and a pair of scissors. Marie bought for herself a bottle of glue.

2. Analysis and Discussion

a. Comprehension Check-Up
b. What is the story about.
What is the main idea of our story. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
a. Anna and Marie went to the bookstore
b. Marie bought for herself a bottle of glue
c. Anna bought a pencil case and a pair of scissors

3. Generalization
The main idea of the story tells us what the story is about. It is also called the big idea.

4. Fixing Skills
Do pages 412-413 of your module.

IV. Evaluation
Identify the sentence that gives the main idea. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Many boys and girls like to play sipa. They use a ball made of rattan. One player kicks
the ball and the other player kicks it back.
a. Boys and girls like to kick. c. Boys and girls like to play.
b. Boys and girls like to play sipa.

2. Most boys like to spin tops. Sometimes they have a contest with their tops. They spin
the tops all at the same time. The last top to stop spinning wins the contest.
a. Boys like to spin tops. c. Tops are boys favorite toy
b. Boys spin tops to win

3. Baguio is a beautiful city. There are many pretty plants and flowers in the city. It is
very clean. It is cold in Baguio City. People have to wear thick clothes.
a. Baguio is a cold city. c. Many plants and flowers in Baguio.
b. Baguio is a beautiful city.

4. Alice goes to the market every day. She buys fish, vegetables, meat and fruits from the
vendors. She loves to go to the market to buy food. She went home happy to cook our
a. Alice’s Day in the Market c. Our Meals
b. Vendors in the Market
5. When I grow up, I I want to be an actor. I can perform on T.V and act on stage plays.
All my friends will watch me perform.
a. Hoe To Be Healthy c.What I Want To Be
b. My Manners

V. Assignment
Write the sentence that gives the main idea.

1. Jose loves to look different cloud formations. Sometimes he sees one that looks likes a
sailboat floating in the sky. He also even sees one shaped like a giant robot.
2. When an animal is threatened with extinction or disappearance we say it is an
endangered animal. We must take care of animals to protect them from become extinct.
Some endangered species are leopards, monkeys, tigers, pandas, bears, tamaraws, and
3. As a Muslim boy, Salih observes some customs and traditions of the people from Sulu.
He eats only foods cooked in vegetable oil. This is because pork and lard are strictly
forbidden among Muslims. He eats meat from a goat, sheep, cow or fowl, only when
the animals are slaughtered with necessary rites. He does not eat the blood or the
intestine of these animals.

I. Objective
Identify the describing words that tells about the Number

II. Subject Matter

Descriptive words that tells about the number (Adjectives)
Reference: Learner’s Material
Materials: module, number words, pictures

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Checking of Assignments

3. Review
What is main Idea?

4. Motivation
Look at the picture on your module on page 407.
What is happening in the picture? What is each one doing?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Read the following sentences.
a. Three friends rode their bikes to the plaza.
b. Five boys are in the swing.
c. Two kids were on the seesaw.
d. A cop was in a motorbike.

e. A vendor sold ice cream.

2. Analysis and Discussion

 Who rode their bikes? How many are them?
 How many boys are in the swing?
 Who were in the seesaw? How many are them?
 How many cop is in the motorbike?
 How many sold ice cream?

3. Generalization
Describing words are words that describe persons, animals, places, things or
events. We can use numbers to describe something.

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Group the class into groups. Each group will write a sentence about the picture
given to them using describing words.

2. Enrichment Activity
Draw the following in your notebook.
a. Ten red roses d. three plates
b. Five cats e. one big apple
c. Six desks

IV. Evaluation
Copy the describing word in each sentence.
1. Father bought one dozen donuts.
2. Two boys climb a tree.
3. Mr. Cruz gave Anna five ribbons.
4. I bought three lollipops.
5. We saw four monkeys in the zoo.

V. Assignment
Draw in your notebook
1. Five dogs 4. Two kids
2. Seven leaves 5. Four tables
3. 12 cans

I. Objective
Reading words and phrases using pictures

II. Subject Matter

Read words and phrases using pictures
Reference: Learner’s Material
Material: pictures, phrases, module

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
Match the picture with its name. Refer to LM

3. Motivation
Game: Match and Mate

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Look at the pictures on page 409. Say its name

2. Analysis and Discussion

Answer page 409 on your notebook.

3. Generalization
We can read words and phrases using pictures.

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Choose the phrase which describes each picture. Write your answers on your
Refer to LM page 410.

2. Enrichment Activity
Write the phrase that I am going to read. Refer to LM page 417.

IV. Evaluation
A. Match the picture with its phrases. Write the letters only.
1. A fast car
2. A big cart
3. A sunny day
4. The carnival
5. A hammer

B. Draw the following

1. The bananas 3.A hospital 5. A fast bus
2. The sunset 4. The carpet

V. Assignment
Practice reading the following phrases.
The letter the magnet the ruler the barber
The cotton the hammer the carpenter the hamper
Lucky dog lucky bug lucky cub lucky men

I. Objectives
Identify the describing words that tells about the size

II. Subject Matter

Descriptive words that tells about the number (Adjectives)
Reference: Learner’s Material
Materials: module, number words, pictures
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
Write the describing words in the sentences.
1. Five little monkeys jump on the bed.
2. Three pigs hide from the wolf.
3. Seven balloons went up the sky.
4. Kevin ate two bananas.
5. I bought six packs of coffee.

3. Motivation
Show a picture of different places in the community.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Imagine that you are in a playground. What do you see? Can you describe the
size of the things that you see.
The slide is ________
The swing is _______
The seesaw is _______

2. Analysis and Discussion

 How did you describe that you see in a playground?
 What are the different sizes that you know.
 Tell the size of the things inside your bag.
o Pencil
o Ruler
o Bag
o Notebook
o Paper
o Crayons

3. Generalization
We can describe naming words by telling about their size like large, small, big,
long, short, wide, narrow and many more.

IV. Evaluation
Underline the describing words in the sentence.
1. We watch the movie “Frozen” on a wide screen.
2. I have two big apples for you.
3. Mother went inside a tall building.
4. I am afraid to walk on a narrow street.
5. My teacher’s hair is long.

