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1.1 General Background

Nepal is one of the least developed agricultural countries of the world more than 80% people are
economically engaged into this sector. The contribution of agriculture sector is more than non-
Agricultural sector into the gross Domestic product. But on the other hand living standard to the
Nepalese people has been going backward per year. Poverty has stood as a serious challenge to the
country. There has the problem of basic needs. The nation is not able to produce the national
requirement of goods and services. In these circumstances it is realized that without industrial
development there is impossible to economic and social development. The contributions of
productive industrial sector in GDP remain around 10 to 15%.

Industrialization is the most essence element of rapid economic development for developing country
like Nepal. Therefore this country should be well informed about the needs significant of
industrialization. Industries have an important role to play in accelerating the rate of economic
development. Industrialization is a major infrastructure for stable and reliable economic
development. Another fact is that only the establishment of industry is not complete solution. The
fundamental problem of the industry is the protection and crating environment for smoothly running
in future. Industrialization measures the value-added components in agricultural products and helps
to right the labour force from agricultural to industrialization.

As it is not possible to expand economic activities expeditiously only through the existing agro based
economic structure there is a need to enhance the industrial sector in parallels with other sector of the
country. Now these days the private sector is also establish different industries. Nepalese industries have
produced some goods, which replace the import. On the other hand, some products of Nepalese industries
have been export to the foreign country. The industrial development is slowly improved.

1.2 Introduction of DDC

Nepal is agricultural country where most of the people are growing agricultural products and improving
living standard. The economy of the country depends upon the agricultural. In the past time, animals
were kept by the farmers for the means of carrying goods & people means of drawing power fuel,
manure and sources of nutritional substances. People did not use the animals which give the milk,
primarily for commercial dairy purpose. Then, people started to keep animal for commercial use and
sell the milk in the urban areas.
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In spite of the important role of dairy product in the natural economy, the production of milk and its
products is in adequate to fulfill the increasing demand and need of the people due to the
population growth and increase in per capita income of the people un urban area. DDC was
established by the government in third. Five year plan in 2006 B.S. Under the corporation Act, 2021.
It was mainly incorporated to promote national development to increase the income of farmers and
to provide the benefit to businessman and industrialist and to substitute the import of dairy product.

To carry out of the task of dairy development in wider scale in the country. Dairy Development Board
was constituted in 2021 B.S eliminating Dairy Development Commission. World Food programme
(WFP) has been supporting to DDC since 2030/31 B.S. New Zealand and Danish has provided financial
assistance to install the processing plants. USAID, WFP Government of New Zealand and Danish
government are major donors of this corporation till few years ago.

DDC produces pasteurized milk and other milk products collecting milk from dairy farmers and processes
it into standard milk, cheese, butter, curd etc for the consumption 39 years; it has not conducted any
attempts of research/ investigation to examine the real environment/ facts of CAP.

This brief research may be the platform to other researchers for further research work regarding CAP of
any organization. It is assumed may be useful and provide a detail outline for the investigation
regarding CAP Analysis. The researcher has tried to find out the types of customer of DDC, their
contribution on overall profit of DDC, Profit based on customer groups and probable factor which are
responsible and affecting to earn profit. No previous researchers have tried to conduct the research on
CAP analysis DDC and calculate the profit/ loss according to the profit/ loss according to the types of
customer of DDC and service they demand. So, this study probably becomes the milestone in the
research work on CAP analysis of different organizations to other researchers.

Public enterprises defined by different authorities are as follows:

Public enterprise is generally owned and controlled by government and is usually autonomously
organized with the government. Providing the initial capital and being responsible for a
continuous overview of their activities.

By the above definition we can conclude the features of public enterprise as follows:
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· Government ownership must be 51% or more.

· Control, direction and management by the government.

· Service oriented.

· Financing by the government.

· Legally independent entity.

Nepal is a developing country and Nepal adopts the mixed economy. Public enterprises in Nepal play a
vital role for the socio- economic development of the country. Due to the various causes private
sector are unable to invest sufficient capital for aggregate development of the country. So that public
enterprises are the backbone for industrialization and developed of the country. They have been
established in many sectors for the over all development of the country with different goals and

Nepal Bank Limited a commercial bank was established in 1994 BS, which is the first public enterprise
to have a separate legal entity in Nepal. When Nepal started its planned economic development in
2032 BS, with the launching of 1st 5 year plan. Since then, the numbers of public enterprises have
increased substantially in the various fields of national economy. The main objectives of public
enterprises as follows:

· Economic growth

· Employment opportunities

· To achieve the objectives of national plan.

