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English 4

English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014

Lesson 1 Three Thoughts of My Heart

Three Thoughts Of My Heart

As I was straying by the forest brook
I heard my heart speak to me:
Listen; said my heart,
I have three thoughts for you . . .
a thought of clouds,
A thought of birds,
A thought of flowers.

I sat upon a cushion of moss,

Where the light played, and the green shadows:
What would you do . . . I asked my heart . . .
If you were a floating ship of the sky . . .
If you were a peering bird . . .
If you were a wild geranium?

And my heart made answer:

That is what I wonder and wonder!
After all it is life I love,
After all l am a living thing,
After all I am the heart of you . . .
I am content!

English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 3

Q1: Who is speaking to the poet?

Answer: The Heart is speaking to the poet.

Q2: What does the heart say?

Answer: The Heart has three thoughts for the poet: clouds, birds and flowers. The Heart loves life.

Q3: Why does the poet feel content?

Answer: The poet feels content because she is a living thing and she loves life.

Vocabulary words:
1. brook – a small stream
2. peering – looking closely to see more clearly
3. geraniums – herbs often grown for their bright flowers
4. cushion – a soft pillow to rest on
5. straying – wandering from place to place
6. peering – showing slightly
7. shadow – reflected image
Recalling Details of the poem: English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 4

Letter only.

___ 1. The ___ is speaking to the poet.

A. brain
B. heart
C. stomach
___ 2. The poet is walking by the ___.
A. river
B. lake
C. brook
___ 3. The heart has thoughts of ___.
A. rain, sun, and wind
B. birds, clouds, and flowers
C. grass, flowers, and bees
___ 4. The poet loves ___.
A. life
B. animals
C. flowers
___ 5. The poem is all about __.
A. feeling free
B. love of nature
C. someone’s thoughts
___ 6. We can say that the poem speaks of a ___ day.
A. rainy
B. sunny
C. cloudy

Evaluating Statements: English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 5

True or false

_____ 1. Your heart can speak to you.

_____ 2. Birds fly in the sky.

_____ 3. Clouds form different shapes.

_____ 4. Green moss is soft to the touch.

_____ 5. A ship can float in the sky.

_____6. One is content when one is happy.

_____ 7. Sometimes you have to listen to what your heart is telling you.

_____ 8. Wild geraniums are pleasant to see.

_____ 9. One can make shadows.

_____ 10. A peering bird can fly.

English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 1

Analyzing Figures of Speech English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 5

A simile compares two things by using the words as or like.

Example: Her eyes are sharp like those of an eagle.

A metaphor directly compares two things without using the words as or like.
Example: The river is a velvet ribbon.

Read each sentence. What figure of speech is used in each sentence? Write simile or metaphor on the
space provided.

_______________ 1. Maria is as pretty as a flower.

_______________ 2. Jack is a chameleon.

_______________ 3. The sun was like a ball of fire.

_______________ 4. The old man is a mountain goat when climbing mountains.

_______________ 5. Mica’s favorite dress is a garden of flowers.

_______________ 6. My cat is like a fur ball.

_______________ 7. The teacher is as busy as a bee.

_______________ 8. The thief was a slippery eel.

_______________ 9. Mary’s dress is as blue as the sky.

_______________ 10. The noise of the rock band is music to his ears.

Identifying the Parts of a Book: English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 6

Books are made up of different parts.

Each part contains information that is helpful to the reader.

1. Cover – It gives the title of the book, the name/s of the suthor/s, the company that published it, and
a colorful illustration about the book.
2. Title Page – It contains the same information as the cover without the illustration.
3. Copyright Page – It contains the year the book has been published and the persons who own the
rights to the contents of the book.
4. Table of Contents – It is a listing of all the selections and the pages where they can be found in
the book.
5. Preface or Foreword – It consists of a brief message telling what the book is all about.
6. Body – It contains all the listed stories.
7. Bibliography – It lists all the reference materials the author/s used in writing the book.
8. Glossary – It is a minidictionary. Words found in the selections are listed alphabetically together
with their definitions.
Recalling Details from the Text English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 8

The heart is a muscle that pumps blood all over the body. The blood passes through the veins and the
arteries. The blood gives the body the much-needed oxygen and nutrients. About 2,000 gallons of blood is
pumped throughout the body every day. The blood vessels if linked together are more than 60 000 miles
long and this can go around the world twice.
The heart is as big as the fist. It is found on the left side of the middle chest. To provide a place for the
heart, the left lung is smaller than the right lung. Every day, the heart beats about 100,000 times.
Laughing can keep the heart healthy. Laughing exercises the heart. Physical activities like exercising,
running, and biking make the heart strong and healthy too.

Complete each sentence. Choose the word from the list.

Muscle left veins

Fist oxygen laughing

‘1. The heart is a ______________________.