V. Assignment
Complete each sentence. Fill in the blank with the correct describing word about the
size of the naming word. Refer to LM page 417

I. Objective
Identify the describing words that tells about the shape

II. Subject Matter

Descriptive words that tells about the shapes (Adjectives)
Reference: Learner’s Material
Materials: module, shapes, pictures

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Checking of Assignment

3. Review
Write the describing words in the correct column.
Big two three large small
Twenty wide little one ten
Number Size

4. Motivation
Look at the picture on page 418.
What can you say about the picture?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Read the poem on page 418 of your LM

2. Analysis and Discussion

a. Comprehension Check- Up
b. Look at the highlighted words. Let us read them.
1. Round sun
2. Diamond kite
3. Oval petals of flowers
4. Cone-shaped mountains
c. Answer the questions:
1. What is round?
2. What is the shape of the kite?
3. What is oval?
4. What is cone-shaped?

3. Generalization
Describing words describe people, animals, places and things.
When we describe objects, we can describe them by looking at their shapes,
numbers and sizes.

IV. Evaluation
Write the describing words in the sentences.
1. I like to play with my round ball.
2. Sam was given a heart-shaped necklace.
3. Please put your toys in the rectangular box.
4. The bread that Grandma baked is like a crescent moon.
5. The balimbing fruit is like a star.

V. Assignment
Cut pictures of different community places and describe each.

I. Learning Objectives
 Get the main idea of a selection read

II. Subject Matter

 Topic: Getting the Main Idea

 References: English 2, Language and Reading, p. 228
PELC Listening and Reading (I. 5.1 V)
 Materials: picture of trees
 Value: Love and Care for Trees

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Motivation
Using the semantic web, ask the pupils to enumerate why trees are important to us.


2. Unlocking of Difficulties
a. protect - keep somebody or something safe
Trees protect us from the rain and sun.

b. delicious – delightful, good to eat.

My mother cooks delicious food.

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation
(Reading of the selection. The teacher asks questions to check focus and comprehension
from time to time.)
Let Us Plant Trees

Trees are our friends. They give us shade. They protect us from the rain and the

Many trees give us fruits to eat. Some of them are the mango, santol, and durian.
Others are caimito, mabolo, and chico. Still others are duhat, orange, pomelo, and
lanzones. These fruits are delicious. They make us healthy and strong, too.
Some trees have flowers. They come in many colors – red, white, violet, and
yellow. All of these are pretty colors. They beautify our surroundings.
Trees give us wood. Wood can be made into chairs, tables, desks, and cabinets.
Wood is all around us. We find it at home, in school, on the playground and in the
Let us plant trees. Trees give us many things.

2. Comprehension check-up
a. What is the selection about?
b. Why do we say that trees are our friends?
c. What different things do trees give us?
d. In what ways do trees make us healthy and strong?
e. How do trees beautify our surroundings?
f. What are the different uses of wood?
g. Why do we plant trees?
h. What is the main idea of each paragraph?
i. Where do you find the main idea in the paragraph? Is it always at the beginning
or at the end?

3. Generalization
How will you determine the main idea of a selection?
The sentence that tells what the paragraph or selection is all about is called the main
idea. It can be found at the beginning, middle or at the end of the paragraph.

C. Post Activities

1. Application
The teacher reads each paragraph of the story and asks the pupils to identify the sentence
that gives the main idea

Many boys and girls like to play sipa. They use a ball made of rattan. One
player kicks the ball and the other player kicks it back.
a. Boys and girls like to kick.
b. Boys and girls like to play.
c. Boys and girls like to play sipa.

Most boys like to spin tops. Sometimes they have a contest with their tops. They
spin their tops all at the same time. The last top to stop spinning wins the contest.
a. Boys like to spin tops.
b. Tops are boys’ favorite toy.
c. Boys spin tops to win.

2. Enrichment Activities

a. Ask the best reader in the class to read while the others listen to get the main
idea of the paragraph.
Anna and Marie went to the bookstore to buy school supplies. They bought
pencils and pens. They also bought some pieces of paper and notebooks. Anna
bought a pencil case and a pair of scissors. Marie bought for herself a bottle of glue.

What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Answer: Anna and Marie went to the bookstore to buy school supplies.

IV. Evaluation
Read the paragraphs below and write the letter that gives the main idea.
1. Jose loves to look at different cloud formations. Sometimes he sees clouds shaped like a
horse. Sometimes he sees one that looks like a sailboat floating in the sky. He also even
sees one shaped like a giant robot.
a. Sometimes he sees clouds shaped like a horse.
b. Jose loves to look at different cloud formations.
c. Sometimes he sees one that looks like a sailboat floating in the sky.

2. When an animal is threatened with extinction or disappearance we say it is an

endangered animal. We must take care of animals to protect them from becoming
extinct. Some endangered species are leopards, monkeys, tigers, pandas, bears,
tamaraws, and whales.
a. We must take care of animals to protect them from becoming extinct.
b. Some endangered species are leopard, monkeys, tigers, pandas, bears,
tamaraw and whales.
c. When an animal is threatened with extinction or disappearance we say it is an
endangerd animal.

3. Mila is always smiling. She is a happy girl. Her face is always glowing. Her parents love
her. She is loved by everyone because she is always gay and cheerful.
d. Mila’s face is glowing.
e. Her parents love her.
f. Mila is a happy girl.

4. Durian is the most popular fruit in Jolo. A durian fruit looks ugly on the outside, but it is
very delicious and nutritious. The durian tree grows very tall. When the fruit is already
ripe and ready to be eaten, it just drops to the ground.
a. Durian is the most popular fruit in Jolo.
b. It is very delicious and nutritious.
c. The durian tree grows very tall.

5. Filipinos eat rice every day. It is the staple food in the Philippines. Filipinos eat rice three
times a day. They grow rice mostly in the lowlands.
a. Filipinos eat rice three times a day.
b. It is the staple food in the Philippines.
c. They grow rice mostly in the low lands.

V. Assignment
Copy a short paragraph from your book and write its main idea.

I. Objectives
Noting and recalling details about a poem read

II. Subject Matter

Note and recall details about a poem read.
People I Admire in the Community
Reference: Learner’s Material
Material: module, picture, power point presentation
Value: Respect For Community Helpers

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
Write AS if it is asking sentence, TS if it is telling sentence, and ES if it is
exclamatory sentence.
1. Mother is cooking breakfast today.
2. Wait! You left your lunch at the sofa.
3. Sam is celebrating her birthday.
4. Are you hurt?
5. Yehey! We won the contest!

