F UrbanoNetwork Membership PanSector 2019 May19Update

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Urbano Networking Reception | Minotti London

Urbano Network
Communities Information & Membership Pack
Urbano Networking Lunch | Lambeth Palace

About Urbano Page 3-4
Urbano Build Page 5
Urbano Finance Page 6
Urbano Host Page 7
Urbano Media Page 8
Urbano People Page 9
Urbano Tech Page 10
Urbano Women in Architecture, Construction, Tech & Engineering Page 11
Our Audience Page 12
Become a Member - Benefits & Fees Page 13
Become an Urbano Supporter Page 14
Become a Supporter - Options & Fees Page 15
Leadership - Industry Expertise Page 16
Speaker Map Page 17
Next Steps & Contact Page 18

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 2

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
About Urbano
London’s leading independent
business networking
Formed in 2011, Urbano is London’s leading independent business
network, a powerhouse of connections and opportunities that
helps thousands of business each year to meet, share best practice &
information, find specialists & suppliers, and engage.

Urbano Network Speaker Breakfast | Networking with Daniel Hopwood, President BIID

Using a mix of weekly events – from speaker events, workshops, networking

breakfasts, lunches, and evenings – and a unique online networking toolkit, our urbanobuild
A place for architects, developers, urbanofinance
connected community of companies ranges from SMEs to PLCs: from Shoreditch A community that brings together
start-ups to global engineering giants, architects to digital agencies, acoustic investors, interior designers,
engineers & other sector entrepreneurs and investors
experts to funding advisers, event producers to environmental specialists. professionals to connect, find to build bridges between
opportunities, create alliances and companies who need finance and
Urbano Network is pan-sector, with hundreds of companies across business share market knowledge. organisations who can provide it.
communities: Build, Finance, Host, Media, People, Tech & Urbano Women in
Architecture, Construction, Technology & Engineering (UWACTE). urbanomedia & creative urbanopeople
Bringing together creatives in TV, Connecting companies &
film, animation, music, branding, individuals with professional
Urbano uses its event programmes to bring these different communities together. roles in the future workplace
We see our event programme as a series of catalysts to new connections. We digital etc., to build alliances, seek
new work, and bring new tools to - from leadership, recruitment
believe that the more diverse a company’s connections are, the better for the other sectors. and HRTech to employment law,
business and their workforce. diversity and wellbeing.

urbanotechnology urbanouwacte
Membership of Urbano offers your company the chance to develop valuable
Connecting companies developing Urbano Women In Architecture,
connections across all our events and communities, including six free member Construction, Technology &
websites, apps, CMS systems &
evenings. It means that the Urbano team will actively support your own marketing Engineering (UWACTE) where
IT support services, to hardware
activities, including online, social media, MIPIM and your own events, extending women in Urbano member firms
& software solutions in VR, AR, can enhance their connections
the reach of your brand. Furthermore, we also have further options to showcase animation, modelling, and BIM.
your company to its target sectors. across our network.

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 3

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
About Urbano
Engagement & Social Value

Connecting businesses to social, environmental and

economic value, and supporting a fair and transparent
route to opportunities for all sizes of businesses.

As Urbano has grown, so has our reach and impact. We know that every company
has to be helped to make a profit and that new business is the primary value that Urbano Build & People Speaker Event March 2019 with Dr Juditch Clarke, MACE Group on Workplace Wellbeing
businesses seek to find through networking, but we also believe each company
has a responsibility to the environment, our planet, its employees and to each

The Social Value Act - which came into force in 2012 - requires public authorities
to have regard to economic, social and environmental wellbeing in connection
with public services contracts; and for connected purposes.

Before the Social Value Act came into force, Urbano has long promoted
engagement between companies of similar or different sizes and specialities to
explore potential avenues to new business but also to open up supply chains.
Our weekly distribution of live private and public tenders - from creative agency
rosters to architectural competitions, workplace design to conference venues –
demonstrate our support for our members and their own local economies.