‘2. It is as big as the ____________________.

‘3. The ___________________ lung is smaller.

‘4. Blood passes through the ________________.

‘5. Blood gives the body the much-needed _______________.

‘6. A good form of exercise for the heart is ___________________.


Encircle all the nouns in each sentence. English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 9

‘1. The children listen to the radio every day.

‘2. Sam saw ducks swimming in the pond.

‘3. Please buy some fruits and vegetables in the market.

‘4. The farmer raises cows, sheep, and horses in his farm.

‘5. Richard do you drink milk every day?

‘6. Have a full breakfast before going to school.

‘7. I wear a helmet when riding my bike in the park.

‘8. Can you see the moon and the stars in the sky?

‘9. Bees make honey.

’10. Do you borrow books and magazines from the library?

English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 1

Noun English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 11

Choose a noun from the list to complete each sentence.

Amusement park Filipinos library water

Basketball giraffe mechanic
Chopsticks honey Mt. Everest

‘1. The ____________________ has a long neck.

‘2. Can we borrow books in the ____________________?

‘3. A ____________________ fixes the engines of cars.

‘4. The children enjoyed riding on the roller coaster at the ______________________________.

‘5. Are _____________________ known for their hospitality?

‘6. The highest mountain in the world is _______________________________.

‘7. Some Asians use ___________________________ to eat their meals.

‘8. During hot weather, we enjoy drinking cold _____________________ to quench our thirst.

‘9. Bees collect pollen to make ______________________.

’10. Boys enjoy playing ball games, especially _________________________.

Encircle all the nouns in the puzzle. Then, list them down on the lines provided.


Noun English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 12

Think of nouns that can name the word/s listed in each box below. Write the words inside the box.

Noun English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 13

Complete each sentence. Choose a word from the list.

birthday picture
brother morning
ground house
window farmer
watch flower

‘1. Each early ___________________ announces a new day.

‘2. Did you pick a __________________ in the garden?

‘3. After the rain, the __________________ turns muddy.

‘4. My __________________ is a basketball player.

‘5. Do you celebrate your ____________________ every year?

‘6. She has an autographed _____________________ of her favorite star.

‘7. The ____________________ brought his vegetables to the market.

‘8. My ________________ always tells the correct time.

‘9. Our two-storey ____________________ is purely made of wood.

’10. Every day, the cat sits by the ________________________.

English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 2

Ten Suns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 14

Q1: Why did the goddess of the sky travel across the sky every day?

Answer: The goddess of the sky travel across the sky every day to light up the sky.

Q2: What made the ten sons go together across the sky?

Answer: The ten sons wanted to go and work all together. They wanted their daily work to be more

Q3: How did the king solve his problem?

Answer: The king asked the help of an archer to shoot down the suns. The god gave the archer a
magical bow and ten arrows.

Vocabulary words:
1. goddess – a female god
2. chariot – a vehicle of ancient times which had two wheels, was pulled by horses, and was used in
races and parades.
3. summoned – called or sent for
4. archer – a person who shoots with a bow and arrow
5. quiver – a case for carrying arrows

Using synonyms

Synonyms are words with the same or almost the same meaning.

Choose the word that is synonymous with the italicized word in each sentence. Letter only.

___ 1. Let us make our work more interesting.

A. boring
B. exciting
___ 2. The ten sons left silently.
A. noisily
B. quietly
___ 3. They felt greatly exhilarated as they crossed the sky.
A. overjoyed
B. saddened
___ 4. She was astonished to see many suns in the sky.
A. unhappy
B. surprised
___ 5. The typhoon caused a vast destruction.
A. damage
B. construction’
___ 6. The archer’s aim was excellent.
A. poor
B. outstanding
___ 7. It suddenly occurred to him that the sky was too bright.
A. took place
B. came to my mind
Synonyms English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 17

Read each sentence. Encircle the word that is the synonym of the word in parenthesis.

‘1. The rides at the amusement park are exciting. (amazing)

‘2. Abby and Ally enjoy playing badminton. (like)

‘3. We all had a marvelous time at the movies. (fantastic)

‘4. The orphans were all grateful for the gifts they had received. (appreciative)

‘5. Pedestrians are cautious when crossing a busy street. (careful)

‘6. It was a grueling experience to go up the rocky mountain. (rugged)

‘7. Sparkling stars appeared in the night sky. (gleaming)

‘8. The runner rapidly reached the finish line. (quickly)

‘9. Mario dived into the cold water of the river. (plunged)

’10. Lara did not notice that she had bought a fake designer bag. (counterfeit)

Inferring Characters’ Feelings and Traits

Write the words that best describe the story characters. Choose the words from the list in the box below.
Active courageous helpful adventurous dependable
Obedient bored disobedient practical clever
Fast thinker skillful confident graceful thankful

Identifying the Elements of a Narrative

Every story contains the following elements.

