UnitIV - MHR 6451

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Running head: Factors affect Equal Programs and Appraisal Techniques 1

Factors affect Equal Programs and Appraisal Techniques

Factors affect Equal Programs and Appraisal Techniques 2


Nowadays, employers have to concern more about equal programs, and appraisal techniques so

that they can create an equal workplace, appraise approximately the employee performance. In

part 1, this essay will evaluate the level of 3 factors that affect the evolution of equal

employment programs. In part 2, it evaluates the level of 3 performance measurement. There are

five sources which this essay has referenced from: textbooks, specific books, case study

researches, newspaper, and my experience. It included the concept in some textbooks and

specific books, and the conclusion of some case studies, or newspaper or my experience.
Factors affect Equal Programs and Appraisal Techniques 3

Part 1: Equal Employment

In this section, I will evaluate the level of three factors that impact the evolution of equal

employment opportunity programs, and then make suggestions for improvement.

Factors Impact Suggestions

Force from community, High - The employees should be trained about

society and multimedia the discrimination and sexual harassment.
- The company establishes CSR
(Corporate Social Responsibility) to
follow the social medias and to respond
immediately the media whenever having
the negative news.
Equal Law and Regulations High No
of government
Perception of Individual Medium - The employers should study higher
Employers themselves about about management.
the equal environment

Table 1: Overview

Factor 1: Force from community, society and multimedia

In present information explosion, not only American, European but also Asian people

care more about the workplace, the equal environment and the discrimination. Today, people

read newspaper, watch TV news, and especially access the internet, surf Facebook, view

YouTube, therefore, the information is transmitted extremely fast. And, the company gets

immediately impact: boycotted, then lawsuits. Therefore, the impact of social media is really

strong not only in America but also in Vietnam. For example, in 2018 Starbucks was boycotted,

then had to close 8000 US cafes for race training and CEO also had to apologize after arrests of 2

Black Men (The Guardian, 2018).

Factors affect Equal Programs and Appraisal Techniques 4

Factor 2: Equal Law and Regulations of government

The laws are the foundation to protect employees from the discrimination and sexual

harassment. This is the strong impact on the employers, the company by punishments from

paying fines to going to jail. Such as, in 2000, Coca-cola had to pay $192.5 million to settle a

race discrimination class action lawsuit (US Newswire, 2000).

Factor 3: Perception of Individual Employers themselves about the equal environment

This is the weakest impact, because the employers often concern more about profit

especially in the small company. However, should they be affected by the discrimination, they

can lose talents. For example, if they only employ man, they will loose the half of labor market.
Factors affect Equal Programs and Appraisal Techniques 5

Part 2: Performance Evaluation Processes and Techniques

In this section, I will evaluate the level of three appraisal methods and then make

suggestions for improvement.

Processes/Techniques Impact Suggestions

Behaviorally anchored rating High - This method should be only used for
scale (BARS) works in which the company has had
many experience for a period of time,
and these works have brought many
positive results to the company. So it will
reduce the cost for making the data.
- Before using this method, appraisal
managers should use narrative forms to
build behavior data, then paired
comparison method to rate each
Management by Objectives High - This way should not be implemented
(MBO) under strict only focus on the final
results, the evaluator should be opened
with the mistakes to find the problem
together with the individual or team so
that he/she can improve.
Graphic rating scale Medium - This method should be implemented
together with MBO or another method
- HR department and employee manager
should appraise together to reduce
Table 2: Overview

Method 1: Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)

The ways evaluates employee performance by two points: list some behaviors, and the

scale from low to good in work from poor to good. This method compiles some effective

behaviors and worst behaviors in specific job which are listed by a group of people familiar with

this job, each behavior corresponds to one specific point. The first advantage is that this

approach is defensible in court because it has specific job behaviors. Next, it focuses on the
Factors affect Equal Programs and Appraisal Techniques 6

routine development and then the career development of employee, when the right behaviors are

applied and developed, they can provide good results in the future. Moreover, this dimension is

more independent of personal or factor, and reduces some appraisal errors for example: bias

errors, contrast errors, central tendency error (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016). On the other hand,

the main barrier is the need of data, especially expert for specific job to create behavior rating

scales. This data needs maintaining and updating continuously for each job over time.

Method 2: Management by Objectives (MBO)

This performance appraisal evaluates an employee, or a team base on the measurable

results of his/her/their work, such as: individual’s sales, the number of new accounts, the number

of positive feedback, reduced costs, and so on. It includes some general steps: 1 Set measurable

goals, 2 Discuss reliability results, 3 Evaluate the results (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright,

2011). In addition, MBO is usually used to appraise managers, experts, qualified employees who

can work independently and effectively (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016). MBO helps the

organization operate effectively, and gain its strategical goals closely because each individual in

company has specific job, and specific objectives (Noe et al., 2011). Each employee can evaluate

his/her progress by comparing his/her accomplishment with final results (Mondy & Martocchio,

2016). However, the accomplishment of employee could be affected by diverse reasons beyond

his/her performance, therefore, it may fail to appraise the employee competencies. It is hard to

appraise the employee behaviors which can affect to company in a future. Just basing on the

results cannot guide the manager what to be improved or developed, or how to improve

employee behaviors (Noe et al., 2011). It can take much time for meetings in formal MBO

program (Dessler, 2020).

Factors affect Equal Programs and Appraisal Techniques 7

Method 3: Graphic rating scale

This performance measurement is a list of attributes or characteristics (e.g., appearance,

teamwork, independence, communication, knowledge, problem solving, initiative, or attendance)

and a range for each from below expectation to outstanding. It is a popular and simple method to

develop, and be used for most of all works and companies. This way is very general base on

individual manager so it can get bias error. This measurement is so subjective due to

misunderstanding. This system evaluates workers base on characteristics rather than effective

performance so that employees may be defensive.

Factors affect Equal Programs and Appraisal Techniques 8


“Coffee shop racism”: Starbucks arrests highlight behavior that crosses a line; Many say the

Starbucks incident exposed discrimination that people of color and black people in

particular face every day. (2018). The Guardian (London, England). Retrieved from



Dessler, G. (2020). Human Resource Management(16th ed.). Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson


Historic $192.5 Million Settlement Announced In Coca-Cola Racial Discrimination Suit;

Unprecedented Programmatic Reforms Span Company From Top to Bottom. (2000). US

Newswire, p. 1008321n9635. Retrieved from



Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2010). Human Resource Management (13th ed.). Mason, OH:

South-Western Cengage Learnin.

Mondy, R. W., & Martocchio, J. J. (2016).Human Resource Management(14th ed.). Harlow,

England: Pearson Education

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2011) Fundamentals of Human

Resource Management(4th ed.). New York, HY: The McGraw-Hill Companies

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational Behavior (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River,

NJ: Pearson Education

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