Our engagement is driven by a desire to create fair opportunities not impacted by

procurement restrictions, funding criteria or social exclusion. We have first-hand
experience in how this has impacted on tendering for public sector contracts and
how much there is still to do to improve this. Urbano can provide both the map
and the means to arrive at any project with B2B business engagement at its core.
Urbano People & UWACTE Speaker Event with Bola Bola Fatimilehin, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at RAE

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 4

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Urbano Build
Connect, find opportunities,
create alliances & share
market knowledge
Urbano Build is one of Urbano’s most dynamic communities,
including many of the UK’s leading companies in the built
environment sectors .

Urbano Build Networking Lunch celebrating Clerkenwell Design Week 2018 | Le Cafe du Marche

Our Build Community events and speaker programme has a proud track record of
exploring and championing issues and themes before they become mainstream, Previous Urbano Build speakers include:
and from a stand-point of finding opportunities for smaller firms to work with • Mark Bew Government BIM Task Group
larger ones as we feel both benefit. Event themes have included diversity,
• Wayne Hemingway HemingwayDesign
sustainability, new technologies and their usage, such as BIM and VR, accessibility,
environmental, BREAAM, supply chain transparency, site safety, workplace and • Andrew Kinsey Mace Group PLC (Sustainability)
wellbeing, design, modern materials, M2M/IOT and crowdfunding. • Kevin McCloud Grand Designs/HAB Housing
• Loyd Grossman The Heritage Alliance
This approach means we often look at a topic in one sector – for example
Blockchain as part of bitcoin and crypto currencies, or VR in Media – before they • Ed Green Crown Commercial Service (Procurement)
jump across to offer opportunities in another. We also use events to bring together • Professor William Webb IOT/M2M
companies timed to include conference and other highlights of the construction
• John Alker UK Green Business Council
and built environment sectors, such as MIPIM, FutureBuild, Clerkenwell Design
Week, Digital Construction Week, etc. • Dan Hopwood British Institute of Interior Design & TV Presenter
• George Clarke Architect & TV Presenter
• Alan Crane CBE PP-CIOB
• Ben Derbyshire RIBA President
“Urbano have a philosophy of “exchanging value” that I find rather empower-
ing, offering a safe facilitating vehicle brokering for opportunities for smaller • Volker Buscher ARUP (Blockchain in Construction)
companies to get involved, both with each other, and with larger partners. They
• Steve Radley CITB
champion the cause of smaller, quality suppliers, especially in areas such as BIM,
design and technology.” • Jay Carver Crossrail (Archaeology)
Jackie Sadek - CEO UK Regeneration and Urbano Speaker
• name title

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 5

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Urbano Finance
Connect, find opportunities,
create alliances & share
market knowledge
Bringing together entrepreneurs and investors to build bridges
between companies who need finance, and organisations who
can provide it.

Urbano Finance Speaker Breakfast | Simon Dixon, BankToTheFuture

Urbano Finance speaker events and regularly bring together business people to
share ideas on what financial support new and growth companies actually need, Previous Urbano Finance speakers include:
explore and explain what turns a great idea into a sound business and pull down • Spencer Dale Bank Of England
some of the hurdles that new and existing companies face when seeking backing
• Darren Westlake Founder of CrowdCube
from institutions and private investors.
• Nicola Horlick Money & Co Rockpool Investments
Members from within our Urbano Finance community and its sectors can meet • Simon Dixon BankToTheFuture - Bitcoin specialist
the growth-focused range of growing business that network across Urbano. From
• Kent Teague Managing Partner Gold Creek Capital/OwnerLeyton Orient FC
Crowdfunding and P2P (peer-to-peer) lending, asset lending and invoice finance,
Bitcoin & crypto-currencies, R&D tax credits and sector-specific investment, our • Jo Hague Corporate Finance & Business Selling Expert
diverse company membership is always looking for new sources of capital and • Alex Stephany JustPark CEO / Sharing Economy Expert
Urbano provides these valuable new business introductions and knowledge at
• Jonathan Fisher QC / Corporate Tax Expert
every event we organise.
• James Watt Founder & CEO BrewDog
• Prof Neil Maiden Cass Business School
• Prof Ronen Palan City University London
“I do a lot of public speaking but two things stood out about Urbano Network
and the Urbano Finance community. Firstly, the audience was very high quality • Edward Lucas Senior Editor at the Economist
business people and investors, and so were the quality of the questions. • Modwenna Rees Mogg Owner of Angel News
Secondly, Mark did a great job of warming the audience up, setting out my talk in
• John Whiting Office of Tax Simplification
terms of the wider business context. It has already certainly led to some business
and valuable connections for me.” • Vicky Pryce CEBR
Simon Dixon, CEO Bank to the Future

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 6

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Urbano Host
Connect, find opportunities,
create alliances & share
market knowledge
Connecting those who own, manage and work in the hospitality,
tourism and leisure sectors.