1. Characters – people or creatures who have a role in the story
2. Setting – the time or place when or where the events happened in the story
3. Conflict – the problem that affects the story characters
4. Solution – how the problem was solved
5. Theme – the message of the author in writing the story
English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 2

Sequencing a series of events: English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 23

Myths are stories made up to explain how things came to be.

Once there was a cat that fell in love with a man. The man was young and very handsome. The cat went
to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, and pleaded with her. The cat wanted to be transformed into a
beautiful woman. Venus, after hearing the cat’s predicament, gave in to her request.
When the young man saw the lovely woman, he asked her to be his wife. They lived happily together.
One day, Venus decided to pay a visit to the woman. Venus wanted to know if she really had changed
her ways as a cat. Upon seeing the woman, Venus let loose a mouse in the woman’s house. When the
woman saw the mouse, she quickly ran after it.
Venus was shocked and saddened by what she saw. She decided right there and then to change the
woman back into a cat.

Number the events according to the order of time when they happened in the story. Use numbers 1-6.

____ The woman chased the mouse.

____ A cat fell in love with a man.

____ Upon seeing the woman, the man fell in love with her.

____ The woman became a cat once more.

____ The cat begged Venus to change her into a woman.

____ They lived happily together.

Common and Proper Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 24

Common nouns are names of persons, places or things. They do not begin with a capital letter.

Proper Nouns are particular names of persons, places, or things. They always begin with a capital letter.
Common and Proper Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 25

Read the following sentences. Underline the common nouns and encircle the proper nouns.

‘1. The singer came from Hong Kong.

‘2. Nellie and Elle went to Italy.

‘3. Fruits and vegetables are good for us.

‘4. The streets in Cebu City are well-lighted.

‘5. Dr. Angela Castro is our dentist.

‘6. The family will have a picnic at Rizal Park.

‘7. The first glider was made in Germany.

‘8. A noisy rooster woke me up.

‘9. The children fed goats and chickens at Sunny Farm.

’10. I named my dog Doodle.

Complete the chart below. Supply the missing common or proper nouns.
English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 2

Common and Proper Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 26

Change the underlined common noun to a proper noun. Write the new sentence on the space provided.

‘1. My friend and I will play basketball.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

‘2. Father has bought a mobile phone, so he can always give us a call.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

‘3. Have you ever been to the summer capital?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

‘4. Cold orange juice can easily quench my thirst.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

‘5. I find the chocolate bar too sweet.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

‘6. Our househelp visited her relatives in the province.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

‘7. Mother read a book last night.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

‘8. I bought a car today.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

‘9. It is usually cold during this month.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________

’10. The boy goes to school every day.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________
Common and Proper Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 27

Match the common nouns with their proper nouns. Write only the letters.

___ 1. bridge A. Japan

___ 2. ship B. Gary Valenciano

___ 3. uncle C. Uncle George

___ 4. lawyer D. San Juanico

___ 5. doctor E. S.S. Skyline

___ 6. country F. Davao

___ 7. river G. Cagayan

___ 8. city H. Pacific

___ 9. singer I. Dr. Angela Hernando

___ 10. ocean J. Atty. Lois Flores

Common and Proper Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 28

restaurant surgeon Wednesday September

mustache muscle Thursday
yacht January February

‘1. the fourth day of the week _______________________

‘2. a public eating place _______________________

‘3. name derived from Latin that means “seven” _______________________

‘4. a doctor who specializes in surgery _______________________

‘5. the fifth day of the week _______________________

‘6. the hair growing on the human upper lip _______________________

‘7. the second month of the year _______________________

‘8. a small ship used for pleasure cruising or raising _______________________

‘9. named after the Roman god Janus _______________________

’10. a body tissue that can contract and produce motion _______________________
English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 3

A Mother’s Garden English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 29

Q1: Why was Mother proud of her pond?

Answer: Mother was proud of her pond because of its beauty, filled with lilac, fuschia, yellow, and
white lotuses.

Q2: How did the author learn about plants?

Answer: The author learned about plants not because her mother taught her, but through the seed of
love for plants that her mother had planted to her.

Q3: What names did the author give to her plants?

Answer: The author named the plants to the giver who were her friends.

Vocabulary words
1. osmosis – a usual effortless, often unconscious learning
2. disbelief – inability to believe
3. propagate – spread out
4. nonchalant – having a confident and easy manner

English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 31

Using a Dictionary

Encircle the letter of the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. Check the dictionary to find out
if your choice is correct.

‘1. The view of blooming flowers was simply marvelous.