3. Motivation
Who are the people that you admire in your community?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Listen as I read the poem “Lots of People Around Me” by Teacher Nong

2. Analysis and Discussion

c. Comprehension Check-up
Answer the questions in “I Can Do it” page 457 - 458
d. Answer the questions in “We Can Do It” on page 458

3. Generalization
Name people that you admire in the community?

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Pick a community helper that you admire and tell why do you admire him?

2. Enrichment Activity
Match the community helper to where they are in the community. Write the
letter only.
1. Farmer a. hospital
2. Dentist b. school
3. Vendor c. field
4. Doctor d. clinic
5. Teacher e. streets
IV. Evaluation
Read the short story below and choose the letter of the correct answer.
Monina will have supper.
She has a humburger in a bun.
She has milk in a cup.
Yummy, yummy supper!

1. Who will have supper?

a. Monina b. Marlon c. Marissa

2. What will she have for supper?

She will have a _________________
a. Ham on a bun
b. Ham and milk
c. Hamburger and milk

3. What does she feel?

a. She is sad.
b. She is mad.
c. She is happy.

4. Which part of the story tells you how she feels?

a. She has milk in a cu.
b. Yummy, yummy supper!
c. Monina will have supper.

5. Which of the following is the best title for the story?

a. Milk for Supper
b. Yummy Supper
c. Ham for Supper

6. Where do you think is the setting of the story?

The setting of the story is in a _______________
a. Garden
b. kitchen
c. market

V. Assignment
Draw in your notebook your favorite supper.

I. Objective
Identify the describing words that tell about the character traits of a person.

II. Subject Matter

Descriptive words that tells about the Character Traits of a Person

Reference: Learner’s Material

Materials: module, power point, pictures
Value: Respect for Community Helpers
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Checking of Assignments

3. Review
Read the sentences in the box. Each sentence is a small idea. Write each
sentence on the blanks under the correct main idea. Do this in your notebook.

a. We visit the sick.

b. The farmer has a hammer.
c. The doctor is in the hospital.
d. We get bananas from the market.
e. We jog in the park.
f. We water the garden.
g. The cop has a gun.
h. The vet helps our sick pet.

A. Our Community Helpers B. Things We Do in Our

1. _____________ 1. _______________
2. ______________ 2. _________________
3. ______________ 3. _________________
4. _______________ 4. _________________

4. Motivation
Who are the people mentioned in our poem yesterday?
What do they do in our community?
What kind of people are they?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Read the following sentences.
a. The doctor is busy.
b. The farmer is hardworking.
c. The teacher is industrious.
d. The vendor is honest.

2. Analysis and Discussion

 What word tells about the doctor? Farmer? Teacher? Vendor?
 What do the words talk about?

3. Generalization
The words busy, hardworking, polite and honest tell about the character traits
of persons.These words tell us how a person acts or does his work.

C. Post Activity
1. Application

Match the character traits of the person described in each sentence. Write the
letter only.
1. When someone always helps. A. Honest
2. When someone always shares b. smart
3. When someone always greets c. helpful
Other people nicely
4. When someone is always clean d. kind
And keeps her things in order
5. When someone always gives the e. polite
correct answer in class
6. When someone always tells f. neat
the truth.

2. Enrichment Activity
Answer “I Can Do It” on pages 468 – 469.

IV. Evaluation
Read the sentences below. Choose the letter that described the character traits of a
1. Mark helps an old lady cross the street. He is a __________________ boy.
a. Honest b. polite c. helpful

2. Jacko always gives the correct answer in class. He is a _____________ boy.

a. Neat b. smart c. kind

3. Samantha shares her baon with her classmates. She is a ______________ girl.
a. Smart b. polite c. kind

4. Kevin always say “Po” or “Opo” when talking to older people.

He is a _____________ boy.
a. Polite b. smart c. honest

5. Keirah keeps her things clean and in order every day. She is a _______ girl.
a. Polite b. neat c. helpful

V. Assignment
Write a sentence about your parents. Use describing words.

I. Learning Objectives
 Give the appropriate heading for a set of pictures/objects/words

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Giving Appropriate Headings
B. References: Skill Builders for Efficient Reading 2 ,pp. 40-43
Science Around Us 2, pp. 51-55
PELC, Reading II 5.1
C. Materials: cut out pictures, real objects
D. Value: Cooperation and Orderliness

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Motivation
a. Ask: What are the things in your bag?
Name them.
Call on some pupils to name the things found inside their bags.
notebooks eraser
pencil sharpener
ballpen books
The teacher writes on the board the names of things enumerated by the pupils.

b. Present the word heading. Then write the proper heading of the objects inside their
bags: Things We Use in School.

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation
Activity 1

Game. “Mini Grocery”

Display some toys, fruits and other things that can be bought in a grocery.
Distribute plastic bags to the pupils. Tell them to buy three to five items from the
grocery. When everyone has returned to his/her seat, let each one identify the things he
or she bought.
Use pictures if real objects are not available.
Describe the objects they bought. Ask the pupils to put similar objects in the boxes.
fruits toys vegetables canned goods garden tools

1 2 3 4 5

2. Analysis and Discussion

- What are the things they found in box 1?
- Why did you group them together?
- What heading or name can we give this box?
(Teacher puts a label on the box.)
- What are the things in box 2?
- What heading or name can we give to box 2?
- What are the things in box 3?
- What heading or name can we give to box 3?

(Do the same with the remaining boxes.)

Why do we have to keep our things together?

3. Generalization
How can we give appropriate heading/name to a set of pictures?
We can give appropriate heading to a set of pictures by knowing what they are
and their uses.

C. Post Activity

1. Application
a. Group the class into fivegroups.Distribute some sets of pictures to each group. Let the
children give the appropriate headings to each set of pictures.

Group 1
Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

b. Individual Activity

Give each child two pictures from any of the following illustrations. Let them
choose the proper heading from the box.

Pets at Home Boys

Crayons Fruits

Sample Pictures Expensive Foods Foods for


2. Enrichment Activities

Tell the pupils to choose the correct heading for the given set of pictures.

