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Expository Essay

Ways Students Can Spend Their Leisure Time

A student’s life is often hectic. Moving from class to class, ingesting lots of information, a load of
coursework and preparing for examinations is a lot to handle. The leisure time a student gets should
be treasured and used wisely. Sadly, most students in today’s society spend their free time
indulging in activities that are harmful to their well-being such as ingesting alcohol and drugs.
Precious leisure time can be used to decompress using meaningful but still relaxing activities.
Leisure time should contribute to a student’s physical, mental and spiritual well-being. These three
areas will contribute to a more wholesome student.

Exercise and Sport

Given that most classes are sedentary activities, a student should spend their time get their bodies
active through exercise and other physical activities. Leisure time can be used as a way to look
after your health. The body’s well-being undoubtedly constitutes the physical aspect. When a
student is in better physical shape, their concentration, energy levels and participation in class also
increase. Most students sit while in class. Medical research shows that prolonged sessions of
unadulterated sitting have adverse effects on the body’s health by exercising during their leisure
time, students can counteract these negative consequences. Exercise can include endurance
activities such as running, swimming, martial arts and bike riding. It could also include power
exercises such as weightlifting. Sports are also an excellent choice in this regard. You get to work
your body out while having fun at the same time.

Artistic Pursuits

Students should be involved in arts during their leisure time. This activity is vital especially for
those students studying scientific courses. Those studying artistic courses should practice other
arts as well. Arts are critical to developing our creativity. Creativity assists students to be more
critical and original thinkers in their day to day lives. Studying new skills causes the brain to grow.
It is challenging as well as exciting. Arts are also a way of self-expression. Self-expression is vital
in giving a student a release from the pressures of everyday life. A student may also discover
hidden talents in this regard which he may go on to make a living out later in life. The arts could
teach a student how to live passionately which is solely lacking in the modern world. A student
gains much virtue from drawing, painting, and writing among other arts. Such virtues spill over
into other areas of their lives.


Relaxation brings about the tranquility that a student cannot find anywhere else. In modern
society’s hurried ways, to slow down even for a few minutes each day will bring peace to a
student’s life. It helps to achieve peace of mind. A student can calm down and see what is crucial
in their lives. Every endeavor is carried out with more clarity. An undercurrent of peace is very
healthy while carrying on routine activities in a student’s day to day life. Meditation is a practice
that would help a lot of students in schools currently suffering and in pain.

The activities outlined above seek to make a student more balanced. Since schoolwork is more
specific and mainly deals with the intellect, students should find activities that are not curriculum
oriented. Activities that make them human beings that are closer to their nature. Activities that
give them joy and bring them greater understanding not only of the world but also of themselves.

Also, activities that help them to exercise their brains and relax. After all work and no play makes
Jack a dull boy and school is the last place anyone wants to feel dull and detached.
Narrative Essay:

My Family

Have you ever been influenced by some important person that helped you be the person
that you are today? I have been. The people that have had influence on me are the most important
humans beings, my family. But before I begin talking about my family, I want to describe to you
the place that we spend most of the time together which also means something important to me
and my family. This place is called the family room. This room is small but cozy. It is painted in
white and has three windows decorated with beautiful curtains. By the windows you can appreciate
a nice view of some beautiful trees and a nice pool. On the walls there are some family photos like
the ones that show where my brothers and I were born, my graduation photo, some family members
photos like my grandparents, and some paintings made by one of my brothers. Also inside this
room there is a nice home theater that includes a nice stereo and TV, and a new compact computer.
But this is not all, this room has some very comfortable furniture and I can say that they are
comfortable because I use them to watch TV, a movie, or just sit and rest. Also the furniture is
used by my brothers to sit and play nintendo, to study, or play with the computer. But from all this
furniture there is one chair that is the most cozy chair that I have ever sat upon and that is my
father's chair. So this is our room, which is very important to us and has a lot of special things, but
the most special part of this room is when it brings my family together.
I could begin the book of my life with a picture of my parents. They are important because
they helped in my development. Also, they gave me the things that I needed to grow up in the
moment that I needed and they still gave me everything that I needed to become somebody in the
future. Among these things is the education that I have received all in my life, my basic needs like
food, clothes, medicine, a place to live, and the most important thing, the love. Like for example,
by being there when I needed somebody to talk to and giving me speeches when I do something
wrong. Also, they care for me when I am sick and they give me the necessary things to get better.
They teach me good values like how to behave, to respect other people, and to share with other
people. Sometimes they push me in certain directions and have high expectations for me, but now
I really appreciate everything they have taught me. I understand why they do certain things and it
is because my parents want the best for me. On certain occasions I get mad, but later appreciate
their words of wisdom and understand. My parents are wonderful.
Now, about the rest of my family, my two brothers all I can say is that they are wonderful, too.
With them I have learned to share, to have fun, and to understand different points of view in
different situations.

In conclusion families made the difference in many of the situations that life gives you and
without them you would be unable to give the love and support to your children need which they
need to become mature and responsible adults. Thanks to my family today I can said all of these
things to other people.
Persuasive Essay

Love Is Not Always Emotion

Love means different things for different people; some confuse it with care, respect, and
tenderness, while others look mistakenly for passion and lust, substituting them for love in their
longings. But what is love in reality? Is love always connected with deep emotions and feelings?
I believe that love as a feeling takes many forms and manifestations, but it can always be easily
distinguished from everything named above. Love is much deeper than passion, since it is here to
stay when passion goes; love is more than tenderness, which is quite a superficial manifestation
thereof. In my opinion, love is a feeling of connectedness and care for another person that lasts for
many years and becomes a part of a person’s identity.

The enigma surrounding love is that most people tend to consider it unexplainable, and at
the same time look for explanations for many centuries. As Lindner (3) clarified, love is often
associated with romance, while people in love act irrationally, in a childlike manner, and feel happy
because of having their object of love in their lives. An important consideration about love is that
mass media have strongly affected it within the past decades. Before the advent of TV and the
Internet, people used to think about love in categories established in romance novels and poems,
while at present, the public operates notions and images available in abundance in the Internet and

In the epoch of capitalism, many people have started thinking about love in commercial
terms – images of huge flower bouquets, expensive cars and presents, travels to exotic countries,
and other forms of monetary rewards are strongly associated with a deep feeling of love. However,
this is a very distorted and corrupt image of love becoming an item that can be sold or bought
rather than earned. For me, such images are senseless because love is much more about care that
one person is able to provide to another one. In this aspect, I fully agree with the expressions of de
Bezenac and de Bezenac (6) who tried to explain love through a child’s eyes. For a person not
thinking in commercial categories, love means father’s reading of a fairy tale for his children, no
matter how many times they want to hear it, and mother’s cooking of a tasty dinner no matter how
tired she is after the working day. Love is embodied in simple caring acts rather than a hundred of
sweet words; it is the readiness to come for help in hard situations, and an ability to listen patiently
and soothe the loved one in the times of hardship and trouble. It is also an ability to set aside
selfish, egoistic wishes and let the loved person be who he or she is, without any constraints and

Thus, as one can see, the image of what love is and love’s actual life manifestations differ
profoundly. For this reason, people guided by commercialized images of love may fail to find their
personal happiness simply because they cannot identify the genuine feeling and have wrong
expectations about it. A truly loving and caring relationship is first of all selfless and self-
sacrificing, which is much more precious than material virtues and passionate expressions of
romance popularized in mass media.

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