A. carefully looking at/watching
B. sight from a certain place
C. art of seeing
‘2. It was simply breathtaking to see the beauty of the mountains.
A. very exciting
B. holding one’s breath from excitement
C. pausing for rest
‘3. Potted plants were placed inside the house as part of the décor.
A. style and layout of interior furnishings
B. building
C. additional attraction
‘4. Learn to delegate the different tasks.
A. give knowledge of
B. empower somebody of
C. make one responsible for getting things done
‘5. The girl was an enlightened gardener.
A. Informed, knowledgeable
B. Ignorant, uninformed
C. Uninterested, indifferent
‘6. Plants need nourishment to live.
A. provisions for growth
B. food
C. protection from sunlight
‘7. Ecology is taught in school.
A. The pattern of relationship between living things and their environment
B. The study of plants
C. The practice of doing things carefully without worry
‘8. Dina shared cuttings with her friends.
A. parts of a plant which grow into a new plant
B. things that cut
C. small slices of food
‘9. Mother passed her legacy of love for plants to her daughter.
A. set of laws
B. old story
C. something left to a person
’10. She gave me a nonchalant look whenever I talked about a video game.
A. deceiving
B. unimportant
C. confident and easy

Perceiving Cause – Effect Relationships English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 32

Cause is the reason for an action or something to happen.

Effect is the event produced. It is what happens as a result.

Example: cause: You do not brush your teeth before going to sleep.
effect: Your teeth will have cavities.

Match each cause with its possible effect. Write only the letter.


___ 1. The plants in the garden are A. They will be naturally shiny and
not watered regularly. healthy-looking.

___ 2. Leaves are wiped with egg whites. B. Mother was very proud of it.

___ 3. Plants are like children. C. They need attention.

___ 4. Mother’s pond was filled with colorful lotuses. D. They will dry up and die.

___ 5. Friends share their cuttings. E. The cost of buying plants is lessened.
English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 3
Cause and Effect English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 33
Write the possible effect of each of the following situations.
‘1. Sally went to bed early.

Effect: ____________________________________________________________________

‘2. Nick’s parents found out he was not attending his classes.

Effect: ____________________________________________________________________

‘3. The car driver was not paying attention to the road signs.

Effect: ____________________________________________________________________

‘4. Maria submitted an excellent project in Science.

Effect: ____________________________________________________________________

‘5. The baker baked the cookies for a long time.

Effect: ____________________________________________________________________

Predicting Outcomes English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 33

Predicting outcomes is telling what could possibly happen next based on what had happened already.

Example: Marc and Jay have joined a swimming contest. Marc has been practicing for one
month. Jay has just started practicing a week ago.

Most likely, Marc will win in the swimming contest.

Read the main statement. Then, tell what could possibly happen next. Encircle the letter of the correct
‘1. Mother kept potted plants as part of the house décor.
A. The house will look like a mini jungle.
B. The house will look shabby.
C. The house will look beautiful.
‘2. Plant lovers share their cuttings with other people.
A. The environment will be enriched.
B. There will be more pollution.
C. People will have smaller gardens.
‘3. Plants have different needs.
A. Plants are watered once a day only.
B. The watering of plants is done at different times of the day.
C. Only special plants are watered.
‘4. Mother took good care of the plants.
A. No plants will be found inside the house.
B. All her plants will wither.
C. None of her plants will dry up.
‘5. The author propagates plants.
A. Her friends will engage in improving their gardens too.
B. Her garden will be crowded with beautiful plants.
C. She will have a yellow thumb.
Using a Dictionary English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 34
A dictionary gives us the definitions of words.

Use your dictionary to find the meaning of the words listed below. Then, write simple sentences using
these words.






Sharing Inferences, Thoughts, and Feelings Based on Text English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 36
Do you like roses?

Roses are flowering plants. They are perennial plants that bloom in all seasons of the year. The flowers
have different sizes and shapes. They come as small as a ten-peso coin while some are as big as a
Roses are known for their fragrance. The oil taken from the petals of roses is used to add fragrance in
making perfume, soap, body powder, body lotion, and food flavoring for chocolates and jams.
Roses are well-known for their beauty. Their colors range from white, yellow, pink, orange, and red.
Gardeners love roses whose colorful blooms add life to their gardens.
The tea rose is a favorite. It has a long stem with a single flower in each stem. Tea roses are often used
in bouquets and flower arrangements to decorate homes.

Tell how each person would feel in each of the given situations. Draw a happy face or a sad face.

______ 1. Mica visits a garden full of blooming roses.

______ 2. Mother has received a bouquet of roses on her birthday.

______ 3. Sara can smell the air filled with the scent of roses.

______ 4. Jeff saw the dried-up plants in the garden.

______ 5. Lois is eating a piece of chocolate with rose flavoring.

______ 6. Andrew stepped on the newly planted grass.

______ 7. The gardener stopped a girl from picking flowers in a public park.

______ 8. Martin taught his brother how to remove the weeds in their garden.

______ 9. Romy has not been watering his plants regularly.

______ 10. Axel gave rose cuttings to his friends.

English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 3
Countable and Uncountable Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 37

Countable nouns are names of persons, places or things that can be counted.
Singular nouns become plural with the addition of s or es.