Urbano Host is a unique Urbano Community as most of its activities, including

Host events, inclusion in our annual Urbano Venue Collection Handbook, and
other support activities are exclusively for our Host Partner venues. These Host
Partners receive all our usual Urbano member benefits, including free event
attendance at our evening, plus a range of specific venue marketing and support
activities in return for hosting an Urbano event in the calendar year.

But Urbano also connects our Host Partner Venues to others from across the Host
sectors, including event managers, travel agents & associated tourism, leisure, F&B
and event professionals. Many of our other Community members, including Build,
Media & People, work in our Host sectors, including restaurant and bar designers,
marketing and branding experts, recruitment agents and app developers.

Urbano Host Membership allows those venues and their teams to engage with
businesses on the Urbano system, so we can introduce our venues event teams
to prospects on their doorsteps when they are running promotions, or help when
they need legal or HR advice.

“After attending 2 well organised & fun events that Urbano arranged at Flight Club
in 2018, I decided to book an event of my own at their Victoria site. The venue
itself is great and offers perfect private areas for hire along with outside space too!
Being a member of Urbano has allowed me to visit many different venues from
their Collection, giving me an insight into the way they run before booking blind.
Just another fabulous benefit I get for my membership.”
Tessa Chesney - Event Co-Ordinator, Ignite Comms & Urbano Member

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 7

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Urbano Media
Connect, find opportunities,
create alliances & share
market knowledge
Bringing together creatives in TV, film, animation, music,
branding, design, digital, sound & vision.

At the heart of every successful company is a mission to communicate. From Soho

to Shoreditch, Urbano Media brings together those companies which offer others Urbano Media & Tech Speaker Breakfast | Dara Nasr, Twitter UK

the latest in brand, digital, video, animation, VR/AR, AI, film, TV, music and sound to
develop new alliances and opportunities. Previous Urbano Media speakers include:

The founders of Urbano know this sector well and have witnessed fundamental
• Daisy Goodwin Victoria TV Series Writer & Exec Producer
changes to the way the industry is structured. The first networking website
developed by Urbano’s founder was the first to take advantage of broadband! • Mark Goodier Wise Buddha Founder & ex Radio 1 DJ
From those early Shoreditch days, the internet has revolutionised the means of • Bill Barclay Head of Music at Shakespeare’s Globe
creative production and as the industry has changed, so have its markets. VR is • Natascha Cardle MD Envy Post Production
now a key tool in BIM & development (Build), AR is starting to impact on retail and
hospitality (Host), start-ups are revolutionising sectors such as education & HR • Dara Nasr Twitter UK
(Tech) and need brand development, and sound is an important part of the new • Kevin McCloud Grand Designs
WELL Building Standard (Build). • Dan Hopwood Interior Design Challenge
• Julian Treasure CEO of the Sound Agency
Urbano Media’s programme of events also introduces our members to one
another and leading thinkers across the various elements that make up the • Eliot Grove Founder & CEO of Raindance Film Festival
UK’s creative sector! • Nicola Horlick CEO Derby Street Films
• Loyd Grossman TV Presenter & Food Judge
“I found Urbano a very positive experience. Mark Herring is a remarkable speaker • Will Hardie Amazing Spaces Shed Of The Year
and he immediately set up a very positive atmosphere in the room and focussed • George Clarke Amazing Productions
the audience. Mark is clearly a remarkable networker and I’d strongly
recommend attending pretty much any Urbano event.”
Mark Goodier, Wise Buddah on Urbano Media

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 8

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Urbano People
Connect, find opportunities,
create alliances & share
market knowledge
Connecting companies & individuals with professional roles in the
future workplace - from leadership, recruitment and HRTech to
employment law, diversity and wellbeing.

