Metabical Pricing Ayunda Utari PDF

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1 Adult

 Population  in  2008 230,000,000

Overwieght  Individuals 78,200,000
Individuals  who  actively  trying  to  lose  
weight 27,370,000
Individuals  who  comfortable  with  
weight-­‐loss  drugs 4,105,500

Method  1 Year  1 Year  2 Year  3 Year  4 Year  5

Metabical's  first  purchase  (Unit) 410,550 615,825 821,100 1,026,375 1,231,650
Metabical's  second  purchase  (Unit) 246,330 369,495 492,660 615,825 738,990
Metabical's  third  purchase  (Unit) 49,266 73,899 98,532 123,165 147,798
Total  Unit  Sales  (Unit) 706,146 1,059,219 1,412,292 1,765,365 2,118,438
Total  Demand  in  5  years  (Unit) 7,061,460

Adult  Population  in  2008 230,000,000

Overwieght  Individuals 78,200,000
Individuals  who  request  prescription 9,384,000

Method  2 Year  1 Year  2 Year  3 Year  4 Year  5

Metabical's  first  purchase  (Unit) 938,400 1,407,600 1,876,800 2,346,000 2,815,200
Metabical's  second  purchase  (Unit) 563,040 844,560 1,126,080 1,407,600 1,689,120
Metabical's  third  purchase  (Unit) 112,608 168,912 225,216 281,520 337,824
Total  Unit  Sales  (Unit) 1,614,048 2,421,072 3,228,096 4,035,120 4,842,144
Total  Demand  in  5  years  (Unit) 16,140,480

Overweight  Individuals 4,300,000

Method  3 Year  1 Year  2 Year  3 Year  4 Year  5

Metabical's  first  purchase  (Unit) 1,290,000 1,505,000 1,720,000 1,935,000 2,150,000
Metabical's  second  purchase  (Unit) 774,000 903,000 1,032,000 1,161,000 1,290,000
Metabical's  third  purchase  (Unit) 154,800 180,600 206,400 232,200 258,000
Total  Unit  Sales  (Unit) 2,218,800 2,588,600 2,958,400 3,328,200 3,698,000
Total  Demand  in  5  years  (Unit) 14,792,000

Total  All  Method's  Demand  (Unit) 37,993,940

2 Option  1  ($) Option  2  ($) Option  3  ($)

Retail  Price 75 125 150
Manufacturer  Gross  Margin 24.8 58.13 74.8

Total  Unit  Sales  (Unit) 706,146 1,059,219 1,412,292 1,765,365 2,118,438

Method  1 Year  1  ($) Year  2  ($) Year  3  ($) Year  4  ($) Year  5  ($) Accumulation  ($)
Option  1 17,512,421 26,268,631 35,024,842 43,781,052 52,537,262 175,124,208
Option  2 41,048,267 61,572,400 82,096,534 102,620,667 123,144,801 410,482,670
Option  3 52,819,721 79,229,581 105,639,442 132,049,302 158,459,162 528,197,208

Total  Unit  Sales  (Unit) 1,614,048 2,421,072 3,228,096 4,035,120 4,842,144

Method  2 Year  1  ($) Year  2  ($) Year  3  ($) Year  4  ($) Year  5  ($) Accumulation  ($)
Option  1 40,028,390 60,042,586 80,056,781 100,070,976 120,085,171 400,283,904
Option  2 93,824,610 140,736,915 187,649,220 234,561,526 281,473,831 938,246,102
Option  3 120,730,790 181,096,186 241,461,581 301,826,976 362,192,371 1,207,307,904

Total  Unit  Sales  (Unit) 2,218,800 2,588,600 2,958,400 3,328,200 3,698,000

Method  3 Year  1  ($) Year  2  ($) Year  3  ($) Year  4  ($) Year  5  ($) Accumulation  ($)
Option  1 55,026,240 64,197,280 73,368,320 82,539,360 91,710,400 366,841,600
Option  2 128,978,844 150,475,318 171,971,792 193,468,266 214,964,740 859,858,960
Option  3 165,966,240 193,627,280 221,288,320 248,949,360 276,610,400 1,106,441,600

3 Manufacturer  Fixed  Cost  ($) 488,730,000

Method  1 Accumulation  ($) ROI
Option  1 175,124,208 -­‐64%
Option  2 410,482,670 -­‐16%
Option  3 528,197,208 8%

Method  2 Accumulation  ($) ROI

Option  1 400,283,904 -­‐18%
Option  2 938,246,102 92%
Option  3 1,207,307,904 147%

Method  3 Accumulation  ($) ROI

Option  1 366,841,600 -­‐25%
Option  2 859,858,960 76%
Option  3 1,106,441,600 126%

ROI  is  the  company's  ability  to  measure  the  company's  ability  to  generate  profits  to  cover  the  investment  costs  incurred.  Therefore,  the  selected  
ROI  must  not  be  negative  because  it  means  the  company  will  lose.  Based  on  the  ROI  numbers  on  Answer  3,  the  best  retail  price  option  that  
Metabical  should  choose  is  option  X,  which  percentages  are  

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