· To mobilization of funds for development plans.

· To produce and supply common or essential commodities.

· To development of public infrastructure.

1.3 Financial position of Nepalese public Enterprises

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In facts, PEs is established for rapid socio-economic development of the country. An analysis of financial
performance of existing PEs shows that financial position of most PEs is far from satisfactory. But the
public Enterprise condition in Nepal is not satisfactory. So, the investment in these PEs has been
increased rapidly Almost PEs are not able to generate the revenue for their daily expenses and they are
operated by the government subsidy. So, that almost of the PEs are the burden of national resources
and they dump the national budget.

There are various causes of lower efficiency PEs are as follows:

· Lack of clear objectives.

· Lack of qualified & technical manpower

· Weak relationship between management and workers.

· Lack of insufficient market

· Problem of finance/ money.

1.4 Limitation of Study:

1. It contains more time & costly process.

2. The company doesn’t provide the data easily.

3. Conclusion and finding of this study cannot be generalized because it has been prepare by the
study of any as organization in short time.

2.1 Introduction
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Research Methodology adopted in this chapter is the set of various instrumental approaches used to
achieve the predetermined objectives as stated in earlier chapter. It counts the resources and
techniques a viable and their reliability and validity in this research. Research Methodology is the way to
solve systematically about the research problems which helps to collect the data, present, examine,
analyze and interpret various aspects of customers and customer profitability in this research. In
manufacturing public enterprises there is no practice for the calculation of customer profitability. So,
various statically techniques have been applied in this research to know. Profitability of different
customer groups according to objectives of the study. Kothari (1984) state as “Research Methodology
refers to the various sequential steps of each to be adopted by a researcher in studying a problem with
certain objects in view”.

The research methodology has, primarily sought the evaluation of customer account profitability of
DDC in Kathmandu. The research methodology adopted in this chapter follow some limited but crucial
steps aimed to achieve the objectives of the research, Kothari (1990) states as “Research methodology
is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying
how researches had done significantly. It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the research
method /techniques but also the methodology”

2.2. Research Design:

A true and complete research design is basically concerned with various steps to collect the data for
analysis and draw a relevant conclusion. It allows the researchers to take an appropriate measure
and direction towards the predetermined goals and objectives. This study is descriptive research
based on qualitative and qualitative data.

The study is closely related with various areas and concerns of CAP qualitative & quantitative data and
their presentation and analysis. Based on the collected data, presentation & analysis, seminary of study.
Major finding recommendations & conclusion are drawn in this research which is the most significant
achievement and information relating to financial analysis of DDC.

2.2.1 Types of data for Research methodology

Sources of data:

Data relating for to revenues from and losts on different customers groups are collected by two different
sources according to the nature of data in this study. They are primary sources & secondary.

Primary sources:
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Primary sources of data have been used collecting from concerned public enterprises to complete
the research work. The necessary qualitative data and financial information have been collected
through questionnaire including 27 questions unstructured dialogue & interviews with executives
managing directors and other staffs of DDC. This research has been mainly based on primary data
sources although secondary sources have been also used.

Secondary sources:

After collecting the data if the person or company may be published is known as secondary. In this
study we can use generally secondary data.

2.3 Presentation of Data:

a) Financial Analysis

b) Statistical Analysis

pie chart

Line graph


The most valuable & Crucial tools to evaluate the true and Actual position of any organization can be
appended from proper analysis of these data.

2.3.1 Financial Analysis

In order to make financial statement more meaning full analysis of financial statement is prepared.
Analysis of financial statement means a study of relationship among the various financial factors. It is a
process of classifying and arranging mass data of financial statement. For obtaining a better
understanding of the position of a business and its performance, classifying and arranging are needed.
The objective of this process is to understand the financial position, profitability, operational efficiency
and growth potential of the business.