Examples: table/s teacher/s building/s face/s dress/es

Uncountable nouns are names of things that cannot be counted nor made plural with s or es.
These nouns can be either singular or plural with measure or quantifiers placed
before them.
Do not put a/an before them.

Examples: (a teaspoon of) sugar (a bowl / 2 bowls of) rice

(a pinch of) salt (a piece / pieces of) furniture
(a tank / 2 tanks of ) oxygen ( a whirl / whirls of) smoke
(a moment / moments of) peace (a flash / flashes of) lightning
(a bit / bits of) knowledge (a week / weeks of) bad weather
(an outburst / outbursts of ) anger

Countable and Uncountable Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 38

Orange key calendar report

Snow elephant cheese bag
Egg dust water chair
Banana aluminum picture flower
Rice hair butter tea

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

Countable and Uncountable Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 39

Underline the nouns in each sentence. On top of each noun, write C for countable nouns and U for
uncountable nouns.

‘1. I need flour to bake some chocolate cookies.

‘2. Do you use refined or brown sugar?

‘3. I need baking powder too.

‘4. Have you ever seen an eagle?

‘5. The children drink milk every day.

‘6. Matty bought a toy car last week.

‘7. The boxes are full of green mangoes.

‘8. Please add some salt and pepper to my soup.

‘9. The waiters are ready to serve the roasted chicken.

’10. After the rain, my left shoe got stuck in the mud.

Quantifiers are words that come before uncountable nouns. They tell us how many or how much.

Examples: slice of bread bowls of soup

glass of milk pieces of equipment

Complete each phrase with the correct quantifier. Choose from the list in the box.

Bag bolt bottle bowl bucket glass jar drop pound slice

Example: k i l o of beef

‘1. __ __ __ of honey 6. __ __ __ __ of blood

‘2. __ __ __ __ of hot soup 7. __ __ __ __ __ __ of sand from the seashore

‘3. __ __ __ __ __ __ of perfume 8. __ __ __ __ __ of wine

‘4. __ __ __ of popcorn 9. __ __ __ __ of lightning hit the house

‘5. __ __ __ __ __ of bread 10. __ __ __ __ __ of butter for the cake icing.

English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 3
Countable and Uncountable Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 40

Add the correct quantifier to complete each sentence. Choose from the words listed in the box.
Spot bottle drops trace pieces
Pound rolls sacks slices tins

‘1. I found a __ __ __ __ of ink on my sleeve.

‘2. Mary ate two __ __ __ __ __ __ of American wheat bread.

‘3. Mother put some __ __ __ __ __ of distilled water in my itchy eyes.

‘4. An old woman sold __ __ __ __ of tea in her store.

‘5. The detective found a __ __ __ __ __ of blood in the crime scene.

‘6. Juan used __ __ __ __ __ of aluminum to make house decors.

‘7. Francis distributed __ __ __ __ __ of rice to his employees.

‘8. The __ __ __ __ __ __ of furniture were scattered all over the warehouse.

‘9. Lois bought a __ __ __ __ __ of cheese for her birthday party.

’10. Anna asked me to buy a __ __ __ __ __ __ of vinegar at the store.

Underline the uncountable noun in each sentence.

‘1. The snow is starting to melt.

‘2. Do not waste energy.

‘3. There is too much dust in the house.

‘4. Use petrol wisely.

‘5. Oxygen is essential to all.

‘6. Lea has to do her homework well.

‘7. One can get sick from too much heat.

‘8. The grass is greener in the other field.

‘9. Paolo used sand to build a castle on the beach.

’10. Bees make honey.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 41

Encircle the countable nouns in each sentence.

‘1. The men carried the lumber to the truck.

‘2. Would you like to buy books at the store?

‘3. Have you ever seen a rainbow after a drizzle?

‘4. My sister received numerous gifts on her birthday.

‘5. The boys practiced hard for the games tomorrow.

‘6. Let us all go to the zoo.

‘7. The children fed the goats with grass cuttings.

‘8. We can hear the sweet song of the birds.

‘9. The driver drove a huge van.

’10. Steffi read a story to her classmates.

Uncountable Nouns
happiness weather equipment
perfume jewelry homework
knowledge electricity oxygen
‘1. The married couple felt countless moments of ___________________ on their golden anniversary.

‘2. The teenager put drops of ____________________ on her lace hanky.

‘3. Martin has a great deal of __________________ about cars.

‘4. The students downloaded useful bits of ____________________ from the Internet.

‘5. We shall have three days of good ______________________ according to PAGASA.

‘6. Did you buy this piece of expensive ____________________ for your fiancée?