Since Urbano started in 2011, People is now one of our fastest developing Urbano People Speaker Breakfast - Ann Pickering, HR Director at 02 Telefonica UK
communities, where workplace and employment are seeing the impact of high-
profile law cases around diversity and equality, alongside technical innovations, Previous Urbano People speakers include:
communications, and the nature of work itself.

• Ann Pickering HR Director at O2 Telefonica UK

Urbano People brings together companies & individuals with a professional
interest in this changing world, inc HR specialists, training & development, • Kerstin Sailer Workplace Design - Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL)
recruitment, retention & management, employment all under the many • Ann Marie Aguilar International WELL Building Institute
elements that make up workplace wellbeing. Companies in the People
• Katie Wood Lead Consultant on Healthcare & Wellbeing, Arup
community also have many events & connections to enjoy with those in other
Urbano Communities, especially Build & UWACTE, where focus on diversity in • Bola Fatimilehin Head of Diversity & Inclusion, RAE
revolutionising every level of companies in these sectors. • Elle Bennett HR Director at Fujitsu
• Kate Holt HR Director KPMG
Urbano People regularly invites leading thought-leaders from across industry to
address our People events. We also organise evenings & lunches where different • Ben Wilmott CIPD
members can mix with those whose businesses they can assist with HR & legal • Graham Snowdon Editor of The Guardian’s Work Supplement
issues, to new office design. We also find tenders each week for People companies, • Kathryn Nawrockyi Director Business In The Community
including employee management software and training opportunities.
• Daniel Barnett HR Law Specialist Barrister
• Stephen Radley Director of Policy at CITB
““It was great to speak to an audience who were both knowledgable about and
• Prof Charles Spence Experimental Psychology Oxford University
engaged in the subject, unafraid to ask questions and keen to pick up the threads
afterwards. Convivial and focused networking in a relaxed setting.”
Graham Snowdon, Editor of The Guardian’s Work Supplement

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 9

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Urbano Tech
Connect, find opportunities,
create alliances & share
market knowledge
A vibrant community connecting technology experts with new
target markets and business support partners.

Urbano Tech Experience & Networking Breakfast - VR & AR Developments

Every business is now impacted by technological revolutions and security.

Across Urbano’s communities businesses are also interested in using the latest Previous Urbano Tech speakers include:
innovations to enhance how their client and themselves operate. From HRTech to
FinTech, EdTech to PropTech, each sector is looking to understand how hardware • Volker Buscher Arup Technology on Blockchain
and software, apps and systems can help them work leaner.
• Prof William Webb President of the IET, IOT/M2M Expert
Our Urbano Tech Community includes companies who develop mobile apps, • John Holder Doctor of Digital Arts in Virtual Reality
digital platforms, inc websites and CMS systems, to those who offer specialist • Teresa Gonzalez Rico Future Cities Catapult
services such as hosting, cloud and workplace systems. Many of our members
• Anne Kemp Chair UK BIM Alliance & Director Atkins for BIM Strategy
focus on hardware and software solutions and applications in VR, AR, animation,
modelling, and CAD. Many of our Urbano Tech Community members offer • Andrew Pryke BAM Design Smart Buildings Expert
services and products In construction and the built environment (Build) , • Sarwant Singh Frost Sullivan Lead Partner - Visionary Innovation Group
especially in BIM (Building Information Modelling), an area we have long
• Dara Nasr Twitter UK
supported as we believe it offers specialist, smaller providers opportunities to offer
innovative solutions to larger companies in the sector. This has now extended • Charlie Duff Global Social Media Relations Manager, Ernst & Young
into Smart Cities, workplace design, wellbeing/wellbuilding, laser surveying, 3D • Mark Bew Chair UK Govt BIM Task Group
modelling, project management and bespoke software development.
• Kent Teague Director Saber Software

Urbano is especially useful for new tech start-ups who need support as they grow, • Edward Lucas The Economist - Cyber Security
including recruitment and HR advice (People), funding and investment (Finance),
branding and marketing (Media) and a chance to benefit from the business
experiences of others at our events.