The types of Ratio Analysis are as follows:

1. Liquidity Ratio
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2. Turnover Ratio

3. Profitability Ratio

2.4 Liquidity Ratio:

The ability of a firm to meet its short term obligation is known as liquidity. It reflects the short term
financial strength of the business. These ratios are used to know the capacity of the concern tore
pay? Short terms liability. It has two types.

a. Current Ratio

b. Current liabilities

3.2.2 Calculation of current assets.


Current Assets

Current liabilities

Current ratio
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(Source: .............)

The Industrial ratio of CA is 2:1. But the DDC doesn’t meet 2:1

Ratio This ratio can be express in pie chart

The ratio can be converted in degree as follows:

2062/63 = 360 = 80

2063/64 = 360 = 97

2064/65 = 360 = 91

2065/66 = 360 = 92
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2.3.3 Calculation of Quick Ratio


Quick Assets

Current Liabilities

Quick Ratio

Source: Annual Report 2066

The Industrial ratio of Quick ratio is 1:1. But the above data doesn’t meet 1:1 Ratio.
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2.3.4 The co-relation between current assets and Current liabilities can be given below.

Let x be current Assets and y be current liabilities.

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= 0.17
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Interpretation: The value of r always lies in between -1 and +1 . So, r lies in perfect positive correlation
between two variable. It means in case of increase in current ratio, then the current liabilities also

The current Ratio & Quick Ratio can be express in multiple bar graph.

2.3.5 Leverage Ratio:

The second classification of the financial ratio is leverage Ratio. It is also termed as solvency ratio or
capital structure ratio. The leverage ratio are calculated to judge the long term financial position of a
firm. These ratio measure the enterprise ability to pay interest regularly and to repay the principle
or maturity. The ratios are as follows:

a. Debt Equity Ratio

b. Debt to total capital Ratio

c. Interest Coverage Ratio

d. Fixed Coverage Ratio

a. Calculation of Debt Equity Ratio:


Long Term debt

Share holder fund

Debt Equity Ratio

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Source: Annual Report 2066

A high ratio shows the large share of financing by the creditors as compared to that of owners. It
indicates the Margin of safety to the owners. The creditors prefer low debt –equity ratio. A low
debt-equity ratio implies large margin for creditors. It can be express is Bar- diagram.

b. Debt to total capital:

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Long Term debt

Capital Employed

Debt to total capital Ratio

Source: Field Visit 2067

Interpretation: A low ratio represents security to creditors in extending credit on the contrary a
high ratio represents a great risk to creditors as well as shareholders.

C. Interest Coverage Ratio:

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Source: Field Visit 2067

2.3.6 Activity Ratio/ Turnover Ratio

The relationship between sales and resource is indicated by Turnover Ratio. These ratios reflect how
efficient the company is managing it resources. The ratios measure the degree of effectiveness in use of
resources or funds by a firm. The common ratios are:
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a. Inventory Turnover ratio.

b. Debtors Turnover ratio.

c. Average collection period.

d. Fixed Assets turnover

e. Total Assets Turnover Ratio

f. Capital Employed Turnover Ratio

a. Calculation of Inventory Turnover Ratio:


Cogs/ Sales


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Source: Field Visit 2067

Interpretation: A high inventory turnover is indicative of efficient inventory management. A low

inventory implies excessive inventory levels than warranted by production and sales activities with the
help of this management can assets whether & stock has been more efficiency used or not.

b. Calculation of debtors Turnover ratio. (DTR)


Sales/Credit sales

Debtor/ Average Debtors


335.79 Times

537 Times
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116.45 Times

191.8 Times

Source: Field Visit 2067

Interpretation: The higher ratio is more efficient management on collecting debtors. A high ratio
indicates that within a short period, the firm is collecting the cash from debtors. Allow ratio shows
that the debt not being collected rapidly.

c. Calculation of ACP








1.07 days




0.68 days


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3.13 days




1.90 days

Source: Field Visit 2067

Interpretation: The minimum time is preferable. The minimum days shows that the firm is efficient on
collecting cash from debtors and it also reduces that change of bad debt. A higher average collection
period shows the excessive blockage of fund with debtors which increase the changes of bad debt.

It can be express in line graph.

d. Fixed Assets Turnover ratio.



Net fixed Assets

Fixed Ratio
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6.46 Times

Source: Field Visit 2067

Interpretation: The higher ratio reflects better utilization of fixed Assets. A low ratio is indicative of
the poor utilization of the existing plant capacity will result in reduction and increase in the cost of

e. Total Assets Turnover Ratio.



