English Paper 3 The Language of Me

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Bumgardner 1

Courtneigh Bumgardner

Professor Jan Rieman

English 1103

September 15, 2010

The Language of Me

Scene 1 (Dining Room/ Kitchen)

Me: Yo mom, what’s going down tonight for dinner?

Mom: What’s going down tonight? (With a questioned look on her face) Go ask your father.

Me: (Move to the kitchen where dad is cooking) Dad, what’s going down tonight for dinner?

Dad: (Standing over to stove with a spatula) I have no idea what you are talking about. Ask me

that in English please.

Me: Fine. What are we having for dinner tonight? I’m starving.

Dad: Food!

Scene 2 (Bedroom)
(Go into bedroom where my friend Diana is waiting)
Me: Girl, I’m sorry he wouldn’t tell me what food we be eating.

Diana: (Using her hands to express what she is saying) Nigga, it’s all good. At least we eating

somethin. There are some people that won’t be eatin nothin tonight, like my hamster I forgot to

Bumgardner 2

Me: Man that poor hamster! I seriously don’t see why it’s still alive. You fed it a Snickers the

other day, and it didn’t look to good. That things gona die a painful death of heart burn.

Scene 3 (Church youth room)

Me: Hey everybody! Did ya’ll have a nice day today?

Pastor Jeff: I had a wonderful day today. Thanks for asking. How was your day?

Me: It was ok. I had a lot of work I had to do, but it became a pretty productive day.

Pastor Jeff: I hope you have a great time tonight and try not to get to crazy.

Scene 4 (English Class)

(Next morning sitting in Mr. Thomasson’s senior English class)

Mr. Thomasson: What do think about the paper you had to write for homework?

Me: I felt as though I lacked the diction you were looking for in my paper. I don’t think it was

my best work, and it wasn’t to the standard of a senior high school student.

Mr. Thomasson: Do you feel this way because your paper didn’t follow the Standard American

English that our society uses today? Actually I think we should discuss if we use Standard

American English in our everyday lives. Here are some examples of situations you should think

about, when you are talking with your family, friends, a community group, and here at school.

Me: I find that I use Standard American English when I am in class. I somewhat use it when I am

with a community group. Though, with my friends and family I don’t really follow the Standard

American English. Even though we have a standard that supposedly the whole country is

suppose to follow, most of us don’t. We follow the standard of the group we are with.

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