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Why Vechain (VEN)?

Vechain is currently the leading blockchain in the market for products and information. Vechain wants
to specialize on ICOs and DAPPs and focuses on smart contracts. It is among the fastest growing and
practical aspect of blockchain technology. It is a form of guarantee that VEN will continue growing. Ven
is a product management platform which puts unique IDs on Blockchain. VEN is focusing on
transparency through anti-counterfeiting and supply chain management which will reduce potential
trust issues on various parties.

VEN has formed a great partnership and business connections with various organizations like PwC,
Microsoft among others. These are sectors that people use in everyday life, and it’s a definite pointer
that VEN has achieved what others have not. These partnerships will ensure a broader pool of clients
who may end up investing in Vechain in the future.

Vechain will execute and be leading in item validation and grab greater portion in growing global E-
commerce market. VEN has plans to rebrand to Vechain Thor which would push the company to
compete with the top coins like Ethereum. Lastly VEN has an excellent team, a great community, and
good PR.

Qtum, on the other hand, utilizes blockchain technology that combines Bitcoins stable blockchain and
Ethereum smart contracts while using proof of stake consensus. Both Cryptocurrencies are ideal for
investment depending on your preference, but regarding comparison, VEN is better because it has a
higher market cap, higher supply, and better profitability index compared to Qtum.

In conclusion, both currencies can co-exist because their area of application is different. Both are
relatively new to the market and have a lot of potential for exponential improvement. Only time will tell,
but a look at their recent performance shows they are a stable investment.

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