1. a. Toys
b. Animals
c. Food

2. a. Fruit
b. Crayons
c. Boy

3. a. Pets
b. Volcanoes
c. Flowers

4. a. Bodies of water
b. Birds
c. Parts of the body

5. a. Things Found in the Bedroom

b. Things Found in the Living Room
c. Things Found in the Dining Room

IV. Evaluation

Directions: From the headings in the box, choose one that is appropriate to each set of
things/objects in each picture.
Footwear Bags

Girl’s Clothing Cutting Tools

Land Transportation

1. 2.

3. 4.


V. Assignment
Read the following sets of words. Write an appropriate heading in the box.


ten seven nine five


sampaguita gumamela camia rosal


circle oblong rectangle square


fried chicken spaghetti hamburger rice


doctor teacher barber scientist

I. Learning Objectives
 Organize ideas
 Group pictures showing similar ideas
 Give the appropriate heading to a set of related pictures

II. Subject Matter

 Topic: Organizing Ideas
 References: PELC – Reading 5, 5.2
Books - Skill Builders for Efficient Reading, 2 pp. 178-179
Wilhelmina G. Borjal, Obdulia L. Jose,
Evelyn S. Salazar
Phoenix Publishing House, 1997
Skills Development in English, pp. 139-141

 Materials: Cut outs of pictures, pocket chart, boxes, flashcards
Value Focus: Cooperation

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
Show a picture of a family. Let the pupils describe or tellsomething about the picture.
Ask them to describe what the picture is about.

2. Motivation
Tell the pupils to look inside their bags.
Ask: What things are inside your bag? Can you name them?
Let the pupils name all the things found inside their bags.
Examples: pencils, books, paper, eraser, notebooks, crayons
Ask: What is common in these things? Write the proper heading for the
objects: Things We Use in School.

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation
Conduct a game: “Pabitin”. Here are the following objects you can hang in the
pabitin. (cut outs of animals, fruits, clothing, food, etc.)
Direction: Pupils will pick the objects from the pabitin.

2. Analysis and Discussion

After the game, let the pupils name the objects they have picked.
Ask them to put the objects under the correct heading.

Animals Food Clothing Fruits

fox steak dress apple

bull cake skirt peach
duck milk tie atis
turtle tea coat mango
puppy egg jeans banana
cat rice shirt
bread suit

How did you group the objects? What is common in the objects in each group?
Let the pupils read the different lists by groups, then individually.

3. Generalization
How can we group pictures?
Pictures can be grouped according to similarities.

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Activity 1

Group Activity: Divide the pupils into four groups. Distribute sets of pictures to
each group. Then let them give the appropriate heading to the group of pictures assigned
to them.

Example: 1. pictures of pencil, ruler, triangle,

Things we use in drawing.

2. apples oranges, grapes, atis

3. sampaguita, rose, sunflower, ilang- ilang

4. red, blue, orange, yellow, violet

5. books, magazine, newspaper

Activity 2
Choose the correct heading for the given set of pictures.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. a. Animals
b. Plants
c. Flowers

2. a. Fruits
b. Vegetables
c. Animals

3. a. Fruits
b. Vegetables
c. Flowers

4. a. Animals
b. Fruits
c. Flowers
a. Fruits
b. Flowers
c. Toys
IV. Evaluation
Group the pictures by placing them under their proper heading.

Footwear Food Clothes

V. Assignment
Draw things under the proper heading.

Parts of the Body Things Used in Eating Things inside Your Bag

I. Learning Objectives

 Group pictures/words/sentences showing similar ideas

 Analyze pictures/words/sentences

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Grouping Pictures/Sentences Showing Similar Ideas
References: PELC - Reading 5 a.4
Book - Basic English Skill Builders 2, pp. 137-143
Materials: picture cards, chart, pocket chart, strips of paper

Values Focus: Orderliness

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
Recall the topic about giving the appropriate heading to a set of pictures. Ask the
pupils to do the activity below.
Complete the puzzle by giving the headings of the given set of pictures.







2. Motivation
Ask: Which do you prefer to use, things that are organized or disorganized? Why?
Divide the class into four groups. Give each group a box with real objects. Ask
the pupils to group them according to their appropriate heading/label.

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation
Ask each group to present and explain their work.

2. Analysis and Discussion

Discuss and compare the work of each group.
Ask: What objects are found in the box?
What is the use of each object? Do they have the same use?
How did you organize these objects in the box? (By grouping things with
similar uses)
What was your clue in grouping things with similar ideas? (Headings/labels of
the boxes)
What is the importance of organizing our personal things?

Show different pictures to the class. Ask them to group the pictures under the proper


Present strips of paper with sentences. Ask the pupilsto group the sentences with
similar ideas.

Our sense organs work together to keep us safe.

Ponds, lake and rivers are kinds of fresh water.

Our eyes, nose and ears help us see, smell and

hear things around us.

Oceans and seas are big bodies of salty waters.

Our Senses Bodies of Water

3. Generalization
How do you group things? What do you have to look at?

C. Post Activity
1. Application
A. Group Activity
Divide the class into four groups. Give each group a list of sentences. Let
them group those sentences correctly by listing them under the appropriate heading.

1. Girls wear their blouse uniform on Monday until Thursday.

2. At home, I wear my blue slippers.

3. The skirt uniform is very long. 38

4. I wear my shoes in school.

School Uniform Footwear

Group A - School Uniform/Footwear

Group B - Birds/Fishes
Group C - Land forms/Bodies of Water
Group D - Girls’ toys/Boys’ toys

IV. Evaluation

Group the words accordingly. Write them under the proper headings.

V. Assignment
Cut out pictures with similar ideas and paste them in yourEnglish notebook. Write the
appropriate heading for the setof pictures.

I. Learning Objectives
 Distinguish big ideas from small ideas
 Identify words that go with a given concept/idea
 Write words about a given idea

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Distinguishing Big Ideas from Small Ideas/Identifying Words That Go with a Given
References: PELC 5.A Reading
Tx English 2, pp. 67-69
Materials: sets of related pictures and related words
Value: Plant Conservation

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities
1. A text a day

2. Motivation
What are the beautiful things around us?
The teacher will list down the answers on the board.
Ask: Which of these are plants?
Which of these are animals?

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation
A. The teacher presents real objects or pictures.
Examples: vegetables, flowers, trees

B. Flowers

C. Trees

Ask the pupils to name the vegetables. The teacher writes the answers on the board.
a. Vegetables
pechay patola
tomatoes bitter gourd

b. Flowers
sampaguita santan
rose marigold
camia gumamela
calachuch iilang-ilang

c. Trees
mango tree coconut

2. Analysis and Discussion

Tell the pupils to look at the list of words written on the board.