Total Assets
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Source: Annual Report 2066

Interpretation: A higher ratio is preferable. A higher ratio implies better utilization & vice versa.

The fixed assets ration & total assets turnover ration can be express in line graph.
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2.3.7 Maximization of profit

Maximization of profit is the main objective of each and every business concern. It is very necessary
to earn maximum profit for the successful business. According to lord teques “. Profit is the engine
that drives the business enterprises”. The profitability rational.

a. Gross Profit margin.

b. Net Profit margin.

c. Return on Assets.

d. Return on common Equity shareholder.

a. Calculation of Net profit Margin:



Net profit

Net profit Ratio




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Source: Field Visit 2067


A higher ratio is an indication of the higher overall efficiency of the business and better utilization
of total resources. Poor financial planning and low efficiency is the indication of lower ratio.

b. Calculation of Return on Assets:


Total Assets

Net Profit

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Source: Field Visit 2067

Interpretation: This ratio measures the profitability of all financial resources in the firms area.
Hence higher ratio implies that the a viable resources and tools are employed efficiently.

C. Calculation of common Share holder Equity.


Net Profit

Capital employed

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Source: Annual Report 2066


This ratio shows the efficiency of the firm on the utilization of total capital. A higher ratio is an indication of
the better utilization of capital employed. Hence higher ratio is preferable for the company.

Trend/ Analysis of Sales


Sales (XY)








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Yc= a+bx



x = 2(60-).5) = -3

x = 2(61-61.5) = -1

x = 2(62-61.5) = 1

x = 2(63-61.5) = 3

Then Estimation for year 2062/63

Y = a+bx

= 157186166.5 + 594776782Í(-3)

= 1396753131.9

For year 2063/64

yc = a+bx

= 1575186166.5+59477678.2Í(-1)

= 1515708488.30

For year 2064/65

yc = a+bx

= 1575186166.5+59477678.2Í1

= 1634663844.7
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For year 2065/66

yc = a+bx

= 1575186166.5+3Í59477678.2

= 1753619201.10



3.1 Summary:

Nepal is a developing country. Nepal has not been able to establish a lot of public Enterprise. The
financial conditions of all public enterprises are not good. Nepal is agriculture country in the word.
Due to this reason all the public enterprises as well as other industries are dependent on Agricultural.
So, DDC is a kind of public enterprises in Nepal. It collected milk from farmer & distributed Urban
areas people.

The main point of finding the financial position of any organization is micro financial Analysis of firm or
organization. For detail financial Analysis of this DDC It have been calculated different types of ratio. But
the ratios are not completely good.
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In Nepal, public enterprises have been established in order to provide basic services to produce the
required goods, to increase government the export items to create opportunity for employment to
increase government revenue develop the country as whole. From the above objectives . Nepalese
Enterprises play crucial role in rapid growth of economic & industrial activities.

But the performance of almost public enterprises in not in satisfactory. They provided some goods &
services but they earn less profit every year. The main causes of decreasing losses are ambiguous goals
and objectives, inadequate knowledge and use of profit planning, lack of co-ordination, government
intervention indecision etc. Now days, the public enterprises are becoming the burden for country

DDC is a public enterprise which was established in 2060 BS and its main objective is to produce milk
and milky product to Urban consumers provide a market to the farmer with fair price. It is totally
owned by government.

The study has four chapters consist of introduction, Research methodology, data presentation &
summary, conclusion and recommendation. In study mainly secondary data are used. Statistical tools
like, Bar graph, line bar graph, correlation. Trend analysis; & pie chart have been used to analyzed the
data. Similarly financial tools like ratio i.e. liquidity ratio, leverage ratio, profitability ratio are used.

3.2 Conclusions:

On the basis of the different analysis observation and informal discussion the following conclusion
have been drawn.

· The Nepalese public Enterprise objective have not been cleared.

· It doesn’t reach maximum profit due to decrease in profit.

· It has directly face to competition to private dairy organization.

· They doesn’t used new technology.

· There is no effective manpower.

· The liquidity ration of DDC is goods.

· The activity and profitability ratio is not good not bad.