‘7. We need ________________________ to light up lampposts along roads and bridges.

‘8. The police found some kind of ____________________ used by burglars to enter isolated houses.

‘9. Andrew does his _______________________ before playing.

’10. Humankind needs ________________________ in order to live.

English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 4
The Giants of Easter Island English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 43
Q1: Why is Easter Island a unique place?
Answer: Easter Island a unique place because of its fascinating history and culture. Its land is
covered with volcanic craters, beaches with sparkling blue water, and archeological sites.
Petroglyphs or rock cravings showcasing the life of its early inhabitants are scattered all
over the island.

Q2: How did the population of the island decrease?

Answer: The population of the island decrease when the European visitors brought diseases
with them that killed many of the islanders. Some islanders were also taken as slaves to
other countries.

Q3: What story do the petroglyphs tell?

Answer: The petroglyphs found by the archeologists in Easter Island tells the story of the Bird Man.

Vocabulary Words
1. unique – being the only one of its kind
2. millennium – a period of 1000 years
3. explorer – a person looking for new geographical information
4. humankind – the human race

Choosing the correct meanings of words.

Choose the correct meaning of the italicized word in each sentence. Write only the letter on the line before
the number.

___ 1. The eldest descendant became the high chief of the island.
A. one who leads
B. one who is a follower
C. one who comes from a particular ancestor or family
___ 2. Several clans settled in the island.
A. groups made up of households with a common ancestor
B. groups with common interest
C. work groups
___ 3. The moai were built out of stone.
A. large statues
B. small statues
C. big houses
___ 4. Villages were spread across the coastline of the island.
A. a line that separates cities
B. a line that separates countries
C. a line that forms the boundary between the land and the ocean
___ 5. The island’s resources were used up by the people.
A. sources of money
B. sources of products
C. sources of support
___ 6. The petroglyphs showed early life in the island.
A. Paintings on canvas
B. Rock carvings
C. Wood carvings
___ 7. A giant monolith could be seen from afar.
A. single support
B. single rail
C. single great stone
Using Antonyms English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 45

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings.

Read each phrase. Choose the word that has the opposite meaning of the underlined word. Letter only.

___ 1. a remote place

A. far
B. distant
C. near
___ 2. a unique landscape
A. unusual
B. one of a kind
C. common
___ 3. a fascinating culture
A. attractive
B. uninteresting
C. attentive
___ 4. sparkling blue water
A. dull
B. brilliant
C. gleaming
___ 5. sustain the daily needs
A. keep
B. support
C. cannot keep up

Discriminating between Fact and Opinion English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 46

A fact really exists or has happened.

An opinion is based on one’s experience and knowledge.

Fact or Opinion:

___________ 1. The high chief was the ruler of the island.

___________ 2. Different clans lived in the island.

___________ 3. Each clan had its own chief.

___________ 4. I think the island was overpopulated.

___________ 5. Only islanders were allowed to live in the island.

___________ 6. Maybe the food was not enough to support the islanders.

___________ 7. Massive statues were built for the islanders’ protection.

___________ 8. Foreigners brought disease to the island.

___________ 9. Possibly, the islanders enjoyed welcoming the visitors.

___________ 10. Today, visitors are welcome to visit Easter Island.

English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 4
Collective nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 53

Collective nouns are nouns that name people, animals, or things considered as one group or a whole.

Examples: army family public committee school of fish

audience jury senate (first aid) kit flock of pigeons
board majority mob drove of cattle
crowd multitude team swarm of bees

Write the correct collective noun to complete each phrase.

‘1. a _____________________ of soldiers

staff regiment

‘2. a _____________________ of flowers

bouquet flock

‘3. a _____________________ of singers

bundle choir

‘4. a _____________________ of thieves

gang board

‘5. a ____________________ of football players

tribe team

‘6. a ____________________ of lions

pride leap

‘7. a ____________________ of ants

colony herd

‘8. a ____________________ of government officials

committee family

‘9. a ____________________ of mice

nest school

’10. a ___________________ of ducks

swarm flock

Encircle the collective noun in each sentence.

‘1. A platoon of soldiers was sent to protect the town.

‘2. The Money Museum was visited by a flock of tourists.

‘3. Have you ever seen a swarm of grasshoppers?

‘4. The new product was tested by a panel of experts.

‘5. We saw a bale of hay in the barn.

‘6. Avoid that gang of troublemakers.

‘7. The men used a caravan of camels to travel in the desert.

‘8. It is a wonderful sight to see a flight of butterflies.

‘9. On our trip to the mountains, a tribe of natives were our guide.

’10. His car was taken by a bunch of crooks.