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www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Urbano Women in Architecture,
Construction, Technology &
Since we began in 2011, Urbano has had a proud track record of
championing opportunities for women, especially in historically
male dominated industries and sectors, such as construction and

UWACTE Launch Reception | Bakers Hall 2018

Around 50% of an Urbano Build event audience are female, many running their
own companies or with senior positions at larger companies. To develop deeper Previous UWACTE/Build speakers include:
connections between companies and especially between women in SMEs and
larger ‘corporates’, we have created UWACTE: Urbano Women in Architecture,
• Ann Marie Aguilar - Director of Operations for Europe, International
Construction, Technology & Engineering.
WELL Building Institute (IWBI)
Our speaker programme for Build in 2018 was – with one exception – 100% female • Jane Duncan Past President of RIBA
and our focus in 2019 is to continue to prioritise women speakers and increase the
• Sadie Morgan Founding Director dRMM & Chair of HS2 Design Panel
overall number of UWACTE events.
• Sofie Pelsmakers Founder Architecture for Change
UWACTE celebrates the contribution women make to companies at all levels • Prof Jacqui Glass Architecture & Sustainable Construction, UCL
within the ACTE sectors, but also encourages men and women to come to together
to facilitate changes at an industry and company level to increase representation • Dr Kerstin Sailer Workplace Design, Bartlett School of Architecture
of women and other under-represented groups at all levels • Ann Kemp Director Atkins/Chair UK BIM Alliance
• Jackie Sadek CEO of UK Regeneration

“Having presented on sustainable construction, I was particularly delighted at • Teresa Gonzalez Rico Digital Britain
the depth of the Q&A with such a multi-disciplinary and informed audience from • Katie Wood Healthcare & Wellbeing, ARUP
across the built environment sector. Urbano clearly has a great reach into the
industry, and to see so many women attending was indicative of the high quality of • Anne Kemp HR Director, O2 Telefonica
the event and the relevance of the topic to women in industry.” • Anne Dye Head of Technical Research at RIBA
Prof Jacqui Glass, Professor of Architecture & Sustainable Construction
at Loughborough University (now at UCL) and Urbano Speaker

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 11

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Diverse, open and connected

Urbano’s events are the catalyst to connections but our unique

online marketing platform, weekly tenders service and enviable
database of contacts means we always provide new opportunities. Urbano Networking Evening | Postal Museum & Mail Rail Ride
Since 2011, we have grown to become London’s leading independent
business networking community.

660+ 50 75,000
Events Speaker Urbano Network
Organised Breakfasts Pan-Sector
organised Event

5,000 60+ 2,500

Urbano Network Events Event
Members & organised attendees
Associates each year per year
“Urbano is an excellent way to meet
great people and potential clients.
We won a project on a scheme
through meeting an architect at
one of the brilliant Urbano Build
breakfast events.”
Diverse Weekly New for 2019
Speakers & Tenders List Networking
Jess James, Director Audience Podcast
Jaw Sustainability
& Urbano Member

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 12

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Become a Member
Benefits and fees

Urbano Membership provides opportunities at an individual,

team or company-wide level to suit requirements.
Urbano Networking Lunch | 100 Wardour Street Soho


Membership Membership Membership

Monthly Monthly Monthly Annual

£25 +VAT £30 + VAT £39 + VAT £395 + VAT

Number of logins / profiles per membership status: 1 2 Multiple Multiple

Member rates and access to all Urbano events(including free member networking evenings) • • • •
Full contact details of everyone you meet at events • • • •
Online company and personal profile(s) • • • •
Private dashboard with full online networking toolkit • • • •
Send and receive opportunity notices looking for new suppliers/services • • • •
Use search to find new connections across Urbano & show in member searches (name/sector/area) • • • •
Receive details of tender opportunities unique to your services each week - - • •
Upload and promote your own events across Urbano - - - •
1. All memberships are a min 12 months.
2. Annual Membership: Apply via invoice to: caroline@urbanonetwork.co.uk / Set up Annual Direct Debit: www.urbanonetwork.co.uk/membership
3. Monthly Direct Debit: Set up Monthly Direct Debit: www.urbanonetwork.co.uk/membership
4. Memberships activated on invoice payment/set up of direct debit.

