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Drama Script: RAPUNZEL

1. Grejorio Trevelly
2. Irma Hartia
3. Joya Ruth Amanda
4. Muhammad Devon
5. Muhammad Wildan
6. Nisrina Umniyati
7. Nova Eliza Hotmimaida
8. Rizky Aqil Tinto Pratama
9. Sonya Audrelianti
Scene 1
(There will be an animation as a prologue)

This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel and it starts with the sun. Now..

Once upon a time a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens and from this small drop of sun
grew a Magic Golden Flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured. Oh you see that old
woman over there, you might want to remember her, she's kind of important.

Well centuries passed and a hop skips, a boat ride away there grow a kingdom. The kingdom was
ruled by a beloved king and queen.

Transisition : black screen, chirpping, showed the castle and kingdom. (as the narrator speaks,
THE KING and THE QUEEN make an entrance)

(sad song)

But the QUEEN, she got sick, really sick, and when the queen was expecting, the court physician were
not sure the QUEEN would made it.

King: Please be well

QUEEN : don’t worry, I will be fine, my love. Just listen to me

<how does a momment last forever ~ but we try>

KING : but, how can we-….

Queen: shusssshh

<sometimes our happiness is captured~ always will>

<minutes turn to hour~and song lives on>



(Guard made an entrance)

GUARD: Your highness! Please my lord, let me help you

At his wits end, the king worriedly paced around the throne room. His mind swamped from his
queen ailments.

<In the throne room>

<King paced around the throne>

King: How can I help my queen?

Guard: Your highness, if I may. I’ve heard a rumour of a magical flower that can heal all sickness

King: is that true?

Guard: Yes, your highness

King: KNIGHT!!!

<The knight enters>

KNIGHT: Yes, Your Majesty?

KING: I want you to look for the magic flower until every corners of the world

KNIGHT: Your wish is my will, my lord

TRANSITION: (showed the animation)

<In a forest>

After looking for a while. The knight came to a clearing and he decides to look around. Unbeknownst
to all of them, a witch, named MOTHER GOTHEL, is hoarding the power of the flower for herself. She
angrily watches as the knights dug the flower and took it away.

<sneaky sound effect>

Knight: Where is it? Where is the magic flower?

(Knight circled a tree, Gothel silently watches from a tree)

Knight: There it is. I’ve found the flower

(Showed GOTHEL looks angrily at THE KNIGHT taking the flower)

(KNIGHT left the stage)

Gothel : Dammit! They are knights. I need to take the flower back

(KNIGHT left the stage)


<In the antechamber>

Armed with the flower. The KNIGHT confidently faced THE KING

KNIGHT: Your Highness. (Giving the flower)

KING: Thank you, my loyal knight (taking the flower and puts it into a bowl. Giving to the queen)

KING: May this flower helps you. Drink it

Queen: Yes, my king


After drinking the flower, the queen fell into labour and she gave birth to a beautiful princess whose
hair is the same golden hue as the flower. She’s named, Rapunzel. Overjoyed, the monarchs
presented the baby to their people.

KING: My people, let me present to you the future of our kingdom, Rapunzel! (releasing a baloon)

PEOPLE: (Cheers)


<In the antechamber>

The very same night, when the KING and QUEEN was fast asleep. The witch GOTHEL, tried to take a
sliver of RAPUNZEL’s hair, but when she cuts it, the hair turned black. Angry, the witch took the baby
with her. Inadvertedly alerting the king

KING: (wakes up) Stop! Who are you? (Runs toward GOTHEL)

GOTHEL: (Panicking and runs away with baby)

Queen: What? What happens? (wakes up)



<Inside the Tower>

<Fast forward 18 years>

Years passed and Rapunzel grow into a beautiful and happy young girl albeit a bit isolated as Gothel
never allowed her to left the tower.
RAPUNZEL: (Talking excitedly) Mom! Tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday, can I go outside to see the
floating lights?

GOTHEL: No you can’t, Rapunzel (glaring at RAPUNZEL)

RAPUNZEL: But... (Looking at GOTHEL with a sad face)

GOTHEL: (00.00-00.30, hugs rapunzel, 01.50-02.20)

GOTHEL: How about I get you those white seashell paints you love?

RAPUNZEL: Can you?

GOTHEL: Ta-ta, I’ll see you in a bit, my flower

<In a forest not far from the tower>

A few days later, there were three thieves running from a knight after successfully stealing the crown


EUGENE: Hey! Have we lost them yet??? (To the siblings)

Eugene : Ooooh (sees his wanted poster) I’m so handsome.

FEMALE STABBINGTON: NO! we don’t have time for this. Keep running!

EUGENE: (Grab the poster and put it in his bag)

(resume running)

MALE STABBINGTON: Watch out! There’s a cliff ahead!

FEMALE STABBINGTON: Dammit! (To EUGENE) Hey, bridge nose! Give us the crown and hop on my
brother’s arm

EUGENE: What? No! I won’t run away I promise. Push me up.


(EUGENE hops on MALE STABBINGTON’S arm and climb the cliff and took off running) EUGENE:
Hahahaha! So long horrendous siblings!

MALE STABBINGTON: Damn you to hell, Flynn Rider!