3.3 Recommendations:
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On the basis of the study of financial Analysis in Dairy Development Corporation it seems necessary to
develop implement and improve the performance of their daily activities.

It is hoped that these recommendations will prove to be useful to the management of the
corporation and other concern offices institutions and individuals.

· The current ratio shows the minimum position, which is not much satisfactory and quick ratio
trend is not much satisfactory to meet its current obligation management should be concerned about it
and try to maintain good liquidity ratio in future.

· The profitability Ratio of DDC has been decreasing every year. So the manager of DDC should try
to maintain the profit increase in day by day.

· The ROE is hight in 2062/63 & declared in 2063/64 and increase in 2064/65 but decrease
in 2065/66.

· The branch of DDC also established in overall distract of Nepal.

3.3.1 Objectives of DDC

1. Provide a guarantee market for milk to the rural farmers with fair price.

2. Supply pasteurized milks & milk products to urban customers.

3. Developed organized milk collection system to meet increasing demand for pasteurized milks
& milk products.

4. Develop an organized Marketing system for milk & milk products in Urban areas. Product Introduction

A brief introduction of the dairy product presently supplied by DDC are as follows:

(1) Curd:

Curd is one of the best-known and most popular fermented milk products consumed by large sections
of the population through out of the country. DDC produce two kinds of Curd is ordinary.& Special:

a) Ordinary Curd:- It contains 3% fat. 8% solids. Not fat & 4% additional sugar.
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b) Special Curd:- It contains not less than 5% fat, 3% SNF & 4% additional sugar.

(2) Pasteurized Milk:

Milk collected from rural areas is standardized to contain 3% fat and 8% STD and pasteurized by a HIST
pasteurizer. Milk is heated to 73 degree centigrade for 15 seconds and promptly cooled to 4-5 degree
centigrade. DDC also supplies pasteurized whole milk containing 5% fat and 8% SNF.

(3) Ghee:

Ghee is the pure clarified fat derived solely from cow or buffalo milk without color is added. It contains
not more than 0.5% moisture and moisture and not less than 99.5% fat.

(4) Skim Milk Powder:

DDC is also Manufacture skim milk powder in Biratnager. Milk is dried to powder by evaporating its
water content in spray drier. The skim milk powder contains 3 to 4 % moisture while remaining part is
solid not fat. At present skim milk powder is not sold in market but only used for recon situation to meet
the demand for liquid milk during lean season when collected in low.

(5) Buffalo Cheese:

It is also rennet coagulated hard variety of cheese obtained from buffalo milk. It is manufactured in
Nagarkot. Cheese factory and occasionally in Pokhara milk supply scheme of DDC.

(6) Ice-Cream:

It is a frozen dairy product having rich source of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals. Its cream
contains permitted foods colours edible lavers and permitted stabilizers and emulsifiers not exceeding
0.5 % by weight. It contains 10% milk fat B.S? Protein and 36% total solids.

(7) Panir:

Panir is one of the indigenous varieties of milk product obtained from fresh buffalo milk.
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(8) Yak Cheese:

Yak cheese is a product of high altitude of alpine region of Nepal obtained from yak milk. It contains
not more that 43% moisture and 2-5% of edible salt. It should not contain less than 45%milk fat on dry
matter basis, It is considered a special variety of cheese in Nepal.

3.2.2 Financial Analysis of DDC

Financial Analysis is required to every organization and company. To find out their actual
financial position. We have done financial Analysis. Due to financial Analysis. We find different
types of its financial Actual report & we give the suggestion to the company. In financial VC have
calculated different types of financial ration which shows the real figure of the company.

The objectives of description of financial Analysis of DDC as follows:

· To find out their liquidity position.

· To find out their current profitability ratio.

· To understand their general procedure of the company.

· To find out their position of sales & consumption.

· To find out their Return on Assets value.

3.3.3 Procedure of Study:

· 1st to Tate date we can received their commendation letter from the campus.

· To collected secondary data from DDC.

· To use different types of Ration & station tools.

· To find out result put into the graph.

3.3.4 over all Description

This study has been derided into 4 main parts. In 1st topic it contains introduction where included their
definition. Historical back ground, & exploitation of their products.

In 2nd part contents its Research methodology. In 3rd chapter it contains presentation & Analysis of
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In 3rd parts it contains its summary conclusion along with recommendation.

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