Complete the set of collective nouns.

crowd drove mob pack stand
gang herd flock pod troop

‘1. ___________________ of monkeys 6. ___________________ of striking laborers

‘2. ___________________ of buffaloes 7. ___________________ of spectators

‘3. ___________________ of giraffes 8. ___________________ of playing cards

‘4. ___________________ of crows 9. ___________________ of trees

‘5. ___________________ of dolphins 10. __________________ of teenagers

A collective noun may be singular or plural in form.

It is singular when the group is acting as a whole. A singular verb is used.

Example: The team is playing at the games.

When members of the group do things individually on their own, then the noun is plural in form. A plural
verb is used.
Example: The team are practicing their moves.

Encircle the collective noun in each sentence. On the line before each number, write whether the noun is
singular or plural.

________________________ 1. The audience sang along with the singer.

________________________ 2. The band is going to play rock music.

________________________ 3. The jury voted in favor of the victim.

________________________ 4. The group disagreed on the result of the election.

________________________ 5. The gang enjoys the show.

________________________ 6. A troop of apes are busy in looking for food.

________________________ 7. The nation was mourning the loss of its leader.

________________________ 8. The class were asked to write letters to their parents.

________________________ 9. The crowd is happy to see the famous basketball player.

________________________ 10. The committee were giving their opinions about the different activities.
Collective nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 56
Encircle the collective noun in each sentence.
‘1. The assembly will hold a candlelight ceremony.

‘2. The council of elders made the rules for the games.

‘3. A big corporation produces quality clothes for children.

‘4. The majority made the right decision.

‘5. A cloud of bats flew from a dark cave.

‘6. The city people saw a squadron of jet fighter planes flying nearby.

‘7. He was attacked by a swarm of bees.

‘8. The minority failed to get enough votes .

‘9. A nest of quail eggs was found in the backyard.

’10. We enjoyed watching a group of rhinoceros swimming in the muddy water.

How are the following groups of animals called?

‘1. __________________ of frogs 6. _____________________ of spiders

‘2. __________________ of hawks 7. _____________________ of mosquitoes

‘3. __________________ of mules 8. _____________________ of foxes

‘4. __________________ of kittens 9. _____________________ of lions

‘5. __________________ of house cats 10. _____________________ of eagles

Match the spelling list.
assembly chorus majority corps
audience committee orchestra
choir congregation swarm
‘1. a gathering of persons for a religious worship. __________________________

‘2. a group that listens or watches a play or concert __________________________

‘3. a group of persons acting under one authority __________________________

‘4. a group of musicians who perform instrumental music __________________________

‘5. a group or party that makes up the greater part of a whole body __________________________

‘6. an organized group of singers, especially in a church __________________________

‘7. a large moving crowd of people or insects __________________________

‘8. a gathering of persons __________________________

‘9. a group of persons appointed to perform some duty __________________________

’10. a group of singers and dancers __________________________

English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 5
The (Un)Fortunate Postman English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 58

Q1: How was the umbrelocator helpful to the postmen?

Answer: The umbrelocator looks like an umbrella but has a special compass and map so that a
postman can track the location of his deliverables. The most special feature of this device is
its capacity to fly anyone by controlling the hook at the tip of the umbrella.

Q2: Why was Carlo afraid to fly?

Answer: Carlo was afraid to fly because he once had an accident using the umbrelocator. A tornado
suddenly materialized and swept off his bag full of packages and he was later found
unconscious in the forest badly bruised.

Q3: How did the postmen help Carlo get over his fear of flying?
Answer: The postmen together with his brother set up a prank. They pretended that they needed
help which forced Carlo to get to flying the umbrelocator again to help in rescuing them.

Vocabulary Words
1. assemble – to fit the parts together
2. deliverables – things to be sent to an intended place
3. focus – adjust to give clear vision
4. prank – a practical joke

Identifying meanings of words through Denotation English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 60

A dictionary gives us the denotative meaning of words. The specific meaning of words is given.

Draw lines to connect the denotative meanings with the words. You may use your dictionary to check your

‘1. To tell all about . . hamper

‘2. To take apart . . recount

‘3. A large basket usually with a cover . . quarters

‘4. A device that indicates direction on earth’s . . disassemble

Surface by pointing toward the north.

‘5. Dwelling places ; lodgings . . . compass

‘6. Having a bad reputation . . illuminate

‘7. Overcome . . infamous

‘8. Very lucky . . peers

‘9. Supply with light . . fortunate

’10. Members of a group . . conquer

Making Inferences English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 61

Complete each sentence. Write the letter of the correct inference on the line before each number.

