VisualizingAndFingeringMinor7b5Runs TedGreene 1977-12-06

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Visualizing and Fingering Minor7b5 Runs bea Given: Fen705 B7+ 49 pia Ber Ga Hl Here's the fingering now in 7 different positions: Arpeggios just shown to help you see the notes are coming from.” F¥mibs 4 or D(C] (BIH) 4h position: £49 E [: Jor D(C] (8789+) Sth positon 29 —— é 1S SS | por i Gg a vice} re Sth positon dierent fingering - = - a rs $ 3 = DICK 610 7h poston 49 eee m= - wD] SS See "Visualizing and Fingering Minor7b5 Runs" - Ted Greene F4ntt05 Bust ‘or D [C®}- i (B7#0+) H Oth & Sth Li are i = of oF be : itt ees to i 7 3 42 2 9 43 3979 2 n Féettts Bust ae re i - ord (cx) (2749 12th ve d poston E49 ee aa i op I; te The last position of F#m7bS (14th fret position) is not suitable for this particular run unless you move the whole run up 1 octave, but then the run would have to be notated so high (like, would you believe 5 ledger lines above the staff for the high B note?) that most of us mortals would have a hard time reading it, So here itis as Bm7bS instead. OR emt Batts , or G [F* | (E794) 1s postion ee Gabpae ai for F#m7b5): Aas oc ffir _ fet =F mee ee we VISURUZING: V FINGERING 27h Kows Giltin i 1 5 bre a Haas § He he. 2 He lrqgeo5 ee rl <— JOST SHOWN ) aon seh, \ if NY gag ry gare. ors 14 Z f Senha ae Bi Jot omar post ez : = TNT HOPES r SST i i 4 VD 4 3 att ned oO ae? er / em) EAT Eta tS i bet 5 poe Pal 4 3, ST h a CHatlS pt 1, Wey 4, HAPS! Filet 37 en Me yb Fens Bit Chall” Fills ti haus He bad ttn of FB poe Bathe (1#th ful pos) oy wort stakes, fn Chet no tine. Zz Ss 7 pe 4. pn =a iho we 5 hne. Hat heger Ge opel ; A ae Lees Lape, Pp De ey both Yok yt) I int 1, E lls pO a ephtt 2 2 Bor oe Mtg : | pat peter"

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