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Antigone’s Concern about Polyneices Burial

Antigone is Oedipus' daughter. Oedipus was exiled from Thebes. Eteocles and Polyneices

are Antigone's brothers, and Ismene is Antigone's younger sister. Oedipus sat on the throne

before being banished leaving Creon to take over the throne as Oedipus sons are too young to

take over the throne. Eteocles took over the throne and exiled Polyneices who in turn organized

an army to overthrow Eteocles. Eteocles and Polyneices fought each other and eventually killed

each other. This makes Creon take over the throne once more. Creon declares that Eteocles

should be buried with honor, but Polyneices should not be buried for being a disgrace and a

traitor. This essay brings to light Antigone’s concerns to perform Polyneices burial rites and her

bravery in doing so.

Antigone’s main concern is to perform the burial rites and bury her brother Polyneices.

Creon had declared that Polyneices was a traitor and therefore should not be buried. Antigone

insists that Polyneices should be buried claiming that Polyneices was her brother and she loved

him. After the 50th line, Antigone says, “At least he is my brother.” Antigone also tells Ismene

that her time to please the dead is longer than that she must please the living (85). Antigone does

not want to deny Polyneices as her brother as Ismene does. Antigone does not want to dishonor

what the gods have honored (85). Antigone claims that it is not for Creon to keep her loved

(Polyneices) from her.

Antigone has made up her mind not to accept Creon’s decree like her sister Ismene has.

Antigone claims that it is not for Creon to keep her from her own (50). Antigone is aware that

Creon honored Eteocles but dishonored Polyneices, and she is displeased because of this.

Antigone is brave and does not fear being killed because of performing the burial rites on her

brother Polyneices (80). Antigone refuses to deny Polyneices and prove false to him (50). In line

100, Antigone tells Ismene that she should "proclaim it to everyone." This shows how she is not

afraid of Creon knowing that she performed the burial rites.

In conclusion, Antigone has displayed her bravery in the way she fights for Polyneices’

burial rites. Antigone is very brave and is not afraid of death. Antigone proves to speak against

Creon to show her displeasure. Antigone is not pleased with the way Creon dishonors her brother

Works cited

"Antigone." BookRags. 2004. 15 Nov. 2006 <

Mays, Kelly J. The Norton introduction to literature. WW Norton & Company, 2015.

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