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 13

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Become an Urbano
Community Supporter
Industry engagement
& promotion
Urbano’s activities across different communities and events
programme can showcase your brand to an audience of outstanding
connections and companies according to your preferred focus.

We also offer larger members
and organisations, such as universities and those

responsible for delivering engagement projects on behalf of the governments, Urbano Networking Reception supported by RIFT R&D Urbano Speaker supported by SoundSpace Solutions
three different ways to support Urbano’s programme and showcase your own
efforts to address the issues facing the sector.

For those who target specific industries, it is a chance to get your name in front
of thousands of companies especially if you are already organising your own
events. For example, companies travelling to MIPIM, the international property
expo, there is the opportunity to sponsor two events in London to help you
enhance your marketing team’s efforts focused on activities around Cannes. .

For larger companies which wish to showcase their own commitment to

addressing issues such as diversity, sustainability and supply chain transparency,
becoming a Supporter will allow you to prove your own workplace and other
approaches in these and other areas, at all our events in 2019.

For organisations, such as universities, and especially those receiving public

money to run their events and support programmes targeting specific groups,
such as women-owned SMEs and start-ups, Urbano’s Partnership option offers a
series of agreed pathways to engage with such audiences.

UWACTE Launch Evening June 2018 supported by Elliott Wood

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 14

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Become a Supporter
Features, options and fees

As an Urbano Supporter we provide cost effective networking and

promotional packages to maximising your marketing activities
whether aligned to key industry conferences & expos, or specific Urbano Build Networking Evening 2017 supported by Plowman Craven, RIFT & SoundSpace Solutions
campaigns on themes such as diversity & inclusion.
Event Community Community
Supporter Sponsor Partner

Logo, brief company description and links on Urbano event e-invitation (specific Community) • • •
Logo, brief company description and links on Urbano events page (specific Community) • • •
Logo, brief company description and links on Urbano Community events literature & pop-up • • •
Free places for company representatives at the Urbano specific Community event (s) • • •
Logo, brief company description and links on your Indusry Urbano Community event pages
and event literature (between 4-6 events) - • •
Approved use of Urbano logo to prove engagement with SMEs - • •
Programme development planning, promotion and event contributions - - •
£Subject to
Fees (Ex VAT) £895.00 £2,395.00

6. Free places :
1. Example of typical events include MIPIM Receptions, Clerkenwell Design Week,
2 Free for Urbano Event Supporters at specified event(s).
London Tech Week and People Community events.
2 Free for Community Sponsor at each event.
2. All event costs in confirmed list will be met by Urbano Network
Min 2 Free places for Community Partners at each event.
3. All events promoted, organised, and facilitated by Urbano Network.
7. New for 2019 - Networking Podcast with acknowledgement & advertising for sponsors.
4. Social media promotion included across all packages.
5. Attendee data provided to sponsors and partners.

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 15

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Relevant industry experience

Urbano’s Directors blend agency & corporate experience with

branding, marketing and tendering expertise in the construction,
transportation, media and professional services industries.
Urbano Network Tender Workshop

Mark Herring - Founder & MD Caroline Brock - Director

Mark is the Founder and Connector-in-Chief at Urbano Caroline is ta Director of Urbano Network and the
Network. operational lead for memberships, events and tenders.

For over two decades Mark ran his own creative Prior to joining Urbano, Caroline worked in the
agency - Talent Lab Ltd - working with a variety of Construction & Engineering industry and more
clients, from PLCs to SMEs, on branding, marketing rencetly held the role of Work Winning Lead for the
and communication projects. During that time he took EMEA Environmental Division at AECOM. Before then
charge of the strategy and development of the local she held senior marketing and business development
business network before creating Urbano Network. roles in Infrastructure & Planning at URS and Scott
Wilson. With this career spanning some 15 years, she
Mark trained as a theatre director and use the was reponsible for coordinating, planning, writing and
disciplines of theatre in his work. As a consultant, he submitting hundreds of tenders and frameworks - from
has helped clients across a range of sectors with their feasibility and planning, to DBFO & decommissioning.
branding, marketing and communication strategies.
These have included a £1M+ brand development At Urbano Caroline is also responsible for the weekly
programme, marketing/brand skills workshops, tender digest giving members access to relevant open
presentation training, script writing and directing of public tenders and opportunities facilitating potential
corporate videos, event hosting and even comedy. consortia/partnering. She also runs regular tendering
workshops and provides tender support consultancy
Mark also specialises in helping companies and to SMEs.
individuals develop an effective networking strategy for
themselves or their staff. His Strategic Masterclass and Caroline is a Social Value Practitioner and Member of
training package builds on his experience delivering Social Value UK.
and facilitating over 2,000 events.
Before working in the construction industry, Caroline
His expertise spans the financial, infrastructure, retail, worked for a communications and marketing agency
food & drink, retail and IT sectors including clients such working on a range of clients including FirstGroup
as Alcatel, FirstGroup, Lloyds Bank, Royal Mail Media, plc, Royal Mail and Alcatel, and international event
World Health Organisation, Hackney Borough Council, planning for the World Health Organisation.
Shoreditch Trust and London Remade.