<Inside the tower>

In his run, Eugene come to an unknown clearing. Before him, stood a tower

EUGENE: All right, I think I’ve lost them

EUGENE : HOLY- ahh. (Rapunzel hits Eugene with a pan and take his bag) Who are you?

RAPUNZEL: Who are me? Who are you!?

EUGENE: Uhhh, I’m no one?

RAPUNZEL: What are you doing here? Are you here to hurt me? Steal my hair? (Raising the pan)

EUGENE : NONONO, You mistook me

RAPUNZEL : Lies, why did you have this poster? And why did you have this crown? You stole it right?

EUGENE: Gesundheit, here’s the deal. Shut up and I’ll do you one favour.

RAPUNZEL: A favour you say? Then take me to the floating lights

EUGENE: (Deadpanning) Fine.



<On a Boat>

As per their agreement, Eugene took Rapunzel to the lantern festival

EUGENE : we’re here

RAPUNZEL : are you sure? How we’re going to look at it?

EUGENE : follow me. Let us seat on that boat.

RAPUNZEL : really? (suspicious)

EUGENE : Trust me

(EUGENE and RAPUNZEL sits on the boat)

RAPUNZEL : where is the floating lights?

EUGENE : Just wait and see

Rapunzel : okay (instrumental)

One by one, the lantern starts to float into the night sky, captivating rapunzel

RAPUNZEL: All those days watching from the windows

All those years outside looking in All that time never even knowing Just how blind I've been

EUGENE: (Looking at Rapunzel) ( giving rapunzel her lantern)

Now she's here shining in the starlight Now she's here suddenly I know

If she's here it's crystal clear I'm where I'm meant to go

EUGENE & RAPUNZEL: And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it's like the sky is new

And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted All at once everything is different
Now that I see you

RAPUNZEL: WOAAAH. This is so beautiful. How did you get that lantern?

EUGENE : it’s a surprise!

RAPUNZEL : this is yours (giving Eugene the crown) thank you

Eugene took Rapunzel back to her tower but, unbeknownst to them, gothel’s following them


After arriving at the tower, Rapunzel went up first so she can lift Eugene up with her hair. But, for a
while she didn’t throw her hair. And so Eugene panic.

<In the tower>

GOTHEL: (grabs Rapunzel and tied her hands) Oh, Rapunzel. You’re such a ‘good girl’?

Rapunzel : mom?

GOTHEL: Shuush, you’re a good girl right? (Gothel gags Rapunzel’s mouth)

(Rapunzel struggles and at the same time Eugene shows up from the window.)

(Rapunzel silently tells Eugene to leave. But Gothel turns back)

Gothel : Oh, so you’re the man Rapunzel’s left with. (walks toward Eugene) You’re such a handsome
boy (caress Eugene) (stabs Eugene)

EUGENE: Argh (Falls and Rapunzel’s gags fell off)

RAPUNZEL: Mom! What have you done?

GOTHEL: mom? I’m not your mother, foolish girl! (yells at RAPUNZEL)

RAPUNZEL: (shocked) What?

GOTHEL:You’re a naive little princess aren’t you. I stole you when you’re a baby. A princess of a
kingdom because, the power of the flower your real mother drank now resides in you. You are
nothing for me but a source of power. And now for your foolishness, your friend over here is going to
die. (points at EUGENE)

RAPUNZEL: No! Please dont. let me heal him. Then I’ll stay with you forever. I Promise
EUGENE: No, Rapunzel

GOTHEL: Fine, go on then. (Gothel unties Rapunzel)

(Rapunzel walks toward Eugene)

EUGENE: Rapunzel no.

RAPUNZEL: I’m sorry, Eugene. I can’t let you die

EUGENE: And I’m sorry too (pulls a knife and cuts RAPUNZEL’S hair)

GOTHEL: No, What have you done! AAaaargh (Gothel dies)

EUGENE: (Crouching in pain) Ah, my stomach.

RAPUNZEL: Eugene, you’re going to be all right. I’ll get help

(Eugene faints)


<Shows animation, EUGENE and RAPUNZEL stays in position, Rapunzel cries>


Because of rapunzel’s love, Eugene can be saved even without the power of rapunzel’s hair but, with
her love-filled tear.

RAPUNZEL : eugene! Are you allright?

EUGENE : yes, thank you. Now come with me. We’re going to meet the king and queen in the castle.



<In the throne room>

(The King and The Queen stood side by side)

GUARD: Your Highnesses! (slamming the door) There is a woman and a man outside the balcony. They
said the woman is your daughter

Queen: really?

Guard: Yes, let me take them here.

(The guard opens the door and guide RAPUNZEL and EUGENE to the monarchs)

QUEEN: (steps toward rapunzel)

Queen : (lovingly caress Rapunzel’s face) oh my daughter, it is you. Rapunzel

King : Rapunzel?

RAPUNZEL: mom? Dad?

(The queens hugs RAPUNZEL)

QUEEN : for years I’ve waited for this moment. To have you back in my arms

KING: My daughter. Welcome to your home (hugs Rapunzel)

Eugene : ekhm (cough awkwardly) (the monarchs stare at Eugene)

Queen : ( pulls Eugene into a group hug)

Well, you can imagine what happened after that. The kingdom has their princess back and the lovers?
Well, they become lovers allright.


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