___ 1. Carlo wanted to use his umbrelocator to deliver his packages.

A. He wanted to fly in the air.
B. He wanted to finish his work right away.
C. He wanted to show the other postmen that he could work fast.
___ 2. The umbrelocator is capable of making anyone fly.
A. It is easy to use.
B. One needs special training to use it.
C. Only pilots may use it.
___ 3. Every postman has a flyer patch on his uniform.
A. The postman is licensed to deliver packages.
B. It is the identification patch of the postman.
C. The postman can easily be located.
___ 4. Carlo shied away from his peers.
A. He was relieved from his work.
B. He was afraid of the other postmen.
C. He was afraid the same incident would happen.
___ 5. Carlo tried to focus on his rescue work.
A. He had a difficult time looking for the other postmen.
B. He wanted to overcome his fear of flying.
C. It was very foggy so he could not see very well.

Recognizing Cause – Effect Relationships English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 62

Letter Only.

___ 1. A strong tornado came while Carlo was A. Carlo refused to fly again.
delivering his packages.

___ 2. A bad accident happened to Carlo. B. The postmen flew despite the bad

___ 3. Hans decided to play a prank on his brother. C. It was easy to locate the missing

___ 4. A group of postmen were reported missing. D. Carlo overcame his fear of flying.

___ 5. The rescue team used black light from their E. Carlo volunteered to join the rescue
umbrelocator. team.
English 4
English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014
Lesson 5
Fact or Opinion English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 69

Write F for fact and O for opinion.

___ 1. Sending e-mail is faster than ordinary mail.

___ 2. I think people liked to write letters in the olden days.

___ 3. Only rich people could afford to send letters through the postal service.

___ 4. Slower mail delivery was done by messengers who drove carts pulled by oxen.

___ 5. Before 1840 in the United Kingdom, people who received mail had to pay for its delivery.

___ 6. Postal service has existed since the time of Augustus Caesar.

___ 7. I believe people like to receive personal letters.

___ 8. Maybe people in the olden times found it expensive to send letters by mail so they used pigeons

___ 9. During the time of Genghis Khan, boats were also used to deliver mail.

___ 10. Airplanes are used by the postal service for faster delivery of mail.

Rules in Forming the Plural of Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 70

‘1. Most nouns form their plural by adding –s or –es to the singular noun.
Examples: table – tables pencil – pencils
bottle – bottles book – books

‘2. Singular nouns ending in y preceded by a consonant form their plural by changing y to I and adding
Examples: city – cities fairy – fairies
country – countries pony – ponies

‘3. Nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel form their plural by adding –s to the word.
Examples: key – keys boy – boys monkey – monkeys

‘4. Nouns ending in o form their plural by adding –s.

Examples: piano – pianos radio-radios

These words are exceptions, -es is added to form their plural.

tomato – tomatoes potato – potatoes
veto – vetoes hero - heroes

‘5. Nouns ending in f or fe form their plural by changing f or fe to v and adding –es.
Examples: wife – wives loaf – loaves
knife – knives wolf – wolves

exceptions: chief – chiefs staff – staffs

Plural Nouns English Basics and Beyond 4 yr 2014 p. 71

Write the plural form of the words listed below:

‘1. fox ___________________ 6. church ______________________

‘2. story ___________________ 7. woman ______________________

‘3. cargo ___________________ 8. lady ______________________

‘4. leaf ___________________ 9. pencil ______________________

‘5. ox ___________________ 10. house ______________________

Complete each sentence with the plural form of the noun in parenthesis.

(man) 1. The _________________ are driving big trucks.

(astronaut) 2. The __________________ have gone to the moon.

(goose) 3. The farmer kept the _____________________ in a pen.

(shelf) 4. Marta’s __________________ are filled with different kinds of books.

(key) 5. Please hand me the _______________ to the rooms.

(apple ; peach) 6. They harvested _________________ and _____________________ in their orchard.

(lily) 7. The field was covered with __________________.

(radio) 8. Their ____________________ were blaring loud music.

(valley) 9. Are the _________________ covered with trees?

(bench) 10. Wooden ___________________ were spread throughout the park.

Rewrite each sentence, changing the underlined singular noun to its plural form.

‘1. After I have walked a mile, my foot hurts.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________

‘2. The girl enjoyed the party.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________

‘3. The child is watching a movie.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________

‘4. The fresh loaf of bread is simply delicious.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________
‘5. The boy can jump high.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________

‘6. My book is on the desk.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________

‘7. He caught a mouse.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________

‘8. The ship will dock in the wharf.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________

‘9. Our country is friendly.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________

’10. Jose boiled a potato.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________

Encircle all the nouns in the sentences. Write S above the singular nouns and P above the plural nouns.

‘1. My basket is full of oranges.

‘2. The baby is sleeping in the crib.

‘3. The leaves of the tree are all dry.

‘4. Did you catch some fish in the lake?

‘5. I bought tomatoes in the supermarket.

‘6. He received a car for his 18th birthday.

‘7. The stars in the sky are shining brightly.

‘8. Tornadoes destroyed the whole neighborhood.

‘9. Have the class ever heard of mice singing.

’10. We walked around the park with our friends.

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