Vegetables Flowers Trees

pechay sampaguita narra

tomatoes rose mango tree
eggplant camia banaba
patola orchid yakal
bitter gourd ilang-ilang coconut

Explain that vegetables, flowers, and trees are big ideas and the words written under
them are the small ideas.

Ask: Are the small ideas related to the big ideas? (Yes)
Why? (The word written under vegetables are all examples of vegetables, the
words written under flowers are examples of flowers and the words written under
trees are all examples of trees.)
Say: Plants are important to us. What should we do to protect them?


Encircle the big idea in the series of words.

1. a. Violeta b. Victoria c. Names d. Bernadette

2. a. movements b. playing c. swimming d. jumping

3. a. father b. babies c. mother d. family

4. a. pool b. tub c. barn d. places

5. a. nimbus b. cirrus c. cumulus d. clouds

3. Generalization
Small ideas make up the big ideas.
Big ideas tell about the small ideas.

C. Post Activity

1. Application
Identify the words that go with the given concept/idea.
Write three small ideas for big ideas.

Big Ideas Small Ideas

a. Months ________ ________ ________

b. Vegetables _ _______ ________ ________

c. Animals ________ ________ ________

d. Colors ________ ________ ________

e. Number ________ ________ ________

2. Enrichment Activities
Directions: List the words inside the box under the big ideas below.

Books Days

__________ __________
__________ __________
__________ __________

English 2 Monday
Wednesday All About Us
A New Day Experiencing English
Saturday Friday
Reading Links Sunday

IV. Evaluation
The words in column A are big ideas. Encircle the letter of the small ideas found in
column B.

Column A Column B

1. Clothes a. shoes, slippers, sandals

b. dress, blouse, skirt
c. comb, toothbrush, soup

2. Animals a. carabao, cow, goat

b. ant, butterfly, firefly
c. car, truck, tricycle

3. Insects a. maya, dove, parrot

b. bee, ant, mosquito
c. dog, cat, horse

4. Trees a. narra, yakal, banaba

b. pechay, eggplant, ampalaya
c. duck, frog, rabbit

5. Flowers a. narra, coconut, mango tree

b. sampaguita, rose, gumamela
c. doll, toy car, yoyo

V. Assignment

Write three small ideas under the big ideas.

Vegetables Toys Fruits

_________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________
_________ _________ ________

I. Learning Objectives
 Identify words/phrases that go with a given concept/idea
 Write the appropriate heading for a set of words/phrases

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Identifying words/phrases that go with a given concept/idea.

B. References: PELC Reading, 5.2
Books: Skill Builders for Efficient Reading, pp. 40-41
by: Wilhelmina G. Borjal, Obdrelia L. Jose
Ma. Lourdes P. Villanueva
Phoenix Publishing House, 1997
C. Materials: cut outs of animals, fruits, flowers, vegetables.

Value Focus: Helpfulness and Cooperation

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Review
Teacher: Show pictures of animals, fruits, flowers, vegetables.
Let pupils group the pictures according to the proper headings.

2. Motivation
Let the pupils sing “My Toes, My Knees”. What parts of the body are mentioned in the
song? Present the flashcards (toes, knees, shoulders, head). What do these words refer
to? Present the phrase Parts of the body.

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation
Let the pupils play the game “Find the words/phrases under the chair. The teacher should
have put these before the start of the lesson.
Pupils look for the words/phrases under their chairs. Let them read the words/phrases
they found and put them in the pocket chart.

Examples of words/phrases:
apple eraser a red gumamela
banana pencil a yellow rose
mango notebook a white sampaguita

2. Discussion and Analysis

a. Call on the pupils to group the words/phrases on the board.
b. Let the pupils choose and put the correct heading for the group of words/phrases.
(Teacher prepares separate flashcards for the headings.)
c. Let the pupils read the words/phrases under the proper heading.
d. Ask the the following:

1. Into how many groups did we classify the words?

2. What is the correct heading for each group?
3. Why did you put apple, banana, and mango together?
4. Why did you put eraser, pencil, and notebook together?
5. Why did you put a red gumamela, a yellow rose and a white
sampaguita together?
Remember that in writing headings, we should capitalize the
beginning letter of the words/phrases.

3. Generalization
How do we group words and phrases?
Answer: Group the words/phrases of the same kind under a proper heading.

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Group Activity: Each group will write the proper heading for the given sets of

Group 1 Group 3 Group 3 Group 4

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Father one a cap ring
Mother two a jacket watch
Brother three an umbrella necklace
Sister four a raincoat earrings
Baby five a pair of boots bracelet

2. Enrichment Activities
Write the proper heading for the given set of words/ phrases. Choose your answer inside
the box.

Things Used in Eating

Things We Wear
a. ___________ d. ______________
eggplan fork
pechay spoon
carrots placemat
ampalaya glass

b. ___________ e. ________________
rose skirt
gumamela t-shirt
sampaguita blouse
rosal dress

c. ___________

3. Values Integration
What character trait did you practice in your group activity?
How should you work as a group?

IV. Evaluation
Give the proper heading to the set of words/phrases. Write it inside the box.

Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday, Saturday

refrigerator, television, radio, oven

milkfish, tilapia, catfish, eel


book, paper, pencil, eraser

Roy, Rico, Ben, Lito

V. Assignment
Arrange the following words under the proper heading.

bird, bear, cat, chicken, carabao, duck, dove, crocodile, goat, lion, horse, cow

Animals with Four Legs Animals with Two Legs

I. Objective/s
 Using Maps in answering questions
 Following Directions Using Maps

II. Subject Matter:

 Use of Maps
 Follow Directions
References: Learner’s Material
Materials: maps, presentation

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text a Day
2. Review
Match the character traits of the person described in each sentence. Write the letter
1. When someone always helps. A. Honest
2. When someone always shares b. smart
3. When someone always greets c. helpful
Other people nicely
4. When someone is always clean d. kind
And keeps her things in order
5. When someone always gives the e. polite
correct answer in class
6. When someone always tells f. neat
the truth.

3. Motivation
Look at Map on page 463 of your LM. Study it.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Have you seen a Map like this?
What are the places that you can see on the map?