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 16

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Urbano’s speaker events & FUTURISTS Spencer Dale
Writer & Producer |Victoria (ITV)
themes map captures the Sarwant Singh, Frost & Sullivan Bank of England
Grand Designs
essence of networking and IoT/M2M CROWDFUNDING
Kevin McCloud
Ed Green, Cabinet Office

our communities through Prof William Webb, IET HAB Housing CONSTRUCTION Jane Duncan, RIBA
Ben Derbyshire, RIBA
value exchange ENTREPRENEURS
OPPORTUNITIES INTERIOR David Hancock, Cabinet Office
- the sharing of information Lara Morgan FUNDING DESIGN
Darren Westlake Will Hardie George Clarke, Amazing Spaces
and innovation beyond FOOD & DRINK Crowd Cube Amazing Spaces Daniel Hopwood, BIID & BBC2 Great Interior Design Challenge
traditional sector James Wa�, Brewdog
Nicola Horlick
Wayne Hemingway
Money & Co
boundaries. Mark Goodier
Lucinda Bruce-Gardyne
Genius Foods
Simon Dixon
Bank to the Future
Ann Pickering John Roberts Ella Benne�
Alex Stephany O2 Ford Fujitsu HR
Steve Radley, CITB
Prof Neil Maiden Dara Nasr
ANGELS & VCs DIVERSITY Cass Business School Twi�er UK DIGITAL
Modwenna Rees-Mogg TECH
Prof Charles Spence PYSCHOLOGY
Jo Haigh BIM Kathryn Nawrockyi
FDS Corporate Finance Jackie Sadek VALUE EXCHANGE
Business in the Community
Bill Barclay
Anne Kemp AR/VR Shakespeare’s Globe
Atkins Global
Crossrail HERITAGE
Jonathan Fisher, QC
Prof Ronen Palan Loyd Grossman Elliot Grove
Kate Holt, KPMG
Daniel Barne�
FINANCE Richard Gillies FILM
Andrew Kinsey Natasha Cardle
MACE Sofie Pelsmakers ENVY Post Produc�on
Andrew Pryke Prof Jacqui Glass
BAM Design Loughborough University (now at UCL) Ben Willmo�, CIPD
Jean Hewi�, CAE (now at Buro Happold) Dr Kers�n Sailer, UCL Bartle� Ins�tute
Interna�onal WELL Building Ins�tute PEOPLE MEDIA COMMUNITY

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 17

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork
Next steps
Join Urbano Network

Urbano Networking Breakfast - Business Documentary Filming

For Annual Membership

Email: caroline@urbanonetwork.co.uk to confirm status.

For Combined Membership & Supporter Packages

Timing is key to maximising promotion and alignment of your brand to key
upcoming events and those also in the planning stages. To discuss the options,
please contact Caroline on 0207 205 2215.


Caroline Brock
“I must admit I was impressed by the range of folk who were there & very glad to Director
have the opportunity to speak to them. Mostly one goes to events populated by Urbano Network
the usual architectural suspects! I’ve already had a couple of interesting 020 7205 2215
connections myself!” caroline@urbanonetwork.co.uk
Anne Dye, Head of Research - RIBA

Urbano Network Communities Membership Pack 2019 18

www.urbanonetwork.co.uk @urbanonetwork

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