Adjective Clause

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Adjective (Relative) Clause Practice

Part 1: Basic Patterns

Choose all the possible correct
answers to complete the sentence.
Most sentences have more than one
correct response.
1. Sam is the boy _____ shaved his
head--he is completely bald now.
who that which O
2. The food ____ she is buying looks
Who that which O
3. A dishwasher is a machine ____
washes dishes.
Who that which O
4. The bat is the only mammal ___ can
who that which O
5. Look! That's the singer ___ mother
is from my hometown.
Whose who that who's
6. I don't like dogs ___ jump on me.
whose that whom O
7. I felt bad for the guy ___ failed the
that which who O
8. Jasmine is a flower ____ is white
and very fragrant.
Which who that O
9. They are filming the girl ___
birthday is today.
Whose that who O
10. There's the couple ___ dancing you
liked so much.
Whose that who O
1. William C. Buckhoff,______, lives in North
A. who is my father C. that is my father
B. is my father D. which is my father
2. The car was not running,_____________ .
A. that surprised the mechanic
B. which surprised the mechanic
C. who surprised the mechanic
D. surprised the mechanic
3. _________who visited our class last week.
A. Tomohiro talked to the woman
B. Tomohiro who talked to the woman
C. Tomohiro talking to the woman
D. Tomohiro that talked to the woman
4. The movie ______________was intriguing.
A. who we saw last month
B. that we saw last month
C. that saw last month
D. that we seeing last month
5. The Mariah Carey CD ________________.
A. which we listened was good
B. which to we listened was good
C. to which we listened was good
D. that we listened was good
6. _____________whom I told Saleh about.
A. Is this the woman C. This are the woman
B. This is woman D. This is the woman
7. It is important to read books__________.
A. that have good plots C. have good plots
B. having good plotsD. which has good plots
8. We affirm the students’ right to their own
patterns and varieties of language B the
dialects of their nurture or whatever dialects

A. which they find their own identity and

B. in that they find their own identity and
C. which they find their in own identity and
D. in which they find their own identity and
9. _______whom we spoke to at the English
Club party.
A. Dr. Rong Chen is the professor
B. Dr. Rong Chen is professor
C. Dr. Rong Chen the professor
D. Dr. Rong Chen the professor is
10.The keys__________________________.
A. who are on the floor belong to Rie
B. that is on the floor belong to Rie
C. that are on the floor belong to Rie
D. which is on the floor belong to Rie
11. Is Pupat the type of person _________?
A. who is extroverted around people
B. whose is extroverted around people
C. who are extroverted around people
D. whom extroverted around people
12. ___________________ that have been
used to classify the many different kinds of
rocks in the San Bernardino mountains.
A. I would like to give you the scientific
B. I would like give you the scientific names
C. I would like to give you the scientific
D. I would likes to give you the scientific
13. Professor Higgins is the type of professor
A. to whom others wouldn't consider
exactly exciting
B. whose others wouldn't consider exactly
C. which others wouldn't consider exactly
D. whom others wouldn't consider exactly
14. We all know that we often have times
when many of us feel happy__________ .
A. and other times when we feel sad
B. and other times where we feel sad
C. and other times why we feel sad
D. and other times whenever we feel sad
15. Emi feels shy ______________where
she doesn't know many people.
A. when she go to a party
B. she goes to a party
C. she going to a party
D. when she goes to a party
16. _____, Lake Arrowhead is a setting which
can be quite adventurous to the tourist.
A. Located in the San Bernardino Mountains
B. Locating in the San Bernardino
C. It is located in the San Bernardino
D. To locate in the San Bernardino
17. ___________________ in which there is a
nonthreatening and relaxing atmosphere.
A. Some ESL students learns better in
B. Some ESL student learn better in
C. Some ESL students learn better in
D. Some ESL students better learn in
18. The Higashi's are the couple ________.
A. with whom the real estate agent is
B. whom the real estate agent is
negotiating to
C. whom the real estate agent is negotiating
D. with which the real estate agent is
19. Sherley likes to talk to people________.
A. which she feels comfortable with
B. she feel comfortable with
C. she feels comfortable with
D. she feels comfortable
20. The woman I saw at the theater______.
A. is my English teacher last year
B. who was my English teacher last year
C. my English teacher last year
D. was my English teacher last year

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