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Employees Discriminations:
A framework of laws and regulations has been evolved to avoid the practices of
treatment of employees on the basis of their caste, sex, religion, disability, age etc. No
organization can openly practice any discriminatory policies, with regard to selection,
training, development, appraisal etc. A demanding ethical challenge arises when there
is pressure on the HR manager to protect the firm or an individual at the expense of
someone belonging to the group which is being discriminated against. Pressure to hire
a friend or relative of a highly placed executive also become a discrimination issues that
faced by HR.

Example, it happens in a company, let just call this company is company A. So, this
company was dominated with Chinese Race . So if the employees have are also
Chinese, they will get promoted easily and treated better rather than other employees
that are having different race. Beside that, they also put “ have to be a Chinese” criteria
for Executive Position. So, how hard the employees work if they’re not chinesee they
will not get promoted easy or get on the executive position. Another thing happened in
another company, let just call this Company B. HR always easy to recruit new
employees that is become relative or child’s of a friend of a highly placed executive.
This “new employees” will not face the same recruitment process with other regular
employees. And there is some regulations that being soft for them, such as when other
new regular employees being contract for 1 year and more and they will get penalty if
do resign before this contract finish, this “new employee” get speciality without this
contract and this kind of risk. Other case is, when the regulation is new regular
employees are cannot get a paid leave before 6 months of work, this “ new employee “
can already get a paid leave even they’re just entering the company less than 6 months.


Privacy Issues

Any person working with any organization is an individual and has a personal side to his
existence which he demands should be respected and not intruded. The employee
wants the organisation to protect his/her personal life. This personal life may
encompass things like his religious, political and social beliefs etc. However certain
situations may arise that mandate snooping behaviours on the part of the employer. For
example, mail scanning is one of the activities used to track the activities of an
employee who is believed to be engaged in activities that are not in the larger benefit of
the organization.Some company HR do spying employee’s social media, to know more
about employee’s privacy that not really make any benefit to the company.

Similarly there are ethical issues in HR that pertain to health and safety, restructuring
and layoffs and employee responsibilities. There is still a debate going on whether such
activities are ethically permitted or not. Layoffs, for example, are no more considered as
unethical as they were thought of in the past.

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