2. Comprehension Check up
a. Answer the questions on page 464 of your LM
b. What are the places that you can see?

3. Activity
Look for the Different places in the Community

4. Generalization
A map tells us where we can find different places. It shows us the way
so that we will not get lost.

IV. Evaluation
Look and study the map on page 470, then answer the following questions:
1. At which streets do we find the high school?
2. What building is at the left of the school?
3. What is between the hotel and the park?
4. What is the park along Estrella Street?
5. What building is between two parks?

V. Assignment
Answer “I Can Do It” on page 471 of your LM

I. Objectives
Noting and recalling details about a poem read

II. Subject Matter

Note and recall details about a poem read.
Gifts of Mother Earth

Reference: Learner’s Material

Material: module, picture, power point presentation
Value: Love for Mother Earth

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
a. A Text A Day

B. Review
Put a (/) to the sentence that tells about MAPS and )X) if not.
1. It helps us find directions.
2. It does not give people information to places where they want to go.
3. IT has grawing of places and names of streets.
4. We do not need it.
5. It shows the way so that we will not get lost.

C. Motivation
Show a picture of the planets.
Do you know which of the planets where we live?
In the poem you are going to hear you will find out what the gifts of mother
earth are.

D. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Listen as I read the poem “Gifts of Mother Earth” by Teacher Nong

2. Analysis and Discussion

e. Comprehension Check-up
Answer the questions in “I Can Do it” page 472 - 473

3. Generalization
Name the gifts of Mother Earth to us.

6. Teacher e. streets

IV. Evaluation
Read the poem “Care for Mother Earth” on page 488, then answer “We Can Do It”
in page 488 – 489 of your LM

V. Assignment
Draw in your notebook what Mother Earth look before and after.

I. Objective
Noting details on a story read.

II. Subject Matter

Note Details on a story read
Reference: Learnr’s Materials
Materials: short stories, module
Value: Love and Care for Mother Earth

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Review
Write TRUE or FALSE.
1. We should help clan our environment.
2. Children should not help in planting trees.
3. We should not protect the place where we live.
4. Withour Mother Earth, we will not live.
5. We should be aware of the importance of our environment.

3. Motivation
Who among you like to read?
Why do you like to read?
What does reading do to you?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Read the story on page476 of your LM

2. Analysis and Discussion

a. Answer the questions on page 476 -477 of your LM

3. Generalization
What is the importance of reading?

C. Post Activity
Read the short story on page 483 and answer the questions that follow on page
484 of your LM

IV. Evaluation
Read the short story below.
It is time for supper!
Yummy, yummy supper!
We order what we want.
Lola has a fish on her dish.
Dad has humburger in a bun.
Mom has a ham sandwich!
Kuya has corn on a cob.
I have a n egg on my fork.
And little baby has hr milk.
Yummy, yummy supper for all!

Put a (/) if the sentence is correct and (X) if it did not happen in the story.
1. Lola has fish for supper.
2. Mom has humberger in a bun.
3. Little baby naps in a corner.
4. I order egg for supper.
5. Kuya has corn on a cob.

V. Assignment
Draw I your notebook your favorite food for supper/dinner.

I. Objective
Reading a Bar Graph / Table
Answering questions about a Bar Graph/Table

II. Subject Matter

Read a Bar Graph/Table
Reference:Learner’s Material
Materials: graphs, tables, module, pictures
Value: Love and Care for Mother Earth

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text A Day

2. Checking of Assignment

3. Review
Clap your hands if the picture shows proper care for Mother Earth and stomp
your feet if not.

4. Motivation
How do we take care of our Earth?
What are the higs that comes from the trees?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Look at the graph on page 478 of yoyr LM

2. Analysis and Discussion

a. Answer the questions on “We Can Do It” on page 478-480 of your LM

3. Generalization
Remember this:
A bar graph gives us data using bars of different heights. The bars
shows us the amount (how much or how little) of the things being compared.
The title of the bar graph lets us know what it is about. We can understand a bar
graph by looking at all the details in it.

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Divide the class into 4 groups. Study the table on page 499 of your LM
Answer the questions on “We Can Do It” on page 499 – 500 of your LM

2. Enrichment Activity
Study the bar graph on page page 485 then answer the questions that follow on
pages 485 – 486 of your LM. Write your answer on your notebook.

IV. Evaluation
Study the table below then choose the letter of the correct answer.

Trash Collected by Pupils

March April
Grade 1 2 sacks 1 sack
Grade 2 3 sacks 2 sacks
Grade 3 2 sacks 2 sacks
Grade 4 3 sacks 2 sacks
Grade 5 5 sacks 3 sacks
Grade 6 4 sacks 3 sacks
Total 19 sacks 13 sacks

1. What is the title of the table?

a. Trash of the Pupils
b. Trash Collected by the Pupils
c. Pupil’s Collected of Trash
2. How many months of trash collection are shown in the table?
a. One month b. two months c. three months
3. In which months were thrash collected?
a. March and May b. March and July c. March and April
4. Which grade level collected the most number of sacks of trash in March?
a. Grade 4 b. Grade 5 c. Grade 6
5. Which grade level collected the least number of sacks in March?
a. Grade 4 b. Grade 5 c. Grade 6
6. Which grade level collected the most number of trash in April?
a. Graades 4 and 5 b. Grades 5 and 6 c. Grades 4 and 6
7. Which grade level collected the least number of trash in April?
a. Graade1 b. Grade2 c. Grade3
8. What is the total number of sacks of trash collected by all the pupils in March?
a. 5 sacks b. 13 sacks c. 19 sacks
9. What is the total number of sacks of trash collected by all the pupils in April?
b. 3 sacks b. 13 sacks c. 19 sacks
10. Which grade level should get an award for the most number of sacks of trash
a. Grade 4 b. Grade 5 c. Grade 6

V. Assignment
What are synonyms? Antonyms?
Write 5 examples for each.

I. Learning Objectives
 Get the meaning through contextual analysis (Synonyms)

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Getting Meaning through Contextual Analysis (Synonyms)
B. References: PELC: Reading 2a.2
Books - 1. Skill Builders for Efficient Reading 2, pp. 164-168
2. Away We Go (Skill Book) – p.7 and p.14
3. Learner’s MAterials
C. Materials: pictures, strips of paper, pocket chart, evaluation sheets, module
D. Value Focus: Alertness and Being Attentive

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities
1. A Text a Day
2. Review
What is a bar graph?

