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November/December 2015

SA -958

1. Mangrove vegetation is seen in.

Ans. Forest.

2. Following the bopal tragedy,the umbrella act promoted GOI.

Ans. PIL.
3. DDT is a----------pollutant.

Ans. Non biodegradable.

4. The place where the river meets sea is called.

Ans. Estuaries.

5. The desease caused by nitrate.

Ans. Blue baby disease.

6. photosynthesis takes place in presence of.

Ans. Chlorophyll.
7. Birth rate of population is called.

Ans. Natality.

8. The biosphere reserve network programme launched by UNCESCO in 1971?

Ans. MAB.

9. the process of the fertile land to become arid.

Ans. Desertification.

10. the exotic ornamental species brought from mexico is.

Ans. Lantana.

11. The world aids day is celeberated on?

Ans. 1st december.

12. who is the only recipient of nobel peace prize for agriculture.

Ans. Norman Borlaug.

13. the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is?

Ans. 0.0038%

14. one of the steps taken to concerve wildlife.

Ans. Habitat.
15. the historical monument that is effected by acid rain is.

Ans. Tajmahal.

16. Chemicals that cause cancer are called.

Ans. Carcinogens.

17. Expand LPG?

Ans.liqiud petroleum gas.
18. The mineral extracted in kuderemukh of karnataka?

Ans. Iron.

19. The hotspot of india is.

Ans. Western ghats,Sundaland.

20. Biodiversity refers to.

Ans. Sum of the living and non living components of an area.

21. silent valley is located in the state of

Ans. Kerala.

22. HIV Infection.

Ans. Increase the risks of cancer, Decrease the immune system.

23. lions are found in.

Ans. GIR forest.

24. the relationship between Nitrogen fixing bacteria and leguminous plants is an example for.

Ans Mutualism.

25. Energy stored within the earth is.

Ans. Geothermal.

26 ponds are.

Ans. Lentic system.

27.A grass land ecosystem is dominated by the presence of.

Ans. Shrubs.

28.which one of the following is an example for fossil fuel.

Ans. H2 energy.

29.Quinine is obtained from.

Ans. Cinchona.

30.Earthquakes is recorded by.

Ans. Seismograph.

31.the ingestion of small quantities of the toxic chemical over a prolonged period of time to lead

Ans. Chronic.

32.A renewable source of energy is.

Ans. Trees.

33.cigaratte smoking leads to the inhalation of.

Ans. Nitrogen peroxide.

34.methane and carbon dioxide are the components of.

Ans. Natural gas.

35.Acid rain formation is due to.

Ans. Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur.

36 Ranjeev ghandhi national park is a new name given to.

Ans. Nagarahole NP.

37.the moment of sea water towards inland is called.

Ans. Salt water intrusion.

38.the study of relationship between organisms and their environment is termed as.

Ans. Ecology. warming refers to.

Ans. Increase in temperature.

40.which of the following is the poorest in water holding capacity?

Ans. None of the above.

41.the women empowerment year was observed in.

Ans. 2001.

42.over grazing often results in.

Ans. Soil erosion.

43.full gorm of GIS is.

Ans. Geographical Information System.

44.the first biosphere reserve in india is.

Ans. Nilgiri

45. Expansion of PCB.

Ans. Pollution Control Board.

46.soil conservation deal with.

Ans. Contour planting.

47. Suit in the air comes mainly from.

Ans. Mining activities.

48.The earth day is celeberated on.

Ans. April 22nd.

49.Hepititis is caused by.

Ans. Virus.

50.the plastic thatis clear or transparent with class used for carbonated beaverage bottle is.

Ans. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET).

51.Teeth mortling is caused by the deficiency of.

Ans. Fluroide.

52.The term ecology was coined by.

Ans. Earnest Hackel.

53.what is hard water?

Ans. Water containing axcess of salts,Ca and mg.

54. Deer is an example for.

Ans. Primary consumer.

55.During photosynthesis which of the following gas is realeased?

Ans. Carbon dioxide.

56.Food level in ecosystem is called as.

Ans. Producer levels.

57.vermicomposting is a method of.

Ans. Producing compost manure,producer worms.

58.Disaster management act was passed in the year.

Ans. 2005.

59.leader of “Narmada bachao adolan” is.

Ans. Medha patkar.

60. Salu marada thimakka is known for.

Ans. Tree planting.

61.Environmental protection is the responsibility of.

Ans. All individuals .

62.endangered species are listed in.

Ans. Red data book.

63.water logging adversely effects.

Ans. Air pollution. protocol is focused on.

Ans. Bio diversity.

65.Green revolution is associated with.

Ans. Agriculture.

66.Dams are useful in .

Ans. All the above.

67. Environment means.

Ans. Surrounding.

68.which of the following is a zooplankton

Ans. Trich oderma.

69.presently the percentage of forest cover we have in india.

Ans. 24.49%

70.blindness is due to the deficincy.

Ans. Vitamin-A.

71.LPG is supplied to the consumer in.

Ans. Litres.

72.the standards followed for drinking water quality are.

Ans. BIS [Bureau of Indian Standards].

73.The unit of measurement of intensity of sound is.

Ans. Decibels.

74.Ranganthittu in Karnataka is known for.

Ans. Birds.

75. The combination of smoke,fog and chemical pollutants seen in industrialized cities.

Ans. Smog.

76.which of the following industries are dependent on forest ?

Ans. Paper and pulp,bricks.

77. Minerals extracted in Bellary of karnataka is.

Ans. Copper.

78. A natural source can be.

Ans. Biotic and Abiotic only.

79.Minamata disease is caused by .

Ans. Mercury.

80.The percentage of fresh water on earth surface is.

Ans. 30%.

81.The advantages of rain water harvesting.

Ans. All of the above.

82.PH of the rain water.

Ans. <4.5.

83.The species which are restricted to a particular region.

Ans. Endemic.

84.The organisms that convert light into food are called.

Ans. Autotrophs.

85.sewage sickness is a form of.

Ans. Water pollution.

86.U.V rays are responsible for.

Ans. Skin cancers alone.

87.thar desert system is found in.

Ans. Rajasthan.

88. An example for terrestrial ecosystem is.

Ans. Forest.

89.Blood bags and used syringes constitutes.

Ans. Bio medical waste.

90.the country that exports largest quantity of natural gas is.

Ans. Iran.

91.The project tiger area in karnataka is.

Ans. Bandipura.

92.Animal husbandry deals with.

Ans. Conservation of bio diversity.

93.the substance used for the purification of water is.

Ans. CL4.

94.The major objective of family welfare programme in india is.

Ans. Population growth rate control.

95.India s largest river valley project is.

Ans. Bhakra Nangal.

96.which state proposed a ban on all types polythene packing for the first time in india.

Ans.Himachal pradesh.

97.Moisture in the air is known as.


98.The branch of science which deals with poison.

Ans. Toxicology.

99.Kaveri river originates in.

Ans.Eastern ghats.

100.An example for ex-situ.

Ans.botanical garden.

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