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Chapter V


This chapter presented all the relevant results from the study conducted by the
researchers. All this result was based on the survey that was conducted. In addition,
this chapter includes finding, conclusions and recommendations that were based on all
the gathered data

Summary of Findings

1. This are the following results of data gained by the study. What is the most
affective variables in terms of English Language Difficulties of a student.

1.1 Human Behavior Factors

Attitude, confidence and psychological issues are classified in this Factor.

23 percent of female and male respondents choose this factors as the
stressing variables in using English Language.

1.2 Societal Issues Factors

In this factor the researchers selected Environment as a variable that has

a connection in this. In total, 25% of the whole defendants because 15% of
female respondents and 10% of Male defendants choose this factors that
affects their skill in using English Language.

1.3 Teacher’s Competence Factors

This factor is about the expertise of a teacher in teaching English

Language. 15% of Female respondents and 10% of Male respondents
selected this factors that affects their English Language proficiency.

1.4 Peer Pressure Factors

This factor is inclined to the fear of making mistakes in using English

Language. This factor got a 31% of responses in the whole respondents 17%
of responses came from Female respondents and the remaining 14% came
from Male respondents that picked this factor.

1.5 Composition of Words

Pronunciation and Grammar are the two variables that classified in this
factor. This issue in English Language got a higher percentage according to
the collected data. The Composition of Words Factors got an average of 58%
in total based on the responses of the whole defendants. 28% of Female
respondents and 30% of Male respondents elect it.

2. What is the usual form that a student tough to use in term of English Language
2.1 Written Form
2.2 Oral Form
2.3 Both Written and Oral Form

Written form got a total of 7 response in the whole defendants 3 answers is from
Male respondents and remaining 4 answers is from Female respondents. Moreover, in
Oral Form it got a total of 61 responses out of 100 respondents, 31 from it came from
the Female respondents and 30 came from the Male defendants. Besides this, there are
23 defendants that selected Both Written and Oral Form, 15 responses came from
Female respondents and 17 came from Male respondents.

3. Is there relationship between the two variables or not?

Using Chi square formula, the researchers sum all the gathered data. Each factor
has the same computation to get the respected value but, it was computed in a step by
step process each factor. The first factor or the human behavior factors got a chi square
value of 0.01 in female respondents and 0.02 in male respondents. The second factor is
the societal issues this factor got a chi square value of 0.74 in female respondents and
0.78 in male respondents. The third factor is the Teacher competence this factor got a
chi square value of 0.70 in female respondents and 0.73 in male respondents. The
fourth one is the peer pressure factor it got a chi square value of 0.25 in female
respondents and 0.26 in male respondents. Lastly, the Composition Of words factor got
a chi square value of 0.02 in female respondents and 0.02 in male respondents. All the
result of chi square in each factor was sum up and got a total chi square value of 3.53,
1.72 came from Female respondents and 1.81 in Male respondents.


Based on the analyzed data, these are the following conclusions the researchers

1. Majority of the students stated that the composition of words wherein

pronunciation and grammar were included highly affects their difficulty in using English
language followed by the human behavior and teacher competence.

2. Oral form of the usage of English language difficulty is harder for the students
than the usage of written form. This indicates that the human behavior factors for
instance, confidence, highly affects their difficulty and the cause of it might be the
factors involved in composition of words.

3. The gender and the difficulty in using English language has no significant
relationship. Gender does not affect the individual’s difficulty.


The next researchers were highly recommended to do the following:

1. Since the researchers were able to determine the factors that highly affects an
individual’s difficulty in using the English language the next researcher should
concentrate more about the specific factors rather than being general to have a solution
that is specific to each factor. In that way, each factor that affects the difficulty of an
individual wont be a problem anymore.

2. There are other demographic profile that can affect one’s difficult in using
English language. Since the researchers were able to drawn a conclusion on the role of
gender on it, the other researchers can focus on other demographic profile that could
have an effect to the said difficulty.

3. Considering the results of the thesis, the other researchers can study on how
to solve these factors. This will be a big help to the students and teachers for them to
identify what are the factors that hinders their language learning and what is the solution
for it.

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