3. Motivation
Show a picture of two girls.
What can you say about them?

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation
Present some strips of paper with sentences to the class. Ask them to read and
analyze those sentences.
Mercy loves to stroll in the park. After the long tiring walk, she reaches home

Narra is our national tree because it is sturdy. It’s so strong that it can’t be toppled by
strong winds.

Rosa is afraid of little dogs and really frightened of tiny frogs. She’s so afraid of
many things.

2. Discussion/Analysis
a. Go back to the sentences in the presentation.
 What does Mercy love to do in the park? (stroll)
 What word in the next sentence has a similar meaning to stroll? (walk)
 What can you say about narra? (sturdy)
 What word in the next sentence means sturdy? (strong)
 How does Rosa feel about little dogs? (afraid)
 What word in the sentence has the same meaning as afraid? (frightened)
 What did you do to find the meaning of unfamiliar words? (analyzed the
 What words in the sentences help you determine the meaning of unfamiliar
(Introduce and explain to the pupils that those words/phrases found within the
sentence are called context clues.)
 What should you do to understand what you read and hear? (Be attentive.)

b. Read the following sentences.

1. Mother Earth has lots of gifts..
Mother Earth has many gifts.
2. The rivers are clear.
The water is clean.

c. Oral Practice
Match the synonyms of the following words. Write the letter only.
1. good a. little
2. beautiful b. large
3. smart c.angry
4. quiet d. glad
5. clean e. neat
f. neat
3. Generalization

Synonyms are words that mean the same thing.

C. Post Activities

1. Application
1. Group Activity
Divide the class into 5 groups. Do “We Can Do It” on pages 474 – 475 of your

2. Individual Activity
Read the sentences below. Encircle the best meaning of a given word.

1. Which do you prefer apple or watermelon?

If you like apple, go to the market and enjoy its delicious taste.
2. The teacher asks the pupils to ring the letter of the correct answer but
some of them circle the wrong answer.
3. I got up early and rushed to school after breakfast. I went in a hurry so I
won’t be late.
4. The task was difficult, but this work had to be done before nightfall.
5. He had a lot of work to accomplish so he decided to do it right away so
he could finish them on time.

2. Enrichment Activity
- Recall synonyms. Ask the pupils to pick out pairs of words that are synonyms.

IV. Evaluation
Look for the meaning of the underlined word in the sentences. Write your answer inside the

1. There are guests coming tomorrow. One of the visitors is Mayor Maria Lourdes
Guest means .

2. When I’m sad, I sit beside the brook.
This little stream makes me feel happy.
Brook means .

3. Snow White got lost in the woods. She was found by the seven dwarfs living in the
Woods means .

4. Our country has a rapid population growth. The number of our people now is about
83 million.
Population means .

5. We had our final examination yesterday. This is our last test for this year.

Final means .

A. Choose the synonym of the underlined words in the box. Write the answer only.
Mad small lean pretty intelligent

1. She is a cute girl.

2. The house is neat.
3. They are angry.
4. THE kids are short.
5. Arnel is smart.

V. Assignment
Box the meaning of the underlined word found in the sentence.

1. Jane has a lot of books and magazines. She always buy a big number of these reading
2. Cimton has a deep faith in God. He entrusts everything to Him.
3. Ernesto is a bright pupil. He can give an intelligent guess.
4. Annie looks like a pretty little princess. She is beautiful in her pink gown.
5. Myra is the sole owner of the International Shop along Magsaysay Boulevard. She is
the only person who manages it.

I. Learning Objectives
 Identify antonyms of common words
 Choose/Select carefully and correctly the characteristics one should have

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Antonyms
B. References: PELC – Reading 2; Writing 2.2
LeARNER’S material IN English 2
C. Materials: pictures of different animals and other objects, flashcards of words, pocket
chart or masking tape, real objects like balls, cups, etc. or models of objects like plastic
fruits, activity sheets, cut-out of a big tree, cut-outs of big leaves, big container like a box,
pocket charts, module
D. Value: Self- Worth

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
a. Have the children read pairs of words and identify their synonyms.
b. Look at the box. Find the synonym of the underlined word in each sentence. Write
your answer on your notebook.

Happy big silent little many good

1. The kids were in a large room. They were in a ____ room.

2. The kids were glad. They were _____.
3. The kids are small. They are ___.
4. There are lots of kids. There are ____ kids.
5. The children are quiet. They are ____.

c. Show pictures of animals and have the children tell how they are alike.

Both have horns.

Both give milk.
Both give meat.

2. Motivation
Ask: If some animals have something in common, can they also be different
from each other?

3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock the words different and opposite by using the drawings of the goat and
cow (for different) and back and front parts of a cart (for opposite).

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation
Tell the children that they will learn about things or words that are different or
opposite in meaning.
Show the picture of a black goat and white cow again.

Say: We have discussed earlier what these two animals have in common. Now,
look closely and try to see if you can find what they have that are different
from each other.
Guide the children to observe the colors of the animals.
Call on some pupils to give their observations.
Say: The goat is black and the cow is white. What can you say about black and
Lead them to say that these are opposite colors.
Write the colors on the board. (Post on the board or put in the pocket chart if the
words are already written on cards.)
Do the same with the size of the animals.
Say: Animals of different kinds may be alike in some ways.
They may also be different in other ways.

2. Analysis and Discussion

a. Show a picture of a chick and a chicken.
Guide the children to observe and say that these are the same animals but a chick is
young and a chicken is old.
Write the words young and old on the board.
Say: Animals of the same kind are alike in many ways but they may also differ in
other ways.

b. Let’s see if the same is true with plants.

Show a picture of Baguio beans and stringbeans (sitaw).
Guide the pupils to observe and say that both are vegetables but the Baguio beans are
short in size while the stringbeans are long in size. Write the lengths on the board.
Show two papaya fruits, one green and one yellow.
Guide the pupils to observe and say that both are papaya but one is green and one is
yellow. Inform them also that a green papaya is considered a vegetable while a yellow
or ripe papaya is a fruit.

c. Call on two pupils. Hand each a yellow mango and a green mango.
Ask them to make their observations and share them with the class. Lead them to say
that both are mangoes but one is green and the other is yellow. Also, guide them to
The yellow mango is ripe while the green mango is unripe.
The yellow mango is sweet but the green mango is sour.
Write the opposites on the board.

d. Have the pupils read the words on the board. Lead them to say that these words are
opposite in meaning.
Introduce the word ANTONYMS.

e. Do any of the following activities.

Activity 1: Activity Sheets (small group)
Group the children by fives. Give each group an activity sheet (choose from below).
Have them answer in three to five minutes, then tell them to post their work on the
board for sharing (It is better if the activity sheets are big enough for posting on the
board). Have them observe the standards for group work. Sample standards are:

a. Work together as a group.
b. Work quietly.
c. Keep your work and work place clean.

Activity Sheet A
Read the first word and look for the word on the right which has the opposite
meaning. Circle it. The two words are ANTONYMS.

1. old new one big

2. left long right tall
3. find mine kind lose
4. give make take get
5. start end begin do

Activity Sheet B
Circle the first word. Then, look for the word on the right which has the opposite
meaning. Box it. The two words are ANTONYMS.

1. early easy last late

2. front top back down
3. all move pretty one
4. happy glad sad lonely
5. friend pal enemy chum

Activity Sheet C
Cross out the first word. Then, look for the word on the right which has the
opposite meaning. Put a check on the word. The two words are ANTONYMS.

1. old tall young fat

2. poor short stout rich
3. clean dirty neat tidy
4. borrowed get owned throw
5. proud fair humble stout

Activity Sheet D
Underline the first word. Look at the words to its right and put two lines under the
word which has the opposite meaning. The two words are ANTONYMS.

1. careful honest careless cruel

2. near far outside front
3. honest brave dishonest smart
4. true honest correct false
5. strong large weak young

Activity Sheet E
Box the first word and ring the word to its right which has the opposite meaning.
The two words are ANTONYMS.

1. narrow wide long far

2. tall dark fat short
3. united divided large alone
4. thick thin big stout
5. dark dim bright cloudy

Activity 2: Picture Dialogue (Dyads)
Group the class by sixes. Give each group an envelope containing three pairs of
drawings with instructions written on the envelope.

Be sure that each envelope contains different sets of pictures.

Have the children follow the standards for group work/pair work. Sample standards
a. Speak softly but clearly with your partner.
b. Share ideas with your partner.
c. Agree together on what to do.
d. Speak clearly and loud enough to the whole class when sharing.
e. Listen attentively to the person talking.

Instructions written on the envelope:


1. Get a partner.
2. Pick a picture inside the envelope.
3. Make a dialogue with your partner about the antonyms that you can see in
the picture.
4. Practice your dialogue and be ready to share it with the class.

Give the children five minutes for this activity.

After five minutes, call on pairs from the group to present their dialogue.
Ask the class to clap their hands for those who have performed.

Put the following antonyms on the board and have the children read the words.
good – bad helpful – lazy
friend – enemy happy – lonely
kind – cruel love – hate

Ask the children what they understand about each word. (Or ask them to explain the
meaning of each word in their own words.)
Ask them to choose which trait/s they would like to have in themselves or in a friend.
Have them explain their answers.
Guide the whole class to realize that if they have positive characteristics, they would
have more friends who also have these positive characteristics.

3. Generalization
Ask: What kind of words are these pairs? (Point to the words on the board.)
What do we call words that have opposite meanings?
Describe/Define antonyms. (Have them do this in their own words.)

C. Post Activity
1. Application
Write the sentences on the board.

a. I am a little girl.
b. Bantay is a small dog.
c. I ran quickly to my father.
d. I saw a big dog coming.
e. Birdie might die after a week of being sick.
f. He always gets lost in our house.

Have the children read each sentence.

Put the antonyms of the underlined words on cards placed in the pocket chart.
Have the children read the words on the chart.
Call on a pupil to pick the antonym of little from the chart and cover the word little with
Do the same for sentences b to f.
Have the pupils read the new sentences.

2. Enrichment Activities
Do any of the activities below. (These activities can also be alternatives to the
Application part of the lesson.)
a. “Where’s my Partner?”
Prepare pairs of antonyms enough for the whole class. (The antonyms from the
previous activities can be used here.)
Write the words on one-colored cards. Give each child a card and have him/her look
for its partner/antonyms. (If the class is odd numbered, the teacher will have one card
and start to look for a partner to model to the children what they need to do.)
Count from 1 to 5. The children should be with their partner at the count of 5.
Check the pairs if they have the correct antonyms. Praise the pupils who were able
to pair off correctly by saying “Good work!” or by clapping.

b. “Fallen Leaves”
Prepare 10-20 pairs of antonyms written on cards. Tape each card on a leaf cut-out.
Put a big tree cut-out on the board, put the leaves at the bottom of the board (like
fallen leaves).

Call on two pupils to look for two leaves containing antonyms.


Tell the pupils to tape them together on the tree.

Call on other pairs of pupils to do the same until all the leaves are on the tree.
Have the children read the antonyms.

c. “Missing Piece”
Make cut-outs of big leaves. Cut these in the middle.

Tape antonyms (on cards) on each part of the leaf.


Put all upper parts of the leaves on the board.

Ask the children to read the words.
Put all lower parts of the leaves on a pocket chart (or on the other side of the board).
Call on some pupils to pick a lower leaf and place it under its opposite to complete
the leaf.
Have the pupils read the antonyms on the completed leaves.

d. Crossword Puzzle
Fill in the crossword puzzle with the antonyms of the given words.
(This can be given as a class activity, by posting the puzzle on the board and
answering together. It can also be given in small groups, dyads, or individually as
activity sheets.)


a. poor 2. kind
4. lazy 3. wise
6. hate 5. enemy
7. good 8. happy
9. punished
10. few

1 2 3

4 5

7 8

9 60
IV. Evaluation
a. Pick from the oval the antonyms of the words on the left. Write them on the line.

1. boy _____________
2. pretty _____________
3. true _____________ false nobody evening
4. morning _____________
5. somebody _____________

b. Match the words on the left with their antonyms on the right. Write the letter of your answer
on the line before each number.

________ 1. selfish a. easy

________ 2. hard b. destroy
________ 3. remember c. brave
________ 4. create d. forget
________ 5. release e. capture
f. generous
V. Assignment
a. Give the antonyms of the following words.

1. fast (slow)
2. laugh (cry)
3. absent (present)
4. true (false)
5. entrance (exit)


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